As Expected, Fox Blames Obama For Ft. Hood

I have no trouble with a gun in the home.

But self defense is not limited to the home. That's why oppressive concealed carry laws/ constraints are being overturned nation wide.

Trust me, crime will continue to decline with increased sales of guns

The trend continues


And crime was going down well before these laws were being overturned.


Yup. Good ol' Obama and his gun "controls" failed once again. Had the poor victims at Ft. Hood been armed and prepared the lunatic shooter would have gone down in infamous history in a short, little heartbeat.

Thanks FOX for your common sense reporting.

Did you know that Israel arms their teachers to protect their school children? That's right!




Obama's Gun Free Zones are total JOKES:
Gun Free Zones - Parody - YouTube

If you want to use Israel as a model for our gun laws, lets do it

Overview of gun laws by nation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It is forbidden in Israel to own any kind of firearm, including air pistols and rifles, without a firearms license.

The list of below personnel are eligible for licenses allowing them to possess firearms:
Israel Defense Forces officers honorably discharged with the rank of non-commissioned officer
Reservists honorably discharged with the rank of regimental commander
Ex–special forces enlisted men
Retired police officers with the rank of sergeant
Retired prison guards with the rank of squadron commander
Licensed public transportation drivers transporting a minimum of five people
Full-time dealers of jewellery or large sums of cash or valuables
Civil Guard volunteers
Residents of militarily strategic buffer zones considered essential to state security Such personnel are allowed to possess one handgun.
Reservists honorably discharged with the rank of regimental commander are also eligible for licences allowing them to possess one rifle.
Licensed hunters may possess one shotgun
Licensed animal-control officers are allowed to possess two rifles
Civil Guard snipers may possess one rifle.

I generally don't bother with these sorts of arguments because they are cherry picking stuff.

Israel also has mandatory military service for a year.

Pretty sure the nuts don't think that is a good idea.

To the contrary, I support mandatory service. :2up:

I have no trouble with a gun in the home.

But self defense is not limited to the home. That's why oppressive concealed carry laws/ constraints are being overturned nation wide.

Trust me, crime will continue to decline with increased sales of guns

The trend continues


They are being "overturned" because the NRA and the gun Lobby..along with the Kochs have been very successful at dumping money around.

And crime was going down well before these laws were being overturned.

But now we are seeing an uptick in "justifiable" murder.

And quite a few innocent people being killed.

Sallow- I have come to find that you tend to do a good job supporting your position with facts. However, you need to do some homework relative to gun crime, sales, and how they interact.


Pew researchers observed that the huge amount of attention devoted to gun violence incidents in the media has caused most Americans to be unaware that gun crime is “strikingly down” from 20 years ago. In fact, gun-related homicides in the late 2000s were “equal to those not seen since the early 1960s.” Yet their survey found that 56 percent believed gun-related crime is higher, 26 percent believed it stayed about the same, and 6 percent didn’t know. Only 12 percent of those polled thought it was lower.

Is John Lott, the author of “More Guns, Less Crime” right? Does the rapid growth of gun ownership and armed citizens have anything to do with a diminishing gun violence trend? His expansive research concludes that state “shall issue” laws which allow citizens to carry concealed weapons do produce a steady decrease in violent crime. He explains that this is logical because criminals are deterred by the risk of attacking an armed target, so as more citizens arm themselves, danger to the criminals increases.
Disarming Realities: As Gun Sales Soar, Gun Crimes Plummet - Forbes
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But self defense is not limited to the home. That's why oppressive concealed carry laws/ constraints are being overturned nation wide.

Trust me, crime will continue to decline with increased sales of guns

The trend continues


They are being "overturned" because the NRA and the gun Lobby..along with the Kochs have been very successful at dumping money around.

And crime was going down well before these laws were being overturned.

But now we are seeing an uptick in "justifiable" murder.

And quite a few innocent people being killed.

More innocent people are being attacked and murdered by criminals than those who are injured or killed from friendly fire.


I'm reasonably sure that's not the case.

However numbers on gun shot wounds are sketchy because the NRA has successfully lobbied to prevent the US government from keeping accurate numbers on those.

We have to rely on less reliable sources.
Yup. Good ol' Obama and his gun "controls" failed once again. Had the poor victims at Ft. Hood been armed and prepared the lunatic shooter would have gone down in infamous history in a short, little heartbeat.

Thanks FOX for your common sense reporting.

Did you know that Israel arms their teachers to protect their school children? That's right!


