As Expected, Fox Blames Obama For Ft. Hood

They are being "overturned" because the NRA and the gun Lobby..along with the Kochs have been very successful at dumping money around.

And crime was going down well before these laws were being overturned.

But now we are seeing an uptick in "justifiable" murder.

And quite a few innocent people being killed.

More innocent people are being attacked and murdered by criminals than those who are injured or killed from friendly fire.


I'm reasonably sure that's not the case.

However numbers on gun shot wounds are sketchy because the NRA has successfully lobbied to prevent the US government from keeping accurate numbers on those.

We have to rely on less reliable sources.

So you want personal health files turned over to the government.

I thought you were in favor of Hippa.
Not to worry, PMSnbc will be blaming booooooooooooooooooooosh for this in a day or so

gotta let the Dear Leader off the hook for anything BAD that happens under his RULE

But remember, he did KILL Bin Laden with hand to hand combat they tell us
More innocent people are being attacked and murdered by criminals than those who are injured or killed from friendly fire.


I'm reasonably sure that's not the case.

However numbers on gun shot wounds are sketchy because the NRA has successfully lobbied to prevent the US government from keeping accurate numbers on those.

We have to rely on less reliable sources.

So you want personal health files turned over to the government.

I thought you were in favor of Hippa.

For gun shots?


We do that in New York.

Every gun shot gets reported to the police.
Not to worry, PMSnbc will be blaming booooooooooooooooooooosh for this in a day or so

gotta let the Dear Leader off the hook for anything BAD that happens under his RULE

But remember, he did KILL Bin Laden with hand to hand combat they tell us

For this?


Bush was in favor of responsible gun laws.
Yup. Good ol' Obama and his gun "controls" failed once again. Had the poor victims at Ft. Hood been armed and prepared the lunatic shooter would have gone down in infamous history in a short, little heartbeat.

Thanks FOX for your common sense reporting.

Did you know that Israel arms their teachers to protect their school children? That's right!


Israel is an apartheid police state that keeps half the population fenced in because they would murder the shit out of the other half, and about 40% of Israelis would like to immigrate out of the country if anyone would have them.

Not exactly the kind of society I'd want to emulate, not sure why you would.

Fort Hood is a military base. If they can't stop a gunman, who can?

An armed MP confronted him.

The nutters really do live in LaLaLand about this. Every shooting, they say the same thing - that if others had been armed, it would not have happened.

In this case, as we've seen in so many others, there were armed people there and they were not able to stop the rampage.

And its still just plain laughable to read all the Mighty Mouse fantasies.

And of course, there are idiots on the right who would say its Obama's fault.

It was President Bill Clinton who ordered military bases to be gun free zones.
Seems like the lefts idiotic ideology is not working having guns locked up on military bases.
What part of law breakers don't follow laws do the left refuse to understand?
Talk about nutters :cuckoo:
I'm reasonably sure that's not the case.

However numbers on gun shot wounds are sketchy because the NRA has successfully lobbied to prevent the US government from keeping accurate numbers on those.

We have to rely on less reliable sources.

So you want personal health files turned over to the government.

I thought you were in favor of Hippa.

For gun shots?


We do that in New York.

Every gun shot gets reported to the police.

Just wanted to get you on the record that our bodies and our healthcare isn't only between us and our doctor.
An armed MP confronted him.

Sure, after he managed to kill and wound how many? How many victims did Hassan rack up before being confronted by a cop?

The nutters really do live in LaLaLand about this. Every shooting, they say the same thing - that if others had been armed, it would not have happened.

Bullshit. No one is saying that. What we're saying is that if people are able to arm themselves, the thugs and crazies can be stopped sooner. Big difference.

In this case, as we've seen in so many others, there were armed people there and they were not able to stop the rampage.

There were armed cops, but the soldiers are thanks for making my point. It took a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun. Now why would you want to delay the time it takes to get that good guy to the scene? Makes no damn sense.

And its still just plain laughable to read all the Mighty Mouse fantasies.

Ah yes, when you can't argue with logic or reason, resort to childish name calling. Works every time...:doubt:

And of course, there are idiots on the right who would say its Obama's fault

It's the crazy fucks fault. Nobody else's. That it took longer than it should have to stop said crazy fuck is the fault of whomever imposed the gun free zone. When it comes to military bases, that started with Clinton, continued with Bush and is maintained by Obama.

How's that working out?
Yup. Good ol' Obama and his gun "controls" failed once again. Had the poor victims at Ft. Hood been armed and prepared the lunatic shooter would have gone down in infamous history in a short, little heartbeat.

Thanks FOX for your common sense reporting.

Did you know that Israel arms their teachers to protect their school children? That's right!


Israel is an apartheid police state that keeps half the population fenced in because they would murder the shit out of the other half, and about 40% of Israelis would like to immigrate out of the country if anyone would have them.

Not exactly the kind of society I'd want to emulate, not sure why you would.

Fort Hood is a military base. If they can't stop a gunman, who can?

An armed MP confronted him.

The nutters really do live in LaLaLand about this. Every shooting, they say the same thing - that if others had been armed, it would not have happened.

In this case, as we've seen in so many others, there were armed people there and they were not able to stop the rampage.

And its still just plain laughable to read all the Mighty Mouse fantasies.

And of course, there are idiots on the right who would say its Obama's fault.

One armed MP - that is the key right there.
Just one or a few does not work.
If the whole base was armed like they used to be, it would not have been as bad, or maybe would not have happened at all.
If you have hundreds of guns pointing at you rather than just one gun, chances are you will be killed or you will lay down your weapon, which ever comes first.

