As I reported. Trump says he would pursue criminal indictment against Hillary Clinton over emails

If Hillary didn't commit a crime, maybe you need to go talk to the FBI (since they only do CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS )....

If you're to stupid to find their address and phone number, do you want me to look them up for you????
you fell for the BS your right wing media fed you....the FBI has said this is not a criminal investigation and the've officially said Hillary is not the target of their investigation....
So why is the guy that set up her email has gotten immunity?

Because he recognizes a witch hunt when he sees one
The FBI gave him immunity.
He was given LIMITED IMMUNITY, NOT Immunity....they are different. Limited Immunity gave him the ability to speak, without his words being used against him.... but would not protect him from being prosecuted if they found evidence other than in his testimony, that he committed a crime....he could still be charged.

Immunity, would give him protection against being charged with any crime in this ....

And the FBI did NOT give him this 'limited immunity' as you keep saying....the Justice Department gave him the 'limited immunity' at the bequest of the FBI, so the FBI could finish their security review on Clinton's server.

He began cooperating with the FBI last Fall, so this is when the limited liability must have been given.

Note, that Congress witch hunt critters could have asked the Justice dept to give him limited immunity as well, but the dog and pony showers did not ask for this immunity for him from the Justice Dept,

because it better served their political posturing narrative of making it look bad for Hillary by him pleading the fifth....and helped them MORE in their quest of trying to damage Hillary, than if he testified and gave them nothing to hurt Hillary with..... pretty scummy of the Republicans on the committee...
Gee, are you even familiar with the Fifth Amendment???

It gives you the right to remain silent where you don't INCRIMINATE yourself....
FBI is no longer investigating Hillary

Trump has defrauded thousands with his bogus "university"
He is looking at serious jail time
If Hillary's email contained no top secret emails then why not publish them?

A violation after the fact. No emails marked "Top Secret" were ever mailed to her and any security violation would be on the sender not the receiver


So if I take Secret information, strip off the markings and send it to you, you think that you will go to jail?
You seem to be neglecting two key points...

1) Hillary instructed her underlings to strip the markings and send her the info (proving conspiracy).

Hillary Clinton Ordered Subordinate to Strip Classified Markings and Send Unsecure

2) Hillary SENT classified information over an unsecured system...

Clinton Sent 104 Emails Containing Classified Information
Ovey Obiwan! ;)

Hillary Clinton did not order Jacob Sullivan to send classified information to her via unsecure methods, she specifically stated that if the secure fax was not fixed, then to remove the headings and send it unsecure paperless, which meant to remove the classified part of the Talking Points Memo, and send it to her....WITHOUT the classified parts....she was questioned on this already Obiwan..... And it was never sent unsecure, the fax must have been fixed?

And on the 104 emails that she RESPONDED TO that were SENT TO HER by other government officials, Primarily from seasoned in classified information procedure Diplomats, (she did NOT create them and send them) were classified AFTER the fact, and these Diplomats strenuously disagree with the govt's post mortem classifications and stated what they sent was not classified info.

Clinton, on her private server, wrote 104 emails the government says are classified

But the bulk of the emails that State Department reviewers deemed classified were sent by career officials engaged in the day-to-day business of diplomacy.

Some diplomats point to the volume of classified email as evidence of systemic flaws in deciding what information is sensitive rather than an indictment of Clinton’s actions.

“If experienced diplomats and foreign service officers are doing it, the issue is more how the State Department deals with information in the modern world more than something specific about what Hillary Clinton did,” said Philip H. Gordon, who was assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs and was the author of 45 of the sensitive emails from his non-classified government account.

Which is exactly what Colin Powell has said about it, the govt is over classifying...
Hillary Clinton gains a new unlikely ally in email controversy: Colin Powell
Hillary Clinton gained an apparent ally Thursday in her fight to limit the political damage from her growing email controversy, as former Republican secretary of state Colin L. Powell said he disagreed with a State Department decision to retroactively classify two emails from his personal account while in office.

“I have reviewed the messages, and I do not see what makes them classified,” Powell said of the emails, which were uncovered late last year by the State Department’s inspector general and, he said, brought to his attention by the department in recent weeks.

The emails, initially sent to the State Department by two U.S. ambassadors serving abroad and forwarded to Powell’s account by an aide, were described in notifications sent to Congress in recent days by the State Department and intelligence community inspectors general.

