As-Earth-warms-Americans-more-polarized-than-ever-on-climate. GOPers get sillier in election years..

Q. What's another way of saying, "No we don't have a stitch of laboratory work to back up any of our claims; not one single repeatable experiment"?

A. Settled Science
just temperature readings and HUGE amounts of lab work, dupe...

just temperature readings

How many data points does it take to manufacture "Average Global Temperature"?
Thousands duh.

Thousands? Not enough. I guess that's how you guys fudge the data, eh comrade? DURR.
IT's A CONSPIRACEE!!!!! Idiot. I've heard Rush saying an obscure college in E. Anglia proves GW is a hoax lol. You're a functional MORON. And I'm VERY familiar with East Anglia. Learned to talk and drive there. Terminally stupid argument you've got there...
BTW, "comrade" is a communist thing, hater dupe moron, of which there are basically NONE in the USA. So dumb...but keep it up. hater dupes like you are the Dems
There is nothing you can do about global warming anyways
Read something, brainwashed functional moron. Change the channel.

Say it ain't so Franco, even your own scientist just said recently we are beyond hope

Global Warming: Beyond the Tipping Point
That's 8 years old, dumbass, and that's NOT what he said. Unbelievable.

Here is the UN article I was looking for 2014

Scientists cite ‘irreversible’ effects of climate change, warn of greater risks unless carbon emissions are cut
Again, you spin that out of all resemblance. It's bad but there is definitely hope. China is on board too- AE is profitable. Glad to see you're a believer too...The New BS GOP is the only ridiculous party on GW IN THE WORLD.

What China don't have any coal scrubbing power plants and the big bankers won't lend African nations money to build fossil fuel plants, so They burn wood and die in the millions a year from smoke inhaltion..

Sorry Franco it's all over. Nothing much we can do but bend over an kiss our hineys goodbye. :(
As Earth warms, Americans more polarized than ever on climate

Every month this year is the hottest ever, but GOPers belief that GW is a hoax has grown to 34%. Hopefully that's the limit....amazing.

If warmers ever decide to support useful, CO2-free energy, like nuclear, instead of waste our money on windmills, we'd start to take their exaggerations and lies more seriously.
Ignorant as always. One Nuke was finished in June, several others being built. If you dupes had a clue, you'd be Dems duh. CHANGE THE CHANNEL AND READ SOMETHING...
How many nuclear power plants are in the United States, and where are they located? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

One Nuke was finished in June, several others being built.

Excellent! Use the wasted windmill money for nukes and libs can stop whining. Finally.
I'm surrounded by 200+ windmills here in WNY and no problems, dupe. D'OH!! So brainwashed, so ignorant, so dumb...Thanks Obama, solar, wind, and nuclear etc etc etc going up everywhere, and working. DUH DUPES!!

I'm surrounded by 200+ windmills here in WNY and no problems

Except for wasting money on unreliable "green energy", what problem do you expect to see?
As Earth warms, Americans more polarized than ever on climate

Every month this year is the hottest ever, but GOPers belief that GW is a hoax has grown to 34%. Hopefully that's the limit....amazing.

If warmers ever decide to support useful, CO2-free energy, like nuclear, instead of waste our money on windmills, we'd start to take their exaggerations and lies more seriously.
Ignorant as always. One Nuke was finished in June, several others being built. If you dupes had a clue, you'd be Dems duh. CHANGE THE CHANNEL AND READ SOMETHING...
How many nuclear power plants are in the United States, and where are they located? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

One Nuke was finished in June, several others being built.

Excellent! Use the wasted windmill money for nukes and libs can stop whining. Finally.
I'm surrounded by 200+ windmills here in WNY and no problems, dupe. D'OH!! So brainwashed, so ignorant, so dumb...Thanks Obama, solar, wind, and nuclear etc etc etc going up everywhere, and working. DUH DUPES!!

I'm surrounded by 200+ windmills here in WNY and no problems

Except for wasting money on unreliable "green energy", what problem do you expect to see?
All the bs about birds, tv reception health, etc etc etc...
If warmers ever decide to support useful, CO2-free energy, like nuclear, instead of waste our money on windmills, we'd start to take their exaggerations and lies more seriously.
Ignorant as always. One Nuke was finished in June, several others being built. If you dupes had a clue, you'd be Dems duh. CHANGE THE CHANNEL AND READ SOMETHING...
How many nuclear power plants are in the United States, and where are they located? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

One Nuke was finished in June, several others being built.

