As Mueller Closes In, Another GOP Smokescreen Begins

Any attempt to fire members of the FBI or DOJ involved in the Russian Investigation at this point, is obstruction of justice.
Actually if Rosenstein and Mueller are proven to have broken the law it is Trump's duty to this nation to fire them...if they refuse to step down.

neither broker the law, sergei.

you need to stop pretending our system is like your boy vlad's.

and you and your Russian shills trying to attack bob Mueller's STELLAR reputation is laughable. he was appointed by baby bush, kept on by Obama and was the only FBI director since hoover to complete his ten year term. he was then asked to stay on an additional two years, which extension was unanimously approved 100 to ZERO by the senate.

want to try again, sergei?

“The Nunes Document” is nothing more than another attempt by the little weasel from California to obstruct justice. He represents my district in CA, and is well known for his complete lack of ethics. (It is the sole reason conservatives in this district keep reelecting him.)

Due to his complicity in the Russian scandal, Nunes is becoming more and more desperate as the Mueller team closes in. Nunes realizes that, unlike Flynn, he has no information of value to trade to Mueller to bargain for a plea deal.

Despite their shenanigans to obstruct the Mueller investigation, and cover up this administration’s blatant corruption, Nunes knows, for their complicity, his head, and those of several other Republican crooks will inevitably roll.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


Well worth a bump. No truer post has yet to be posted on this very topical issue; yet, six known fools think is was funny.
The Russians did not have to hack the DNC. It was Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Pakistani Spy Ring!

DNC Chairwoman hired terrorist-connected Pakistani IT spies, gave them illegal access to classified House files and computers, from which they downloaded terabytes of information. Once exposed, once kicked out of the House, and after an 'espionage' investigation had begun on them, DWS then RE-HIRED Awan and - ignoring their House ban and the 'Espionage' investigation gave them illegal access to classified House files and systems again!

She also gave them full access to every DNC e-mail account, complete with usernames and passwords.

It was around this time that every nasty little secret the DNC was hiding was exposed.....the rigging of primaries, the cheating in debates, the election fraud in primaries, the stacking of the deck against Sanders to ensure he would never win.... From the DNC e-mail system 'gold mine' of every Democrat's personal e-mails was plucked and released the evidence revealing the DNC was / is filled with sexists, racists, homophobes, and anti-Semites.

The Democrats were PISSED, foamed at the mouth, refused to put the spotlight on DWS' Espionage Ring, and instead blamed the Russians - based on Trump's ill-advised snarky debate comment - and helped start the 'Russian Collusion' narrative. (That the Russians interfered in the US election by exposing how the Democrats were trying to interfere / manipulate US elections.. :p) Of course, the Democrats refused to turn over their network / server to have the FBI verify it had been hacked by the 'Russians'...)

After her Pakistani Spy Ring was finally discovered...again...and shut down, DWS was fired from the DNC...and IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary to work on her election campaign...... (Interesting how a Presidential Candidate had no problem immediately hiring as part of a team a person who had just been fired for Running a foreign spy ring that jeopardized / damaged national security...)
...and of course the vast majority of this has already been verified by none other than DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile...

What a loser.
Personally attacks the proven LIAR who was caught exposed, and demonstrated he is too big of a puss to apologize. After that demonstration you have ZERO credibility.

All you are doing now is ....


crawl back to the kids' table so the adults can talk...

If Trump releases something his own people say is a blatant lie, his Presidency is over.
Wray is not 'his people'. Wray was hired to run the FBI...and has proven he is loyal to the FBI instead of to the US and the American people. The previous leaders of the FBI being loyal to Obama, the DNC, and to the FBI is how the exposed criminal treasonous FBI got to where they are now .

You have it backwards, Evgeny. Wray is proving that he is upholding his oath to protect the Constitution of the United States by telling the American people and the President that he has “grave concerns” about the consequences of releasing this document which is fundamentally false”.

By publically opposing the man who hiring him, he’s has effectively ended his career as Director of the FBI and he know it.

He must truly and honestly believe that the Memo is substantially incorrect and has expressed that belief in the strongest terms possible.

As has Rod Rosenstein, another loyal Republican who Trump has picked for the jobs they hold now.

Both of these loyal Trump appointees have staked their careers to warning the guy who hired them that this Memo is both false and a danger to National Security.

And unlike Devon Nunes, both Wray and Rosenstein HAVE read the FISA Application and they do know what’s in it.
You have it backwards, Evgeny. Wray is proving that he is upholding his oath to protect the Constitution of the United States by telling the American people and the President that he has “grave concerns” about the consequences of releasing this document which is fundamentally false”.


