As more comes out about Bergdahl, Republicans will have lots to answer for

Look at this report by Fox News citing a "secret" report:

EXCLUSIVE: Bergdahl declared jihad in captivity, secret documents show | Fox News

Bergdahl was reported to be happily playing soccer with the Haqqani fighters, taking part in AK-47 target practice and being permitted to carry a firearm of his own, laughing frequently and proclaiming "Salaam," the Arabic word for "peace."
Bergdahl has converted to Islam and now describes himself as a mujahid.

Then you look at what other papers are saying and citing their "source":

Bergdahl Is Said to Have History of Leaving Post

A classified military report detailing the Army’s investigation into the disappearance of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in June 2009 says that he had wandered away from assigned areas before — both at a training range in California and at his remote outpost in Afghanistan — and then returned, according to people briefed on it.

The roughly 35-page report, completed two months after Sergeant Bergdahl left his unit, concludes that he most likely walked away of his own free will from his outpost in the dark of night, and it criticized lax security practices and poor discipline in his unit. But it stops short of concluding that there is solid evidence that Sergeant Bergdahl, then a private, intended to permanently desert.

the report is said to contain no mention of Sergeant Bergdahl’s having left behind a letter in his tent

The narrative about Sergeant Bergdahl over the past few days has undergone a rapid evolution based on accounts by current and former soldiers, which have grown increasingly dark. They have gone from saying he should not be treated as a hero because he was a deserter and blaming the subsequent search for him for every American combat death in the province over a three-month period, to alleging that there is evidence that he was trying to meet up with the Taliban.

It quotes colleagues as saying that he expressed some boredom and frustration that they were not “kicking down doors” more to go after insurgents who were destroying schools.


The more we hear about this guy, the more to me, he seems like "Forrest Gump". Taking "strolls". Where were his commander and squad leader. You can't do that. If a soldier doesn't have a feeling of personal danger, he won't care about the danger he brings to the members of his squad. To me, he seems more like an airhead than anything else. Punishing him is like punishing a tire. You can deflate it, but will it understand why it's being deflated?
The real question to me is why Republicans wanted to leave him behind to die at the hands of religious Islamic extremists? Isn't that what they accuse Obama of doing in Benghazi? Leaving American behind? And there were only two choices here, only two, bring him home or let him die at the hands of Islamic Extremists.

Fox also has reported Bergdahl's history of leaving his post.
Bergdahl had left base before, according to 2010 report | Fox News
We don't leave anybody behind. That's who we are.
Now I'm gonna type slow so you left wingnuts understand.
Obama signed legislation that required him to notify Congress 30 days before any prisoner swap. He disobeyed his own law.

To me it's not that Bergdahl is a deserter or not. He will be accused and should be tried based on the accusations.

As far as I'm concerned, as soon as the helicopter took off with Bergdhal on it, there should have been a drone coming over the ridge with a missile aimed right at the truck the Taliban were riding in.

Tell that to those in Benghazi. oh wait... you can't... we left them behind to die.

I'm pretty sure that no one was left behind to die (nor was the President watching as they died either). The plane that left Benghazi 12 hour after the assault was carrying the four dead bodies. But lets not worry about facts and stuff, that just slows the hate mojo down huh?
Where are the "secret documents"? Everything is secret to the Hussein administration. He even addressed a joint session of congress in secret and swore them to secrecy. Why did the government force members of Bergdahl's platoon to sign non-disclosure documents? Why didn't other networks contact the members of Bergdahl's platoon like Megan Kelly of Fox did? They didn't want to hear the true story?
Which prisoner was released that was as high value as any of these five?

Saying that Obama is years beyond any one's intelligence is hilarious.

Where do you want to start? Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul aka Mullah Zakir is currently a high ranking Taliban leader in Afghanistan. He was released during the Bush administration.

Said Ali al Shir was released in 2007 and helped found an al Qaeda group in Africa. He was taken out with a drone strike in 2009.

Abu Sufian bin Qumu was released under the Bush administration. He is suspected of having been involved with the attack on the US facility at Benghazi.

Over 500 captives were released under the Bush administration.

Tell me the differences, maggot breath?

What were the differences, you sycophant of a miserable excuse for a human being?

1) They were all done above - board. Not a one was withheld from the public eye.

2) Bush not only got bi-partisan support, but dimocrap scum were CLAMORING for their release.... Up to and including the complete closure of Gitmo.

3) Congress was on board with every deal. Every one of them.