Excellent! Use the wasted windmill money for nukes and libs can stop whining. Finally.
I'm surrounded by 200+ windmills here in WNY and no problems, dupe. D'OH!! So brainwashed, so ignorant, so dumb...Thanks Obama, solar, wind, and nuclear etc etc etc going up everywhere, and working. DUH DUPES!!

I'm surrounded by 200+ windmills here in WNY and no problems

Except for wasting money on unreliable "green energy", what problem do you expect to see?
All the bs about birds, tv reception health, etc etc etc...

Thanks. Besides wasting money on unreliable energy, they do tend to puree wildlife nearby, don't they?
There is nothing you can do about global warming anyways
Read something, brainwashed functional moron. Change the channel.

Say it ain't so Franco, even your own scientist just said recently we are beyond hope
Fuck man, do you always lie in every aspect of your life? No, it does not say we are beyond hope. It says we need to take action.

Global Warming: Beyond the Tipping Point

Seeking a Workable Solution
Indeed, although few climate scientists are ready to buy Hansen’s argument in detail, they agree that the changes already observed are ominous. “Where I’ve come down on this,” says Fred Krupp, president of the Environmental Defense Fund, “not sparked by Jim Hansen but by watching coral reefs die and Antarctic ice sheets break off sooner than we ever expected, is that we need to stabilize CO2 at current levels or below.”

Lurking behind this general tone of caution is the sense that reducing the growth of CO2 emissions is a daunting enough prospect by itself, given that the world’s population continues to grow and that countries such as India and China are determined to catch up to the developed world economically. Halting that growth entirely would be even more difficult, and actually drawing down the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere seems largely inconceivable. Nevertheless, Hansen and his co-authors lay out a possible strategy. “The only way I can see of doing it,” Hansen says, “is, first of all, to cut off emissions from coal entirely by 2030.” Coal, he points out, is the single biggest fossil-fuel reservoir of carbon, and because it is only burned in power plants, not as transportation fuel, “it can be captured at just a few sources rather than millions of tailpipes.”
There is nothing you can do about global warming anyways
Read something, brainwashed functional moron. Change the channel.

Say it ain't so Franco, even your own scientist just said recently we are beyond hope

Global Warming: Beyond the Tipping Point
That's 8 years old, dumbass, and that's NOT what he said. Unbelievable.

So it is and your messiah says it again last year

Obama Warns of Planet Beyond Repair: 'Submerged Countries. Abandoned Cities. Fields No Longer Growing'

Obama Warns of Planet Beyond Repair: 'Submerged Countries. Abandoned Cities. Fields No Longer Growing'

Melanie Hunter | September 1, 2015 | 1:05 PM EDT
Why don't you admit that you are just a liar that like to twist words to mean something other than what was said. Yes, our President stated that we are going to face results from the GHGs already in the atmosphere. Beyond repair? Well, beyond repair in our lifetimes. And we need to plan for the changes that are inevitable at this point. But you would just have us all sit on our fat asses like you, and do nothing at all.

Obama Warns of Planet Beyond Repair: 'Submerged Countries. Abandoned Cities. Fields No Longer Growing'

The issue of whether human activity is changing the climate is settled, the president said.

“So let me sum up. We know that human activity is changing the climate. That is beyond dispute. Everything else is politics if people are denying the facts of climate change. We can have a legitimate debate about how we are going to address this problem; we cannot deny the science,” he said.

“We also know the devastating consequences if the current trend lines continue. That is not deniable, and we are going to have to do some adaptation, and we are going to have to help communities be resilient. Because of these trend lines, we are not going to be able to stop on a dime. We’re not going to be able to stop tomorrow,” Obama added.
Ignorant as always. One Nuke was finished in June, several others being built. If you dupes had a clue, you'd be Dems duh. CHANGE THE CHANNEL AND READ SOMETHING...
How many nuclear power plants are in the United States, and where are they located? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

One Nuke was finished in June, several others being built.

Excellent! Use the wasted windmill money for nukes and libs can stop whining. Finally.
I'm surrounded by 200+ windmills here in WNY and no problems, dupe. D'OH!! So brainwashed, so ignorant, so dumb...Thanks Obama, solar, wind, and nuclear etc etc etc going up everywhere, and working. DUH DUPES!!