Those notifications also said that 10 emails with retroactively classified information had been found on private accounts of the “immediate staff” of Condoleezza Rice, Powell’s immediate successor in the second term of the George W. Bush administration.

The originators of the messages to Powell did not classify them, he said, and “if the department wishes to say a dozen years later they should have been classified, that is an opinion of the department that I do not share.”
you fell for the BS your right wing media fed you....the FBI has said this is not a criminal investigation and the've officially said Hillary is not the target of their investigation....
So why is the guy that set up her email has gotten immunity?

Because he recognizes a witch hunt when he sees one
The FBI gave him immunity.
He was given LIMITED IMMUNITY, NOT Immunity....they are different. Limited Immunity gave him the ability to speak, without his words being used against him.... but would not protect him from being prosecuted if they found evidence other than in his testimony, that he committed a crime....he could still be charged.

Immunity, would give him protection against being charged with any crime in this ....

And the FBI did NOT give him this 'limited immunity' as you keep saying....the Justice Department gave him the 'limited immunity' at the bequest of the FBI, so the FBI could finish their security review on Clinton's server.

He began cooperating with the FBI last Fall, so this is when the limited liability must have been given.

Note, that Congress witch hunt critters could have asked the Justice dept to give him limited immunity as well, but the dog and pony showers did not ask for this immunity for him from the Justice Dept,

because it better served their political posturing narrative of making it look bad for Hillary by him pleading the fifth....and helped them MORE in their quest of trying to damage Hillary, than if he testified and gave them nothing to hurt Hillary with..... pretty scummy of the Republicans on the committee...
Gee, are you even familiar with the Fifth Amendment???
yes, I am familiar with it.... took a course on it in college as well...

It gives you the right to remain silent where you don't INCRIMINATE yourself....through your own words.
FBI is no longer investigating Hillary

Trump has defrauded thousands with his bogus "university"
He is looking at serious jail time

Can you supply a list of say only 100, if, as you lie by saying thousands were defrauded?...And of course the FBI is still investigating the Hildebeast as MORE e-Mails have been uncovered by State! Damn, the lies just run off your tongue like honey from a hive!
Hillary has committed no crime. She had full permission to use a private server and the precedence of previous Republicans doing the same
Stumpy Fingers conspired to commit fraud. He defrauded thousands out of millions of dollars
President Clinton will not be soft on white collar crime. She will bring the full weight of the federal government down on Trumps criminal enterprise.

At no time did Clinton have permission to transmit classified material through an unsecured channel. That's a crime.
And she didn't

Yes, she did. She also lied about it, under oath.
no she did not send marked classified emails, nor did she lie about it under oath....

WHERE do you get this crapola from????
Can you supply a list of say only 100, if, as you lie by saying thousands were defrauded?...And of course the FBI is still investigating the Hildebeast as MORE e-Mails have been uncovered by State! Damn, the lies just run off your tongue like honey from a hive!
Hillary has committed no crime. She had full permission to use a private server and the precedence of previous Republicans doing the same
Stumpy Fingers conspired to commit fraud. He defrauded thousands out of millions of dollars
President Clinton will not be soft on white collar crime. She will bring the full weight of the federal government down on Trumps criminal enterprise.

At no time did Clinton have permission to transmit classified material through an unsecured channel. That's a crime.
And she didn't

Yes, she did. She also lied about it, under oath.
no she did not send marked classified emails, nor did she lie about it under oath....

WHERE do you get this crapola from????

Emails don't have to be marked to be classified.

She perjured herself by saying there was never any classified material in her email server. The FBI has identified 1,800 classified emails, so far.

She also obstructed justice and destroyed evidence when she deleted thousands of emails...another felony.
Can you supply a list of say only 100, if, as you lie by saying thousands were defrauded?...And of course the FBI is still investigating the Hildebeast as MORE e-Mails have been uncovered by State! Damn, the lies just run off your tongue like honey from a hive!
Hillary has committed no crime. She had full permission to use a private server and the precedence of previous Republicans doing the same
Stumpy Fingers conspired to commit fraud. He defrauded thousands out of millions of dollars
President Clinton will not be soft on white collar crime. She will bring the full weight of the federal government down on Trumps criminal enterprise.