4) You are one dishonest fuckwad

Dishonest? I'm not the one claiming to be a Denmark vet, you are. Now continue the meltdown faker, cause you got nothing but bull.
How is this any different than 'Fast and Furious' ?

Instead of running unaccountable guns into Mexico, we are running unaccountable terrorists into Qatar.


Just so we are on the same page, explain what Fast and Furious was, the reason behind it and it's intentions. :popcorn:

Congress is still trying to find out the facts and answers to your questions rdean. With no help from the Obama administration.

Is this going to be an exercise in political mythology?

If that is the case, it was either a calculated political maneuver that went bad, or a stupid idea in the first place that everyone went along with because they were also stupid ...the group stupidity scenario.

It looks much like the running of terrorists into Qatar in either case.


We don't leave anybody behind. That's who we are.
Now I'm gonna type slow so you left wingnuts understand.
Obama signed legislation that required him to notify Congress 30 days before any prisoner swap. He disobeyed his own law.

To me it's not that Bergdahl is a deserter or not. He will be accused and should be tried based on the accusations.

As far as I'm concerned, as soon as the helicopter took off with Bergdhal on it, there should have been a drone coming over the ridge with a missile aimed right at the truck the Taliban were riding in.

Tell that to those in Benghazi. oh wait... you can't... we left them behind to die.

I'm pretty sure that no one was left behind to die (nor was the President watching as they died either). The plane that left Benghazi 12 hour after the assault was carrying the four dead bodies. But lets not worry about facts and stuff, that just slows the hate mojo down huh?

No attempt was made to send them guys help. So yes, they were left to die.

And no the President wasn't watching, he was too busy getting ready for his fundraiser the following day.
It ain't just republicans, although you can bet that pissed off members of the Military will join the GOP, it's about a failure of leadership. Dianne Feinstein is angry, members of the senate are angry. You have to assume that the president had access to the fact that Berghdal deserted his post but either he didn't care or the former community activist didn't understand the implication. After five years the president was suddenly in a hurry and made the worst freaking deal in US history releasing five generals for a Sgt. who may have been a deserter? It seems the president misunderstood the loyalty of the media when he was blasted by the NY Daily News and mildly criticized and certainly not supported by the main stream media.
The fact that the liberals keep bringing up Bush shows their hypocrisy.

If bush had done this they would not be defending it.
Tell that to those in Benghazi. oh wait... you can't... we left them behind to die.

I'm pretty sure that no one was left behind to die (nor was the President watching as they died either). The plane that left Benghazi 12 hour after the assault was carrying the four dead bodies. But lets not worry about facts and stuff, that just slows the hate mojo down huh?

No attempt was made to send them guys help. So yes, they were left to die.

And no the President wasn't watching, he was too busy getting ready for his fundraiser the following day.

Bull shit. Within 25 minute a team made up of Libyans and CIA guys from the Annex launched a counter-assault, drove off the attackers and rescued and recovered everyone in the Consulate except for the Ambassador.

When briefed about the attack the President's immediate orders were to use all available DoD assets to save American lives there.
I'm pretty sure that no one was left behind to die (nor was the President watching as they died either). The plane that left Benghazi 12 hour after the assault was carrying the four dead bodies. But lets not worry about facts and stuff, that just slows the hate mojo down huh?

No attempt was made to send them guys help. So yes, they were left to die.

And no the President wasn't watching, he was too busy getting ready for his fundraiser the following day.

Bull shit. Within 25 minute a team made up of Libyans and CIA guys from the Annex launched a counter-assault, drove off the attackers and rescued and recovered everyone in the Consulate except for the Ambassador.

When briefed about the attack the President's immediate orders were to use all available DoD assets to save American lives there.

You got your facts all fucked up.

Please provide a link to your silly claim.
Releasing terrorists from gitmo has been going on for YEARS, YEArs before Obama

You scummers only care now because your entire existence is devoted to "I HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE OBAMA GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!"

Save the fucking sanctimony. You don't know the classified plan for these 5 dirtballs. RRRRRRRlax, people far beyond your years in intelligence make these decisions.
"Classified plan"? That's a joke. They returned to a hero's welcome. You'd have to be a complete fool to believe they are going to sit in some compound and drink tea for a year with their thumbs up their asses? They each will be rejoining their fighters which will be extra motivated to show the world what a fuck-wit Obama was for releasing their leaders.
Watch for a video of some poor American with their head cut off laying in the sand and a photo of one of the released terrorist leaders pinned to the dead person's chest.
Each of the five are thought of as American's (real American's) would have thought of Paton had he been captured then released.
No attempt was made to send them guys help. So yes, they were left to die.