Israel is an apartheid police state that keeps half the population fenced in because they would murder the shit out of the other half, and about 40% of Israelis would like to immigrate out of the country if anyone would have them.

Not exactly the kind of society I'd want to emulate, not sure why you would.

Fort Hood is a military base. If they can't stop a gunman, who can?
If you want to use Israel as a model for our gun laws, lets do it

Overview of gun laws by nation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It is forbidden in Israel to own any kind of firearm, including air pistols and rifles, without a firearms license.

The list of below personnel are eligible for licenses allowing them to possess firearms:
Israel Defense Forces officers honorably discharged with the rank of non-commissioned officer
Reservists honorably discharged with the rank of regimental commander
Ex–special forces enlisted men
Retired police officers with the rank of sergeant
Retired prison guards with the rank of squadron commander
Licensed public transportation drivers transporting a minimum of five people
Full-time dealers of jewellery or large sums of cash or valuables
Civil Guard volunteers
Residents of militarily strategic buffer zones considered essential to state security Such personnel are allowed to possess one handgun.
Reservists honorably discharged with the rank of regimental commander are also eligible for licences allowing them to possess one rifle.
Licensed hunters may possess one shotgun
Licensed animal-control officers are allowed to possess two rifles
Civil Guard snipers may possess one rifle.

I generally don't bother with these sorts of arguments because they are cherry picking stuff.

Israel also has mandatory military service for a year.

Pretty sure the nuts don't think that is a good idea.

To the contrary, I support mandatory service. :2up:


Believe it or not, I sort of do too.

If you are not going to college, don't have a job and are 18?

You should serve.

I nearly joined the airforce when I was that age but I was able to get into college through other means.

However, I work with plenty of folks that were once military and it was a joy.

They are motivated, detail oriented and want to complete tasks.
They are being "overturned" because the NRA and the gun Lobby..along with the Kochs have been very successful at dumping money around.

And crime was going down well before these laws were being overturned.

But now we are seeing an uptick in "justifiable" murder.

And quite a few innocent people being killed.

More innocent people are being attacked and murdered by criminals than those who are injured or killed from friendly fire.


I'm reasonably sure that's not the case.

However numbers on gun shot wounds are sketchy because the NRA has successfully lobbied to prevent the US government from keeping accurate numbers on those.

We have to rely on less reliable sources.

What is the scope of the survey?

* A child or teen dies or is injured from guns every 30 minutes.

False- Within the sample includes gang bangers and a cap of 20 years olds as a child.

I generally don't bother with these sorts of arguments because they are cherry picking stuff.

Israel also has mandatory military service for a year.

Pretty sure the nuts don't think that is a good idea.

To the contrary, I support mandatory service. :2up:


Believe it or not, I sort of do too.

If you are not going to college, don't have a job and are 18?

You should serve.

I nearly joined the airforce when I was that age but I was able to get into college through other means.

However, I work with plenty of folks that were once military and it was a joy.

They are motivated, detail oriented and want to complete tasks.

Indeed- I was a SeaBee back in the day which taught me the tools needed to navigate a difficult path I was own. The path I laid was destined for failure

I generally don't bother with these sorts of arguments because they are cherry picking stuff.

Israel also has mandatory military service for a year.

Pretty sure the nuts don't think that is a good idea.

To the contrary, I support mandatory service. :2up:


Believe it or not, I sort of do too.

If you are not going to college, don't have a job and are 18?

You should serve.

I nearly joined the airforce when I was that age but I was able to get into college through other means.

However, I work with plenty of folks that were once military and it was a joy.

They are motivated, detail oriented and want to complete tasks.

When I was in the military I was opposed to conscripted that I'm out and in the "real" world, I'm changing my stance.

Come on dude. There are many women out there who would put a bullet right bertween the eyes of a rapist.

Oh, they steal guns, not buy them


Really? How many rapists were shot last year by their victims.

Give us a number.

How many family members shot themselves with guns that were bought for "protection".

19,500 a year.

How many guns were used to murder family members?

probably a large slice of the 11,000 gun homicides that happen every year.

How many rapists were killed by their would be victims.

Give us a number.

Not 24 hours later and the radical right propaganda machine are right on top of another tragic event to blame on the president. Disgusting,...

The hosts of the Fox News morning show Fox & Friends on Thursday found a way to make both President Barack Obama and gun control “responsible” for a shooting at Fort Hood, less than 24 hours after it occurred.

Late Thursday afternoon, authorities believe Army Specialist Ivan Lopez killed three people and wounded more than a dozen more before taking his own life in a shooting at the Ft. Hood military installation in Texas.

