As Mueller Closes In, Another GOP Smokescreen Begins

This talking point is well established. Trying to poison the summary before anyone sees it.

The summary is a worthless pile of paper without the underlying evidence being provided with it. Without the evidence it is just one party's opinion, nothing more.

If the FBI verifies that it is accurate, as I believe they have, what more do you need?

The FBI has criticized the memo as fundamentally inaccurate.

Do you not grasp the concept that the memo calls into question the integrity of the FBI? Yet you seem to feel that the FBI's response...criticizing the memo...proves that the memo IS inaccurate? The only fair way to resolve this situation at this point is to release everything and let the public decide what took place and who should be held accountable for what took place.

But nobody is willing to release it all and nobody with the power to do it is even talking about it. All we will get is a useless memo that gives on sides opinion of the evidence.

It will be good for lining a birdcage and starting a fire, but that is about it

I see the taking point is firmly set. You don't even know what's in the summary, yet you're absolutely sure you know it's value.
The snowflakes on this board are rabidly against its release
I actually think they should release it (along with the Democrats own memo to be fair). Though, I think Trump benefits more by not allowing its release. If it is released, their “findings” can be scrutinized and their partisan hackery exposed. If it’s kept under wraps, Trump and cronies can spread all of the misinformation they want about it without having it torn apart by pundits and legal experts on morning shows and cable news.

You really are naive, Jed! The Democrats are fighting the release of this...not the GOP! Why? Because they know that it reveals what was going on behind the scenes at the FBI? Hiding behind claims of "national security" as the reason not to reveal the facts to the American people is what Richard Nixon did back in the day! That's what Democrats are doing today. Do you know why? Because they don't want it exposed that THEY as a party are guilty of far worse things than Watergate ever was! They used a Federal court to get a FISA warrant so they could spy on their political opponent and they did so by citing a "dossier" that they knew was paid for by the Clinton campaign and was completely fake as the justification for that FISA warrant! People need to go to jail for that just as the "plumbers" went to prison for Watergate!
The Democrats are fighting the release of this.

Because it's an attempt to undermine the credibility of the investigation.

With all due respect, Hutch...the "credibility" of this investigation is already undermined because the investigation was based on a charge of "collusion" which first of all isn't a crime...and second of all NEVER TOOK PLACE!

This entire sham has been an attempt by Clinton Democrats and her supporters in the Main Stream Media to explain why she lost to Donald Trump in a race that they told everyone she couldn't lose! Rather than admit that the American people thought she sucked as a candidate...they've subjected the country to a year plus of an investigation that has yielded zero evidence of collusion.

At the same time it's become obvious that the Clinton Camp WAS trying to win election by using smear tactics of the lowest sort! That the Obama White House went along with the Clinton Campaign and the DNC in using a phony "dossier" paid for by the Clinton campaign as part of the basis of a FISA warrant then used to spy on the Trump campaign! Richard Nixon used the "plumbers" to spy on his opponents...Barack Obama used an illegally obtained FISA warrant from a Federal judge to spy on his opponents. Richard Nixon "attempted" to use the IRS to hamstring his political opponents and was rebuffed...Barack Obama had people in the IRS who DID hamstring his political opponents. So tell me why Tricky Dick is in any way more criminal that Barry?

Yes, that's it. There was no Russian hacking or selective release of documents meant to damage Clinton. There was no organized effort on social media to further damage Clinton by releasing thousands of fake news stories and bot posts. There were no meetings whatsoever between the Trump campaign and Russian officials and there certainly wasn't any that discussed the transfer of damaging information on Clinton.

It was all just a made up as a politically motivated, deep-state effort to conduct a bloodless coup on the duly elected president.

The snowflakes on this board are rabidly against its release
I actually think they should release it (along with the Democrats own memo to be fair). Though, I think Trump benefits more by not allowing its release. If it is released, their “findings” can be scrutinized and their partisan hackery exposed. If it’s kept under wraps, Trump and cronies can spread all of the misinformation they want about it without having it torn apart by pundits and legal experts on morning shows and cable news.

You really are naive, Jed! The Democrats are fighting the release of this...not the GOP! Why? Because they know that it reveals what was going on behind the scenes at the FBI? Hiding behind claims of "national security" as the reason not to reveal the facts to the American people is what Richard Nixon did back in the day! That's what Democrats are doing today. Do you know why? Because they don't want it exposed that THEY as a party are guilty of far worse things than Watergate ever was! They used a Federal court to get a FISA warrant so they could spy on their political opponent and they did so by citing a "dossier" that they knew was paid for by the Clinton campaign and was completely fake as the justification for that FISA warrant! People need to go to jail for that just as the "plumbers" went to prison for Watergate!
The Democrats are fighting the release of this.

