As more comes out about Bergdahl, Republicans will have lots to answer for

^^^ doesn't know his al Qaeda from his Taliban. :lol:

Really, I don't get it. It's so easy to understand. Bin Laden was the leader of al Qaeda, the man Republicans let go.

The Taliban were the leaders of the country Republicans invaded to get the guy who brought down the world trade center, but they let that guy go and invaded another country because it had oil. Only they didn't get the oil. So they didn't get the leader of al Qaeda, they didn't get the oil, but they managed to spend 4 to 6 trillion dollars not succeeding in any particular goal.

And the people they call terrorists, they call terrorists because they had to the nerve to fight back after their country was invaded.

Most peculiar.

Correction. The formerly nationalize oil fields of Iraq were liberated and are now in hands of multinational oil companies.

You mean companies not part of Iraq???? Wow, now that's what I call "liberation". Others call it "theft".
Reagan funded the jihad. Do Republicans have a problem with Reagan aiding terrorists?
^ actually imagines that the freed Taliban fuckwads were not terrorists?????

The Taliban aren't terrorists. That's al Qaeda.

No wonder your posts are so ignorant. It's because you're ignorant.

Apparently your posts are worthless because you are such an assclown laughable liberal hack that you deny reality.

Even President Obumbler's Administration concedes that the Taliban is a terrorist organization: White House: Yes, The Taliban Is a Terrorist Organization - ABC News

Also: Terrorist Organizations Starting with the Letter 'T' - START - National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism
and Terrorist Organization Profile - START - National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism

I would like to say you are ignorant, Synthia, but the reality is that you are just a dishonest hack.

Of course he's going to say they are terrorists. What do you expect him to say? That we are fighting people who are defending their country? Republicans would have a field day. Just like they would if Obama left behind an American soldier. They same wingnuts who say let him die would crucify him for letting him die. Even someone as dense as yourself knows that for a fact.
Smelling mighty desperate over here in these parts. You boys got your talking points straight yet ? :lol:
Look at this report by Fox News citing a "secret" report:

EXCLUSIVE: Bergdahl declared jihad in captivity, secret documents show | Fox News

Bergdahl was reported to be happily playing soccer with the Haqqani fighters, taking part in AK-47 target practice and being permitted to carry a firearm of his own, laughing frequently and proclaiming "Salaam," the Arabic word for "peace."
Bergdahl has converted to Islam and now describes himself as a mujahid.

Then you look at what other papers are saying and citing their "source":

Bergdahl Is Said to Have History of Leaving Post

A classified military report detailing the Army’s investigation into the disappearance of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in June 2009 says that he had wandered away from assigned areas before — both at a training range in California and at his remote outpost in Afghanistan — and then returned, according to people briefed on it.

The roughly 35-page report, completed two months after Sergeant Bergdahl left his unit, concludes that he most likely walked away of his own free will from his outpost in the dark of night, and it criticized lax security practices and poor discipline in his unit. But it stops short of concluding that there is solid evidence that Sergeant Bergdahl, then a private, intended to permanently desert.

the report is said to contain no mention of Sergeant Bergdahl’s having left behind a letter in his tent

The narrative about Sergeant Bergdahl over the past few days has undergone a rapid evolution based on accounts by current and former soldiers, which have grown increasingly dark. They have gone from saying he should not be treated as a hero because he was a deserter and blaming the subsequent search for him for every American combat death in the province over a three-month period, to alleging that there is evidence that he was trying to meet up with the Taliban.

It quotes colleagues as saying that he expressed some boredom and frustration that they were not “kicking down doors” more to go after insurgents who were destroying schools.


The more we hear about this guy, the more to me, he seems like "Forrest Gump". Taking "strolls". Where were his commander and squad leader. You can't do that. If a soldier doesn't have a feeling of personal danger, he won't care about the danger he brings to the members of his squad. To me, he seems more like an airhead than anything else. Punishing him is like punishing a tire. You can deflate it, but will it understand why it's being deflated?
The real question to me is why Republicans wanted to leave him behind to die at the hands of religious Islamic extremists? Isn't that what they accuse Obama of doing in Benghazi? Leaving American behind? And there were only two choices here, only two, bring him home or let him die at the hands of Islamic Extremists.

Taking strolls, eh? Did you read your article? Nah, you did not.

The stroll it was proven he took was from one AO to another AO at NTC. NTC is a training area in California. The second 'stroll' has never been proven.
CaféAuLait;9226727 said:
Look at this report by Fox News citing a "secret" report:

EXCLUSIVE: Bergdahl declared jihad in captivity, secret documents show | Fox News

Bergdahl was reported to be happily playing soccer with the Haqqani fighters, taking part in AK-47 target practice and being permitted to carry a firearm of his own, laughing frequently and proclaiming "Salaam," the Arabic word for "peace."
Bergdahl has converted to Islam and now describes himself as a mujahid.

