As A Black Person Why Should I Celebrate the 4th of July?

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Because you created a thread about your resentment against this country, and asked for opinions.
I created a thread asking for reasons. That has nothing to do with my resentments.

Any reason to celebrate or NOT celebrate is yours alone. So, if you don't feel you have a reason to celebrate, you should not.
Thats not an answer to my question. Thats life philosophy I already know.

That's the only real answer. Anything more is asking us to justify something you may or may not feel, and how can we do that?
No thats not the only real answer. Matter of fact its no answer at all. Thats pretty much bullshit I already know. If you need an example of a real answer go read the thread. I think I got about 3 of them.

What I'm saying is that your question, and by extension, this thread is bullshit. As a result, I bid you a great evening and take care.
I created a thread asking for reasons. That has nothing to do with my resentments.

Any reason to celebrate or NOT celebrate is yours alone. So, if you don't feel you have a reason to celebrate, you should not.
Thats not an answer to my question. Thats life philosophy I already know.

That's the only real answer. Anything more is asking us to justify something you may or may not feel, and how can we do that?
No thats not the only real answer. Matter of fact its no answer at all. Thats pretty much bullshit I already know. If you need an example of a real answer go read the thread. I think I got about 3 of them.

What I'm saying is that your question, and by extension, this thread is bullshit. As a result, I bid you a great evening and take care.
Why are you commenting on my thread if you think its bullshit? I dont respond to threads I think are bullshit.
Any reason to celebrate or NOT celebrate is yours alone. So, if you don't feel you have a reason to celebrate, you should not.
Thats not an answer to my question. Thats life philosophy I already know.

That's the only real answer. Anything more is asking us to justify something you may or may not feel, and how can we do that?
No thats not the only real answer. Matter of fact its no answer at all. Thats pretty much bullshit I already know. If you need an example of a real answer go read the thread. I think I got about 3 of them.

What I'm saying is that your question, and by extension, this thread is bullshit. As a result, I bid you a great evening and take care.
Why are you commenting on my thread if you think its bullshit? I dont respond to threads I think are bullshit.

Was just trying to determine the true motivation for your thread. Bye now.
My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.
1)NOT ALL Black people in the U.S. descend from those unfortunate to suffer in slavery.
And not all of the Black culture in the U.S. know when and from where and how did their ancestors come to the state.
IMAGINE YOUR NERVE IF you assumed your ancestors came over slave ships when they didn't or assumed slavery when they weren't.

2)those who were slaves have the reason to protest, but those who never lived in that era even as offspring should be greatful to be here by chance even though out of poor circumstance. Those born in other countries would gladly switch places even if it means their distant relative's sacrificed and suffered they were the accidental benefactors of their ancestor's missfortune.
You started off good but you faltered. I'm going to ignore the faltering and just address where you started off good. Thanks for your response..

I know for a fact my ancestors were enslaved on the 4th.
So then they should protest, but you have no right & you should be conflicted since you INADVERTANTLY benefited from their suffrage.
Sorry if any of my commentary offended, but hey I'm offended all the time when assumed my family that came over to escape Nazism somehow makes me responsible for what happened in another age through the mere color of my skin(that's reverse *racism*) and somehow I'm responsible for restitution to their *racist* offspring.
What I'm saying in cause and affect good can accidentally come from something bad and vice versa, in doing something good in seeking justice is sometimes missdirected and causes harm or bad things as a result. You seek justice not due you (butv that was due your ancestor) by people not even responsible, thus you cause harm through being the racist you so seek justice from.
My ancestors that were enslaved are dead and yes I do have a right not to celebrate. No I'm not conflicted and I have never benefited from their suffering.
People in war torn regions who's ancestors were not taken over to the States will disagree and would switch places in a second. Would you care to wager alas "Trading Places" (movie analogy referrence)?
You "INADVERTANTLY" benefited.
I have to refer back to Aslepias first post: " was I going to do fireworks today"? I never understood the connection. Despite the fact fireworks are banned in most states because fire and safety issues. I never understood some peoples fascination with fireworks. Boom bang pow and pretty lights. Rinse, wash and REPEAT. A girlfriend of mine said fireworks are like life, loud, flashy and fleeting. Ok....