Because it's an attempt to undermine the credibility of the investigation.

The facts undermine the credibility of the investigation.

Which facts?

“The Nunes Document” is nothing more than another attempt by the little weasel from California to obstruct justice. He represents my district in CA, and is well known for his complete lack of ethics. (It is the sole reason conservatives in this district keep reelecting him.)

Due to his complicity in the Russian scandal, Nunes is becoming more and more desperate as the Mueller team closes in. Nunes realizes that, unlike Flynn, he has no information of value to trade to Mueller to bargain for a plea deal.

Despite their shenanigans to obstruct the Mueller investigation, and cover up this administration’s blatant corruption, Nunes knows, for their complicity, his head, and those of several other Republican crooks will inevitably roll.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.

FISA warrant based upon a political campaign accusation fabricated by a former foreign agent.

Yeah, nothing to see here.
FISA warrant based upon a political campaign accusation fabricated by a former foreign agent.

The warrant affidavit is more than 120 pages. The memo is 4. Obviously there's more evidence for the warrant than just the dossier.

Yeah, nothing to see here

You got that right.

120 pages of bullshit, obviously.

That's why they included them in the memo.

Prove it.
The proof is in the fact that it omits a lot of details. The proof is in the fact that Paul Ryan will not allow Democrats to release their own memo which counters the Republican memo. Of the Republican memo is fair and factual, it’ll still be fair and factual even when compared to the Democrat memo.

If that doesn’t make sense to you, then you are just the type of partisan that the GOP is pandering to with this nonsense.

You have no idea what's in it. LOL, why do you pretend you do? I'm neither Republican nor Democrat Komrade ;) I'm a truther, a straight up Constitutionalist. You are a partisan hack who believes EVERYTHING his leaders tell him. Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, they are all lying to you. ALL Politicians lie to us. You're terrified that something is in there that will hurt your cause.
Nice try, asshole, but I’m an independent. I don’t follow any party. But what the Republicans are doing here is straight up bullshit. I’m not scared of what’s in the memo. I say release it, but also release the Democrat memo. What are Republicans scared of? What are you scared of? You say you’re a truther? Then you should want to see both memos, and hear both sides, not just what Paul Ryan feeds you.

Fake truther hack

Hmmmm, you're simply willing to take Schiff's "word" that something has been changed. Got it. I'm not a Republican, and I fear nothing. You still think Hillary's investigation was fair and unbiased don't you?
You still think Republicans releasing their memo but not allowing Democrats to release theirs is fair and unbiased, don’t you?

But you’re like Mr Independent Truther or some bullshit. Funny, you seem pretty biased.

Dude, release everything. They will eventually, once the democrat's memo follows the same process as the Nunez memo. Then release all of the supporting papers. I WANT TO SEE IT ALL!!!!!!
If this is such a big “nothing burger” why did members of the campaign, the transitition team and the Administration lie about their meetings and telephone calls with Russians?

Why has Trump consistently refuse to impose the sanctions Congress passed and he signed? Why did he give Putin a free hand in the Ukraine and in Syria?

Every one of Trump’s major foreign policy decisions has benefited Putin and Russia.

Devon Nunes is Chairman of the Committe which oversees the White House. This Memo is based on material the White House gave him. This is Trump’s way of legitimizing his lies. Even Nunes won’t deny that White House staff were involved in writing it.

This isn’t oversight on the part of the Chairman.
The proof is in the fact that it omits a lot of details. The proof is in the fact that Paul Ryan will not allow Democrats to release their own memo which counters the Republican memo. Of the Republican memo is fair and factual, it’ll still be fair and factual even when compared to the Democrat memo.

If that doesn’t make sense to you, then you are just the type of partisan that the GOP is pandering to with this nonsense.

You have no idea what's in it. LOL, why do you pretend you do? I'm neither Republican nor Democrat Komrade ;) I'm a truther, a straight up Constitutionalist. You are a partisan hack who believes EVERYTHING his leaders tell him. Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, they are all lying to you. ALL Politicians lie to us. You're terrified that something is in there that will hurt your cause.
Nice try, asshole, but I’m an independent. I don’t follow any party. But what the Republicans are doing here is straight up bullshit. I’m not scared of what’s in the memo. I say release it, but also release the Democrat memo. What are Republicans scared of? What are you scared of? You say you’re a truther? Then you should want to see both memos, and hear both sides, not just what Paul Ryan feeds you.

