As Dean once stated, there IS "...a cancer on the presidency"

FOX is mild. And the only network that is not globalist in all ways but globalist in many ways. It gives us dregs a semblance of freedoms with a few broadcasters. It is the only one on Cable TV that has hundreds of station promoting globalism and progressive socialist agendas.

Fox is only "mild" in comparison to your usual haunts. 4chan,GAB, Stormfront...
Dean who? Dean Martin? Granted the ignorant democrat base is generally history impaired but they should remember the Clinton presidency since Hillary was a factor two years ago. The term "cancer" can describe the enabling that went on in the depraved Clinton era when the media giggled at Hillary's "bimbo eruption squad" dedicated to ruin the life of any woman who dared to accused the pervert-in-chief of sexual abuse. Bill Clinton bombed a freaking defenseless country in Europe when he was caught with his pants down.
As always expected from Trump acolytes, the standard response is "prove it" if it were the responsibility of fellow poster to investigate, indict and prosecute Trump's endless wrongdoings.

The current House committees are in the process of exposing that "cancer on the presidency" by ensuring that ALL of Trump's ethical and legal crimes are brought to light and radically excise them.

However, it is now tangible and irrefutable proof that Trump violated campaign finance laws, and there is also tangible proof that Trump violated security clearance guidelines (and lied about) to keep running our government as a "family affair."

In my humble opinion, Trump's MAIN reason to run again in 2020, is simply to run out the statutes of limitations on many of his emerging crimes were he to lose.....and, given the cult mentality of many (not all) of his followers, when Trump realizes in mid-year 2020 that he would lose, he will certainly call for a "grass-rooted" revolution and some idiotic sycophants will try to spill blood on the streets of our nation.

I hope I'm wrong about the tempting violence that some of Trump's cult members may resort to.

Oh you're not wrong at all about the end part. Rump himself already called for riots if he didn't win in '16.

That's how asshole cowards work. They never "beat the crap out of" anybody, they just stand in their pulpit and exhort their cult followers to do it. And because they're a cult ---- they do.

Rump didn't beat up or suckerpunch protesters at his rallies; Rump didn't harass Indians at a gas station chanting "Trump Trump Trump"; Rump didn't throw a beer in the face of a woman at a restaurant for speaking Swahili; Rump didn't beat up a homeless man and piss on him going "Trump was right"; Rump didn't mail pipe bombs to personnel of CNN and the Democratic Party; Rump didn't do any of that. His cult followers did. Gives a whole deeper meaning to the phrase "useful idiots".

You can kiss my ass. Until you soundly condemn the same kind of exhortations from Congresspersons on your side, you have no standing. Seriously, how can you ignore Waters' comments without comment? (For example.)

My uh, "side"?

I don't have a "side". I'm on the "side" of the Constitution, that's it.

How come you have to invent "sides" to change the subject? That'll be one more nickel for Pogo's Law. Pay up. :deal:

Oh look, the post just before this one did the same thing. Yet another nickel.
Cite the "tangible and irrefutable evidence" you refer to.

Trump's signed checks to repay Cohen for the "hush money"???

`There are also memos from Kelly and McGann opposing the security clearances of Ivanka and Jarred??
Signed checks. My god someone paying someone they owe money to. I pay bills almost daily.

So they opposed the security clearances. Wow call out the villagers with the pitchforks and torches. Who has final say on security clearances? A hint for you it is not Kelly or McGann.
You tRumpkins would forgive him for ass-raping you before he pulled his pants back up and be on here posting excuses for him before you could walk normally.

There's actually an action figure for that ....


[ ] Rational speaker
[ ] Indigestion
[ ] Presidential candidate
[X] Cultist con artist
[X] Closet flasher
[X] Thought he saw Ivanka​
And the president is the ultimate arbiter of who gets security clearance for anything. Therefore it simply cannot be illegal for the president to give or rescind security clearance for anyone.

In fact, if he wanted to,

True, true........Trump could give a security clearance to Puting and KJU......maybe he has already.....LOL
Who's Puting?????
Not against the law to pay off anyone.

