Article V Convention Of States

The Rehnquist Court's Commerce Clause jurisprudence restored limits to the Interstate Commerce Clause that were removed in post-New Deal decisions, based primarily on concerns of federalism and Congress encroaching on the Several States' Police Powers. It upheld Congress's plenary authority to legislate in Indian affairs that was derived from the Worcester decision's interpretation of the Indian Commerce Clause, but modified Worcester by giving the several states some jurisdiction over Indian affairs beyond what had been granted to them by Congress. Another view is that the Court was compelled to define limits to address Congressional legislation which sought to use the Interstate Commerce Clause power in new and unprecedented ways

Commerce Clause - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thus the federal government did not have the power to regulate relatively unrelated things such as the possession of firearms near schools, as in Lopez. This was the first time in sixty years, since the conflict with President Roosevelt in 1936–37, that the Court had overturned a putative regulation on interstate commerce because it exceeded Congress's commerce power. Justice Clarence Thomas, in a separate concurring opinion, argued that allowing Congress to regulate intrastate, noncommercial activity under the Commerce Clause would confer on Congress a general “police power” over the entire nation.

The Lopez decision was clarified in United States v. Morrison, 529 U.S. 598 (2000), in which the Supreme Court invalidated § 40302 of the Violence Against Women Act ("VAWA"). The VAWA created civil liability for the commission of a gender-based violent crime, but without any jurisdictional requirement of a connection to Interstate Commerce or commercial activity. 42 U.S.C. § 13981(c). Once again, the Court was presented with a Congressional attempt to criminalize traditional local criminal conduct. As in Lopez, it could not be argued that State regulation alone would be ineffective to protect the aggregate impacts of local violence. The Court explained that in both Lopez and Morrison "the noneconomic, criminal nature of the conduct at issue was central to our decision." Furthermore, the Court pointed out that in neither case was there an " 'express jurisdictional element which might limit its reach (to those instances that) have an explicit connection with or effect on interstate commerce.' " Id. at 1751. In both cases, Congress criminalized activity that was not commercial in nature without including a jurisdictional element establishing the necessary connection between the criminalized activity and Interstate Commerce.

The Court found in Seminole Tribe v. Florida, 517 U.S. 44 (1996) that, unlike the Fourteenth Amendment, the Commerce Clause does not give the federal government the power to abrogate the sovereign immunity of the states.

Rare examples. The flood of new regulation issued by the Obama administration and the fire hose of deficit spending overwhelm any such successes.
If the mob is so wise, then how does it constantly get bamboozled by dictators and tyrants? The fact that the mob voted for Obama and Harry Reid is proof enough of its sheer idiocy.
As long as the MOB gets their boubles and trinquets from the Politicians courtesy of the taxpayer? They're fat dumb, and happy at OUR expense.

We can do sit ins. We can vote in much higher numbers.

We can lobby for change. We can contribute to campaigns.

We can make phone calls. We can hold protests.

We can engage in acts of civil disobedience.

But no, you just want dead people and revolution. How lazy of you.
Really? YOU know this? HOW?

Jefferson was correct: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Times change. Tyrants do not. Lather, wash, rinse, repeat...
Rare examples. The flood of new regulation issued by the Obama administration and the fire hose of deficit spending overwhelm any such successes.

The deficit has gone from more than $1.4 trillion in 2009 to $500 billion 2013.

A large percentage of that has came out of science, infrastructure and r@D. We're at the lowest level in the case of infrastructure since the early 2000's. Yet they keep blaming them for the debt.

Slicing America's throat isn't wise.
No, those who insist on maintaining the dominion of the empire over it's subjects are the ones who want people dead. They threaten mass slaughter if anyone even suggests that remaining in the empire isn't the best thing for the people.

So you're against all democratic and peaceful methods of changing how our government functions?

I see. Nice stupid hyperbole by the way. "dominion of the empire over it's subjects" God you guys are fucking hilarious!! LOL

When have these "democratic methods" every decreased the power of the state?
That's the point, isn't it? They don't. Power increases.
So you're against all democratic and peaceful methods of changing how our government functions?

I see. Nice stupid hyperbole by the way. "dominion of the empire over it's subjects" God you guys are fucking hilarious!! LOL

When have these "democratic methods" every decreased the power of the state?
That's the point, isn't it? They don't. Power increases.

Under the monarchy government spent about 5% of GDP. Under democracy it spends about 50% of GDP, and it's rising.

