As Mueller Closes In, Another GOP Smokescreen Begins

The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

Prove it.
The proof is in the fact that it omits a lot of details. The proof is in the fact that Paul Ryan will not allow Democrats to release their own memo which counters the Republican memo. Of the Republican memo is fair and factual, it’ll still be fair and factual even when compared to the Democrat memo.

If that doesn’t make sense to you, then you are just the type of partisan that the GOP is pandering to with this nonsense.

You have no idea what's in it. LOL, why do you pretend you do? I'm neither Republican nor Democrat Komrade ;) I'm a truther, a straight up Constitutionalist. You are a partisan hack who believes EVERYTHING his leaders tell him. Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, they are all lying to you. ALL Politicians lie to us. You're terrified that something is in there that will hurt your cause.
Nice try, asshole, but I’m an independent. I don’t follow any party. But what the Republicans are doing here is straight up bullshit. I’m not scared of what’s in the memo. I say release it, but also release the Democrat memo. What are Republicans scared of? What are you scared of? You say you’re a truther? Then you should want to see both memos, and hear both sides, not just what Paul Ryan feeds you.

Fake truther hack

Hmmmm, you're simply willing to take Schiff's "word" that something has been changed. Got it. I'm not a Republican, and I fear nothing. You still think Hillary's investigation was fair and unbiased don't you?

Nice try, asshole, but I’m an independent. I don’t follow any party. But what the Republicans are doing here is straight up bullshit. I’m not scared of what’s in the memo. I say release it, but also release the Democrat memo. What are Republicans scared of? What are you scared of? You say you’re a truther? Then you should want to see both memos, and hear both sides, not just what Paul Ryan feeds you.

Fake truther hack

The evidence so far suggest that the filthy Democrats paid the Russians $12 million to create a false dossier on Trump. Then that dossier was used by the Obama Administration as an excuse to spy on Trump during the and after the campaign.

Now you tell me why it is bullshit to have a proper investigation into the corruption of the Democrats including exposing any memos that might be pertinent?

The Democrats are the scum of this country. Tremendous corruption by them was exposed in the Wikileaks revelations. We know they are capable of despicable corruption.

It would be immoral for the Democrats to create false dossiers, especially paying the Russians to create it. It would be illegal for the Obama administration to use the FBI to spy on Trump, especially when the information leading to the spying was bogus.

The Democrats are crying like scalded dogs because their corruption is being exposed. They feel they are entitled to corruption in pursuit of their vile agenda to make America a socialist shithole. The FBI is crying like little school girls as their credibility and reputation is being kicked into the gutter. We can thank Obama for that.

We need to know the truth and this memo evidently is a piece of that puzzle. The truth shall set us free.
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

Prove it.
The proof is in the fact that it omits a lot of details. The proof is in the fact that Paul Ryan will not allow Democrats to release their own memo which counters the Republican memo. Of the Republican memo is fair and factual, it’ll still be fair and factual even when compared to the Democrat memo.

If that doesn’t make sense to you, then you are just the type of partisan that the GOP is pandering to with this nonsense.

You have no idea what's in it. LOL, why do you pretend you do? I'm neither Republican nor Democrat Komrade ;) I'm a truther, a straight up Constitutionalist. You are a partisan hack who believes EVERYTHING his leaders tell him. Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, they are all lying to you. ALL Politicians lie to us. You're terrified that something is in there that will hurt your cause.
Nice try, asshole, but I’m an independent. I don’t follow any party. But what the Republicans are doing here is straight up bullshit. I’m not scared of what’s in the memo. I say release it, but also release the Democrat memo. What are Republicans scared of? What are you scared of? You say you’re a truther? Then you should want to see both memos, and hear both sides, not just what Paul Ryan feeds you.

Fake truther hack

Hmmmm, you're simply willing to take Schiff's "word" that something has been changed. Got it. I'm not a Republican, and I fear nothing. You still think Hillary's investigation was fair and unbiased don't you?
You still think Republicans releasing their memo but not allowing Democrats to release theirs is fair and unbiased, don’t you?

But you’re like Mr Independent Truther or some bullshit. Funny, you seem pretty biased.
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

Prove it.
The proof is in the fact that it omits a lot of details. The proof is in the fact that Paul Ryan will not allow Democrats to release their own memo which counters the Republican memo. Of the Republican memo is fair and factual, it’ll still be fair and factual even when compared to the Democrat memo.