And no the President wasn't watching, he was too busy getting ready for his fundraiser the following day.

Bull shit. Within 25 minute a team made up of Libyans and CIA guys from the Annex launched a counter-assault, drove off the attackers and rescued and recovered everyone in the Consulate except for the Ambassador.

When briefed about the attack the President's immediate orders were to use all available DoD assets to save American lives there.

You got your facts all fucked up.

Please provide a link to your silly claim.

Approximately 20-25 minutes after the first call came into the
Annex that the Temporary Mission Facility was under attack, a security team left
the Annex for the Mission compound. In footage taken from the Annex's security
cameras, the security team can be observed departing the CIA Annex at 10:03 p.m.
Benghazi time. During the period between approximately 9:40 p.m. and 10:03
p.m. Benghazi time, the Chief of Base and security team members attempted to
secure assistance and heavy weapons (such as .50 caliber truck-mounted machine
guns) from the 17th February Brigade and other militias that had been assisting the
United States. 10 Then, the team drove to the Mission facility and made their way
onto the Mission compound in the face of enemy fire, arriving in the vicinity of the
compound at approximately 10: 10 p.m. Benghazi time. 11 The Committee explored
claims that there was a "stand down" order given to the security team at the Annex.
Although some members of the security team expressed frustration that they were
unable to respond more quickly to the Mission compound, 12 the Committee found
no evidence of intentional delay or obstruction by the Chief of Base or any other
Meanwhile, aDS agent secured Ambassador Stevens and State Department
Information Management Officer Sean Smith in the "safe area" of the main
building of the Mission facility (Building C). The attackers used diesel fuel to set
the main building ablaze and thick smoke rapidly filled the entire structure.
According to testimony of the Director of the NCTC, the DS agent began leading
the Ambassador and Mr. Smith toward the emergency escape window to escape
the smoke. 14 Nearing unconsciousness himself, the agent opened the emergency
escape window and crawled out. He then realized he had become separated from
the Ambassador and Sean Smith in the smoke, so he reentered and searched the
building multiple times.15
Bull shit. Within 25 minute a team made up of Libyans and CIA guys from the Annex launched a counter-assault, drove off the attackers and rescued and recovered everyone in the Consulate except for the Ambassador.

When briefed about the attack the President's immediate orders were to use all available DoD assets to save American lives there.

You got your facts all fucked up.

Please provide a link to your silly claim.

Approximately 20-25 minutes after the first call came into the
Annex that the Temporary Mission Facility was under attack, a security team left
the Annex for the Mission compound. In footage taken from the Annex's security
cameras, the security team can be observed departing the CIA Annex at 10:03 p.m.
Benghazi time. During the period between approximately 9:40 p.m. and 10:03
p.m. Benghazi time, the Chief of Base and security team members attempted to
secure assistance and heavy weapons (such as .50 caliber truck-mounted machine
guns) from the 17th February Brigade and other militias that had been assisting the
United States. 10 Then, the team drove to the Mission facility and made their way
onto the Mission compound in the face of enemy fire, arriving in the vicinity of the
compound at approximately 10: 10 p.m. Benghazi time. 11 The Committee explored
claims that there was a "stand down" order given to the security team at the Annex.
Although some members of the security team expressed frustration that they were
unable to respond more quickly to the Mission compound, 12 the Committee found
no evidence of intentional delay or obstruction by the Chief of Base or any other
Meanwhile, aDS agent secured Ambassador Stevens and State Department
Information Management Officer Sean Smith in the "safe area" of the main
building of the Mission facility (Building C). The attackers used diesel fuel to set
the main building ablaze and thick smoke rapidly filled the entire structure.
According to testimony of the Director of the NCTC, the DS agent began leading
the Ambassador and Mr. Smith toward the emergency escape window to escape
the smoke. 14 Nearing unconsciousness himself, the agent opened the emergency
escape window and crawled out. He then realized he had become separated from
the Ambassador and Sean Smith in the smoke, so he reentered and searched the
building multiple times.15

Woods and Doherty were told to stand down, twice. But they went ignored those orders. When they called for military support, guess what happened? The request was denied!

Sean Smith was killed in the initial attack.