I'm surrounded by 200+ windmills here in WNY and no problems

Except for wasting money on unreliable "green energy", what problem do you expect to see?
All the bs about birds, tv reception health, etc etc etc...

Thanks. Besides wasting money on unreliable energy, they do tend to puree wildlife nearby, don't they?
Less so than the roads that run beside them. Getting real tired of this repeated lie. Here are the primary reasons for bird mortality caused by man.

A chart showing estimated numbers of birds killed annually by each of several different causes. Data from various sources.

Causes of Bird Mortality - Sibley Guides
Read something, brainwashed functional moron. Change the channel.

Say it ain't so Franco, even your own scientist just said recently we are beyond hope

Global Warming: Beyond the Tipping Point
That's 8 years old, dumbass, and that's NOT what he said. Unbelievable.

Here is the UN article I was looking for 2014

Scientists cite ‘irreversible’ effects of climate change, warn of greater risks unless carbon emissions are cut
Again, you spin that out of all resemblance. It's bad but there is definitely hope. China is on board too- AE is profitable. Glad to see you're a believer too...The New BS GOP is the only ridiculous party on GW IN THE WORLD.

What China don't have any coal scrubbing power plants and the big bankers won't lend African nations money to build fossil fuel plants, so They burn wood and die in the millions a year from smoke inhaltion..

Sorry Franco it's all over. Nothing much we can do but bend over an kiss our hineys goodbye. :(
Oh my, well while you are engaged in ass kissing, others are addressing the issue;

Renewable Energy Growing Again in China

According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, new funds invested into clean energy gained 16% in 2014 to reach $310 billion. The record is still $318 billion, set in 2011, but there was a significant upward trend last year. Overall, the world added about 100 gigawatts of solar- and wind-power capacity in 2014.

The reason for the jump is due mainly to China’s serious attempts to address its pollution problem. The government’s goal is to have 15% of China’s power mix coming from renewable energy sources by 2020.

Accordingly, the country led the way last year with investments of $89.5 billion (29% of all global renewable energy investment) into renewable energy. That is a rise of 32% from 2013 to a record amount.

Chinese Means Business
China is clearly serious about its energy goals. Last year was the first time this century that domestic coal production fell and output was down by 2.1% to 3.5 billion metric tons.

The China National Coal Association forecast that in 2015 coal production will drop another 2.5%.

The Xinhua news agency confirmed assumptions, saying in a report that much of the falloff can be directly linked to two factors: new environmental regulations on the industry by the government and increased investment in clean energy.
Read something, brainwashed functional moron. Change the channel.

Say it ain't so Franco, even your own scientist just said recently we are beyond hope

Global Warming: Beyond the Tipping Point
That's 8 years old, dumbass, and that's NOT what he said. Unbelievable.

Here is the UN article I was looking for 2014

Scientists cite ‘irreversible’ effects of climate change, warn of greater risks unless carbon emissions are cut
Again, you spin that out of all resemblance. It's bad but there is definitely hope. China is on board too- AE is profitable. Glad to see you're a believer too...The New BS GOP is the only ridiculous party on GW IN THE WORLD.

What China don't have any coal scrubbing power plants and the big bankers won't lend African nations money to build fossil fuel plants, so They burn wood and die in the millions a year from smoke inhaltion..

Sorry Franco it's all over. Nothing much we can do but bend over an kiss our hineys goodbye. :(
Very good that they are not lending money for fossil fuel plants. They are lending money for renewables.

Africa is undergoing a sustained period of economic growth and transformation. Its population is growing rapidly, and its economies are developing and diversifying. In order to be sustained, this growth will need to be fuelled by a massive investment in energy. It is this report’s contention that Africa has the potential and the ability to utilise its renewable resources to fuel the majority of its future growth with renewable energy. Doing so would be economically competitive with other solutions, would unlock economies of scale, and would offer substantial benefits in terms of equitable development, local value creation, energy security, and environmental sustainability. Such an unprecedented transformation will not happen all by itself. It can only be made possible by a concerted effort by policy makers to develop enabling frameworks to spur investment and facilitate market development through sound policies and regional cooperation. Africa’s Renewable Future showcases examples where this effort is already happening and can be replicated – as well as how IRENA is uniquely positioned to contribute to that work.
Say it ain't so Franco, even your own scientist just said recently we are beyond hope

Global Warming: Beyond the Tipping Point
That's 8 years old, dumbass, and that's NOT what he said. Unbelievable.

