As Dean once stated, there IS "...a cancer on the presidency"

As always expected from Trump acolytes, the standard response is "prove it" if it were the responsibility of fellow poster to investigate, indict and prosecute Trump's endless wrongdoings.

The current House committees are in the process of exposing that "cancer on the presidency" by ensuring that ALL of Trump's ethical and legal crimes are brought to light and radically excise them.

However, it is now tangible and irrefutable proof that Trump violated campaign finance laws, and there is also tangible proof that Trump violated security clearance guidelines (and lied about) to keep running our government as a "family affair."

In my humble opinion, Trump's MAIN reason to run again in 2020, is simply to run out the statutes of limitations on many of his emerging crimes were he to lose.....and, given the cult mentality of many (not all) of his followers, when Trump realizes in mid-year 2020 that he would lose, he will certainly call for a "grass-rooted" revolution and some idiotic sycophants will try to spill blood on the streets of our nation.

I hope I'm wrong about the tempting violence that some of Trump's cult members my resort to.
It's very difficult for any judge or jury to believe that a billionaire using his own money by paying hush money to a hooker is a violation of campaign finance law. But you probably think that Trump is a Russian agent/asset.
The same idiots that claim Trump was encouraging Russia to hack Hillary's missing emails from the DNCs computers, even though they never allowed the FBI to have access to their servers to investigate this crazy claim.To top it off they a hired a Pakistani IT pro who tried to leave the country when the heat became too much for him to stay in America.
So the Mueller Investigation is probably going to indict someone else, probably Donald Trump Jr., and the House Democrats are going on another taxpayer funded fishing expedition in hopes of finding a crime......any God Damned they can impeach a fairly elected president.
Why don't we just get rid of the election process and got to a full-blown dictatorship....because Democrats will never obey the will of the people anymore. Democrats feel they got away with manufacturing 3 million falsified votes in CA thanks to laws that makes voter fraud legal. And now they plan on instituting the same laws in the rest of the country with HR 1. AND I BET YOU THINK ALL OF THIS IS PERFECTLY long as you can get another stinking Democrat in the White House again.
They don't even have a crime, they are going to look for a crime. Stalinism at its finest, comrade.
Good grief you people have gone over the cliff.

Here, to help your narrative....LOL

And the president is the ultimate arbiter of who gets security clearance for anything. Therefore it simply cannot be illegal for the president to give or rescind security clearance for anyone.

In fact, if he wanted to,

True, true........Trump could give a security clearance to Puting and KJU......maybe he has already.....LOL
Bottom line: I don't access this board full of Trump cult members to ever change their moronic adoration of Trump.......Just some friendly reminders.....
onservatives have sat on their hands for decades while everything they supposedly hold dear is gradually stolen from them and you really think they're gonna rise up and take to the streets if Donald Trump commands it?

ONLY a few nutcases; you know, those who are just itching to use their guns.....and, are suicidal.
LMAO! Because you're going to do what exactly? Pussy hat hat me into submission? That's our suicide mission? Bitch please. You will collect no guns from anyone. You asking for them is the suicide mission.
Signed checks. My god someone paying someone they owe money to. I pay bills almost daily.

Go back to bed after a tall glass of orange kool-aid.....You're too dumb to make any sense.
And right on cue you prove that you have nothing but don't really want to defend it nor do you have a clue what you are talking about.

Bottom line: I don't access this board full of Trump cult members to ever change their moronic adoration of Trump.......Just some friendly reminders.....
You don't change any minds because you're just a left wing idiot. Your post are at best entertaining.
As always expected from Trump acolytes, the standard response is "prove it" if it were the responsibility of fellow poster to investigate, indict and prosecute Trump's endless wrongdoings.

The current House committees are in the process of exposing that "cancer on the presidency" by ensuring that ALL of Trump's ethical and legal crimes are brought to light and radically excise them.

However, it is now tangible and irrefutable proof that Trump violated campaign finance laws, and there is also tangible proof that Trump violated security clearance guidelines (and lied about) to keep running our government as a "family affair."

In my humble opinion, Trump's MAIN reason to run again in 2020, is simply to run out the statutes of limitations on many of his emerging crimes were he to lose.....and, given the cult mentality of many (not all) of his followers, when Trump realizes in mid-year 2020 that he would lose, he will certainly call for a "grass-rooted" revolution and some idiotic sycophants will try to spill blood on the streets of our nation.

