As Expected, Fox Blames Obama For Ft. Hood

And of course everyone in this circle jerk thread didn't check that what the OP said - is true or not.
SURPRISE!! -- it isnt.

He did not say it was Obama's fault. The anchor quoted a "far right blogger"..and identified it as "a far-right blogger" -- and then read the quote.
At no time did he or anyone else at Fox say "this is Obama's fault".


Is this the new FOXTalk for "Some people are saying.."

Really Sallow? So you are saying only Fox does the ol' "some people are saying" routine?
Is that what you want to claim?
Or is it only a bad thing when Fox does it?

And where do you see either notion in my post?
Not 24 hours later and the radical right propaganda machine are right on top of another tragic event to blame on the president. Disgusting,...

The hosts of the Fox News morning show Fox & Friends on Thursday found a way to make both President Barack Obama and gun control “responsible” for a shooting at Fort Hood, less than 24 hours after it occurred.

Late Thursday afternoon, authorities believe Army Specialist Ivan Lopez killed three people and wounded more than a dozen more before taking his own life in a shooting at the Ft. Hood military installation in Texas.

?Fox & Friends? finds Obama ?responsible? for Ft. Hood shooting within first 24 hours | The Raw Story

As expected, LIBTARDS blame Obabble for absolutely nothing.

Actually you are wrong.

Many liberals are angry that Obama has done absolutely nothing to reign access to guns and actually expanded gun rights.

He's been softer on guns than Ronald Reagan.

Reagan supported an assault weapons ban and the Brady Bill

I guess getting shot changes your perspective

Really? How many rapists were shot last year by their victims.

* As many as 200,000 women use a gun every year to defend themselves against sexual abuse.[4]

[." [23]

Guy, you avoided the question.

Here is the question again.

How many women SHOT their would-be rapists.

Not how many women felt better because they had a gun on them or waived around a gun during an argument in the trailer park about sex.

How many women were about to be raped, pulled out their guns with steely resolve, and shot their rapists between the eyes, as you said earlier.

Give us a number on that, because i'm guessing it probably isn't a very big one.
You seriously don't understand how rapes take place then.

A rapist doesn't generally walk up to a woman and pronounce, "I am going to rape thee"..

It's an ambush attack, generally in a parking lot or garage.

Most women would be keeping the gun in a purse..making it unavailable until the rapist is done and goes through it.


Where do you get the idea most women keep their defensive firearm in their purse? Contrary to what they're taught in CCW class?


An actual rapist being interviewed on "Lockup".

Is that the program MSNBC runs all weekend, depicting future residences of Democratic politicians?
As expected, LIBTARDS blame Obabble for absolutely nothing.

Actually you are wrong.

Many liberals are angry that Obama has done absolutely nothing to reign access to guns and actually expanded gun rights.

He's been softer on guns than Ronald Reagan.

Reagan supported an assault weapons ban and the Brady Bill

I guess getting shot changes your perspective

Actually he was "anti" gun before that.

Mulford Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Really? How many rapists were shot last year by their victims.

* As many as 200,000 women use a gun every year to defend themselves against sexual abuse.[4]

[." [23]

Guy, you avoided the question.

Here is the question again.

How many women SHOT their would-be rapists.

Not how many women felt better because they had a gun on them or waived around a gun during an argument in the trailer park about sex.

How many women were about to be raped, pulled out their guns with steely resolve, and shot their rapists between the eyes, as you said earlier.

Give us a number on that, because i'm guessing it probably isn't a very big one.

And why is that number more important to you than the 200K that defended themselves from sexual assault?

I thought the pubs had the market cornered with the war on women.

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Where do you get the idea most women keep their defensive firearm in their purse? Contrary to what they're taught in CCW class?


An actual rapist being interviewed on "Lockup".

Is that the program MSNBC runs all weekend, depicting future residences of Democratic politicians?

Well no.

They are present residences of future Republican politicians.

Like, you know, Darrell Issa. Car Thief. Fire Bug.

And why is that number more important to you than the 200K that defended themselves from sexual assault?


Because it's a real, verifiable, quantifiable number.

"Up to 200K" is not a verifiable number. it takes a few anecdotes about non-fatal incidents and then extrapolates them for the whole country.

Sally shot bob and the police determined Bob had it coming.

That's a verifiable number.

How often does that happen.

Not, "Sally waived a gun around at Bob when Bob made untoward actions, and then we are going to extrapolate that to the whole country and come up with a number."
More innocent people are being attacked and murdered by criminals than those who are injured or killed from friendly fire.


I'm reasonably sure that's not the case.

However numbers on gun shot wounds are sketchy because the NRA has successfully lobbied to prevent the US government from keeping accurate numbers on those.

We have to rely on less reliable sources.

What is the scope of the survey?

* A child or teen dies or is injured from guns every 30 minutes.

False- Within the sample includes gang bangers and a cap of 20 years olds as a child.


Or maybe even 26, who are considered children under Obamacare.

Really? How many rapists were shot last year by their victims.

* As many as 200,000 women use a gun every year to defend themselves against sexual abuse.[4]

[." [23]

Guy, you avoided the question.

Here is the question again.

How many women SHOT their would-be rapists.

Not how many women felt better because they had a gun on them or waived around a gun during an argument in the trailer park about sex.

How many women were about to be raped, pulled out their guns with steely resolve, and shot their rapists between the eyes, as you said earlier.

Give us a number on that, because i'm guessing it probably isn't a very big one.

Where do you get the idea that they have to shoot them?
Guns are mostly used to deter not to kill.
Yup. Good ol' Obama and his gun "controls" failed once again. Had the poor victims at Ft. Hood been armed and prepared the lunatic shooter would have gone down in infamous history in a short, little heartbeat.

Thanks FOX for your common sense reporting.

Did you know that Israel arms their teachers to protect their school children? That's right!


Israel is an apartheid police state that keeps half the population fenced in because they would murder the shit out of the other half, and about 40% of Israelis would like to immigrate out of the country if anyone would have them.

Not exactly the kind of society I'd want to emulate, not sure why you would.

Fort Hood is a military base. If they can't stop a gunman, who can?

An armed MP confronted him.

The nutters really do live in LaLaLand about this. Every shooting, they say the same thing - that if others had been armed, it would not have happened.

In this case, as we've seen in so many others, there were armed people there and they were not able to stop the rampage.

And its still just plain laughable to read all the Mighty Mouse fantasies.

And of course, there are idiots on the right who would say its Obama's fault.
* As many as 200,000 women use a gun every year to defend themselves against sexual abuse.[4]

[." [23]

Guy, you avoided the question.

Here is the question again.

How many women SHOT their would-be rapists.

Not how many women felt better because they had a gun on them or waived around a gun during an argument in the trailer park about sex.

How many women were about to be raped, pulled out their guns with steely resolve, and shot their rapists between the eyes, as you said earlier.

Give us a number on that, because i'm guessing it probably isn't a very big one.

Where do you get the idea that they have to shoot them?
Guns are mostly used to deter not to kill.

Most sane people know that but Joe here seems to me that he's ether an idiot or he's pro rape

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