As A Black Person Why Should I Celebrate the 4th of July?

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My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.

It must really suck to have to drag around that burdensome modifier "black" wherever you go from day to day. I know it probably doesn't get old to you because that's what you identify with, but it sorta gets old to everyone else who has to hear it over and over again.

You might have missed it, but there was once this guy named "Martin Luther King." He once visualized a country where a person would just be a "person.", regardless of their color. You might take some time out and go to your local library and read up on him. He had some interesting ideas.

Actually its pretty empowering being Black.

MLK also said he thought he made a mistake trying to integrate with whites. I'm guessing that was kept from you.

Blacks aren't physically more powerful, in fact quite the opposite, especially on a size per size basis Whites, Asians, and Hispanics of the same size tend to be much more powerful.

You really buy your own bullshit?

You really believe Blacks are physically stronger?
Physically and mentally to be honest. The proof is in the pudding. Whites died trying to work as hard as Blacks. Thats why whites enslaved Africans.
It must really suck to have to drag around that burdensome modifier "black" wherever you go from day to day. I know it probably doesn't get old to you because that's what you identify with, but it sorta gets old to everyone else who has to hear it over and over again.

You might have missed it, but there was once this guy named "Martin Luther King." He once visualized a country where a person would just be a "person.", regardless of their color. You might take some time out and go to your local library and read up on him. He had some interesting ideas.

Actually its pretty empowering being Black.

MLK also said he thought he made a mistake trying to integrate with whites. I'm guessing that was kept from you.

Blacks aren't physically more powerful, in fact quite the opposite, especially on a size per size basis Whites, Asians, and Hispanics of the same size tend to be much more powerful.

You really buy your own bullshit?

You really believe Blacks are physically stronger?
Physically and mentally to be honest. The proof is in the pudding. Whites died trying to work as hard as Blacks. Thats why whites enslaved Africans.

Blacks have more explosive speed, but not physical strength.

The World's Strongest Man Competition is almost all Northern / Eastern European heritage peoples.
Nobody is stopping you from going to Africa. Lots of fellow Soul Brothers and Sisters, no 4th of July and I hear they raise some mighty fine watermelons.
No, it wasn’t a lie. It was just late in being fulfilled.
Asclepias, you have a choice in life, to start living in the present, or continue living in the past. And you are miserable, whether you acknowledge it or not, because you can’t ventually move on.
Some day take the time to read all your posts here and see how many represent how you continue you to blame and accuse others for errors of the past.
Do you begrudge those that have wronged you in your family forever, even though they have tried to right their wrongs or do you eventually let it go? I would hope you eventually let the pain go, rather than carry it with you for ever. Or even if you have ever wronged someone In your family, I would hope they would eventually let it go, so you can both move on. It doesn’t mean you or they have to forget, but use it as a learning moment to better today and the future.
And I explained why I think you should. That document is actually fulfilled today, has been for quite some time and worthy of being celebrated, even if it was late.
Why shouldn’t you? The country finally came to embrace that in which it proclaimed. Your God given rights were fought for, won, and eventually did become a reality of everything that document proclaimed.

To not celebrate that is just holding a grudge because you can, and doesn’t have to do with any reality of today. You don’t want to celebrate its final complete passage. You want to wallow in misery of what once was rather than what is. How utterly miserable and self serving.
The question is why should I? I already explained why I shouldnt.
Yeah but its a lie. The country didnt embrace that idea on the 4th. How could they if there were still people enslaved?
Nobody is stopping you from going to Africa. Lots of fellow Soul Brothers and Sisters, no 4th of July and I hear they raise some mighty fine watermelons.
What does going to Africa have to do with not celebrating the 4th? I love watermelon.
Unruly teens disrupt Fourth fireworks

Oh those rascally "unruly teens"! Those mirthful "youths". Or "unsupervised juveniles" as another story put it. 4th Fireworks stopped for safety

Wish they didnt celebrate 4th July.

Desmond Sadique Warren


Harrell Lorenzo Hicks

Desmond Sadique went on to murder another black man and is awaiting prison.

Also arrested were Cantonese Javar Kennedy, 17, and Antwon Johnson 19. No pictures of *Javar* and "*Antwon*. :)

Unruly teens disrupt Fourth fireworks

I dont understand this because the Albany media is usually quite scrupulous in mentioning race. When another local *Antwon* got it after being chased from the scene of the shooting of another black man...