Fireworks are for pussies and city dwellers. Out here in the sticks, we celebrate with real gunfire and Tannerite...
Stop it, you are scaring me. Fireworks are bad enough. Fireworks represent what? Simulated fire fights? You realize how much fireworks freak out Veterans with PSD? Or our pets, for that matter , not to mention the needless fires fireworks actually CREATE? Celebrate the 4th, if you want. Or not, I am good with either. But the fireworks stuff, that has to go.
Stop it Galt! She's liable to start taking hostages!
My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.
1)NOT ALL Black people in the U.S. descend from those unfortunate to suffer in slavery.
And not all of the Black culture in the U.S. know when and from where and how did their ancestors come to the state.
IMAGINE YOUR NERVE IF you assumed your ancestors came over slave ships when they didn't or assumed slavery when they weren't.

2)those who were slaves have the reason to protest, but those who never lived in that era even as offspring should be greatful to be here by chance even though out of poor circumstance. Those born in other countries would gladly switch places even if it means their distant relative's sacrificed and suffered they were the accidental benefactors of their ancestor's missfortune.
You started off good but you faltered. I'm going to ignore the faltering and just address where you started off good. Thanks for your response..

I know for a fact my ancestors were enslaved on the 4th.
So then they should protest, but you have no right & you should be conflicted since you INADVERTANTLY benefited from their suffrage.
Sorry if any of my commentary offended, but hey I'm offended all the time when assumed my family that came over to escape Nazism somehow makes me responsible for what happened in another age through the mere color of my skin(that's reverse *racism*) and somehow I'm responsible for restitution to their *racist* offspring.
What I'm saying in cause and affect good can accidentally come from something bad and vice versa, in doing something good in seeking justice is sometimes missdirected and causes harm or bad things as a result. You seek justice not due you (butv that was due your ancestor) by people not even responsible, thus you cause harm through being the racist you so seek justice from.
My ancestors that were enslaved are dead and yes I do have a right not to celebrate. No I'm not conflicted and I have never benefited from their suffering.
People in war torn regions who's ancestors were not taken over to the States will disagree and would switch places in a second. Would you care to wager alas "Trading Places" (movie analogy referrence)?
You "INADVERTANTLY" benefited.
I dont care what someone may disagree with. I never benefited from my ancestors being enslaved.
"Eventually" wasnt on the 4th either dummy.
Tyrone, apparently reading comprehension isn't your strong point. ... :cool:

So here is the sentence that I posted referring to the 4th of July.

"It celebrates the founding of the new country, which eventually freed all slaves."
Hey you monkey apparently logic isnt your forte.

The freedom of the enslaved didnt come on the 4th. I came on Juneteenth.
1)NOT ALL Black people in the U.S. descend from those unfortunate to suffer in slavery.
And not all of the Black culture in the U.S. know when and from where and how did their ancestors come to the state.
IMAGINE YOUR NERVE IF you assumed your ancestors came over slave ships when they didn't or assumed slavery when they weren't.

2)those who were slaves have the reason to protest, but those who never lived in that era even as offspring should be greatful to be here by chance even though out of poor circumstance. Those born in other countries would gladly switch places even if it means their distant relative's sacrificed and suffered they were the accidental benefactors of their ancestor's missfortune.
You started off good but you faltered. I'm going to ignore the faltering and just address where you started off good. Thanks for your response..