Educate yourself. One of the crimes Cohen is guilty of is exactly that, It is a campaign contribution well in excess of the limit and unreported. That makes it "against the law". Read that again. Against the law. Here let me help you


And engaging in a conspiracy to hide that illegal activity is also

Here we go again

  1. You have to lie to yourself to make paying hush money a campaign contribution
  2. Paying for it with a check isn't an attempt to hide it...quite the opposite
  3. If there is no law broken there cannot be a criminal conspiracy
  4. All of the above is manufactured crimes using the testimony of a convicted perjurer
  5. Because Lanny Davis (who works for Hillary Clinton) is behind this perjured testimony it means that Hillary is the source of these false charges
Paying for it with a check isn't an attempt to hide it...quite the opposite
It wouldn't be (if he reported it...he didn't) but that's not what happened. He got COHEN to pay it and then paid him back to hide it so...there's that
And the president is the ultimate arbiter of who gets security clearance for anything. Therefore it simply cannot be illegal for the president to give or rescind security clearance for anyone.

In fact, if he wanted to,

True, true........Trump could give a security clearance to Puting and KJU......maybe he has already.....LOL
Who's Puting?????

If all you have to slam the post is that extra "g' after Putin's name, then its time for you to go drink some more kool-aid toasting your orange clown.
You have to lie to yourself to make paying hush money a campaign contribution

Really? Ask Cohen about it. He's going to jail for it
He's going to jail for perjury, false statements to a bank, and tax evasion.
He also plead guilty to making illegal campaign contributions.....which he easily could have fought in court and had dismissed....but chose to plead guilty in hopes of getting a lessor sentence on the other charges.

I remember Rosie O'Donnell gave millions under assumed names to political candidates but nobody wanted to press charges against her.

Rosie O’Donnell made illegally over-sized campaign donations to at least five Democratic federal candidates, according to a Post analysis of campaign filings.

The liberal comedian has regularly broken Federal Election Commission rules limiting the total any one person can give to an individual candidate at $2,700 per election. The limit applies separately to primaries, runoffs and general elections.

“Nothing nefarious,” the outspoken star and Donald Trump arch-nemesis wrote in an email to the Post. “I was not choosing to over donate.

“If 2700 is the cut off — [candidates] should refund the money,” she wrote. “I don’t look to see who I can donate most to … I just donate assuming they do not accept what is over the limit.”

Barack Obama was caught taking donations from foreign donors to the tune of $1.8 million. He paid a fine.
Campaign finance laws are like jaywalking. The worst they ever do is make you pay a fine and that's the end of it. The problem seems to be that most people don't exactly know what they are.
Just about everything that Cohen did that was against the law was his own doing. He's trying to blame it all on Trump. He's claiming Trump forced him to break the law. No.....Michael Cohen broke the law on his own.
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Cite the "tangible and irrefutable evidence" you refer to.

Trump's signed checks to repay Cohen for the "hush money"???

`There are also memos from Kelly and McGann opposing the security clearances of Ivanka and Jarred??
Signed checks. My god someone paying someone they owe money to. I pay bills almost daily.

So they opposed the security clearances. Wow call out the villagers with the pitchforks and torches. Who has final say on security clearances? A hint for you it is not Kelly or McGann.
You tRumpkins would forgive him for ass-raping you before he pulled his pants back up and be on here posting excuses for him before you could walk normally.
Sorry I have no desire for your sexual proclivities nor to even be part of your fantasies.
How has that got anything to do with my post?
He's going to jail for perjury, false statements to a bank, and tax evasion.

EXACTLY the same crimes as the orange clown......amazing !!!!......

(Just wait until the SDNY starts repossessing Trump's properties under the RICO Act.......LMAO)
He's going to jail for perjury, false statements to a bank, and tax evasion.

EXACTLY the same crimes as the orange clown......amazing !!!!......

(Just wait until the SDNY starts repossessing Trump's properties under the RICO Act.......LMAO)
When did the feds arrest Trump for perjury, false statements to a bank, and tax evasion?
When did the feds arrest Trump for perjury, false statements to a bank, and tax evasion?

Just wait until your orange hero is out of office.......Besides, dimwit, it'll be STATE law enforcement to do the deed.....unless Trump decides on self-exile.
Cite the "tangible and irrefutable evidence" you refer to.

Trump's signed checks to repay Cohen for the "hush money"???

`There are also memos from Kelly and McGann opposing the security clearances of Ivanka and Jarred??
Signed checks. My god someone paying someone they owe money to. I pay bills almost daily.

So they opposed the security clearances. Wow call out the villagers with the pitchforks and torches. Who has final say on security clearances? A hint for you it is not Kelly or McGann.
You tRumpkins would forgive him for ass-raping you before he pulled his pants back up and be on here posting excuses for him before you could walk normally.
Sorry I have no desire for your sexual proclivities nor to even be part of your fantasies.
How has that got anything to do with my post?
You are the one with sexual fantasies about Trump and others. You can leave me out of them.

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