At no time did Clinton have permission to transmit classified material through an unsecured channel. That's a crime.
And she didn't

Yes, she did. She also lied about it, under oath.
no she did not send marked classified emails, nor did she lie about it under oath....

WHERE do you get this crapola from????

your defense of the lying traitorous bitch is admirable, maybe she will let you visit her in prison.
So why is the guy that set up her email has gotten immunity?

Because he recognizes a witch hunt when he sees one
The FBI gave him immunity.
He was given LIMITED IMMUNITY, NOT Immunity....they are different. Limited Immunity gave him the ability to speak, without his words being used against him.... but would not protect him from being prosecuted if they found evidence other than in his testimony, that he committed a crime....he could still be charged.

Immunity, would give him protection against being charged with any crime in this ....

And the FBI did NOT give him this 'limited immunity' as you keep saying....the Justice Department gave him the 'limited immunity' at the bequest of the FBI, so the FBI could finish their security review on Clinton's server.

He began cooperating with the FBI last Fall, so this is when the limited liability must have been given.

Note, that Congress witch hunt critters could have asked the Justice dept to give him limited immunity as well, but the dog and pony showers did not ask for this immunity for him from the Justice Dept,

because it better served their political posturing narrative of making it look bad for Hillary by him pleading the fifth....and helped them MORE in their quest of trying to damage Hillary, than if he testified and gave them nothing to hurt Hillary with..... pretty scummy of the Republicans on the committee...
Gee, are you even familiar with the Fifth Amendment???
yes, I am familiar with it.... took a course on it in college as well...

It gives you the right to remain silent where you don't INCRIMINATE yourself....through your own words.
So what's he afraid of, since they don't lock people up for following the law????

See, you only go to jail if you're involved in criminal acts...

You should have learned that unless the Three Stooges were teaching that class....
Trumps crimes are catching up with him

He actually stole money......Hillary just had a private server

Trump will see some time
Post where the FBI is investigating Trump, then...

The last I heard, we are only talking about a lawsuit that most of the plaintiffs have already withdrawn from.....

Oh, that's right.... You can't post that link I'm asking for, because you're lying, as usual!!!!
FBI is no longer investigating Hillary

Trump has defrauded thousands with his bogus "university"
He is looking at serious jail time

Can you supply a list of say only 100, if, as you lie by saying thousands were defrauded?...And of course the FBI is still investigating the Hildebeast as MORE e-Mails have been uncovered by State! Damn, the lies just run off your tongue like honey from a hive!
Hillary has committed no crime. She had full permission to use a private server and the precedence of previous Republicans doing the same
Stumpy Fingers conspired to commit fraud. He defrauded thousands out of millions of dollars
President Clinton will not be soft on white collar crime. She will bring the full weight of the federal government down on Trumps criminal enterprise.
If Hillary didn't commit a crime, maybe you need to go talk to the FBI (since they only do CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS )....

If you're to stupid to find their address and phone number, do you want me to look them up for you????

The FBI is also investigating the Clinton Foundation

"Clinton Foundation received subpoena from State Department investigators"
Clinton Foundation received subpoena from State Department investigators
Hillary has committed no crime. She had full permission to use a private server and the precedence of previous Republicans doing the same
Stumpy Fingers conspired to commit fraud. He defrauded thousands out of millions of dollars
President Clinton will not be soft on white collar crime. She will bring the full weight of the federal government down on Trumps criminal enterprise.

At no time did Clinton have permission to transmit classified material through an unsecured channel. That's a crime.
And she didn't

Yes, she did. She also lied about it, under oath.
no she did not send marked classified emails, nor did she lie about it under oath....

WHERE do you get this crapola from????

Emails don't have to be marked to be classified.

She perjured herself by saying there was never any classified material in her email server. The FBI has identified 1,800 classified emails, so far.

She also obstructed justice and destroyed evidence when she deleted thousands of emails...another felony.

You have no idea what perjury is do you?
Can you supply a list of say only 100, if, as you lie by saying thousands were defrauded?...And of course the FBI is still investigating the Hildebeast as MORE e-Mails have been uncovered by State! Damn, the lies just run off your tongue like honey from a hive!
Hillary has committed no crime. She had full permission to use a private server and the precedence of previous Republicans doing the same
Stumpy Fingers conspired to commit fraud. He defrauded thousands out of millions of dollars
President Clinton will not be soft on white collar crime. She will bring the full weight of the federal government down on Trumps criminal enterprise.