Fake truther hack

Hmmmm, you're simply willing to take Schiff's "word" that something has been changed. Got it. I'm not a Republican, and I fear nothing. You still think Hillary's investigation was fair and unbiased don't you?
You still think Republicans releasing their memo but not allowing Democrats to release theirs is fair and unbiased, don’t you?

But you’re like Mr Independent Truther or some bullshit. Funny, you seem pretty biased.

Dude, release everything. They will eventually, once the democrat's memo follows the same process as the Nunez memo. Then release all of the supporting papers. I WANT TO SEE IT ALL!!!!!!
What process? The House voted to release the Republican memo but not the Democrat memo. You should demand to see it all, but it seems the GOP only wants you to see their memo
You have no idea what's in it. LOL, why do you pretend you do? I'm neither Republican nor Democrat Komrade ;) I'm a truther, a straight up Constitutionalist. You are a partisan hack who believes EVERYTHING his leaders tell him. Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, they are all lying to you. ALL Politicians lie to us. You're terrified that something is in there that will hurt your cause.
Nice try, asshole, but I’m an independent. I don’t follow any party. But what the Republicans are doing here is straight up bullshit. I’m not scared of what’s in the memo. I say release it, but also release the Democrat memo. What are Republicans scared of? What are you scared of? You say you’re a truther? Then you should want to see both memos, and hear both sides, not just what Paul Ryan feeds you.

Fake truther hack

Hmmmm, you're simply willing to take Schiff's "word" that something has been changed. Got it. I'm not a Republican, and I fear nothing. You still think Hillary's investigation was fair and unbiased don't you?
You still think Republicans releasing their memo but not allowing Democrats to release theirs is fair and unbiased, don’t you?

But you’re like Mr Independent Truther or some bullshit. Funny, you seem pretty biased.

Dude, release everything. They will eventually, once the democrat's memo follows the same process as the Nunez memo. Then release all of the supporting papers. I WANT TO SEE IT ALL!!!!!!
What process? The House voted to release the Republican memo but not the Democrat memo. You should demand to see it all, but it seems the GOP only wants you to see their memo
how long did it take to get to where we are with the republican memo? it still isn't released.
The FBI has criticized the memo as fundamentally inaccurate.

OF COURSE they did - They are being implicated for perpetrating unethical, inappropriate, and potentially illegal acts, abusing their powers and violating procedures, laws, and the Constitution.

OF COURSE they did - They are being investigated by the DOJ.

The FBI and the Democrats are doing everything they can to keep the public from finding out about their criminal bias and abuses of power in illegally spying on Americans, especially on an opposing political party during an election.

Comey is so stressed about the release of the Summary that he had a meltdown and ranted on Twitter. This is not going at all like he had planned, as he had been assured it would go. It wasn't supposed to backfire. He was suppose to be a 'hero' for helping take down Trump, not exposed as the 'traitor' he is and will be remembered throughout history now as having been.

Trump isn’t going to take down the FBI. His hand picked guy wrote the open letter released yesterday. The man Trump appointed to clean up the FBI told him the Memo is a lie.

If Trump releases something his own people say is a blatant lie, his Presidency is over.
The FBI has criticized the memo as fundamentally inaccurate.

OF COURSE they did - They are being implicated for perpetrating unethical, inappropriate, and potentially illegal acts, abusing their powers and violating procedures, laws, and the Constitution.

OF COURSE they did - They are being investigated by the DOJ.

The FBI and the Democrats are doing everything they can to keep the public from finding out about their criminal bias and abuses of power in illegally spying on Americans, especially on an opposing political party during an election.

Comey is so stressed about the release of the Summary that he had a meltdown and ranted on Twitter. This is not going at all like he had planned, as he had been assured it would go. It wasn't supposed to backfire. He was suppose to be a 'hero' for helping take down Trump, not exposed as the 'traitor' he is and will be remembered throughout history now as having been.

Trump isn’t going to take down the FBI. His hand picked guy wrote the open letter released yesterday. The man Trump appointed to clean up the FBI told him the Memo is a lie.

If Trump releases something his own people say is a blatant lie, his Presidency is over.
The Russians did not have to hack the DNC. It was Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Pakistani Spy Ring!

DNC Chairwoman hired terrorist-connected Pakistani IT spies, gave them illegal access to classified House files and computers, from which they downloaded terabytes of information. Once exposed, once kicked out of the House, and after an 'espionage' investigation had begun on them, DWS then RE-HIRED Awan and - ignoring their House ban and the 'Espionage' investigation gave them illegal access to classified House files and systems again!