So to say they were sent is not the truth, they took it upon themselves to go.
Releasing terrorists from gitmo has been going on for YEARS, YEArs before Obama

You scummers only care now because your entire existence is devoted to "I HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE OBAMA GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!"

Save the fucking sanctimony. You don't know the classified plan for these 5 dirtballs. RRRRRRRlax, people far beyond your years in intelligence make these decisions.

You're one of them "clueless morons" people here talk about, arentcha?

I'm just not entrenched like you go-bots who see everything in us vs. them.

Now go ahead, declare you won the internets today! You're awesome with a capital A!

If you think women should pay for their own birth control. It's the war on women.
If your against gay marrige, your a homophobe.
If you disagree with obama, your a racist.
If you think raising minimum wage to $15.00 an hour, the war on the poor.
Just to name a few liberal us vs. them issue's, carry on.
Obamaphiles will do anything to him. Sgt. Bowehammed is a deserter. end of it. Fuck his escape attempt.
It's not the president's fault that he traded five top level terrorists for a deserter, it's totally some sergeant's and some lieutenant's fault for no stopping the deserter in the first place, so stop blaming Obama for a monumental lack of judgment and place blame where it truly belongs: with two lowest level soldiers!

All hail Obama! Obama is life!
All hail Obama! Obama is life!
All hail Obama! Obama is life!
All hail Obama! Obama is life!

^^^ doesn't know his al Qaeda from his Taliban. :lol:
Which prisoner was released that was as high value as any of these five?

Saying that Obama is years beyond any one's intelligence is hilarious.

Where do you want to start? Abdullah Ghulam Rasoul aka Mullah Zakir is currently a high ranking Taliban leader in Afghanistan. He was released during the Bush administration.

Said Ali al Shir was released in 2007 and helped found an al Qaeda group in Africa. He was taken out with a drone strike in 2009.

Abu Sufian bin Qumu was released under the Bush administration. He is suspected of having been involved with the attack on the US facility at Benghazi.

Over 500 captives were released under the Bush administration.

Tell me the differences, maggot breath?

What were the differences, you sycophant of a miserable excuse for a human being?

1) They were all done above - board. Not a one was withheld from the public eye.

2) Bush not only got bi-partisan support, but dimocrap scum were CLAMORING for their release.... Up to and including the complete closure of Gitmo.

3) Congress was on board with every deal. Every one of them.

4) You are one dishonest fuckwad


And Congress was on board with this one. All their previous statements are being revealed now that they have flip-flopped. :lol:
You got your facts all fucked up.

Please provide a link to your silly claim.

Approximately 20-25 minutes after the first call came into the
Annex that the Temporary Mission Facility was under attack, a security team left
the Annex for the Mission compound. In footage taken from the Annex's security
cameras, the security team can be observed departing the CIA Annex at 10:03 p.m.
Benghazi time. During the period between approximately 9:40 p.m. and 10:03
p.m. Benghazi time, the Chief of Base and security team members attempted to
secure assistance and heavy weapons (such as .50 caliber truck-mounted machine
guns) from the 17th February Brigade and other militias that had been assisting the
United States. 10 Then, the team drove to the Mission facility and made their way
onto the Mission compound in the face of enemy fire, arriving in the vicinity of the
compound at approximately 10: 10 p.m. Benghazi time. 11 The Committee explored
claims that there was a "stand down" order given to the security team at the Annex.
Although some members of the security team expressed frustration that they were
unable to respond more quickly to the Mission compound, 12 the Committee found
no evidence of intentional delay or obstruction by the Chief of Base or any other
Meanwhile, aDS agent secured Ambassador Stevens and State Department
Information Management Officer Sean Smith in the "safe area" of the main
building of the Mission facility (Building C). The attackers used diesel fuel to set
the main building ablaze and thick smoke rapidly filled the entire structure.
According to testimony of the Director of the NCTC, the DS agent began leading
the Ambassador and Mr. Smith toward the emergency escape window to escape
the smoke. 14 Nearing unconsciousness himself, the agent opened the emergency
escape window and crawled out. He then realized he had become separated from
the Ambassador and Sean Smith in the smoke, so he reentered and searched the
building multiple times.15

Woods and Doherty were told to stand down, twice. But they went ignored those orders. When they called for military support, guess what happened? The request was denied!

Sean Smith was killed in the initial attack.

So to say they were sent is not the truth, they took it upon themselves to go.

You got your facts all fucked up.

Please provide a link to your silly claim.

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