Then you look at what other papers are saying and citing their "source":

Bergdahl Is Said to Have History of Leaving Post

A classified military report detailing the Army’s investigation into the disappearance of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in June 2009 says that he had wandered away from assigned areas before — both at a training range in California and at his remote outpost in Afghanistan — and then returned, according to people briefed on it.

The roughly 35-page report, completed two months after Sergeant Bergdahl left his unit, concludes that he most likely walked away of his own free will from his outpost in the dark of night, and it criticized lax security practices and poor discipline in his unit. But it stops short of concluding that there is solid evidence that Sergeant Bergdahl, then a private, intended to permanently desert.

the report is said to contain no mention of Sergeant Bergdahl’s having left behind a letter in his tent

The narrative about Sergeant Bergdahl over the past few days has undergone a rapid evolution based on accounts by current and former soldiers, which have grown increasingly dark. They have gone from saying he should not be treated as a hero because he was a deserter and blaming the subsequent search for him for every American combat death in the province over a three-month period, to alleging that there is evidence that he was trying to meet up with the Taliban.

It quotes colleagues as saying that he expressed some boredom and frustration that they were not “kicking down doors” more to go after insurgents who were destroying schools.


The more we hear about this guy, the more to me, he seems like "Forrest Gump". Taking "strolls". Where were his commander and squad leader. You can't do that. If a soldier doesn't have a feeling of personal danger, he won't care about the danger he brings to the members of his squad. To me, he seems more like an airhead than anything else. Punishing him is like punishing a tire. You can deflate it, but will it understand why it's being deflated?
The real question to me is why Republicans wanted to leave him behind to die at the hands of religious Islamic extremists? Isn't that what they accuse Obama of doing in Benghazi? Leaving American behind? And there were only two choices here, only two, bring him home or let him die at the hands of Islamic Extremists.

Taking strolls, eh? Did you read your article? Nah, you did not.

The stroll it was proven he took was from one AO to another AO at NTC. NTC is a training area in California. The second 'stroll' has never been proven.

Please highlight WHERE I said he took his strolls.
CaféAuLait;9226727 said:
Look at this report by Fox News citing a "secret" report:

EXCLUSIVE: Bergdahl declared jihad in captivity, secret documents show | Fox News

Bergdahl was reported to be happily playing soccer with the Haqqani fighters, taking part in AK-47 target practice and being permitted to carry a firearm of his own, laughing frequently and proclaiming "Salaam," the Arabic word for "peace."
Bergdahl has converted to Islam and now describes himself as a mujahid.

Then you look at what other papers are saying and citing their "source":

Bergdahl Is Said to Have History of Leaving Post

A classified military report detailing the Army’s investigation into the disappearance of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in June 2009 says that he had wandered away from assigned areas before — both at a training range in California and at his remote outpost in Afghanistan — and then returned, according to people briefed on it.

The roughly 35-page report, completed two months after Sergeant Bergdahl left his unit, concludes that he most likely walked away of his own free will from his outpost in the dark of night, and it criticized lax security practices and poor discipline in his unit. But it stops short of concluding that there is solid evidence that Sergeant Bergdahl, then a private, intended to permanently desert.

the report is said to contain no mention of Sergeant Bergdahl’s having left behind a letter in his tent

The narrative about Sergeant Bergdahl over the past few days has undergone a rapid evolution based on accounts by current and former soldiers, which have grown increasingly dark. They have gone from saying he should not be treated as a hero because he was a deserter and blaming the subsequent search for him for every American combat death in the province over a three-month period, to alleging that there is evidence that he was trying to meet up with the Taliban.

It quotes colleagues as saying that he expressed some boredom and frustration that they were not “kicking down doors” more to go after insurgents who were destroying schools.


The more we hear about this guy, the more to me, he seems like "Forrest Gump". Taking "strolls". Where were his commander and squad leader. You can't do that. If a soldier doesn't have a feeling of personal danger, he won't care about the danger he brings to the members of his squad. To me, he seems more like an airhead than anything else. Punishing him is like punishing a tire. You can deflate it, but will it understand why it's being deflated?
The real question to me is why Republicans wanted to leave him behind to die at the hands of religious Islamic extremists? Isn't that what they accuse Obama of doing in Benghazi? Leaving American behind? And there were only two choices here, only two, bring him home or let him die at the hands of Islamic Extremists.

Taking strolls, eh? Did you read your article? Nah, you did not.

The stroll it was proven he took was from one AO to another AO at NTC. NTC is a training area in California. The second 'stroll' has never been proven.

