As I reported. Trump says he would pursue criminal indictment against Hillary Clinton over emails

Will 150 FBI agents and at least 17 judges be investigating the Trumpster like are investigating Hitlary right now?

Trumps crimes are catching up with him

He actually stole money......Hillary just had a private server

Trump will see some time
Post where the FBI is investigating Trump, then...

The last I heard, we are only talking about a lawsuit that most of the plaintiffs have already withdrawn from.....

Oh, that's right.... You can't post that link I'm asking for, because you're lying, as usual!!!!
FBI is no longer investigating Hillary

Trump has defrauded thousands with his bogus "university"
He is looking at serious jail time
If Hillary's email contained no top secret emails then why not publish them?

A violation after the fact. No emails marked "Top Secret" were ever mailed to her and any security violation would be on the sender not the receiver
Then why not publish them?
Can you supply a list of say only 100, if, as you lie by saying thousands were defrauded?...And of course the FBI is still investigating the Hildebeast as MORE e-Mails have been uncovered by State! Damn, the lies just run off your tongue like honey from a hive!
Hillary has committed no crime. She had full permission to use a private server and the precedence of previous Republicans doing the same
Stumpy Fingers conspired to commit fraud. He defrauded thousands out of millions of dollars
President Clinton will not be soft on white collar crime. She will bring the full weight of the federal government down on Trumps criminal enterprise.
If Hillary didn't commit a crime, maybe you need to go talk to the FBI (since they only do CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS )....

If you're to stupid to find their address and phone number, do you want me to look them up for you????
you fell for the BS your right wing media fed you....the FBI has said this is not a criminal investigation and the've officially said Hillary is not the target of their investigation....
So why is the guy that set up her email has gotten immunity?

Because he recognizes a witch hunt when he sees one
The FBI gave him immunity.
Hillary has committed no crime. She had full permission to use a private server and the precedence of previous Republicans doing the same
Stumpy Fingers conspired to commit fraud. He defrauded thousands out of millions of dollars
President Clinton will not be soft on white collar crime. She will bring the full weight of the federal government down on Trumps criminal enterprise.
If Hillary didn't commit a crime, maybe you need to go talk to the FBI (since they only do CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS )....

If you're to stupid to find their address and phone number, do you want me to look them up for you????
you fell for the BS your right wing media fed you....the FBI has said this is not a criminal investigation and the've officially said Hillary is not the target of their investigation....
So why is the guy that set up her email has gotten immunity?

Because he recognizes a witch hunt when he sees one
The FBI gave him immunity.


The guy sees an obvious witch hunt and demands immunity if he wants to participate

It is usually the little guy who takes the fall in these things. Gotta arrest SOMEONE to justify the time you wasted
Trump will see prison first on his Trump University scam

He can share a cell with Bernie Maddoff


Neither he nor Hillary are going to prison

Trump will do serious time. Bernie Maddoff will soon have a bunk mate. I hear Trump makes a good bottom with his dainty hands
Then post the link showing where Trump is the subject of a criminal investigation, like Hillary is....

Don't have one????

View attachment 66577
Hillary is not up for criminal investigation. The FBI is no longer investigating her and is investigating on whether information had been breached

Once Presisdent Clinton takes over, her justice Department will turn the heat on Trump Enterprises and their bogus university scam. There is little chance that Stumpy Fingers will not do time
Got a link where the FBI says they finished investigating her, Dumbass???

Or are you just making up more lies as you go along, like you always do????

(And BTW, the matter of Trump only involves a LAWSUIT .... The worst that could happen is a monetary judgement against him, and since debtor's prison is illegal, he can't be locked up even if he loses and refuses to pay, unless some imbecile is prepared to serve a prison sentence for violating HIS civil rights).
Stumpy Fingers will see the full brunt of the law once Hillary is elected

Fraud bilking millions from innocent students is a crime. Stumpy Fingers can dance all he wants but will face incarceration
Before Hillary is indicted she should have to compensate the Treasury for the 150 FBI agents she has tied up with her National Security crimes. Then comes the trial for the loss of life she caused in Benghazi by ignoring the pleas for adequate protection and the lives and security she has jeopardized. All of that because of her obsession for control and belief that she is above the law. Comparing what she has done to Trump University is so asinine it does not merit a response.