I know for a fact my ancestors were enslaved on the 4th.
So then they should protest, but you have no right & you should be conflicted since you INADVERTANTLY benefited from their suffrage.
Sorry if any of my commentary offended, but hey I'm offended all the time when assumed my family that came over to escape Nazism somehow makes me responsible for what happened in another age through the mere color of my skin(that's reverse *racism*) and somehow I'm responsible for restitution to their *racist* offspring.
What I'm saying in cause and affect good can accidentally come from something bad and vice versa, in doing something good in seeking justice is sometimes missdirected and causes harm or bad things as a result. You seek justice not due you (butv that was due your ancestor) by people not even responsible, thus you cause harm through being the racist you so seek justice from.
My ancestors that were enslaved are dead and yes I do have a right not to celebrate. No I'm not conflicted and I have never benefited from their suffering.
People in war torn regions who's ancestors were not taken over to the States will disagree and would switch places in a second. Would you care to wager alas "Trading Places" (movie analogy referrence)?
You "INADVERTANTLY" benefited.
I dont care what someone may disagree with. I never benefited from my ancestors being enslaved.
I don't believe your ancestors were enslaved because I don't believe you have any idea who your ancestors are! Most hood rats don't even have a clue who their father is.
"Eventually" wasnt on the 4th either dummy.
Tyrone, apparently reading comprehension isn't your strong point. ... :cool:

So here is the sentence that I posted referring to the 4th of July.

"It celebrates the founding of the new country, which eventually freed all slaves."
Hey you monkey apparently logic isnt your forte.

The freedom of the enslaved didnt come on the 4th. I came on Juneteenth.
Juneteenth? Is that another ebonics trashing of some English word?
You started off good but you faltered. I'm going to ignore the faltering and just address where you started off good. Thanks for your response..