Please highlight WHERE I said he took his strolls.

(emphasis added)

Sure. Done above as you asked.

Here it is again, you said:

The more we hear about this guy, the more to me, he seems like "Forrest Gump". Taking "strolls" Where were his commander and squad leader. You can't do that.
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The success of Republicans today is the way they are able to infect our culture with total inventions that many people swallow as the truth.

For instance, the very first two soldiers that they claimed were killed looking for Bergdahl actually had nothing to do with searching for him.

But it doesn't deter them from just making up whatever feels "right" to their "gut".

Their other great success is for being totally disingenuous and getting many people to believe their spin that says Obama is to blame for not having closed Gitmo yet, even though the House Republicans only ever pass legislation asking for hundreds of millions of dollars in order to expand Gitmo instead of the tens of millions the President keeps asking for to close it up.

The Republicans are purposefully not funding the closure and then going on teevee and accusing Obama of being a poor President because he isn't closing it.

Their shit is so goddamned bogus to any thinking person. They bitch about freedom, but really, their followers are the least free Americans because they continue to be trapped within the prison of their own ignorance.

If you support Gitmo's closure then call and mail and e-mail your Republican representative and demand to know why they want to expand it and not close it.
The success of Republicans today is the way they are able to infect our culture with total inventions that many people swallow as the truth.

For instance, the very first two soldiers that they claimed were killed looking for Bergdahl actually had nothing to do with searching for him.

But it doesn't deter them from just making up whatever feels "right" to their "gut".

Their other great success is for being totally disingenuous and getting many people to believe their spin that says Obama is to blame for not having closed Gitmo yet, even though the House Republicans only ever pass legislation asking for hundreds of millions of dollars in order to expand Gitmo instead of the tens of millions the President keeps asking for to close it up.

The Republicans are purposefully not funding the closure and then going on teevee and accusing Obama of being a poor President because he isn't closing it.

Their shit is so goddamned bogus to any thinking person. They bitch about freedom, but really, their followers are the least free Americans because they continue to be trapped within the prison of their own ignorance.

If you support Gitmo's closure then call and mail and e-mail your Republican representative and demand to know why they want to expand it and not close it.

Republicans claimed, eh? Soldiers claimed 6 deaths and they are probably correct. And guess who scrolled it across their ticker first. CNN, that's right, then the Daily Beast had an entire front page story about those 6 killed because of Bowe recklessness.

Not to mention is was 2 other LEFT wingers who got the ball rolling in 2012. One would be Bradley Manning and the Other Hastings. Manning leaked the confirmed Taliban radio intercepts which show the Taliban were ambushing US soldiers with IED's and Hastings wrote about it.

Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone

It's not a matter of 'they' its left, right and middle reporting the same things. Guess it's easier to point fingers, eh?
Obviously, the more we find out about Bergdahl, the more of a clusterfuck and the weaker Obama and his legacy become.
Republicans never said they wanted to leave him behind. Just not trade him for five dangerous terrorist in a careless matter.

We've all said we have no problem with sending a special ops team to kill the people holding him hostage and taking him back

You have lovebear in another thread stating let him die. .while other agree..

So no while no gop politician will come out and state this.others have.

Exactly. Some internets poster on a forum no one knows exists said it.
Reagan funded the jihad. Do Republicans have a problem with Reagan aiding terrorists?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend! If you don't know that Reagan was opposed to Communism I can't help you.
Reagan funded the jihad. Do Republicans have a problem with Reagan aiding terrorists?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend! If you don't know that Reagan was opposed to Communism I can't help you.

Yes, because had Reagan not helped a bunch of batshit crazy theocrats, we would have had godless Afghan commies rushing Afghanistan into the 21st century.

As opposed to the batshit crazy theocrats bent on helping a bunch of other batshit crazy theocrats from Saudi Arabia pull off one of the most lame brained and lethal terrorist attacks against history.

The families of close to three thousand dead Americans all have Reagan to thank for that.
Reagan funded the jihad. Do Republicans have a problem with Reagan aiding terrorists?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend! If you don't know that Reagan was opposed to Communism I can't help you.

Yes, because had Reagan not helped a bunch of batshit crazy theocrats, we would have had godless Afghan commies rushing Afghanistan into the 21st century.
I would not call those who aspired to be free of the bonds of self-righteous assholes like yourself batshit crazy theocrats. There were a lot of people who, like you and my father-in-law, were sheep for all their lives. However there were those who took a stand, spent years incarcerated and yet were able to live to see the end of the oppression of socialism in their countries.