I'm wondering who should have to pay for the 9,000 people killed by guns every year, and how many people end up being caught up in those crimes? Wow, this could be the slippery slope you've always been afraid of.

the people who commit the crimes should pay. That's the way it works. Would you hold GM liable if a drunk driving a Chevy pickup kills someone in a wreck?
you anti-gun nuts are mentally defective.
Stumpy Fingers will see the full brunt of the law once Hillary is elected

Fraud bilking millions from innocent students is a crime. Stumpy Fingers can dance all he wants but will face incarceration

Will 150 FBI agents and at least 17 judges be investigating the Trumpster like are investigating Hitlary right now?

Trumps crimes are catching up with him

He actually stole money......Hillary just had a private server

Trump will see some time
Post where the FBI is investigating Trump, then...

The last I heard, we are only talking about a lawsuit that most of the plaintiffs have already withdrawn from.....

Oh, that's right.... You can't post that link I'm asking for, because you're lying, as usual!!!!
FBI is no longer investigating Hillary

Trump has defrauded thousands with his bogus "university"
He is looking at serious jail time
If Hillary's email contained no top secret emails then why not publish them?

A violation after the fact. No emails marked "Top Secret" were ever mailed to her and any security violation would be on the sender not the receiver

Stumpy Fingers will see the full brunt of the law once Hillary is elected

Fraud bilking millions from innocent students is a crime. Stumpy Fingers can dance all he wants but will face incarceration
Stumpy Fingers will see the full brunt of the law once Hillary is elected

Fraud bilking millions from innocent students is a crime. Stumpy Fingers can dance all he wants but will face incarceration


Stumpy Fingers intentionally set up a bogus "university" which fraudulently claimed Stumpy was personally involved in its contents based on his experience. It was a lie and constitutes fraud under criminal statutes
Trumps crimes are catching up with him

He actually stole money......Hillary just had a private server

Trump will see some time
Post where the FBI is investigating Trump, then...

The last I heard, we are only talking about a lawsuit that most of the plaintiffs have already withdrawn from.....

Oh, that's right.... You can't post that link I'm asking for, because you're lying, as usual!!!!
FBI is no longer investigating Hillary

Trump has defrauded thousands with his bogus "university"
He is looking at serious jail time
If Hillary's email contained no top secret emails then why not publish them?

A violation after the fact. No emails marked "Top Secret" were ever mailed to her and any security violation would be on the sender not the receiver


So if I take Secret information, strip off the markings and send it to you, you think that you will go to jail?
Post where the FBI is investigating Trump, then...

The last I heard, we are only talking about a lawsuit that most of the plaintiffs have already withdrawn from.....

Oh, that's right.... You can't post that link I'm asking for, because you're lying, as usual!!!!
FBI is no longer investigating Hillary

Trump has defrauded thousands with his bogus "university"
He is looking at serious jail time
If Hillary's email contained no top secret emails then why not publish them?

A violation after the fact. No emails marked "Top Secret" were ever mailed to her and any security violation would be on the sender not the receiver


So if I take Secret information, strip off the markings and send it to you, you think that you will go to jail?
If the emails weren't top secret, why don't the let us read them? If there is no indictment we should be able to see them.
Hillary Clinton has done nothing warranting jail time

Stumpy Fingers has
Post where the FBI is investigating Trump, then...

The last I heard, we are only talking about a lawsuit that most of the plaintiffs have already withdrawn from.....

Oh, that's right.... You can't post that link I'm asking for, because you're lying, as usual!!!!
FBI is no longer investigating Hillary

Trump has defrauded thousands with his bogus "university"
He is looking at serious jail time
If Hillary's email contained no top secret emails then why not publish them?

A violation after the fact. No emails marked "Top Secret" were ever mailed to her and any security violation would be on the sender not the receiver


So if I take Secret information, strip off the markings and send it to you, you think that you will go to jail?
You seem to be neglecting two key points...