If that doesn’t make sense to you, then you are just the type of partisan that the GOP is pandering to with this nonsense.
Leaky deMS-13 can leak their memo
I hope they do.

At least you can admit you’re a partisan hack with no desire to hear both sides or be fair

Both sides? Already heard from the deMS-13, time for truth now
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

Investigation? What a joke.
Yes, investigation. It has produced four indictments and two guilty pleas so far
None of which actually have anything to do with the supposed investigation....
The snowflakes on this board are rabidly against its release
I actually think they should release it (along with the Democrats own memo to be fair). Though, I think Trump benefits more by not allowing its release. If it is released, their “findings” can be scrutinized and their partisan hackery exposed. If it’s kept under wraps, Trump and cronies can spread all of the misinformation they want about it without having it torn apart by pundits and legal experts on morning shows and cable news.
You better hope that the Democrat memo isn’t released then....
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

Prove it.
The proof is in the fact that it omits a lot of details. The proof is in the fact that Paul Ryan will not allow Democrats to release their own memo which counters the Republican memo. Of the Republican memo is fair and factual, it’ll still be fair and factual even when compared to the Democrat memo.

If that doesn’t make sense to you, then you are just the type of partisan that the GOP is pandering to with this nonsense.

Isn't it the definition of "summary" that it omits details?

Don't ask him to think, it hurts his head. Deep down he KNOWS the shit is most likely going to hit the fan and he just can't bring himself to believe it.
Fake truther hack

Look up what a summary is and get back to us.

“The Nunes Document” is nothing more than another attempt by the little weasel from California to obstruct justice. He represents my district in CA, and is well known for his complete lack of ethics. (It is the sole reason conservatives in this district keep reelecting him.)

Due to his complicity in the Russian scandal, Nunes is becoming more and more desperate as the Mueller team closes in. Nunes realizes that, unlike Flynn, he has no information of value to trade to Mueller to bargain for a plea deal.

Despite their shenanigans to obstruct the Mueller investigation, and cover up this administration’s blatant corruption, Nunes knows, for their complicity, his head, and those of several other Republican crooks will inevitably roll.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


This talking point is well established. Trying to poison the summary before anyone sees it.

The summary is a worthless pile of paper without the underlying evidence being provided with it. Without the evidence it is just one party's opinion, nothing more.

If the FBI verifies that it is accurate, as I believe they have, what more do you need?

The FBI has criticized the memo as fundamentally inaccurate.

The FBI has criticized the memo as fundamentally inaccurate.

OF COURSE they did - They are being implicated for perpetrating unethical, inappropriate, and potentially illegal acts, abusing their powers and violating procedures, laws, and the Constitution.

OF COURSE they did - They are being investigated by the DOJ.

The FBI and the Democrats are doing everything they can to keep the public from finding out about their criminal bias and abuses of power in illegally spying on Americans, especially on an opposing political party during an election.

Comey is so stressed about the release of the Summary that he had a meltdown and ranted on Twitter. This is not going at all like he had planned, as he had been assured it would go. It wasn't supposed to backfire. He was suppose to be a 'hero' for helping take down Trump, not exposed as the 'traitor' he is and will be remembered throughout history now as having been.

“The Nunes Document” is nothing more than another attempt by the little weasel from California to obstruct justice. He represents my district in CA, and is well known for his complete lack of ethics. (It is the sole reason conservatives in this district keep reelecting him.)

Due to his complicity in the Russian scandal, Nunes is becoming more and more desperate as the Mueller team closes in. Nunes realizes that, unlike Flynn, he has no information of value to trade to Mueller to bargain for a plea deal.

Despite their shenanigans to obstruct the Mueller investigation, and cover up this administration’s blatant corruption, Nunes knows, for their complicity, his head, and those of several other Republican crooks will inevitably roll.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


This talking point is well established. Trying to poison the summary before anyone sees it.

The summary is a worthless pile of paper without the underlying evidence being provided with it. Without the evidence it is just one party's opinion, nothing more.

If the FBI verifies that it is accurate, as I believe they have, what more do you need?

The FBI has criticized the memo as fundamentally inaccurate.

