As A Black Person Why Should I Celebrate the 4th of July?

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Actually its pretty empowering being Black.

MLK also said he thought he made a mistake trying to integrate with whites. I'm guessing that was kept from you.
I was not aware of MLK having said that, but I'm not in the least surprised.
Americans celebrate the freedom given us by our ancestors and that includes Black Americans. If you do not consider yourself an American or value freedom don't celebrate. That is also a freedom. Feel free to be an ingrate. But a bunch of public whining over nothing is silly and unappreciated.
My ancestors were not free on the 4th dummy.


You weren't alive in 1776. You were born into the freedom that both of our ancestors gave us. Your whining is idiotic.
Americans celebrate the freedom given us by our ancestors and that includes Black Americans. If you do not consider yourself an American or value freedom don't celebrate. That is also a freedom. Feel free to be an ingrate. But a bunch of public whining over nothing is silly and unappreciated.
My ancestors were not free on the 4th dummy.


You weren't alive in 1776. You were born into the freedom that both of our ancestors gave us. Your whining is idiotic.
I'm not my own ancestor dummy. Cant you read?
My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.

Seems you might have overlooked that in America you have the freedom to depart for whence came your ancestors. Now whether they'd want you sorry ass back on their soil....well that IS a pig of a different odour.
1)NOT ALL Black people in the U.S. descend from those unfortunate to suffer in slavery.
And not all of the Black culture in the U.S. know when and from where and how did their ancestors come to the state.
IMAGINE YOUR NERVE IF you assumed your ancestors came over slave ships when they didn't or assumed slavery when they weren't.

2)those who were slaves have the reason to protest, but those who never lived in that era even as offspring should be greatful to be here by chance even though out of poor circumstance. Those born in other countries would gladly switch places even if it means their distant relative's sacrificed and suffered they were the accidental benefactors of their ancestor's missfortune.
You started off good but you faltered. I'm going to ignore the faltering and just address where you started off good. Thanks for your response..

I know for a fact my ancestors were enslaved on the 4th.
So then they should protest, but you have no right & you should be conflicted since you INADVERTANTLY benefited from their suffrage.
Sorry if any of my commentary offended, but hey I'm offended all the time when assumed my family that came over to escape Nazism somehow makes me responsible for what happened in another age through the mere color of my skin(that's reverse *racism*) and somehow I'm responsible for restitution to their *racist* offspring.
What I'm saying in cause and affect good can accidentally come from something bad and vice versa, in doing something good in seeking justice is sometimes missdirected and causes harm or bad things as a result. You seek justice not due you (butv that was due your ancestor) by people not even responsible, thus you cause harm through being the racist you so seek justice from.
My ancestors that were enslaved are dead and yes I do have a right not to celebrate. No I'm not conflicted and I have never benefited from their suffering.
People in war torn regions who's ancestors were not taken over to the States will disagree and would switch places in a second. Would you care to wager alas "Trading Places" (movie analogy referrence)?
You "INADVERTANTLY" benefited.
I dont care what someone may disagree with. I never benefited from my ancestors being enslaved.

Lemme get that petition started then to end affirmative action and college admission bias, free cheats on the FAA air controller exam and free Obama phones then.

You benefited DIRECTLY in fact if your ancestors suffered American slavery. Because you're here and not in Africa shooting at Boko Haram from a jeep. And hoping the govt didn't STEAL the monthly Aid check and can pay you for your service.
Americans celebrate the freedom given us by our ancestors and that includes Black Americans. If you do not consider yourself an American or value freedom don't celebrate. That is also a freedom. Feel free to be an ingrate. But a bunch of public whining over nothing is silly and unappreciated.
My ancestors were not free on the 4th dummy.


Do you have proof of that? What if your ancestors were slaveowners? Do you know?

Mine didn't have anything to do with any of that, they were just down south farming, along with some black neighbors. No cotton.

Strawberries, squash, and watermelon, yes. Everybody grows the same stuff.
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My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.

Go back to Botswana where you belong and will be happy. You don't deserve to breathe the same air as an American.
What does picking cotton have to do with not celebrating the 4th?

I'm not asking about how to resolve todays problems. I'm asking for reasons Black people should celebrate the 4th.