That says it all, doesn't it? Democracy is just the stepping stone to socialism and totalitarianism.
This "and as long as people get to watch the scum in the Pop Culture on TV every night, get to drive their kids in their Minivans to Soccer Practice, take them to the completely worthless Public School in the morning and Dad gets to work his life away in some dreary, dead end job in some dreary building or office until he dies just to get away from the tedium and futility....." is what the far right reactionaries and libertarians want for the average American, so they can live off of them.

Truth is there is only so much cake if you will to pass around. There is just not enough to go around for everyone to have a seat that the table of plenty.


Totally and utterly incorrect.

Under Capitalism (the ONLY economic system capable of supporting a Free People) there is ALWAYS enough to go around.

When there is a shortage, we simply create more. When there is inequality, we correct the situation.

dimocraps are the ones who are completely incapable of imagining a system (Capitalism) that creates, and not one that steals.

It is beyond their understanding; like trying to teach a Monkey Algebra... They just don't get it. All they know is theft or dependence, it's all they can imagine. It's why they don't understand Business and Businessmen.

To dimocrap scum, if somebody has it better than them, it MUST be because they stole it or came by it nefariously. It is, afterall, the only way they can ever imagine of enriching themselves.

We create things, we create wealth, we create happiness, we create success, we create freedom......

dimocrap scum create dependence, theft, disease, murder, violence and general all around thuggery.

THEY are the most regressive people on Earth. We may be Conservative, but they are regressive. They want to take us back to the time when, if you wanted something, you stole it from another -- Usually by force.

Try not paying your taxes this year and see what happens. The dimocrap scum controlled IRS will lock your ass up in a heartbeat. Quick. AFTER they take everything you own.

THAT, my friends, is the use of force.... The only thing dimocrap scum understand.

That, and generational theft. Which is what they're doing now. Talk about waste? Wow!
When have these "democratic methods" every decreased the power of the state?
That's the point, isn't it? They don't. Power increases.

Under the monarchy government spent about 5% of GDP. Under democracy it spends about 50% of GDP, and it's rising.

That says it all, doesn't it? Democracy is just the stepping stone to socialism and totalitarianism.
Indeed. Moochers far exceed producers, and this chump 'Victory 67" says power gets pulled back all the time...NOT a student of history, that is plain as day. Democracy is MOB RULE...and the MOB appears to be winning.
One step back, 50 steps forward. Government grows year by year. It never shrinks, not even during the Reagan administration.

And yet you refuse to use the democratic and peaceful means you have to fight this.

That's why you're a coward and a fool.
Indeed. Moochers far exceed producers, and this chump 'Victory 67" says power gets pulled back all the time...NOT a student of history, that is plain as day. Democracy is MOB RULE...and the MOB appears to be winning.

So use the democratic and peaceful means at your disposal to fight this.

Or just keep whining like the coward you are.
One step back, 50 steps forward. Government grows year by year. It never shrinks, not even during the Reagan administration.

And yet you refuse to use the democratic and peaceful means you have to fight this.

That's why you're a coward and a fool.
Worked very well didn't it...remember the 1960's decrying the 'Establishment'? The very SAME are in power and GUESS what they're doing? Being hypocritical, aren't they?

YOU aren't a student of history, only a cheerleader for TYRANNY.

SPARE US boy.:eusa_hand:
Indeed. Moochers far exceed producers, and this chump 'Victory 67" says power gets pulled back all the time...NOT a student of history, that is plain as day. Democracy is MOB RULE...and the MOB appears to be winning.

So use the democratic and peaceful means at your disposal to fight this.

Or just keep whining like the coward you are.

Uh-huh...did YOU have a point to make?
One step back, 50 steps forward. Government grows year by year. It never shrinks, not even during the Reagan administration.

And yet you refuse to use the democratic and peaceful means you have to fight this.

That's why you're a coward and a fool.

I don't waste my time doing what has been demonstrated over the centuries not to work. Secession is what does work. That's the only hope for freedom in this world.
Worked very well didn't it...remember the 1960's decrying the 'Establishment'? The very SAME are in power and GUESS what they're doing? Being hypocritical, aren't they?

YOU aren't a student of history, only a cheerleader for TYRANNY.

SPARE US boy.:eusa_hand:

You're still whining.

And you want everyone to follow your way, even though most Americans disagree with you.

Hitler would have loved you.
One step back, 50 steps forward. Government grows year by year. It never shrinks, not even during the Reagan administration.

And yet you refuse to use the democratic and peaceful means you have to fight this.

That's why you're a coward and a fool.

I don't waste my time doing what has been demonstrated over the centuries not to work. Secession is what does work. That's the only hope for freedom in this world.
So does using the tools in the Constitution...and pressing the elected to DO the right Article 5.

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