Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Illegitimate Ruler

I like her already.
She’s a conspiratorial nutter so I guess I see why.

You have no concept of the term 'fair play' or the saying 'what's good for the goose is good for the gander', do you?

There is no left wing equivalent of this representative. She is bat shit crazy and deserves to be marginalized as an embarrassment to the nation.
QAnon lives on her and Boebert.
It is not a waste of time. The house impeached Trump knowing the Senate would not convict.

Fuck the liberals who claim this is a waste of time.

Conservatives better learn to stop thinking like republicans. Republicans don't do squat because they are always sit there telling themselves they are taking the high road thinking of the good of the country, the law and constitution and principles while Democrats just think of WINNING by any means possible. You can't win a war when you straitjacket yourself with fair fighting while the other side fights with no rules at all.
If you only had any idea of how truly unamerican this post reads. Yeah..let's toss out all that piddly 'rule of law' stuff.....

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Maybe Angus is from one of those "shithole" countries that Trump always talks about. Maybe they don't have a Constitution or laws or elections.
If you only had any idea of how truly unamerican this post reads. Yeah..let's toss out all that piddly 'rule of law' stuff.....

Yeah, you keep telling yourself how unAmerican it is as the other side KICKS YOUR ROYAL ASS violating every tenant of the Constitution and BOR there is declaring you a person of interest to be watched, monitored, censured and castrated just for voting for the presidential candidate of your choice. And take your fake news about Trump's approval and stick it. Trump is more popular now than ever.
Let’s fast-forward to the obvious outcome: nothing will come from this childish display of BDS.

Republicans will just look like petulant children making mean faces at Democrats. Is that what you want? The Republican Party is dealing with plenty of issues between the Trump/McConnell rift. Might be time to start thinking ahead.

Or not. If you want to continue imploding, that’s fine with me too.
Let’s fast-forward to the obvious outcome: nothing will come from this childish display of BDS.

Republicans will just look like petulant children making mean faces at Democrats. Is that what you want? The Republican Party is dealing with plenty of issues between the Trump/McConnell rift. Might be time to start thinking ahead.

Or not. If you want to continue imploding, that’s fine with me too.

Dimm's iniated the implosion.
Patriots need to follow through to the natural outcome!
Let’s fast-forward to the obvious outcome: nothing will come from this childish display of BDS.

Republicans will just look like petulant children making mean faces at Democrats. Is that what you want? The Republican Party is dealing with plenty of issues between the Trump/McConnell rift. Might be time to start thinking ahead.

Or not. If you want to continue imploding, that’s fine with me too.

The amount of especially lame posts started today is amusing.

1. Biden ordering shock troops in Portland
2. Biden hiring Fauci is somehow a sign of continuing the incompetence of Trump
3. Biden mentioned the evils of white supremacy in his inaugural speech
4. Would I support Biden if he started a war after Jihadis attacked the country
5. Impeachment bad because it might piss off wingnuts who never accepted the election results
6. Liberals apparently are inviting Hispanics to America but isn't that awful because it's racist or something

There may be more but these topics are each in their own way very....underwhelming.

Well done. Joe Biden is now the president with the earliest impeachment in American history. Just because she submitted the articles of impeachment, that doesn't mean anything, because the WHOLE House has to vote to impeach, and the vote must pass. All you have here is some loony conservative trying to make a name for herself, and thinks this is the way to do it.

By the way conservatives, they brought articles of impeachment against Obama, and none of those were successful.

Besides, Biden hasn't done anything yet as President that would warrant impeachment. And, I think it's beyond stupid to submit these now. At least when Trump was impeached, they actually waited for a couple of years while they watched closely. Trump wasn't impeached until he'd already been halfway into his term. And, the impeachment of Trump they now want to do, was for actions in the last week or so of his term. Me? At first, when they started with Trump's second impeachment, I was kinda against it, as I thought it would be a waste of time and money. Now? I support his second impeachment, even if he's already left, because I don't want to see him ever be eligible again to run for office, nor do I want him soaking the U.S. taxpayer for his retirement money. Impeachment would stop both of those. And, while he's no longer in office, the actions he took that warrant impeachment while he was still in office and still president.
Neither one of those happened nice standard talking points though.
No. He just asked a foreign leader for a personal favor and then held up military spending for no specific reason.

Dude is a gangster.
Again nice talking points Ukraine got the aid they got it on time no investigation was started the President of Ukraine said he never felt pressured to start one or that getting the aid was tied to him doing so. I am now going to envoke the following rule.


Biden never planned on staying--he has already said that he would step down for whatever little reason and he has repeatedly referred to this as Harris's administration. He is just a place holder---senile, corrupt, and terrorified that the american people are going to kill him when they find out what our corrupt communist government is up to. He wants to step down and spend his molesting little girls with his son.

Harris was chosen because she is so greedy and to dense to figure out that she is the turkey in the turkey shoot for her puppet masters and for the real puppet who she has been told to nominate. Think her masters want her killed off--so they can use the assination as another excuse for more power...and have her VP their real choice put in charge........
Biden never planned on staying--he has already said that he would step down for whatever little reason and he has repeatedly referred to this as Harris's administration. He is just a place holder---senile, corrupt, and terrorified that the american people are going to kill him when they find out what our corrupt communist government is up to. He wants to step down and spend his molesting little girls with his son.

Harris was chosen because she is so greedy and to dense to figure out that she is the turkey in the turkey shoot for her puppet masters and for the real puppet who she has been told to nominate. Think her masters want her killed off--so they can use the assination as another excuse for more power...and have her VP their real choice put in charge........
Q burrowed into your brain huh...
What she is doing is just partisanship bullshit, more divisive crap the two party system excels these days.

I am now considering a move to a country where none of this daily shit exist.
Where you going to go? Besides, this is far more legit than any of the democrook articles against Trump.

If you only had any idea of how truly unamerican this post reads. Yeah..let's toss out all that piddly 'rule of law' stuff.....

Yeah, you keep telling yourself how unAmerican it is as the other side KICKS YOUR ROYAL ASS violating every tenant of the Constitution and BOR there is declaring you a person of interest to be watched, monitored, censured and castrated just for voting for the presidential candidate of your choice. And take your fake news about Trump's approval and stick it. Trump is more popular now than ever.

Who is? :auiqs.jpg: Nobody cares about you or your fake ass *pResident. Now run along and keep sucking out loud.
Hey, if the bitch wants to see how it goes...she will ha e to suck some hawley cock on the Capitol steps.

Then patridiots will notice...until then she just a band roadie wannabe.

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