Some Whites particularly Irish, and Scots-Irish were picking cotton right next to Blacks, as Indentured Servants, who chose slavery of a temporary manner, over squalor, poverty, and famine in Ireland.
and that has what to do with the 4th of July and Black people?

Well, unlike a lot of Blacks, Mexicans, Natives, etc. etc. not a whole lot of Irish are so anti-Forth of July.
So your reason Blacks should celebrate is that the Irish are not anti 4th?

for you own pleasure------for the hot dogs and toasted marchmallows

You gotta understand that Asclep probably hosted 4th of July bbqs and fireworks when the "black guy" was in charge.. I think this is just a situational type of funk the man is in. If Trump had been indicted yesterday, he'd be out there in his Unk Sam costume lighting off BOXES of fireworks. With Old Glory in the other hand.

Some Whites particularly Irish, and Scots-Irish were picking cotton right next to Blacks, as Indentured Servants, who chose slavery of a temporary manner, over squalor, poverty, and famine in Ireland.
and that has what to do with the 4th of July and Black people?

Well, unlike a lot of Blacks, Mexicans, Natives, etc. etc. not a whole lot of Irish are so anti-Forth of July.
So your reason Blacks should celebrate is that the Irish are not anti 4th?

for you own pleasure------for the hot dogs and toasted marchmallows

You gotta understand that Asclep probably hosted 4th of July bbqs and fireworks when the "black guy" was in charge.. I think this is just a situational type of funk the man is in. If Trump had been indicted yesterday, he'd be out there in his Unk Sam costume lighting off BOXES of fireworks. With Old Glory in the other hand.


On account of a crazy commie/African Muslim douchebag? Sad.

Too bad Herman Cain caved to the Democrat threats. I so would have voted for him over Romney.
Some Whites particularly Irish, and Scots-Irish were picking cotton right next to Blacks, as Indentured Servants, who chose slavery of a temporary manner, over squalor, poverty, and famine in Ireland.
and that has what to do with the 4th of July and Black people?

Well, unlike a lot of Blacks, Mexicans, Natives, etc. etc. not a whole lot of Irish are so anti-Forth of July.
So your reason Blacks should celebrate is that the Irish are not anti 4th?

for you own pleasure------for the hot dogs and toasted marchmallows
Someone already mentioned fun.

OMFGosh. FUN? They're taunting you with FUN? Mod Note -- You guys cut that shit out. Don't mention fun to Asclepias.
and that has what to do with the 4th of July and Black people?

Well, unlike a lot of Blacks, Mexicans, Natives, etc. etc. not a whole lot of Irish are so anti-Forth of July.
So your reason Blacks should celebrate is that the Irish are not anti 4th?

for you own pleasure------for the hot dogs and toasted marchmallows

You gotta understand that Asclep probably hosted 4th of July bbqs and fireworks when the "black guy" was in charge.. I think this is just a situational type of funk the man is in. If Trump had been indicted yesterday, he'd be out there in his Unk Sam costume lighting off BOXES of fireworks. With Old Glory in the other hand.


On account of a crazy commie/African Muslim douchebag? Sad.

Too bad Herman Cain caved to the Democrat threats. I so would have voted for him over Romney.

Saw him last night on TV.. I really miss his radio shows. Mr. 9-9-9... He shouldn't have folded over a couple accusations..

However -- I've seen a whole new crop of black political talent popping in the 2018 elections. A couple I saw should be GOP leadership RIGHT NOW.
Well, unlike a lot of Blacks, Mexicans, Natives, etc. etc. not a whole lot of Irish are so anti-Forth of July.
So your reason Blacks should celebrate is that the Irish are not anti 4th?

for you own pleasure------for the hot dogs and toasted marchmallows

You gotta understand that Asclep probably hosted 4th of July bbqs and fireworks when the "black guy" was in charge.. I think this is just a situational type of funk the man is in. If Trump had been indicted yesterday, he'd be out there in his Unk Sam costume lighting off BOXES of fireworks. With Old Glory in the other hand.


On account of a crazy commie/African Muslim douchebag? Sad.

Too bad Herman Cain caved to the Democrat threats. I so would have voted for him over Romney.

Saw him last night on TV.. I really miss his radio shows. Mr. 9-9-9... He shouldn't have folded over a couple accusations..

I have a theory that they sent him pics of his grandkids at school or something.
Be happy. It's watermelon season

That it is. Asslips probably don't even know what a watermelon bus is. I do, and 2 of my uncles do too.