I admire them, you, not so much.
Look at this report by Fox News citing a "secret" report:

EXCLUSIVE: Bergdahl declared jihad in captivity, secret documents show | Fox News

Bergdahl was reported to be happily playing soccer with the Haqqani fighters, taking part in AK-47 target practice and being permitted to carry a firearm of his own, laughing frequently and proclaiming "Salaam," the Arabic word for "peace."
Bergdahl has converted to Islam and now describes himself as a mujahid.

Then you look at what other papers are saying and citing their "source":

Bergdahl Is Said to Have History of Leaving Post

A classified military report detailing the Army’s investigation into the disappearance of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in June 2009 says that he had wandered away from assigned areas before — both at a training range in California and at his remote outpost in Afghanistan — and then returned, according to people briefed on it.

The roughly 35-page report, completed two months after Sergeant Bergdahl left his unit, concludes that he most likely walked away of his own free will from his outpost in the dark of night, and it criticized lax security practices and poor discipline in his unit. But it stops short of concluding that there is solid evidence that Sergeant Bergdahl, then a private, intended to permanently desert.

the report is said to contain no mention of Sergeant Bergdahl’s having left behind a letter in his tent

The narrative about Sergeant Bergdahl over the past few days has undergone a rapid evolution based on accounts by current and former soldiers, which have grown increasingly dark. They have gone from saying he should not be treated as a hero because he was a deserter and blaming the subsequent search for him for every American combat death in the province over a three-month period, to alleging that there is evidence that he was trying to meet up with the Taliban.

It quotes colleagues as saying that he expressed some boredom and frustration that they were not “kicking down doors” more to go after insurgents who were destroying schools.


The more we hear about this guy, the more to me, he seems like "Forrest Gump". Taking "strolls". Where were his commander and squad leader. You can't do that. If a soldier doesn't have a feeling of personal danger, he won't care about the danger he brings to the members of his squad. To me, he seems more like an airhead than anything else. Punishing him is like punishing a tire. You can deflate it, but will it understand why it's being deflated?
The real question to me is why Republicans wanted to leave him behind to die at the hands of religious Islamic extremists? Isn't that what they accuse Obama of doing in Benghazi? Leaving American behind? And there were only two choices here, only two, bring him home or let him die at the hands of Islamic Extremists.

I have been waiting for more to come out for a week now, has it happened yet?
Reagan funded the jihad. Do Republicans have a problem with Reagan aiding terrorists?

Are you kidding? They didn't even have a problem with Ollie North engaging in treasonous activities from the basement of the WH? Somehow, out of the debacle that was Iran/Contra, they managed to defend BOTH Ollie North, and Reagan who claimed he knew nothing about it. So, either Reagan was clueless about what was going on in his own WH, or he lied his ass off. Either way, it was fine with conservatives, despite the fact that our gov't armed terrorist who targeted Americans.
Reagan funded the jihad. Do Republicans have a problem with Reagan aiding terrorists?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend! If you don't know that Reagan was opposed to Communism I can't help you.

Yes, because had Reagan not helped a bunch of batshit crazy theocrats, we would have had godless Afghan commies rushing Afghanistan into the 21st century.

As opposed to the batshit crazy theocrats bent on helping a bunch of other batshit crazy theocrats from Saudi Arabia pull off one of the most lame brained and lethal terrorist attacks against history.

The families of close to three thousand dead Americans all have Reagan to thank for that.

I don't think it was so much Reagan backing the anti-Soviets so much as no one, Republican or Democrat, giving a shit about Afghanistan once the Soviets left. Someone was going to fill that void and no one in DC under Bush 41 or Clinton cared enough to try to help the Afghanis build a modern nation. Our lack of long term vision let the Taliban fill that void.
Really, I don't get it. It's so easy to understand. Bin Laden was the leader of al Qaeda, the man Republicans let go.

The Taliban were the leaders of the country Republicans invaded to get the guy who brought down the world trade center, but they let that guy go and invaded another country because it had oil. Only they didn't get the oil. So they didn't get the leader of al Qaeda, they didn't get the oil, but they managed to spend 4 to 6 trillion dollars not succeeding in any particular goal.

And the people they call terrorists, they call terrorists because they had to the nerve to fight back after their country was invaded.

Most peculiar.

Correction. The formerly nationalize oil fields of Iraq were liberated and are now in hands of multinational oil companies.

You mean companies not part of Iraq???? Wow, now that's what I call "liberation". Others call it "theft".

Hey Iraqis get paid, I mean Royalties go to the appropriate Government officials. ExxonMobil, BP and Shell, all remain to help make sure Iraqi oil remains liberated.
Isn't it wonderful when Progressive Liberals support their God in President Obama.

They prance around talking about how important it was to support this troop ... How precious his life is or how he was an honorable soldier.
They use terms like "leave no man behind" ... They give the impression they actually care about the lives of our soldiers.

Those chose to leave four men behind and without any support in Benghazi.

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