Mourners: Black teen killed by police more than a hashtag

Antwon Rose shooting: Funeral mourners honor black teen killed by police

etc etc etc
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My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.
Instead, you can celebrate the day Obama got elected

Nobody is stopping you from going to Africa. Lots of fellow Soul Brothers and Sisters, no 4th of July and I hear they raise some mighty fine watermelons.
What does going to Africa have to do with not celebrating the 4th? I love watermelon.

Africa is the ancestral and soul home of all you hate butt hurt Negros that hate America so get packing. Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out. Be sure to turn in your EBT card before you leave. Those watermelons over there won't eat themselves.
My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.
If we moved it to June 19th, would you celebrate it?

Texas has celebrated June 19th for decades (a/k/a "Juneteenth").
My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.
If we moved it to June 19th, would you celebrate it?

Texas has celebrated June 19th for decades (a/k/a "Juneteenth").
Yep. Thats the day all americans were able to enjoy at least the life and liberty parts of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
Nobody is stopping you from going to Africa. Lots of fellow Soul Brothers and Sisters, no 4th of July and I hear they raise some mighty fine watermelons.
What does going to Africa have to do with not celebrating the 4th? I love watermelon.

Africa is the ancestral and soul home of all you hate butt hurt Negros that hate America so get packing. Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out. Be sure to turn in your EBT card before you leave. Those watermelons over there won't eat themselves.
Africa sure is my ancestral home. However, I reside where I wish. Again please let me know what that has to do with not celebrating the 4th. If you persist in avoiding the topic I will mark you down as a nitwit and unworthy of response.
My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.
Instead, you can celebrate the day Obama got elected

Not enough time has passed. Maybe I will start next decade.
My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.
If we moved it to June 19th, would you celebrate it?

Texas has celebrated June 19th for decades (a/k/a "Juneteenth").
Yep. Thats the day all americans were able to enjoy at least the life and liberty parts of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
June 19, 1865, Galveston, Texas

From this house (still standing) was read General Order #3.


"The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and hired labor. The freedmen are advised to remain quietly at their present homes and work for wages. They are informed that they will not be allowed to collect at military posts and that they will not be supported in idleness either there or elsewhere."

Thus, the first celebration of Juneteenth in Texas, which has continued to this day.

I like to think that the Aston Villa survival of the 1900 Hurricane as a symbol of the enduring freedom that was re-established that day in 1865.
My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.

It must really suck to have to drag around that burdensome modifier "black" wherever you go from day to day. I know it probably doesn't get old to you because that's what you identify with, but it sorta gets old to everyone else who has to hear it over and over again.

You might have missed it, but there was once this guy named "Martin Luther King." He once visualized a country where a person would just be a "person.", regardless of their color. You might take some time out and go to your local library and read up on him. He had some interesting ideas.

Actually its pretty empowering being Black.

MLK also said he thought he made a mistake trying to integrate with whites. I'm guessing that was kept from you.

I don't see how it's "empowering", being black, because you're not really "black." WHat you mostly identify with is liberalism or the Democrat Party. And the Democrats lost the most important election of their lifetimes, because they have become obsolete and out of touch.

Now it might be "empowering" to be a Republican or a conservative right now, because we own this shit. But please, don't equate "republican" or "conservative" with "white", because there are plenty of black Republicans and conservatives. We are after all, the ones who held a Civil War to stop slavery, enacted constitutional qualities, and voted for Civil Rights in the 60's.

Your buddies in the Democrat Party fought tooth and nail to prevent those from happening, ya know.

The majority of Southern Republicans DID NOT support the passage of the civil rights act.

It was supported by Northerners from both parties. And when segregation was ended many Southern Democrats joined the Republican party.

Both parties have a questionable history which is related more to the legacy of the southern geographical region of this country.

My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.

It must really suck to have to drag around that burdensome modifier "black" wherever you go from day to day. I know it probably doesn't get old to you because that's what you identify with, but it sorta gets old to everyone else who has to hear it over and over again.

You might have missed it, but there was once this guy named "Martin Luther King." He once visualized a country where a person would just be a "person.", regardless of their color. You might take some time out and go to your local library and read up on him. He had some interesting ideas.

Actually its pretty empowering being Black.

MLK also said he thought he made a mistake trying to integrate with whites. I'm guessing that was kept from you.

I don't see how it's "empowering", being black, because you're not really "black." WHat you mostly identify with is liberalism or the Democrat Party. And the Democrats lost the most important election of their lifetimes, because they have become obsolete and out of touch.