The lefties ideology of gun free, locking them up or banning of sales is not working.
Seems like they would want to try something new and something that works. Not the same thing over and over again for the last 40 or so years.
Yup. Good ol' Obama and his gun "controls" failed once again. Had the poor victims at Ft. Hood been armed and prepared the lunatic shooter would have gone down in infamous history in a short, little heartbeat.

Thanks FOX for your common sense reporting.

Did you know that Israel arms their teachers to protect their school children? That's right!




Obama's Gun Free Zones are total JOKES:
Gun Free Zones - Parody - YouTube

Good point Israel also has free healthcare and education heavily subsidized by the state. I'm totally with you bro!
Here is the story, in my opinion, laws do no prevent all crime they spell out the punishment for violating the law. People then decide if the risk of getting that punishment is worth the risk of breaking the law. Much like speeding. I usually drive 5 to 10 MPH over the posted speed limit but get passed by those who think that is too slow. Both the risk of being caught and the fine is obviously ignored. Now that is not to say there are not law abiding citizens who obey the law to a tee that is just to say having the law does not prevent a behavior. Often I'll see a person going the speed limit changing lanes without signaling or slow and taking a right turn on red without stopping. They merely have chosen the laws they do not feel they need to obey or are worried about getting caught. Both behaviors, in my opinion, are much worse then going over the posted speed limit on a road designed for a much higher speed limit.

Same with people who murder they are really not thinking correctly. Wouldn't matter if you gave them a gun or a knife or poison they are going to kill whomever. On the other hand a gun makes the killing easier. The Fort Hood shooter would not have been able to kill as many without a gun.

But then again we have the principle in this country that the people will be a defense against our government. In other words the people control the country not the government. That the people are free from the government. Now does owning an AR15 make the people freer? Are the people really ready to rise up? I don't think so.

But the genie is already out of the bottle. There are so many guns out their keeping them out of the hands of criminals would seemingly be impossible. Keeping them out of the hands of the insane would seem even harder.

So we either allow more to be armed, which seems in keeping with the COTUS, like it or not. Which I have not seen where those at Fort Hood were prevented from carrying a weapon, conceal or otherwise, I need to read the article.

Or we try and disarm the nation which will only disarm the innocent of society. I am seriously of the opinion that either of the shootings at Fort Hood would have been prevented by more gun laws. I can only assume that on a military base people have access to weapons. But, if someone else would have had a weapon sooner the shooter MAY have been stopped sooner. Don't know.

I myself don't see a need for someone like me to own an AR15. It certainly would give me some peace of mind if someone was breaking into my house but it seems a great risk for such a chance.

My brother who is a raving Obama liberal carries a gun almost everywhere. I ask him why and he just says just in case. His wife asks him the same question. Really have we become that lawless is the risk that great? I did hear about a man just yesterday who was dragged into a alley and shot for no apparent reason. Seems like he was on his daily walk when accosted. Would a gun have helped him?

I know a man who had many guns and bragged that whomever broke in would be in trouble. Well they broke into his house an stole all of his guns. THAT is where I think gun control should be focused. If you want to own a gun they you damn well control that gun. If you own an AR15 and it is stolen and used in a crime then YOU become liable. THAT is real gun control. Some will complain that they have many guns how could they protect them, I say sorry your penis is so short but find some other way to compensate. (last part a little joke)
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Israel is an apartheid police state that keeps half the population fenced in because they would murder the shit out of the other half, and about 40% of Israelis would like to immigrate out of the country if anyone would have them.

Not exactly the kind of society I'd want to emulate, not sure why you would.

Fort Hood is a military base. If they can't stop a gunman, who can?

An armed MP confronted him.

The nutters really do live in LaLaLand about this. Every shooting, they say the same thing - that if others had been armed, it would not have happened.

In this case, as we've seen in so many others, there were armed people there and they were not able to stop the rampage.

And its still just plain laughable to read all the Mighty Mouse fantasies.

And of course, there are idiots on the right who would say its Obama's fault.

One armed MP - that is the key right there.
Just one or a few does not work.
If the whole base was armed like they used to be, it would not have been as bad, or maybe would not have happened at all.
If you have hundreds of guns pointing at you rather than just one gun, chances are you will be killed or you will lay down your weapon, which ever comes first.

The lefties ideology of gun free, locking them up or banning of sales is not working.
Seems like they would want to try something new and something that works. Not the same thing over and over again for the last 40 or so years.

Good point Israel also has free healthcare and education heavily subsidized by the state. I'm totally with you bro!

When I hear things like this I shake my head. It just sounds to me like you forget who funds the state. There is no money in the "state" that the people have not put into the "state." It isn't the "state's" money it is OUR money. And in reality has nothing to do with gun control.
Good point Israel also has free healthcare and education heavily subsidized by the state. I'm totally with you bro!

When I hear things like this I shake my head. It just sounds to me like you forget who funds the state. There is no money in the "state" that the people have not put into the "state." It isn't the "state's" money it is OUR money. And in reality has nothing to do with gun control.

Great point and we should be following Israels lead if we want to be able to compete with the global econ. Orrrr we can continue charging ridiculous rates for college and continue to further lag behind the rest of the world.
That was the orders that came down from the Australian. "Blame everything negative that happens on Obama!" They are just following the script.
A Tyrannical Government fears an armed citizenry, and that's what gun control is all about.

Obama fears a military coup to restore our Constitutional Government and that's why he's purging it.

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