Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Illegitimate Ruler

If you only had any idea of how truly unamerican this post reads. Yeah..let's toss out all that piddly 'rule of law' stuff.....

Yeah, you keep telling yourself how unAmerican it is as the other side KICKS YOUR ROYAL ASS violating every tenant of the Constitution and BOR there is declaring you a person of interest to be watched, monitored, censured and castrated just for voting for the presidential candidate of your choice. And take your fake news about Trump's approval and stick it. Trump is more popular now than ever.

Who is? :auiqs.jpg: Nobody cares about you or your fake ass *pResident. Now run along and keep sucking out loud.

Go smoke your tumbleweeds.
Word is majority of Republicans will not let the swamp democrats manipulate their vote trying to wrongfully prevent President Trump to run again in 2024. I can't wait for President Trump to continue overshadowing Corrupt Joe one day at a time next four years.
Lindsey Graham on Hannity explaining his good meeting with McConnell that sounds like the Republican senate with join together to dismiss the unconstitutional impeachment charade swamp democrats are doing.
Lindsey Graham on Hannity explaining his good meeting with McConnell that sounds like the Republican senate with join together to dismiss the unconstitutional impeachment charade swamp democrats are doing.
They have to do something for Trump supporters. They are hoping some will come back to the old GOP. All 12 of them.
Reality check:

This is 2021. since 2018 the standard is guilt by accusation.
It's a woman making the accusation so it's sexist to contest.
Lindsey Graham on Hannity explaining his good meeting with McConnell that sounds like the Republican senate with join together to dismiss the unconstitutional impeachment charade swamp democrats are doing.

I wonder if Biden going HARD LEFT and Dems threatening to remove two Republicans Senators and deprogram 75 million Trump voters woke those two up. God these are Democrats FFS hello earth to naive Republicans.
You're celebrating this tin foil hat conspiracy theorist and Sandyhook Denyer
And you can back this up, or it's just another of your usual false accusations ?
Nothing on Sandy Hooks in there.
You're celebrating this tin foil hat conspiracy theorist and Sandyhook Denyer
And you can back this up, or it's just another of your usual false accusations ?
Nothing on Sandy Hooks in there.
You're celebrating this tin foil hat conspiracy theorist and Sandyhook Denyer
And you can back this up, or it's just another of your usual false accusations ?
Nothing on Sandy Hooks in there.
Sorry, but acknowledging inconvenient truths about corrupt people in government is a courageous quality rarely found in Washington DC. And while school shootings are tragic, it doesn't mean they aren't being used essentially as false flags for gun control advocates.

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