As if this isn't enough


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Cheney claims Trump made purposeful choice to violate oath of office

I realize trump devotees get triggered by the mere mention of Liz Cheney's name. After all, she has courageously and unapologetically spoken the truth about trump since he launched his plot to remain in power. A plot that immediately makes him disqualified as a candidate for any elected office. And if that isn't enough................

After almost 4 years of perpetrating the Big Lie the big liar finally has admitted he lost the 2020 election. A denial of truth causing tremendous turmoil for the country that so completely duped his followers they sent him millions of dollars for his legal defense. A man with integrity would apologize to the nation and withdraw from the election.
Trump acknowledges losing the 2020 election 'by a whisker'

Then there's the disgraceful disrespect of fallen soldiers he used as a backdrop for a political ad despite there being a federal law prohibiting it. Now he's pretending the incident never happened.
Despite evidence, Trump calls Arlington Cemetery incident a 'made up story'

Then there's his gross incompetence and ignorance on the issues.

Trump Drops Two-Minute Word Salad When Asked How He Would Make Childcare More Affordable

Then there's the shameless promise he'll repeat acts of overt corruption. Brought to our attention recently when a drug smuggler with connections to the Kushner family who's sentence trump commuted was arrested for violently attacking his ex-wife and her father. The commutation taking place while the DoJ was investigating Braun for previous acts of violence.

Trump abused the pardon power and promises to do so again

And now this. A twist on the actions taken by Russia in support of Don's 2016 campaign. The kind of thing trump welcomed even though it was being orchestrated by a foreign enemy.

DOJ announces new crackdown on Russian disinformation in 2024 election

The thing is, these kinds of stories come so fast and furiously one hardly has any time to process them. Individually, they represent an act of treason, unspeakable deceit, a lack of basic decency, blatant incompetence, corruption, and a refusal to condemn electoral help from a war criminal. Five of the stories having come out over the last 2 weeks. Five stories that do not give The Following a moment's pause about whether to vote for an incompetent, duplicitous, traitor. Why?

Cuz the more examples presented to them about their colossal lack of judgement in supporting trump the more they give us, and the country, a big middle finger.
As you can already see from the few knuckledraggers that have responded OP, it's a cult and they're not moving.

They've chosen to drink the Kool-Aid, they're going to die for their leader. (e.g. the Babbit lemming)

We sensible Americans have to TAKE the power from him.

This will happen come November.

Don't worry.
Nobody cared about what loser Liz Cheney said yesterday and I doubt if they will today.

:lame2: post is :lame2:.

Cheney isn't a "loser". Trump is the biggest LOSER in world history. He got into office by using the rules against the people. He didn't win the popular vote vote in the primaries in 2016, or the popular vote in the election, but he ran the table in the EC and became President.

He lost the House in the 2018 MidTerms, and the White House and the Senate in 2020. Trump has never really WON any election.

He caused 7 bankruptcies, and has lost more money than anyone in the history of world. But he lies to you and you lap it up with a fork and spoon and say "please sir can I have some more".
Cheney isn't a "loser". Trump is the biggest LOSER in world history. He got into office by using the rules against the people. He didn't win the popular vote vote in the primaries in 2016, or the popular vote in the election, but he ran the table in the EC and became President.

He lost the House in the 2018 MidTerms, and the White House and the Senate in 2020. Trump hasn never really WON any election.

He caused 7 bankruptcies, and has lost more money than anyone in the history of world. But he lies to you and you lap it up with a fork and spoon and say "please sir can I have some more".
Hoser says what?
As you can already see from the few knuckledraggers that have responded OP, it's a cult and they're not moving.

They've chosen to drink the Kool-Aid, they're going to die for their leader. (e.g. the Babbit lemming)

We sensible Americans have to TAKE the power from him.

This will happen come November.

Don't worry.
And keep killing each other. Destroy the neighborhoods as you love to do. Use the inner-city citizens and those with agendas as your brownshirts. Eventually they will be silenced or liquidated when the Progressives take full control. Trump is talking sense and has people from all sides of the political spectrum except the loonies in charge of the Progressive Party and any sell out fraud Republicans.
Good examples of the many non-stories published about Trump every day.

And there you have it. Any one story would be showing on Faux in a 24/7 continuous loop for weeks if Harris did it. But with trump, for The Following, all is forgiven since their love for him is unconditional.

After all, it isn't like he wore a tan suit.

