As more comes out about Bergdahl, Republicans will have lots to answer for

Releasing terrorists from gitmo has been going on for YEARS, YEArs before Obama

You scummers only care now because your entire existence is devoted to "I HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE OBAMA GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!"

Save the fucking sanctimony. You don't know the classified plan for these 5 dirtballs. RRRRRRRlax, people far beyond your years in intelligence make these decisions.

Which prisoner was released that was as high value as any of these five?

Saying that Obama is years beyond any one's intelligence is hilarious.

Where do you want to start? Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul aka Mullah Zakir is currently a high ranking Taliban leader in Afghanistan. He was released during the Bush administration.

Said Ali al Shiri was released in 2007 and helped found an al Qaeda group on Arabian Penninsula . He was taken out with a drone strike in 2009.

Abu Sufian bin Qumu was released under the Bush administration. He is suspected of having been involved with the attack on the US facility at Benghazi.

Over 500 captives were released under the Bush administration.
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Releasing terrorists from gitmo has been going on for YEARS, YEArs before Obama

You scummers only care now because your entire existence is devoted to "I HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE OBAMA GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!"

Save the fucking sanctimony. You don't know the classified plan for these 5 dirtballs. RRRRRRRlax, people far beyond your years in intelligence make these decisions.

Which prisoner was released that was as high value as any of these five?

Saying that Obama is years beyond any one's intelligence is hilarious.

Where do you want to start? Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul aka Mullah Zakir is currently a high ranking Taliban leader in Afghanistan. He was released during the Bush administration.

Said Ali al Shir was released in 2007 and helped found an al Qaeda group in Africa. He was taken out with a drone strike in 2009.

Abu Sufian bin Qumu was released under the Bush administration. He is suspected of having been involved with the attack on the US facility at Benghazi.

Over 500 captives were released under the Bush administration.

I thought you morons didn't like Bush.
Releasing terrorists from gitmo has been going on for YEARS, YEArs before Obama

You scummers only care now because your entire existence is devoted to "I HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE OBAMA GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!"

Save the fucking sanctimony. You don't know the classified plan for these 5 dirtballs. RRRRRRRlax, people far beyond your years in intelligence make these decisions.

Which prisoner was released that was as high value as any of these five?

Saying that Obama is years beyond any one's intelligence is hilarious.

Oh yea lets go through and compare 500+ scumbags' notoriety vs. each other, juuust to get at Obama! Dagg nabbit!
Wrong. The transfers and releases done during Bush's term were individually vetted. Most were transferred to foreign prisons, some let go. None traded or top level terrorists. Obfuscating won't work on this one. The static from the left means they are very worried.
Releasing terrorists from gitmo has been going on for YEARS, YEArs before Obama

You scummers only care now because your entire existence is devoted to "I HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE OBAMA GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!"

Save the fucking sanctimony. You don't know the classified plan for these 5 dirtballs. RRRRRRRlax, people far beyond your years in intelligence make these decisions.

Which prisoner was released that was as high value as any of these five?

Saying that Obama is years beyond any one's intelligence is hilarious.

Oh yea lets go through and compare 500+ scumbags' notoriety vs. each other, juuust to get at Obama! Dagg nabbit!

Yes let's compare. Low level operatives captured on the battlefield to high valued high ranking targets.

Obama's own security team advised against releasing these five individuals. Congress voted twice not to release them.

But don't let the facts sway you.

Obama Advisers Repeatedly Told President Not to Deal

Read Latest Breaking News from Obama Advisers Repeatedly Told President Not to Deal With Taliban
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
How is this any different than 'Fast and Furious' ?

Instead of running unaccountable guns into Mexico, we are running unaccountable terrorists into Qatar.

Releasing terrorists from gitmo has been going on for YEARS, YEArs before Obama

You scummers only care now because your entire existence is devoted to "I HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE OBAMA GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!"

Save the fucking sanctimony. You don't know the classified plan for these 5 dirtballs. RRRRRRRlax, people far beyond your years in intelligence make these decisions.

Which prisoner was released that was as high value as any of these five?

Saying that Obama is years beyond any one's intelligence is hilarious.

Where do you want to start? Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul aka Mullah Zakir is currently a high ranking Taliban leader in Afghanistan. He was released during the Bush administration.

Said Ali al Shir was released in 2007 and helped found an al Qaeda group in Africa. He was taken out with a drone strike in 2009.

Abu Sufian bin Qumu was released under the Bush administration. He is suspected of having been involved with the attack on the US facility at Benghazi.

Over 500 captives were released under the Bush administration.

Tell me the differences, maggot breath?

What were the differences, you sycophant of a miserable excuse for a human being?

1) They were all done above - board. Not a one was withheld from the public eye.

2) Bush not only got bi-partisan support, but dimocrap scum were CLAMORING for their release.... Up to and including the complete closure of Gitmo.

3) Congress was on board with every deal. Every one of them.

4) You are one dishonest fuckwad
We don't leave anybody behind. That's who we are.
Now I'm gonna type slow so you left wingnuts understand.
Obama signed legislation that required him to notify Congress 30 days before any prisoner swap. He disobeyed his own law.

To me it's not that Bergdahl is a deserter or not. He will be accused and should be tried based on the accusations.

As far as I'm concerned, as soon as the helicopter took off with Bergdhal on it, there should have been a drone coming over the ridge with a missile aimed right at the truck the Taliban were riding in.

Tell that to those in Benghazi. oh wait... you can't... we left them behind to die.
Releasing terrorists from gitmo has been going on for YEARS, YEArs before Obama

You scummers only care now because your entire existence is devoted to "I HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE OBAMA GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!"