?Fox & Friends? finds Obama ?responsible? for Ft. Hood shooting within first 24 hours | The Raw Story

As expected, LIBTARDS blame Obabble for absolutely nothing.
Not 24 hours later and the radical right propaganda machine are right on top of another tragic event to blame on the president. Disgusting,...

The hosts of the Fox News morning show Fox & Friends on Thursday found a way to make both President Barack Obama and gun control “responsible” for a shooting at Fort Hood, less than 24 hours after it occurred.

Late Thursday afternoon, authorities believe Army Specialist Ivan Lopez killed three people and wounded more than a dozen more before taking his own life in a shooting at the Ft. Hood military installation in Texas.

?Fox & Friends? finds Obama ?responsible? for Ft. Hood shooting within first 24 hours | The Raw Story

FNC and Doocy did NOT place the blame on Obama and gun control, simply quoted Gateway Pundit.

Make the title of your post adhere to reality.
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from rawgarbagestory

all the important information for Obama cult members to wail and cry over

how dare that Fox news....waaaa

Come on dude. There are many women out there who would put a bullet right bertween the eyes of a rapist.

Oh, they steal guns, not buy them


Really? How many rapists were shot last year by their victims.

Give us a number.

How many family members shot themselves with guns that were bought for "protection".

19,500 a year.

How many guns were used to murder family members?

probably a large slice of the 11,000 gun homicides that happen every year.

How many rapists were killed by their would be victims.

Give us a number.


Really? How many rapists were shot last year by their victims.

* As many as 200,000 women use a gun every year to defend themselves against sexual abuse.[4]

How many family members shot themselves with guns that were bought for "protection".

IDK and don't care. Especially if suicides. I'm not responsible for what families do or don't do in their homes.

From the study- 74% of felons polled agreed that "one reason burglars avoid houses when people are at home is that they fear being shot during the crime."[22] * 57% of felons polled agreed that "criminals are more worried about meeting an armed victim than they are about running into the police." [23]
Not 24 hours later and the radical right propaganda machine are right on top of another tragic event to blame on the president. Disgusting,...

The hosts of the Fox News morning show Fox & Friends on Thursday found a way to make both President Barack Obama and gun control “responsible” for a shooting at Fort Hood, less than 24 hours after it occurred.

Late Thursday afternoon, authorities believe Army Specialist Ivan Lopez killed three people and wounded more than a dozen more before taking his own life in a shooting at the Ft. Hood military installation in Texas.

?Fox & Friends? finds Obama ?responsible? for Ft. Hood shooting within first 24 hours | The Raw Story

As expected, LIBTARDS blame Obabble for absolutely nothing.

Actually you are wrong.

Many liberals are angry that Obama has done absolutely nothing to reign access to guns and actually expanded gun rights.

He's been softer on guns than Ronald Reagan.
And of course everyone in this circle jerk thread didn't check that what the OP said - is true or not.
SURPRISE!! -- it isnt.

He did not say it was Obama's fault. The anchor quoted a "far right blogger"..and identified it as "a far-right blogger" -- and then read the quote.
At no time did he or anyone else at Fox say "this is Obama's fault".


Is this the new FOXTalk for "Some people are saying.."

Really Sallow? So you are saying only Fox does the ol' "some people are saying" routine?
Is that what you want to claim?
Or is it only a bad thing when Fox does it?
And of course everyone in this circle jerk thread didn't check that what the OP said - is true or not.
SURPRISE!! -- it isnt.

He did not say it was Obama's fault. The anchor quoted a "far right blogger"..and identified it as "a far-right blogger" -- and then read the quote.
At no time did he or anyone else at Fox say "this is Obama's fault".


Is this the new FOXTalk for "Some people are saying.."

Really Sallow? So you are saying only Fox does the ol' "some people are saying" routine?
Is that what you want to claim?
Or is it only a bad thing when Fox does it?

Man, your avi looks like Chicken & Dumplings

Me hungry :lol:

You do know that many rapists like when women have guns?

Saves them the trouble of having to actually buy one. :doubt:

Come on dude. There are many women out there who would put a bullet right bertween the eyes of a rapist.


You seriously don't understand how rapes take place then.

A rapist doesn't generally walk up to a woman and pronounce, "I am going to rape thee"..

It's an ambush attack, generally in a parking lot or garage.

Most women would be keeping the gun in a purse..making it unavailable until the rapist is done and goes through it.

You make that sound so authoritative it makes one wonder if you speak from experience.

As a victim, of course.

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