At no time did Clinton have permission to transmit classified material through an unsecured channel. That's a crime.
And she didn't

Yes, she did. She also lied about it, under oath.
no she did not send marked classified emails, nor did she lie about it under oath....

WHERE do you get this crapola from????
They get it from other conservatives, who continue to propagate the same ridiculous lies.
At no time did Clinton have permission to transmit classified material through an unsecured channel. That's a crime.
And she didn't

Yes, she did. She also lied about it, under oath.
no she did not send marked classified emails, nor did she lie about it under oath....

WHERE do you get this crapola from????

Emails don't have to be marked to be classified.

She perjured herself by saying there was never any classified material in her email server. The FBI has identified 1,800 classified emails, so far.

She also obstructed justice and destroyed evidence when she deleted thousands of emails...another felony.

You have no idea what perjury is do you?
Most on the right have no idea what the truth is.
At no time did Clinton have permission to transmit classified material through an unsecured channel. That's a crime.
And she didn't

Yes, she did. She also lied about it, under oath.
no she did not send marked classified emails, nor did she lie about it under oath....

WHERE do you get this crapola from????

Emails don't have to be marked to be classified.

She perjured herself by saying there was never any classified material in her email server. The FBI has identified 1,800 classified emails, so far.

She also obstructed justice and destroyed evidence when she deleted thousands of emails...another felony.

You have no idea what perjury is do you?
Let's venture a guess, shall we???

Maybe it has something to do with this....

Reports: Hillary did NOT turn over all work-related emails
And she didn't

Yes, she did. She also lied about it, under oath.
no she did not send marked classified emails, nor did she lie about it under oath....

WHERE do you get this crapola from????

Emails don't have to be marked to be classified.

She perjured herself by saying there was never any classified material in her email server. The FBI has identified 1,800 classified emails, so far.

She also obstructed justice and destroyed evidence when she deleted thousands of emails...another felony.

You have no idea what perjury is do you?
Let's venture a guess, shall we???

Maybe it has something to do with this....

Reports: Hillary did NOT turn over all work-related emails

Total bullshit

Whatever she turned over was not going to satisfy the right....That's the way witch hunts are
Yes, she did. She also lied about it, under oath.
no she did not send marked classified emails, nor did she lie about it under oath....

WHERE do you get this crapola from????

Emails don't have to be marked to be classified.

She perjured herself by saying there was never any classified material in her email server. The FBI has identified 1,800 classified emails, so far.

She also obstructed justice and destroyed evidence when she deleted thousands of emails...another felony.

You have no idea what perjury is do you?
Let's venture a guess, shall we???

Maybe it has something to do with this....

Reports: Hillary did NOT turn over all work-related emails

Total bullshit

Whatever she turned over was not going to satisfy the right....That's the way witch hunts are
How about this scenario...

What if she had just turned over all of those work-related emails, after signing a statement (under penalty of perjury) that she had done so...

Instead, she deleted them.

But they are STILL continuing to turn up, aren't they????
no she did not send marked classified emails, nor did she lie about it under oath....

WHERE do you get this crapola from????

Emails don't have to be marked to be classified.

She perjured herself by saying there was never any classified material in her email server. The FBI has identified 1,800 classified emails, so far.

She also obstructed justice and destroyed evidence when she deleted thousands of emails...another felony.

You have no idea what perjury is do you?
Let's venture a guess, shall we???

Maybe it has something to do with this....

Reports: Hillary did NOT turn over all work-related emails

Total bullshit

Whatever she turned over was not going to satisfy the right....That's the way witch hunts are
How about this scenario...

What if she had just turned over all of those work-related emails, after signing a statement (under penalty of perjury) that she had done so...

Instead, she deleted them.

But they are STILL continuing to turn up, aren't they????

She worked within the scope of the law in deleting personal emails

Of course win a real witch hunt, any personal correspondence deleted must have been the Benghazi invasion plans
And she didn't

Yes, she did. She also lied about it, under oath.
no she did not send marked classified emails, nor did she lie about it under oath....

WHERE do you get this crapola from????

Emails don't have to be marked to be classified.

She perjured herself by saying there was never any classified material in her email server. The FBI has identified 1,800 classified emails, so far.

She also obstructed justice and destroyed evidence when she deleted thousands of emails...another felony.