I hope I'm wrong about the tempting violence that some of Trump's cult members my resort to.
It's very difficult for any judge or jury to believe that a billionaire using his own money by paying hush money to a hooker is a violation of campaign finance law. But you probably think that Trump is a Russian agent/asset.
The same idiots that claim Trump was encouraging Russia to hack Hillary's missing emails from the DNCs computers, even though they never allowed the FBI to have access to their servers to investigate this crazy claim.To top it off they a hired a Pakistani IT pro who tried to leave the country when the heat became too much for him to stay in America.
So the Mueller Investigation is probably going to indict someone else, probably Donald Trump Jr., and the House Democrats are going on another taxpayer funded fishing expedition in hopes of finding a crime......any God Damned they can impeach a fairly elected president.
Why don't we just get rid of the election process and got to a full-blown dictatorship....because Democrats will never obey the will of the people anymore. Democrats feel they got away with manufacturing 3 million falsified votes in CA thanks to laws that makes voter fraud legal. And now they plan on instituting the same laws in the rest of the country with HR 1. AND I BET YOU THINK ALL OF THIS IS PERFECTLY long as you can get another stinking Democrat in the White House again.
The funny thing here is that he didn't use his own money. He got Cohen to use HIS money...and then paid him back...

That shows not only that he's guilty of violation of campaign laws but that he CONSPIRED to hide that . Another crime. Conspiracy is a crime.
As always expected from Trump acolytes, the standard response is "prove it" if it were the responsibility of fellow poster to investigate, indict and prosecute Trump's endless wrongdoings.

The current House committees are in the process of exposing that "cancer on the presidency" by ensuring that ALL of Trump's ethical and legal crimes are brought to light and radically excise them.

However, it is now tangible and irrefutable proof that Trump violated campaign finance laws, and there is also tangible proof that Trump violated security clearance guidelines (and lied about) to keep running our government as a "family affair." Prog-speak, similar if you disagree with a prog you're racist.

In my humble opinion

Trump's MAIN reason to run again in 2020, is simply to run out the statutes of limitations on many of his emerging crimes were he to lose.....and, given the cult mentality of many (not all) of his followers, when Trump realizes in mid-year 2020 that he would lose, he will certainly call for a "grass-rooted" revolution and some idiotic sycophants will try to spill blood on the streets of our nation. If you ever want to know what progs are up to, simply listen to what they're accusing the opponent of doing.

I hope I'm wrong about the tempting violence that some of Trump's cult members my resort to.
Cite the "tangible and irrefutable evidence" you refer to.

Trump's signed checks to repay Cohen for the "hush money"???

`There are also memos from Kelly and McGann opposing the security clearances of Ivanka and Jarred??
Of course, he noted their purpose on the line provided for that? Check for retainer vs. check for "hush money"? I'm not as familiar with the security clearance paperwork. Have you a link for that?

Of course, your ilk spouts the NYT as "fake news".....but, for others.... (article below, one of hundreds)

New York Times: Trump demanded Kelly give Kushner top-secret ...
FIrst, I am not of any particular "ilk". Second, I do not "spout". I do ask for clarification and verification when justified. But, your "ilk" appears to be perpetually on the defensive and to be offended whenever you are questioned or requested to provide additional information to support your statements.
As always expected from Trump acolytes, the standard response is "prove it" if it were the responsibility of fellow poster to investigate, indict and prosecute Trump's endless wrongdoings.

The current House committees are in the process of exposing that "cancer on the presidency" by ensuring that ALL of Trump's ethical and legal crimes are brought to light and radically excise them.

However, it is now tangible and irrefutable proof that Trump violated campaign finance laws, and there is also tangible proof that Trump violated security clearance guidelines (and lied about) to keep running our government as a "family affair."

In my humble opinion, Trump's MAIN reason to run again in 2020, is simply to run out the statutes of limitations on many of his emerging crimes were he to lose.....and, given the cult mentality of many (not all) of his followers, when Trump realizes in mid-year 2020 that he would lose, he will certainly call for a "grass-rooted" revolution and some idiotic sycophants will try to spill blood on the streets of our nation.