Here is the UN article I was looking for 2014

Scientists cite ‘irreversible’ effects of climate change, warn of greater risks unless carbon emissions are cut
Again, you spin that out of all resemblance. It's bad but there is definitely hope. China is on board too- AE is profitable. Glad to see you're a believer too...The New BS GOP is the only ridiculous party on GW IN THE WORLD.

What China don't have any coal scrubbing power plants and the big bankers won't lend African nations money to build fossil fuel plants, so They burn wood and die in the millions a year from smoke inhaltion..

Sorry Franco it's all over. Nothing much we can do but bend over an kiss our hineys goodbye. :(
Very good that they are not lending money for fossil fuel plants. They are lending money for renewables.

Africa is undergoing a sustained period of economic growth and transformation. Its population is growing rapidly, and its economies are developing and diversifying. In order to be sustained, this growth will need to be fuelled by a massive investment in energy. It is this report’s contention that Africa has the potential and the ability to utilise its renewable resources to fuel the majority of its future growth with renewable energy. Doing so would be economically competitive with other solutions, would unlock economies of scale, and would offer substantial benefits in terms of equitable development, local value creation, energy security, and environmental sustainability. Such an unprecedented transformation will not happen all by itself. It can only be made possible by a concerted effort by policy makers to develop enabling frameworks to spur investment and facilitate market development through sound policies and regional cooperation. Africa’s Renewable Future showcases examples where this effort is already happening and can be replicated – as well as how IRENA is uniquely positioned to contribute to that work.

While millions die from smoke inhaltion?

Again moron most of the C02 is coming from the southern hemisphere.
There is nothing you can do about global warming anyways
Read something, brainwashed functional moron. Change the channel.

Say it ain't so Franco, even your own scientist just said recently we are beyond hope

Global Warming: Beyond the Tipping Point
Fuck man, do you always lie in every aspect of your life? No, it does not say we are beyond hope. It says we need to take action.

Global Warming: Beyond the Tipping Point

Seeking a Workable Solution
Indeed, although few climate scientists are ready to buy Hansen’s argument in detail, they agree that the changes already observed are ominous. “Where I’ve come down on this,” says Fred Krupp, president of the Environmental Defense Fund, “not sparked by Jim Hansen but by watching coral reefs die and Antarctic ice sheets break off sooner than we ever expected, is that we need to stabilize CO2 at current levels or below.”

Lurking behind this general tone of caution is the sense that reducing the growth of CO2 emissions is a daunting enough prospect by itself, given that the world’s population continues to grow and that countries such as India and China are determined to catch up to the developed world economically. Halting that growth entirely would be even more difficult, and actually drawing down the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere seems largely inconceivable. Nevertheless, Hansen and his co-authors lay out a possible strategy. “The only way I can see of doing it,” Hansen says, “is, first of all, to cut off emissions from coal entirely by 2030.” Coal, he points out, is the single biggest fossil-fuel reservoir of carbon, and because it is only burned in power plants, not as transportation fuel, “it can be captured at just a few sources rather than millions of tailpipes.”
what is the action rocks?
There is nothing you can do about global warming anyways
Read something, brainwashed functional moron. Change the channel.

Say it ain't so Franco, even your own scientist just said recently we are beyond hope

Global Warming: Beyond the Tipping Point
That's 8 years old, dumbass, and that's NOT what he said. Unbelievable.

So it is and your messiah says it again last year

Obama Warns of Planet Beyond Repair: 'Submerged Countries. Abandoned Cities. Fields No Longer Growing'

Obama Warns of Planet Beyond Repair: 'Submerged Countries. Abandoned Cities. Fields No Longer Growing'

Melanie Hunter | September 1, 2015 | 1:05 PM EDT
Why don't you admit that you are just a liar that like to twist words to mean something other than what was said. Yes, our President stated that we are going to face results from the GHGs already in the atmosphere. Beyond repair? Well, beyond repair in our lifetimes. And we need to plan for the changes that are inevitable at this point. But you would just have us all sit on our fat asses like you, and do nothing at all.

Obama Warns of Planet Beyond Repair: 'Submerged Countries. Abandoned Cities. Fields No Longer Growing'

The issue of whether human activity is changing the climate is settled, the president said.