You have no idea what perjury is do you?
Let's venture a guess, shall we???

Maybe it has something to do with this....

Reports: Hillary did NOT turn over all work-related emails
obiwan, Clinton's sworn testimony, saying she turned over all of her govt emails sent or received on was 100% accurate.

The right wing, LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH media rags are for those who can be easily fooled due to mere laziness....and blind trust in them to actually tell you the truth....
trust me, you can not ever believe a single word these rags tell you.... you have to research what they say...

Your article States that a train of emails with Petraeus and Clinton that began right BEFORE Clinton took the position of Secretary of State,

were emails sent to her Senator Clinton email address and not, which is what her affidavit was for, and what she swore about giving all her emails from...

The first 3 months Clinton was SOS, she used her email address before she got her set up.
Emails don't have to be marked to be classified.

She perjured herself by saying there was never any classified material in her email server. The FBI has identified 1,800 classified emails, so far.

She also obstructed justice and destroyed evidence when she deleted thousands of emails...another felony.

You have no idea what perjury is do you?
Let's venture a guess, shall we???

Maybe it has something to do with this....

Reports: Hillary did NOT turn over all work-related emails

Total bullshit

Whatever she turned over was not going to satisfy the right....That's the way witch hunts are
How about this scenario...

What if she had just turned over all of those work-related emails, after signing a statement (under penalty of perjury) that she had done so...

Instead, she deleted them.

But they are STILL continuing to turn up, aren't they????

She worked within the scope of the law in deleting personal emails

Of course win a real witch hunt, any personal correspondence deleted must have been the Benghazi invasion plans

Even NBC admits that some of those "personal" emails were WORK RELATED.

More Work-Related Emails Found From Clinton's Private Account

And damn, she lied about it when she signed that affidavit under penalty of perjury when she left the State Department, didn't she???

Do YOU know what perjury is, Dumbass???

(Hint: It's a FELONY, and can carry a penalty of five years in a Federal prison )
Yes, she did. She also lied about it, under oath.
no she did not send marked classified emails, nor did she lie about it under oath....

WHERE do you get this crapola from????

Emails don't have to be marked to be classified.

She perjured herself by saying there was never any classified material in her email server. The FBI has identified 1,800 classified emails, so far.

She also obstructed justice and destroyed evidence when she deleted thousands of emails...another felony.

You have no idea what perjury is do you?
Let's venture a guess, shall we???

Maybe it has something to do with this....

Reports: Hillary did NOT turn over all work-related emails
obiwan, Clinton's sworn testimony, saying she turned over all of her govt emails sent or received on was 100% accurate.

The right wing, LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH media rags are for those who can be easily fooled due to mere laziness....and blind trust in them to actually tell you the truth....
trust me, you can not ever believe a single word these rags tell you.... you have to research what they say...

Your article States that a train of emails with Petraeus and Clinton that began right BEFORE Clinton took the position of Secretary of State,

were emails sent to her Senator Clinton email address and not, which is what her affidavit was for, and what she swore about giving all her emails from...

The first 3 months Clinton was SOS, she used her email address before she got her set up.
Hillary signed an affidavit with the State Department under penalty of perjury stating that she had turned over ALL work-related emails...

That statement DID NOT limit the emails to any one account...

Thank you for your concession that Hillary committed a FELONY....
You have no idea what perjury is do you?
Let's venture a guess, shall we???

Maybe it has something to do with this....

Reports: Hillary did NOT turn over all work-related emails

Total bullshit

Whatever she turned over was not going to satisfy the right....That's the way witch hunts are
How about this scenario...

What if she had just turned over all of those work-related emails, after signing a statement (under penalty of perjury) that she had done so...

Instead, she deleted them.

But they are STILL continuing to turn up, aren't they????

She worked within the scope of the law in deleting personal emails

Of course win a real witch hunt, any personal correspondence deleted must have been the Benghazi invasion plans

Even NBC admits that some of those "personal" emails were WORK RELATED.

More Work-Related Emails Found From Clinton's Private Account

And damn, she lied about it when she signed that affidavit under penalty of perjury when she left the State Department, didn't she???

Do YOU know what perjury is, Dumbass???

(Hint: It's a FELONY, and can carry a penalty of five years in a Federal prison )

Good God...Republicans and what they call perjury

I hear they even impeach over blowjobs

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