She also gave them full access to every DNC e-mail account, complete with usernames and passwords.

It was around this time that every nasty little secret the DNC was hiding was exposed.....the rigging of primaries, the cheating in debates, the election fraud in primaries, the stacking of the deck against Sanders to ensure he would never win.... From the DNC e-mail system 'gold mine' of every Democrat's personal e-mails was plucked and released the evidence revealing the DNC was / is filled with sexists, racists, homophobes, and anti-Semites.

The Democrats were PISSED, foamed at the mouth, refused to put the spotlight on DWS' Espionage Ring, and instead blamed the Russians - based on Trump's ill-advised snarky debate comment - and helped start the 'Russian Collusion' narrative. (That the Russians interfered in the US election by exposing how the Democrats were trying to interfere / manipulate US elections.. :p) Of course, the Democrats refused to turn over their network / server to have the FBI verify it had been hacked by the 'Russians'...)

After her Pakistani Spy Ring was finally discovered...again...and shut down, DWS was fired from the DNC...and IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary to work on her election campaign...... (Interesting how a Presidential Candidate had no problem immediately hiring as part of a team a person who had just been fired for Running a foreign spy ring that jeopardized / damaged national security...)
...and of course the vast majority of this has already been verified by none other than DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile...
The FBI has criticized the memo as fundamentally inaccurate.

OF COURSE they did - They are being implicated for perpetrating unethical, inappropriate, and potentially illegal acts, abusing their powers and violating procedures, laws, and the Constitution.

OF COURSE they did - They are being investigated by the DOJ.

The FBI and the Democrats are doing everything they can to keep the public from finding out about their criminal bias and abuses of power in illegally spying on Americans, especially on an opposing political party during an election.

Comey is so stressed about the release of the Summary that he had a meltdown and ranted on Twitter. This is not going at all like he had planned, as he had been assured it would go. It wasn't supposed to backfire. He was suppose to be a 'hero' for helping take down Trump, not exposed as the 'traitor' he is and will be remembered throughout history now as having been.

Trump isn’t going to take down the FBI. His hand picked guy wrote the open letter released yesterday. The man Trump appointed to clean up the FBI told him the Memo is a lie.

If Trump releases something his own people say is a blatant lie, his Presidency is over.

Because it’s obstruction of justice to knowingly and publically lie about the people investigating you in an effort to discredit their investigation.

Any attempt to fire members of the FBI or DOJ involved in the Russian Investigation at this point, is obstruction of justice.
Mueller still has absolutely nothing linking Trump to Russian hacking collusion conspiracy or whereever the fuck you moved the goalposts this week.
So when did Mueller share his evidence with you fuckhead?
Why do you dopes keep repeating the same info you have no way of knowing?
If Trump releases something his own people say is a blatant lie, his Presidency is over.
Wray is not 'his people'. Wray was hired to run the FBI...and has proven he is loyal to the FBI instead of to the US and the American people. The previous leaders of the FBI being loyal to Obama, the DNC, and to the FBI is how the exposed criminal treasonous FBI got to where they are now .
Any attempt to fire members of the FBI or DOJ involved in the Russian Investigation at this point, is obstruction of justice.
Actually if Rosenstein and Mueller are proven to have broken the law it is Trump's duty to this nation to fire them...if they refuse to step down.
The Russians did not have to hack the DNC. It was Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Pakistani Spy Ring!

DNC Chairwoman hired terrorist-connected Pakistani IT spies, gave them illegal access to classified House files and computers, from which they downloaded terabytes of information. Once exposed, once kicked out of the House, and after an 'espionage' investigation had begun on them, DWS then RE-HIRED Awan and - ignoring their House ban and the 'Espionage' investigation gave them illegal access to classified House files and systems again!

She also gave them full access to every DNC e-mail account, complete with usernames and passwords.

It was around this time that every nasty little secret the DNC was hiding was exposed.....the rigging of primaries, the cheating in debates, the election fraud in primaries, the stacking of the deck against Sanders to ensure he would never win.... From the DNC e-mail system 'gold mine' of every Democrat's personal e-mails was plucked and released the evidence revealing the DNC was / is filled with sexists, racists, homophobes, and anti-Semites.

The Democrats were PISSED, foamed at the mouth, refused to put the spotlight on DWS' Espionage Ring, and instead blamed the Russians - based on Trump's ill-advised snarky debate comment - and helped start the 'Russian Collusion' narrative. (That the Russians interfered in the US election by exposing how the Democrats were trying to interfere / manipulate US elections.. :p) Of course, the Democrats refused to turn over their network / server to have the FBI verify it had been hacked by the 'Russians'...)