I have chucked watermelons, baby. Asslips, he probably just thinks they come from air. I've grown them in my front yard.
Americans celebrate the freedom given us by our ancestors and that includes Black Americans. If you do not consider yourself an American or value freedom don't celebrate. That is also a freedom. Feel free to be an ingrate. But a bunch of public whining over nothing is silly and unappreciated.
My ancestors were not free on the 4th dummy.


You weren't alive in 1776. You were born into the freedom that both of our ancestors gave us. Your whining is idiotic.
I'm not my own ancestor dummy. Cant you read?

Exactly. That is obviously a fact you need to wake up to. You were never a slave. I have never kept slaves or approved of slavery. As far as I know both of us were born free and equal Americans. Freedom both of us were given by both of our ancestors. Quite trying to be a victim of something you know nothing about. Just makes you sound like a whiny lil bitch.
Freedom is very complicated by people on a govt tit. Be careful out there
My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.
That would be up to you my friend, but I will say no matter how your ancestors got here it's your country now. Enjoy your freedom to celebrate or not as you choose.
I know its up to me. That was never in doubt. What I am asking is for the board to supply some reasons that I should celebrate the 4th.
Do you plan on returning your holiday pay for being off?
My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.

It must really suck to have to drag around that burdensome modifier "black" wherever you go from day to day. I know it probably doesn't get old to you because that's what you identify with, but it sorta gets old to everyone else who has to hear it over and over again.

You might have missed it, but there was once this guy named "Martin Luther King." He once visualized a country where a person would just be a "person.", regardless of their color. You might take some time out and go to your local library and read up on him. He had some interesting ideas.

Actually its pretty empowering being Black.

MLK also said he thought he made a mistake trying to integrate with whites. I'm guessing that was kept from you.

I don't see how it's "empowering", being black, because you're not really "black." WHat you mostly identify with is liberalism or the Democrat Party. And the Democrats lost the most important election of their lifetimes, because they have become obsolete and out of touch.

Now it might be "empowering" to be a Republican or a conservative right now, because we own this shit. But please, don't equate "republican" or "conservative" with "white", because there are plenty of black Republicans and conservatives. We are after all, the ones who held a Civil War to stop slavery, enacted constitutional qualities, and voted for Civil Rights in the 60's.

Your buddies in the Democrat Party fought tooth and nail to prevent those from happening, ya know.

The majority of Southern Republicans DID NOT support the passage of the civil rights act.

It was supported by Northerners from both parties. And when segregation was ended many Southern Democrats joined the Republican party.

Both parties have a questionable history which is related more to the legacy of the southern geographical region of this country.
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My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.

You started off good but you faltered. I'm going to ignore the faltering and just address where you started off good. Thanks for your response..

I know for a fact my ancestors were enslaved on the 4th.
So then they should protest, but you have no right & you should be conflicted since you INADVERTANTLY benefited from their suffrage.
Sorry if any of my commentary offended, but hey I'm offended all the time when assumed my family that came over to escape Nazism somehow makes me responsible for what happened in another age through the mere color of my skin(that's reverse *racism*) and somehow I'm responsible for restitution to their *racist* offspring.
What I'm saying in cause and affect good can accidentally come from something bad and vice versa, in doing something good in seeking justice is sometimes missdirected and causes harm or bad things as a result. You seek justice not due you (butv that was due your ancestor) by people not even responsible, thus you cause harm through being the racist you so seek justice from.
My ancestors that were enslaved are dead and yes I do have a right not to celebrate. No I'm not conflicted and I have never benefited from their suffering.
People in war torn regions who's ancestors were not taken over to the States will disagree and would switch places in a second. Would you care to wager alas "Trading Places" (movie analogy referrence)?
You "INADVERTANTLY" benefited.
I dont care what someone may disagree with. I never benefited from my ancestors being enslaved.

Lemme get that petition started then to end affirmative action and college admission bias, free cheats on the FAA air controller exam and free Obama phones then.

You benefited DIRECTLY in fact if your ancestors suffered American slavery. Because you're here and not in Africa shooting at Boko Haram from a jeep. And hoping the govt didn't STEAL the monthly Aid check and can pay you for your service.

Maybe you need to wake up from that delusion.
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