I hope I'm wrong about the tempting violence that some of Trump's cult members my resort to.
It's very difficult for any judge or jury to believe that a billionaire using his own money by paying hush money to a hooker is a violation of campaign finance law. But you probably think that Trump is a Russian agent/asset.
The same idiots that claim Trump was encouraging Russia to hack Hillary's missing emails from the DNCs computers, even though they never allowed the FBI to have access to their servers to investigate this crazy claim.To top it off they a hired a Pakistani IT pro who tried to leave the country when the heat became too much for him to stay in America.
So the Mueller Investigation is probably going to indict someone else, probably Donald Trump Jr., and the House Democrats are going on another taxpayer funded fishing expedition in hopes of finding a crime......any God Damned they can impeach a fairly elected president.
Why don't we just get rid of the election process and got to a full-blown dictatorship....because Democrats will never obey the will of the people anymore. Democrats feel they got away with manufacturing 3 million falsified votes in CA thanks to laws that makes voter fraud legal. And now they plan on instituting the same laws in the rest of the country with HR 1. AND I BET YOU THINK ALL OF THIS IS PERFECTLY long as you can get another stinking Democrat in the White House again.
Personally, I am getting tired of footing the bill for these deranged and fruitless witch hunts perpetrated and perpetuated by Dems/libs/progs who have professed their hatred of a sitting president for no reason other than their corrupt agenda and their narrative in support of that agenda.
And the president is the ultimate arbiter of who gets security clearance for anything. Therefore it simply cannot be illegal for the president to give or rescind security clearance for anyone.

In fact, if he wanted to,

True, true........Trump could give a security clearance to Puting and KJU......maybe he has already.....LOL
Who the fuck is Puting?
Personally, I am getting tired of footing the bill for these deranged and fruitless witch hunts perpetrated and perpetuated by Dems/libs/progs who have professed their hatred of a sitting president for no reason other than their corrupt agenda and their narrative in support of that agenda.[/QUOTE]

Personally, I am getting tired of footing the bill for these deranged and fruitless witch hunts perpetrated and perpetuated by Dems/libs/progs who have professed their hatred of a sitting president for no reason other than their corrupt agenda and their narrative in support of that agenda.[/QUOTE]

HW Bush and Clinton appear to have had more skeletons than President Trump...
As always expected from Trump acolytes, the standard response is "prove it" if it were the responsibility of fellow poster to investigate, indict and prosecute Trump's endless wrongdoings.

The current House committees are in the process of exposing that "cancer on the presidency" by ensuring that ALL of Trump's ethical and legal crimes are brought to light and radically excise them.

However, it is now tangible and irrefutable proof that Trump violated campaign finance laws, and there is also tangible proof that Trump violated security clearance guidelines (and lied about) to keep running our government as a "family affair."

In my humble opinion, Trump's MAIN reason to run again in 2020, is simply to run out the statutes of limitations on many of his emerging crimes were he to lose.....and, given the cult mentality of many (not all) of his followers, when Trump realizes in mid-year 2020 that he would lose, he will certainly call for a "grass-rooted" revolution and some idiotic sycophants will try to spill blood on the streets of our nation.

I hope I'm wrong about the tempting violence that some of Trump's cult members may resort to.

Oh you're not wrong at all about the end part. Rump himself already called for riots if he didn't win in '16.

That's how asshole cowards work. They never "beat the crap out of" anybody, they just stand in their pulpit and exhort their cult followers to do it. And because they're a cult ---- they do.

Rump didn't beat up or suckerpunch protesters at his rallies; Rump didn't harass Indians at a gas station chanting "Trump Trump Trump"; Rump didn't throw a beer in the face of a woman at a restaurant for speaking Swahili; Rump didn't beat up a homeless man and piss on him going "Trump was right"; Rump didn't mail pipe bombs to personnel of CNN and the Democratic Party; Rump didn't do any of that. His cult followers did. Gives a whole deeper meaning to the phrase "useful idiots".

Personally, I am getting tired of footing the bill for these deranged and fruitless witch hunts perpetrated and perpetuated by Dems/libs/progs who have professed their hatred of a sitting president for no reason other than their corrupt agenda and their narrative in support of that agenda.

Well take heart. Manafort has been levied fines large enough to cover the entire Mueller investigation.

And as far as the Congressional didn't seem to mind four years of Clinton witch hunts so..yea...quiet down

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