After her Pakistani Spy Ring was finally discovered...again...and shut down, DWS was fired from the DNC...and IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary to work on her election campaign...... (Interesting how a Presidential Candidate had no problem immediately hiring as part of a team a person who had just been fired for Running a foreign spy ring that jeopardized / damaged national security...)
...and of course the vast majority of this has already been verified by none other than DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile...
Queasy is Sean Hannity Jr.
Never is he honest enough to even discuss the Trump/ Russian scandal.
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

Prove it.
The proof is in the fact that it omits a lot of details. The proof is in the fact that Paul Ryan will not allow Democrats to release their own memo which counters the Republican memo. Of the Republican memo is fair and factual, it’ll still be fair and factual even when compared to the Democrat memo.

If that doesn’t make sense to you, then you are just the type of partisan that the GOP is pandering to with this nonsense.

You have no idea what's in it. LOL, why do you pretend you do? I'm neither Republican nor Democrat Komrade ;) I'm a truther, a straight up Constitutionalist. You are a partisan hack who believes EVERYTHING his leaders tell him. Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, they are all lying to you. ALL Politicians lie to us. You're terrified that something is in there that will hurt your cause.
Nice try, asshole, but I’m an independent. I don’t follow any party. But what the Republicans are doing here is straight up bullshit. I’m not scared of what’s in the memo. I say release it, but also release the Democrat memo. What are Republicans scared of? What are you scared of? You say you’re a truther? Then you should want to see both memos, and hear both sides, not just what Paul Ryan feeds you.

Fake truther hack

Hmmmm, you're simply willing to take Schiff's "word" that something has been changed. Got it. I'm not a Republican, and I fear nothing. You still think Hillary's investigation was fair and unbiased don't you?

that's funny given that you're willing to take the word of hack devin nunes. *shrug*

don't believe any of them.... tell them to put both memos out there.

or are you afraid Donald will look even stupider than he already does?

reality check: carter page was being groomed as a Russian asset. he made anti-American speeches in Moscow. he was on the radar for years, even coming up in a prosecution of Russian spies.

*this* is what you're falling on your swoards for? :rofl:

not renewing the FISA warrant on carter page would have been a crime.
It is FBI SOP that when a high-profile spy / snooping operation is being conducted by the FBI, especially on any 'target' that could effect a political election, the FBI Director must be kept aware of the operation and report that operation to the appropriate oversight committee in Congress.

When Comey testified before Congress, I believe it was Trey Gowdy asked him if he had ever notified Congress they were spying on Trump and his team. COMEY ADMITTED HE HAD NOT.

It would be one helluva stretch for snowflakes to claim Comey simply 'forgot' to do so in such an incredibly monument spying incident...
The Russians did not have to hack the DNC. It was Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Pakistani Spy Ring!

DNC Chairwoman hired terrorist-connected Pakistani IT spies, gave them illegal access to classified House files and computers, from which they downloaded terabytes of information. Once exposed, once kicked out of the House, and after an 'espionage' investigation had begun on them, DWS then RE-HIRED Awan and - ignoring their House ban and the 'Espionage' investigation gave them illegal access to classified House files and systems again!

She also gave them full access to every DNC e-mail account, complete with usernames and passwords.

It was around this time that every nasty little secret the DNC was hiding was exposed.....the rigging of primaries, the cheating in debates, the election fraud in primaries, the stacking of the deck against Sanders to ensure he would never win.... From the DNC e-mail system 'gold mine' of every Democrat's personal e-mails was plucked and released the evidence revealing the DNC was / is filled with sexists, racists, homophobes, and anti-Semites.

The Democrats were PISSED, foamed at the mouth, refused to put the spotlight on DWS' Espionage Ring, and instead blamed the Russians - based on Trump's ill-advised snarky debate comment - and helped start the 'Russian Collusion' narrative. (That the Russians interfered in the US election by exposing how the Democrats were trying to interfere / manipulate US elections.. :p) Of course, the Democrats refused to turn over their network / server to have the FBI verify it had been hacked by the 'Russians'...)

After her Pakistani Spy Ring was finally discovered...again...and shut down, DWS was fired from the DNC...and IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary to work on her election campaign...... (Interesting how a Presidential Candidate had no problem immediately hiring as part of a team a person who had just been fired for Running a foreign spy ring that jeopardized / damaged national security...)
...and of course the vast majority of this has already been verified by none other than DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile...

What a loser.

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