I know for a fact my ancestors were enslaved on the 4th.
So then they should protest, but you have no right & you should be conflicted since you INADVERTANTLY benefited from their suffrage.
Sorry if any of my commentary offended, but hey I'm offended all the time when assumed my family that came over to escape Nazism somehow makes me responsible for what happened in another age through the mere color of my skin(that's reverse *racism*) and somehow I'm responsible for restitution to their *racist* offspring.
What I'm saying in cause and affect good can accidentally come from something bad and vice versa, in doing something good in seeking justice is sometimes missdirected and causes harm or bad things as a result. You seek justice not due you (butv that was due your ancestor) by people not even responsible, thus you cause harm through being the racist you so seek justice from.
My ancestors that were enslaved are dead and yes I do have a right not to celebrate. No I'm not conflicted and I have never benefited from their suffering.
People in war torn regions who's ancestors were not taken over to the States will disagree and would switch places in a second. Would you care to wager alas "Trading Places" (movie analogy referrence)?
You "INADVERTANTLY" benefited.
I dont care what someone may disagree with. I never benefited from my ancestors being enslaved.
I don't believe your ancestors were enslaved because I don't believe you have any idea who your ancestors are! Most hood rats don't even have a clue who their father is.
I dont care what you believe about my ancestors. Your belief system is flawed and based on ignorance. It has never been part of the answer I am seeking.
So then they should protest, but you have no right & you should be conflicted since you INADVERTANTLY benefited from their suffrage.
Sorry if any of my commentary offended, but hey I'm offended all the time when assumed my family that came over to escape Nazism somehow makes me responsible for what happened in another age through the mere color of my skin(that's reverse *racism*) and somehow I'm responsible for restitution to their *racist* offspring.
What I'm saying in cause and affect good can accidentally come from something bad and vice versa, in doing something good in seeking justice is sometimes missdirected and causes harm or bad things as a result. You seek justice not due you (butv that was due your ancestor) by people not even responsible, thus you cause harm through being the racist you so seek justice from.
My ancestors that were enslaved are dead and yes I do have a right not to celebrate. No I'm not conflicted and I have never benefited from their suffering.
People in war torn regions who's ancestors were not taken over to the States will disagree and would switch places in a second. Would you care to wager alas "Trading Places" (movie analogy referrence)?
You "INADVERTANTLY" benefited.
I dont care what someone may disagree with. I never benefited from my ancestors being enslaved.
I don't believe your ancestors were enslaved because I don't believe you have any idea who your ancestors are! Most hood rats don't even have a clue who their father is.
I dont care what you believe about my ancestors. Your belief system is flawed and based on ignorance. It has never been part of the answer I am seeking.
My beliefs are based on current events. Face it, you have no idea who your ancestors were. All your crying and wailing and trolling is aimed at one thing; getting paid for something that never happened to you, that you were not involved in and that you were not there to have any idea about what actually happened or who it happened to.
My ancestors that were enslaved are dead and yes I do have a right not to celebrate. No I'm not conflicted and I have never benefited from their suffering.
People in war torn regions who's ancestors were not taken over to the States will disagree and would switch places in a second. Would you care to wager alas "Trading Places" (movie analogy referrence)?
You "INADVERTANTLY" benefited.
I dont care what someone may disagree with. I never benefited from my ancestors being enslaved.
I don't believe your ancestors were enslaved because I don't believe you have any idea who your ancestors are! Most hood rats don't even have a clue who their father is.
I dont care what you believe about my ancestors. Your belief system is flawed and based on ignorance. It has never been part of the answer I am seeking.
My beliefs are based on current events. Face it, you have no idea who your ancestors were. All your crying and wailing and trolling is aimed at one thing; getting paid for something that never happened to you, that you were not involved in and that you were not there to have any idea about what actually happened or who it happened to.
Your beliefs are based on and ground in ignorant simian babble. You dont add much to the discussion unless its on a subject you are familiar with like head lice.
People in war torn regions who's ancestors were not taken over to the States will disagree and would switch places in a second. Would you care to wager alas "Trading Places" (movie analogy referrence)?
You "INADVERTANTLY" benefited.
I dont care what someone may disagree with. I never benefited from my ancestors being enslaved.
I don't believe your ancestors were enslaved because I don't believe you have any idea who your ancestors are! Most hood rats don't even have a clue who their father is.
I dont care what you believe about my ancestors. Your belief system is flawed and based on ignorance. It has never been part of the answer I am seeking.
My beliefs are based on current events. Face it, you have no idea who your ancestors were. All your crying and wailing and trolling is aimed at one thing; getting paid for something that never happened to you, that you were not involved in and that you were not there to have any idea about what actually happened or who it happened to.
Your beliefs are based on and ground in ignorant simian babble. You dont add much to the discussion unless its on a subject you are familiar with like head lice.
I see now. Thank you. Troll has nothing and when pinned down starts spinning and flaming and mis-directing away from his racist topic. So who were your ancestors? Name them.
I dont care what someone may disagree with. I never benefited from my ancestors being enslaved.
I don't believe your ancestors were enslaved because I don't believe you have any idea who your ancestors are! Most hood rats don't even have a clue who their father is.
I dont care what you believe about my ancestors. Your belief system is flawed and based on ignorance. It has never been part of the answer I am seeking.
My beliefs are based on current events. Face it, you have no idea who your ancestors were. All your crying and wailing and trolling is aimed at one thing; getting paid for something that never happened to you, that you were not involved in and that you were not there to have any idea about what actually happened or who it happened to.
Your beliefs are based on and ground in ignorant simian babble. You dont add much to the discussion unless its on a subject you are familiar with like head lice.
I see now. Thank you. Troll has nothing and when pinned down starts spinning and flaming and mis-directing away from his racist topic. So who were your ancestors? Name them.
I'm glad you see. Since you cant answer my question you now understand I dont value your monkey business.
Hey you monkey apparently logic isnt your forte.
I have noticed when dealing with you in the past on other threads. That when you are backed into a corner because you have been caught in a lie or just plain defeated in the debate.

You will resort to name calling. Which is a sure sign that you're trapped in a weak position and your argument is lame.

This is one of those times...... :thup: ... :lol:
My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.

Okay. So when was the last time someone forced you to pick cotton.

Hey, you know what, when my Grandpappy Ludwig came over here, I'm sure there were people who called him a Kraut and a Hun... and you know what, it really has no effect on my life today.

Now, if you want to have a discussion about how to resolve today's problems, I'm good with that. But I'm also happy to live in a country where we can have those discussions.
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