Obama marks 10 years since tan suit furor with tweet praising Harris​

Cheney isn't a "loser". Trump is the biggest LOSER in world history. He got into office by using the rules against the people. He didn't win the popular vote vote in the primaries in 2016, or the popular vote in the election, but he ran the table in the EC and became President.
In 2020 he became the only presidential candidate in US history to lose the popular vote in consecutive elections. 2024 may be 3 in a row.
Gosh, trump's acolytes just hate threads like this. If there is one thing they can't stand it's being hit in the face with a cold dose of reality.
Cheney claims Trump made purposeful choice to violate oath of office

I realize trump devotees get triggered by the mere mention of Liz Cheney's name. After all, she has courageously and unapologetically spoken the truth about trump since he launched his plot to remain in power. A plot that immediately makes him disqualified as a candidate for any elected office. And if that isn't enough................

After almost 4 years of perpetrating the Big Lie the big liar finally has admitted he lost the 2020 election. A denial of truth causing tremendous turmoil for the country that so completely duped his followers they sent him millions of dollars for his legal defense. A man with integrity would apologize to the nation and withdraw from the election.
Trump acknowledges losing the 2020 election 'by a whisker'

Then there's the disgraceful disrespect of fallen soldiers he used as a backdrop for a political ad despite there being a federal law prohibiting it. Now he's pretending the incident never happened.
Despite evidence, Trump calls Arlington Cemetery incident a 'made up story'

Then there's his gross incompetence and ignorance on the issues.

Trump Drops Two-Minute Word Salad When Asked How He Would Make Childcare More Affordable

Then there's the shameless promise he'll repeat acts of overt corruption. Brought to our attention recently when a drug smuggler with connections to the Kushner family who's sentence trump commuted was arrested for violently attacking his ex-wife and her father. The commutation taking place while the DoJ was investigating Braun for previous acts of violence.

Trump abused the pardon power and promises to do so again

And now this. A twist on the actions taken by Russia in support of Don's 2016 campaign. The kind of thing trump welcomed even though it was being orchestrated by a foreign enemy.

DOJ announces new crackdown on Russian disinformation in 2024 election

The thing is, these kinds of stories come so fast and furiously one hardly has any time to process them. Individually, they represent an act of treason, unspeakable deceit, a lack of basic decency, blatant incompetence, corruption, and a refusal to condemn electoral help from a war criminal. Five of the stories having come out over the last 2 weeks. Five stories that do not give The Following a moment's pause about whether to vote for an incompetent, duplicitous, traitor. Why?

Cuz the more examples presented to them about their colossal lack of judgement in supporting trump the more they give us, and the country, a big middle finger.

That's why the Jan 6th committee destroyed a bunch of evidence after the 2022 elections.
That's why the Jan 6th committee destroyed a bunch of evidence after the 2022 elections.
It's so handy for you guys to allow yourselves to dismiss things like trump's babbling idiocy in failing to answer a question about paying for child care by invoking a debunked lie about the Jan. 6 committee's work.
In 2020 he became the only presidential candidate in US history to lose the popular vote in consecutive elections. 2024 may be 3 in a row.

But now that Trump has a record to run on, and is clearly losing what is left of his mind, this is getting ugly, and it's going to get worse. Where Joe had people who cared about him to gell him "You can't do this any more", and he has both the wisdom and the love of country, to step aside, Trump has no one, and he wouldn't listen to them anyway.

It's really telling that Trump has no family members or staffers from his first Administration supporting his campaign. No past Republican leaders coming forward to support him. Trump is out there on his own. Vance is a bigger liability than an asset.

Harris has family, friends, co-workers, and thousands of cheering supporters everywhere she goes. Instead of talking about "retribution" against her enemies, she's talking about putting Republicans in her cabinet. Instead of demonizing Republicans, she saying all are welcome to build an "opportunity economy".

Positive messages looking forward into the future. Jack Layton was absolutely right. Hope is better than fear.
As you can already see from the few knuckledraggers that have responded OP, it's a cult and they're not moving.

They've chosen to drink the Kool-Aid, they're going to die for their leader. (e.g. the Babbit lemming)

We sensible Americans have to TAKE the power from him.

This will happen come November.

Don't worry.

Yes! Because sensible Americans believe men can have babies.

I'm reading all of this guy's X posts and he's really, really pro-Russian. Is he one of the American "influencers" who are being paid by Putin and his thugs to underrmine American democracy, or is he just another rabid right wing "useful idiot"?

When your politics and your beliefs align with the those of the man who's publically stated life's goal is the destruction of western democracy, you might want to reconsider who you're listening to.

That's why the Jan 6th committee destroyed a bunch of evidence after the 2022 elections

Still parroting that "Pants on Fire" lie, Polly? The Committee handed all of its evidence over to Jack Smith, and all of it has been given to Trump as part of Discovery.

You want some wine with those crackers, Polly????

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