Now it might be "empowering" to be a Republican or a conservative right now, because we own this shit. But please, don't equate "republican" or "conservative" with "white", because there are plenty of black Republicans and conservatives. We are after all, the ones who held a Civil War to stop slavery, enacted constitutional qualities, and voted for Civil Rights in the 60's.

Your buddies in the Democrat Party fought tooth and nail to prevent those from happening, ya know.

The majority of Southern Republicans DID NOT support the passage of the civil rights act.

It was supported by Northerners from both parties. And when segregation was ended many Southern Democrats joined the Republican party.

Both parties have a questionable history which is related more to the legacy of the southern geographical region of this country.

I've looked at the numbers MANY TIMES here. When folks try to wiggle out of reality on that. And I can help you out. The reason the "majority of Southern Republicans didn't support it is simply --- there were a very few Southern Repubs AT ALL. IIRC maybe 2 senators and a handful of reps. That just hurts your excuse. ALL the Repubs at the time were OUTSIDE the South -- the Dems held the vast majority of power down there. Check the numbers.

Thank you for that. I was going to give an illustration but you summed it up very well..

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia

By party and region
Note: "Southern", as used in this section, refers to members of Congress from the eleven states that made up the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War. "Northern" refers to members from the other 39 states, regardless of the geographic location of those states.[24]

The original House version:

  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:

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My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.

It must really suck to have to drag around that burdensome modifier "black" wherever you go from day to day. I know it probably doesn't get old to you because that's what you identify with, but it sorta gets old to everyone else who has to hear it over and over again.

You might have missed it, but there was once this guy named "Martin Luther King." He once visualized a country where a person would just be a "person.", regardless of their color. You might take some time out and go to your local library and read up on him. He had some interesting ideas.

Yea, he got murdered

By a Democrat, no less.
My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.

It must really suck to have to drag around that burdensome modifier "black" wherever you go from day to day. I know it probably doesn't get old to you because that's what you identify with, but it sorta gets old to everyone else who has to hear it over and over again.

You might have missed it, but there was once this guy named "Martin Luther King." He once visualized a country where a person would just be a "person.", regardless of their color. You might take some time out and go to your local library and read up on him. He had some interesting ideas.

Actually its pretty empowering being Black.

MLK also said he thought he made a mistake trying to integrate with whites. I'm guessing that was kept from you.

I don't see how it's "empowering", being black, because you're not really "black." WHat you mostly identify with is liberalism or the Democrat Party. And the Democrats lost the most important election of their lifetimes, because they have become obsolete and out of touch.

Now it might be "empowering" to be a Republican or a conservative right now, because we own this shit. But please, don't equate "republican" or "conservative" with "white", because there are plenty of black Republicans and conservatives. We are after all, the ones who held a Civil War to stop slavery, enacted constitutional qualities, and voted for Civil Rights in the 60's.

Your buddies in the Democrat Party fought tooth and nail to prevent those from happening, ya know.

The majority of Southern Republicans DID NOT support the passage of the civil rights act.

It was supported by Northerners from both parties. And when segregation was ended many Southern Democrats joined the Republican party.

Both parties have a questionable history which is related more to the legacy of the southern geographical region of this country.

It must really suck to have to drag around that burdensome modifier "black" wherever you go from day to day. I know it probably doesn't get old to you because that's what you identify with, but it sorta gets old to everyone else who has to hear it over and over again.

You might have missed it, but there was once this guy named "Martin Luther King." He once visualized a country where a person would just be a "person.", regardless of their color. You might take some time out and go to your local library and read up on him. He had some interesting ideas.

Actually its pretty empowering being Black.

MLK also said he thought he made a mistake trying to integrate with whites. I'm guessing that was kept from you.

I don't see how it's "empowering", being black, because you're not really "black." WHat you mostly identify with is liberalism or the Democrat Party. And the Democrats lost the most important election of their lifetimes, because they have become obsolete and out of touch.

Now it might be "empowering" to be a Republican or a conservative right now, because we own this shit. But please, don't equate "republican" or "conservative" with "white", because there are plenty of black Republicans and conservatives. We are after all, the ones who held a Civil War to stop slavery, enacted constitutional qualities, and voted for Civil Rights in the 60's.

Your buddies in the Democrat Party fought tooth and nail to prevent those from happening, ya know.

The majority of Southern Republicans DID NOT support the passage of the civil rights act.

It was supported by Northerners from both parties. And when segregation was ended many Southern Democrats joined the Republican party.

Both parties have a questionable history which is related more to the legacy of the southern geographical region of this country.

