As a Democrat or Independent, how proud are you of the Democrats, since 2016?

Both parties have become pretty repulsive, in their own ways, for their own reasons.

Easiest question ever.
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The best thing about dems is that they aren't as bad as repubs. Republicans are the party of anger, stupidity, and conspiracy theories. I want none of that.
they are not as bad,meaning they still suck but you still give them your support...i know the lessor of 2 should say you want none of that too....
Both parties have become pretty repulsive, in their own ways, for their own reasons.

Easiest question ever.
You back Biden and who is the enemy according to him and the Village people and others will back who we think is our friends. Either way, people suffer in areas affected. We need to smacked down a bit in battles.
You back Biden and who is the enemy according to him and the Village people and others will back who we think is our friends. Either way, people suffer in areas affected. We need to smacked down a bit in battles.
Which of the Democrats are you proud of and why?

What have the Democrats accomplished since 2016 that you're proud of?

What narrations have the left carried that have proved to be true as far as Trump is concerned, such as Russia and so on?

People support things for a reason, so, go!
Absolutely.....especially compared to the Party of Trump.
I'm beyond proud I'm not ever going to back any political party and run around fervently supporting some Uber rich candidate and tell people they need to believe this or that. Why would a rational human being do that?
Which of the Democrats are you proud of and why?

What have the Democrats accomplished since 2016 that you're proud of?

What narrations have the left carried that have proved to be true as far as Trump is concerned, such as Russia and so on?

People support things for a reason, so, go!
Brandon the Great has saved the world!

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