1) Hillary instructed her underlings to strip the markings and send her the info (proving conspiracy).

Hillary Clinton Ordered Subordinate to Strip Classified Markings and Send Unsecure

2) Hillary SENT classified information over an unsecured system...

Clinton Sent 104 Emails Containing Classified Information
Before Hillary is indicted she should have to compensate the Treasury for the 150 FBI agents she has tied up with her National Security crimes. Then comes the trial for the loss of life she caused in Benghazi by ignoring the pleas for adequate protection and the lives and security she has jeopardized. All of that because of her obsession for control and belief that she is above the law. Comparing what she has done to Trump University is so asinine it does not merit a response.

I'm wondering who should have to pay for the 9,000 people killed by guns every year, and how many people end up being caught up in those crimes? Wow, this could be the slippery slope you've always been afraid of.

the people who commit the crimes should pay. That's the way it works. Would you hold GM liable if a drunk driving a Chevy pickup kills someone in a wreck?
you anti-gun nuts are mentally defective.

You're talking about two things.

One is being responsible for your own actions. The other is about things that happen again and again and again and again.

There's a reason why there are speed limits on almost all public roads IN THE WORLD. Even the German Autobahn has limits of speed to a degree.

But it's funny. You say this, then all I need to do is mention Muslims, and all of a sudden we're at the point where ALL MUSLIMS must suffer for a few. Right?
Hillary has committed no crime. She had full permission to use a private server and the precedence of previous Republicans doing the same
Stumpy Fingers conspired to commit fraud. He defrauded thousands out of millions of dollars
President Clinton will not be soft on white collar crime. She will bring the full weight of the federal government down on Trumps criminal enterprise.
If Hillary didn't commit a crime, maybe you need to go talk to the FBI (since they only do CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS )....

If you're to stupid to find their address and phone number, do you want me to look them up for you????
you fell for the BS your right wing media fed you....the FBI has said this is not a criminal investigation and the've officially said Hillary is not the target of their investigation....
So why is the guy that set up her email has gotten immunity?

Because he recognizes a witch hunt when he sees one
The FBI gave him immunity.
He was given LIMITED IMMUNITY, NOT Immunity....they are different. Limited Immunity gave him the ability to speak, without his words being used against him.... but would not protect him from being prosecuted if they found evidence other than in his testimony, that he committed a crime....he could still be charged.

Immunity, would give him protection against being charged with any crime in this ....

And the FBI did NOT give him this 'limited immunity' as you keep saying....the Justice Department gave him the 'limited immunity' at the bequest of the FBI, so the FBI could finish their security review on Clinton's server.

He began cooperating with the FBI last Fall, so this is when the limited liability must have been given.

Note, that Congress witch hunt critters could have asked the Justice dept to give him limited immunity as well, but the dog and pony showers did not ask for this immunity for him from the Justice Dept,

because it better served their political posturing narrative of making it look bad for Hillary by him pleading the fifth....and helped them MORE in their quest of trying to damage Hillary, than if he testified and gave them nothing to hurt Hillary with..... pretty scummy of the Republicans on the committee...
Post where the FBI is investigating Trump, then...

The last I heard, we are only talking about a lawsuit that most of the plaintiffs have already withdrawn from.....

Oh, that's right.... You can't post that link I'm asking for, because you're lying, as usual!!!!
FBI is no longer investigating Hillary

Trump has defrauded thousands with his bogus "university"
He is looking at serious jail time

Can you supply a list of say only 100, if, as you lie by saying thousands were defrauded?...And of course the FBI is still investigating the Hildebeast as MORE e-Mails have been uncovered by State! Damn, the lies just run off your tongue like honey from a hive!
Hillary has committed no crime. She had full permission to use a private server and the precedence of previous Republicans doing the same
Stumpy Fingers conspired to commit fraud. He defrauded thousands out of millions of dollars
President Clinton will not be soft on white collar crime. She will bring the full weight of the federal government down on Trumps criminal enterprise.

At no time did Clinton have permission to transmit classified material through an unsecured channel. That's a crime.
And she didn't

Yes, she did. She also lied about it, under oath.

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