Save the fucking sanctimony. You don't know the classified plan for these 5 dirtballs. RRRRRRRlax, people far beyond your years in intelligence make these decisions.

Which prisoner was released that was as high value as any of these five?

Saying that Obama is years beyond any one's intelligence is hilarious.

Where do you want to start? Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul aka Mullah Zakir is currently a high ranking Taliban leader in Afghanistan. He was released during the Bush administration.

Said Ali al Shiri was released in 2007 and helped found an al Qaeda group on Arabian Penninsula . He was taken out with a drone strike in 2009.

Abu Sufian bin Qumu was released under the Bush administration. He is suspected of having been involved with the attack on the US facility at Benghazi.

Over 500 captives were released under the Bush administration.

So these guys went on to become high ranking. What's your point?
Which prisoner was released that was as high value as any of these five?

Saying that Obama is years beyond any one's intelligence is hilarious.

Where do you want to start? Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul aka Mullah Zakir is currently a high ranking Taliban leader in Afghanistan. He was released during the Bush administration.

Said Ali al Shir was released in 2007 and helped found an al Qaeda group in Africa. He was taken out with a drone strike in 2009.

Abu Sufian bin Qumu was released under the Bush administration. He is suspected of having been involved with the attack on the US facility at Benghazi.

Over 500 captives were released under the Bush administration.

Tell me the differences, maggot breath?

What were the differences, you sycophant of a miserable excuse for a human being?

1) They were all done above - board. Not a one was withheld from the public eye.

2) Bush not only got bi-partisan support, but dimocrap scum were CLAMORING for their release.... Up to and including the complete closure of Gitmo.

3) Congress was on board with every deal. Every one of them.

4) You are one dishonest fuckwad

So first it was "Isn't obama brilliant for bringing back our guy?" Then it was "You guys are just unhappy because Obama pulled this off." Now it's "You guys are lying and the troops are lying scumbags" or "BOOOSH!"
You should bookmark your post because we will see the "Bush relesed terrorists frm Gitmo too!" meme for the next 2 months.

They simply cannot face the fact that Obama fucked up royally and was played by the Taliban, just as he was played by Syria and Russia, and just as he was played by Iran. It's always someone else's fault, or it's OK because Bush did it too.
Where do you want to start? Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul aka Mullah Zakir is currently a high ranking Taliban leader in Afghanistan. He was released during the Bush administration.

Said Ali al Shir was released in 2007 and helped found an al Qaeda group in Africa. He was taken out with a drone strike in 2009.

Abu Sufian bin Qumu was released under the Bush administration. He is suspected of having been involved with the attack on the US facility at Benghazi.

Over 500 captives were released under the Bush administration.

Tell me the differences, maggot breath?

What were the differences, you sycophant of a miserable excuse for a human being?

1) They were all done above - board. Not a one was withheld from the public eye.

2) Bush not only got bi-partisan support, but dimocrap scum were CLAMORING for their release.... Up to and including the complete closure of Gitmo.

3) Congress was on board with every deal. Every one of them.

4) You are one dishonest fuckwad

So first it was "Isn't obama brilliant for bringing back our guy?" Then it was "You guys are just unhappy because Obama pulled this off." Now it's "You guys are lying and the troops are lying scumbags" or "BOOOSH!"
You should bookmark your post because we will see the "Bush relesed terrorists frm Gitmo too!" meme for the next 2 months.

They simply cannot face the fact that Obama fucked up royally and was played by the Taliban, just as he was played by Syria and Russia, and just as he was played by Iran. It's always someone else's fault, or it's OK because Bush did it too.

They don't care.

It isn't that they're stupid (they are) or dishonest (they are) or anti-american (they are) or pro-jihadi (they are)


Up until this point, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM has backed the Lying Cocksucker on everything he's daid and done, every lie he's told, every scandal he's started.

Now that he can't run for re-election, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM needs to re-claim some of their credibility so they can back their next ground-breaking, first-time candidate, that life support system for a ****, Hitlery Clinton.

So I think they might turn on the Lying Cocksucker in Chief a little but; the LSM I mean.

But you know what? That won't mean shit. Because the Liar in Chief just doesn't care.

He seriously doesn't.

Know what would save his presidency right now? An Impeachment trial.

You might as well nail that Lying Cocksucker to a Cross if you try to Impeach him. That would bring the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM out of their doldrums, that would get them excited.

So we're left with -- Nothing. We got nothing. Nothing we can do until he's gone.

Our best move will be to let this piece of disgusting shit keep going, let him fuck up until 2016. Hopefully, by then, the American People will be disgusted with dimocraps and Hitlery will be put on the curb with the rest of the trash.

the Lying Cocksucker in Chief doesn't care. Because there is NOTHING anybody can do about it.

Nothing. And he knows it.

Look at the cultists in here. Think they're bad (they are)? You should see what's walking the halls at places like pMSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN.

We try to do much of anything about the Lying Cocksucker and that gives those SCUM the opportunity to come to his defense.

We're fucked for 2-1/2 more years. Deal with it.
Releasing terrorists from gitmo has been going on for YEARS, YEArs before Obama

You scummers only care now because your entire existence is devoted to "I HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE OBAMA GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!"

Save the fucking sanctimony. You don't know the classified plan for these 5 dirtballs. RRRRRRRlax, people far beyond your years in intelligence make these decisions.

But that was cool because Obama didnt do it. Learn the rules geez :doubt:
How is this any different than 'Fast and Furious' ?

Instead of running unaccountable guns into Mexico, we are running unaccountable terrorists into Qatar.


Just so we are on the same page, explain what Fast and Furious was, the reason behind it and it's intentions. :popcorn:

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