Do you not grasp the concept that the memo calls into question the integrity of the FBI? Yet you seem to feel that the FBI's response...criticizing the memo...proves that the memo IS inaccurate? The only fair way to resolve this situation at this point is to release everything and let the public decide what took place and who should be held accountable for what took place.
The FBI has criticized the memo as fundamentally inaccurate.

OF COURSE they did - They are being implicated for perpetrating unethical, inappropriate, and potentially illegal acts, abusing their powers and violating procedures, laws, and the Constitution.

OF COURSE they did - They are being investigated by the DOJ.

The FBI and the Democrats are doing everything they can to keep the public from finding out about their criminal bias and abuses of power in illegally spying on Americans, especially on an opposing political party during an election.

Comey is so stressed about the release of the Summary that he had a meltdown and ranted on Twitter. This is not going at all like he had planned, as he had been assured it would go. It wasn't supposed to backfire. He was suppose to be a 'hero' for helping take down Trump, not exposed as the 'traitor' he is and will be remembered throughout history now as having been.

This from the guy that spent two days passing the lie that the FBI said it was all good. You sure had a lot of faith in the FBI then.

“The Nunes Document” is nothing more than another attempt by the little weasel from California to obstruct justice. He represents my district in CA, and is well known for his complete lack of ethics. (It is the sole reason conservatives in this district keep reelecting him.)

Due to his complicity in the Russian scandal, Nunes is becoming more and more desperate as the Mueller team closes in. Nunes realizes that, unlike Flynn, he has no information of value to trade to Mueller to bargain for a plea deal.

Despite their shenanigans to obstruct the Mueller investigation, and cover up this administration’s blatant corruption, Nunes knows, for their complicity, his head, and those of several other Republican crooks will inevitably roll.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


This talking point is well established. Trying to poison the summary before anyone sees it.

The summary is a worthless pile of paper without the underlying evidence being provided with it. Without the evidence it is just one party's opinion, nothing more.

If the FBI verifies that it is accurate, as I believe they have, what more do you need?

The FBI has criticized the memo as fundamentally inaccurate.

Do you not grasp the concept that the memo calls into question the integrity of the FBI? Yet you seem to feel that the FBI's response...criticizing the memo...proves that the memo IS inaccurate? The only fair way to resolve this situation at this point is to release everything and let the public decide what took place and who should be held accountable for what took place.

But nobody is willing to release it all and nobody with the power to do it is even talking about it. All we will get is a useless memo that gives on sides opinion of the evidence.

It will be good for lining a birdcage and starting a fire, but that is about it
This talking point is well established. Trying to poison the summary before anyone sees it.

The summary is a worthless pile of paper without the underlying evidence being provided with it. Without the evidence it is just one party's opinion, nothing more.

If the FBI verifies that it is accurate, as I believe they have, what more do you need?

The FBI has criticized the memo as fundamentally inaccurate.

Do you not grasp the concept that the memo calls into question the integrity of the FBI? Yet you seem to feel that the FBI's response...criticizing the memo...proves that the memo IS inaccurate? The only fair way to resolve this situation at this point is to release everything and let the public decide what took place and who should be held accountable for what took place.

But nobody is willing to release it all and nobody with the power to do it is even talking about it. All we will get is a useless memo that gives on sides opinion of the evidence.

It will be good for lining a birdcage and starting a fire, but that is about it

What is happening is that two opposing sides are jockeying to release their version of events, GG! As I said before the only way to truly resolve an issue like this is by releasing everything and letting the public decide for themselves without the partisan "filtering" that's going on now!

There's obviously an issue here. Government entities like the FBI, the Justice Department and the IRS need to be non partisan. When the party in power can use them to attack their political opponents...and that was done during the Obama Administration...then we're in danger of becoming an oversized "banana republic"!

“The Nunes Document” is nothing more than another attempt by the little weasel from California to obstruct justice. He represents my district in CA, and is well known for his complete lack of ethics. (It is the sole reason conservatives in this district keep reelecting him.)

Due to his complicity in the Russian scandal, Nunes is becoming more and more desperate as the Mueller team closes in. Nunes realizes that, unlike Flynn, he has no information of value to trade to Mueller to bargain for a plea deal.

Despite their shenanigans to obstruct the Mueller investigation, and cover up this administration’s blatant corruption, Nunes knows, for their complicity, his head, and those of several other Republican crooks will inevitably roll.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.

What is he closing on? Does anyone know? Does he need someone to call out "hot" and "cold" to help him?

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