I've looked at the numbers MANY TIMES here. When folks try to wiggle out of reality on that. And I can help you out. The reason the "majority of Southern Republicans didn't support it is simply --- there were a very few Southern Repubs AT ALL. IIRC maybe 2 senators and a handful of reps. That just hurts your excuse. ALL the Repubs at the time were OUTSIDE the South -- the Dems held the vast majority of power down there. Check the numbers.

Thank you for that. I was going to give an illustration but you summed it up very well..

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia

By party and region
Note: "Southern", as used in this section, refers to members of Congress from the eleven states that made up the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War. "Northern" refers to members from the other 39 states, regardless of the geographic location of those states.[24]

The original House version:

  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:

This is 2018 and republicans are racists. That's the reality you conservatives keep trying to weasel out of.
My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.
By the way...

A little more Texas history:

The first casualty of the Texas Revolution was Samuel McCulloch Jr.

MCCULLOCH, SAMUEL, JR. | The Handbook of Texas Online| Texas State Historical Association (TSHA)

Texas Revolution - Wikipedia


It must really suck to have to drag around that burdensome modifier "black" wherever you go from day to day. I know it probably doesn't get old to you because that's what you identify with, but it sorta gets old to everyone else who has to hear it over and over again.

You might have missed it, but there was once this guy named "Martin Luther King." He once visualized a country where a person would just be a "person.", regardless of their color. You might take some time out and go to your local library and read up on him. He had some interesting ideas.

Actually its pretty empowering being Black.

MLK also said he thought he made a mistake trying to integrate with whites. I'm guessing that was kept from you.

I don't see how it's "empowering", being black, because you're not really "black." WHat you mostly identify with is liberalism or the Democrat Party. And the Democrats lost the most important election of their lifetimes, because they have become obsolete and out of touch.

Now it might be "empowering" to be a Republican or a conservative right now, because we own this shit. But please, don't equate "republican" or "conservative" with "white", because there are plenty of black Republicans and conservatives. We are after all, the ones who held a Civil War to stop slavery, enacted constitutional qualities, and voted for Civil Rights in the 60's.

Your buddies in the Democrat Party fought tooth and nail to prevent those from happening, ya know.

The majority of Southern Republicans DID NOT support the passage of the civil rights act.

It was supported by Northerners from both parties. And when segregation was ended many Southern Democrats joined the Republican party.

Both parties have a questionable history which is related more to the legacy of the southern geographical region of this country.

Actually its pretty empowering being Black.

MLK also said he thought he made a mistake trying to integrate with whites. I'm guessing that was kept from you.

I don't see how it's "empowering", being black, because you're not really "black." WHat you mostly identify with is liberalism or the Democrat Party. And the Democrats lost the most important election of their lifetimes, because they have become obsolete and out of touch.

Now it might be "empowering" to be a Republican or a conservative right now, because we own this shit. But please, don't equate "republican" or "conservative" with "white", because there are plenty of black Republicans and conservatives. We are after all, the ones who held a Civil War to stop slavery, enacted constitutional qualities, and voted for Civil Rights in the 60's.

Your buddies in the Democrat Party fought tooth and nail to prevent those from happening, ya know.

The majority of Southern Republicans DID NOT support the passage of the civil rights act.

It was supported by Northerners from both parties. And when segregation was ended many Southern Democrats joined the Republican party.

Both parties have a questionable history which is related more to the legacy of the southern geographical region of this country.

I've looked at the numbers MANY TIMES here. When folks try to wiggle out of reality on that. And I can help you out. The reason the "majority of Southern Republicans didn't support it is simply --- there were a very few Southern Repubs AT ALL. IIRC maybe 2 senators and a handful of reps. That just hurts your excuse. ALL the Repubs at the time were OUTSIDE the South -- the Dems held the vast majority of power down there. Check the numbers.

Thank you for that. I was going to give an illustration but you summed it up very well..

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia

By party and region
Note: "Southern", as used in this section, refers to members of Congress from the eleven states that made up the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War. "Northern" refers to members from the other 39 states, regardless of the geographic location of those states.[24]

The original House version:

  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:

This is 2018 and republicans are racists. That's the reality you conservatives keep trying to weasel out of.

Quit lying. You have no proof that "Republicans are racist" and just because you make some broad-based allegation off the top of your head, doesn't mean it has an ounce of credibility.

You're just all butt-hurt because your girl lost. And making outlandish claims like "Republicans are racist" is not going to do anything but ensure that you lose again.
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