“So let me sum up. We know that human activity is changing the climate. That is beyond dispute. Everything else is politics if people are denying the facts of climate change. We can have a legitimate debate about how we are going to address this problem; we cannot deny the science,” he said.

“We also know the devastating consequences if the current trend lines continue. That is not deniable, and we are going to have to do some adaptation, and we are going to have to help communities be resilient. Because of these trend lines, we are not going to be able to stop on a dime. We’re not going to be able to stop tomorrow,” Obama added.
why don't you admit you have no empirical evidence and stop with the farce?
Read something, brainwashed functional moron. Change the channel.

Say it ain't so Franco, even your own scientist just said recently we are beyond hope

Global Warming: Beyond the Tipping Point
That's 8 years old, dumbass, and that's NOT what he said. Unbelievable.

So it is and your messiah says it again last year

Obama Warns of Planet Beyond Repair: 'Submerged Countries. Abandoned Cities. Fields No Longer Growing'

Obama Warns of Planet Beyond Repair: 'Submerged Countries. Abandoned Cities. Fields No Longer Growing'

Melanie Hunter | September 1, 2015 | 1:05 PM EDT
Why don't you admit that you are just a liar that like to twist words to mean something other than what was said. Yes, our President stated that we are going to face results from the GHGs already in the atmosphere. Beyond repair? Well, beyond repair in our lifetimes. And we need to plan for the changes that are inevitable at this point. But you would just have us all sit on our fat asses like you, and do nothing at all.

Obama Warns of Planet Beyond Repair: 'Submerged Countries. Abandoned Cities. Fields No Longer Growing'

The issue of whether human activity is changing the climate is settled, the president said.

“So let me sum up. We know that human activity is changing the climate. That is beyond dispute. Everything else is politics if people are denying the facts of climate change. We can have a legitimate debate about how we are going to address this problem; we cannot deny the science,” he said.

“We also know the devastating consequences if the current trend lines continue. That is not deniable, and we are going to have to do some adaptation, and we are going to have to help communities be resilient. Because of these trend lines, we are not going to be able to stop on a dime. We’re not going to be able to stop tomorrow,” Obama added.
why don't you admit you have no empirical evidence and stop with the farce?

He can't, he is a hippy, he will use any teeny tiny irrelevant fact to promote his mantra.
Say it ain't so Franco, even your own scientist just said recently we are beyond hope

Global Warming: Beyond the Tipping Point
That's 8 years old, dumbass, and that's NOT what he said. Unbelievable.

So it is and your messiah says it again last year

Obama Warns of Planet Beyond Repair: 'Submerged Countries. Abandoned Cities. Fields No Longer Growing'

Obama Warns of Planet Beyond Repair: 'Submerged Countries. Abandoned Cities. Fields No Longer Growing'

Melanie Hunter | September 1, 2015 | 1:05 PM EDT
Why don't you admit that you are just a liar that like to twist words to mean something other than what was said. Yes, our President stated that we are going to face results from the GHGs already in the atmosphere. Beyond repair? Well, beyond repair in our lifetimes. And we need to plan for the changes that are inevitable at this point. But you would just have us all sit on our fat asses like you, and do nothing at all.

Obama Warns of Planet Beyond Repair: 'Submerged Countries. Abandoned Cities. Fields No Longer Growing'

The issue of whether human activity is changing the climate is settled, the president said.

“So let me sum up. We know that human activity is changing the climate. That is beyond dispute. Everything else is politics if people are denying the facts of climate change. We can have a legitimate debate about how we are going to address this problem; we cannot deny the science,” he said.

“We also know the devastating consequences if the current trend lines continue. That is not deniable, and we are going to have to do some adaptation, and we are going to have to help communities be resilient. Because of these trend lines, we are not going to be able to stop on a dime. We’re not going to be able to stop tomorrow,” Obama added.
why don't you admit you have no empirical evidence and stop with the farce?

He can't, he is a hippy, he will use any teeny tiny irrelevant fact to promote his mantra.
teeny tiny, :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
The New BS GOP- stupidest voters in the modern world. AND brainwashed zombies. Great Job! Only party that denies GW anywhere. Now crashing and burning with the big orange idiot, who will start a propaganda machine of his own after this. Taking money from these morons is just too easy...

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