As already pointed out, OF COURSE the head of the exposed criminal, treasonous agency that is currently being implicated in the Summary of Evidence - a compilation of evidence collected by numerous government agencies, Intel sources, and the US IG - and is being investigated by the is their former Deputy Director who was just fired / forced out, just declared to the world...



'Sir, you have been arrested for murdering your wife. The police, FBI, PIs, and the US AG have compiled this 4-page list of evidence against you. What do you have to say for yourself?

'Ummm...all that evidence is incomplete, wrong, and, ummm, false.'

'Ok, then. Case dismissed!'

*this* is what you're falling on your swords for?

That and for Donald. Idk why anyone would follow that man off this cliff. By all accounts, nobody even likes him. It seems like they just tolerate him to get what they want
The Russians did not have to hack the DNC. It was Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Pakistani Spy Ring!

DNC Chairwoman hired terrorist-connected Pakistani IT spies, gave them illegal access to classified House files and computers, from which they downloaded terabytes of information. Once exposed, once kicked out of the House, and after an 'espionage' investigation had begun on them, DWS then RE-HIRED Awan and - ignoring their House ban and the 'Espionage' investigation gave them illegal access to classified House files and systems again!

She also gave them full access to every DNC e-mail account, complete with usernames and passwords.

It was around this time that every nasty little secret the DNC was hiding was exposed.....the rigging of primaries, the cheating in debates, the election fraud in primaries, the stacking of the deck against Sanders to ensure he would never win.... From the DNC e-mail system 'gold mine' of every Democrat's personal e-mails was plucked and released the evidence revealing the DNC was / is filled with sexists, racists, homophobes, and anti-Semites.

The Democrats were PISSED, foamed at the mouth, refused to put the spotlight on DWS' Espionage Ring, and instead blamed the Russians - based on Trump's ill-advised snarky debate comment - and helped start the 'Russian Collusion' narrative. (That the Russians interfered in the US election by exposing how the Democrats were trying to interfere / manipulate US elections.. :p) Of course, the Democrats refused to turn over their network / server to have the FBI verify it had been hacked by the 'Russians'...)

After her Pakistani Spy Ring was finally discovered...again...and shut down, DWS was fired from the DNC...and IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary to work on her election campaign...... (Interesting how a Presidential Candidate had no problem immediately hiring as part of a team a person who had just been fired for Running a foreign spy ring that jeopardized / damaged national security...)
...and of course the vast majority of this has already been verified by none other than DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile...

What a loser.
Personally attacks the proven LIAR who was caught exposed, and demonstrated he is too big of a puss to apologize. After that demonstration you have ZERO credibility.

All you are doing now is ....

View attachment 174577

crawl back to the kids' table so the adults can talk...


*this* is what you're falling on your swords for?

That and for Donald. Idk why anyone would follow that man off this cliff. By all accounts, nobody even likes him. It seems like they just tolerate him to get what they want

someone opined today that the "memo" isn't going to do anything and it's going to be a big fail. that most people don't even understand it much less care about it. so they figured wth...give the orange sociopath what he wants.

someone else opined that there are those in the party (not nunes obviously) who are just waiting for Donald to go down for obstruction so they're giving him all the rope he needs.
"The release of the memo suggests not a problem with the system but a problem of corrupt individuals gaming the system." - Eloquent Sean Hannity

"The sole purpose of this Republican document is to confuse the American people and undermine confidence in the Special Prosecutor’s investigation. I doubt the American people will be fooled by these deceptions." - Shifty Adam Schiff
Mueller still has absolutely nothing linking Trump to Russian hacking collusion conspiracy or whereever the fuck you moved the goalposts this week.
So when did Mueller share his evidence with you fuckhead?
Why do you dopes keep repeating the same info you have no way of knowing?

Mueller's got less than nothing now. He only had nothing before the Nunes memo, not he's lucky if it doesn't end in a helicopter ride
The FBI has criticized the memo as fundamentally inaccurate.

OF COURSE they did - They are being implicated for perpetrating unethical, inappropriate, and potentially illegal acts, abusing their powers and violating procedures, laws, and the Constitution.

OF COURSE they did - They are being investigated by the DOJ.

The FBI and the Democrats are doing everything they can to keep the public from finding out about their criminal bias and abuses of power in illegally spying on Americans, especially on an opposing political party during an election.

Comey is so stressed about the release of the Summary that he had a meltdown and ranted on Twitter. This is not going at all like he had planned, as he had been assured it would go. It wasn't supposed to backfire. He was suppose to be a 'hero' for helping take down Trump, not exposed as the 'traitor' he is and will be remembered throughout history now as having been.

Trump isn’t going to take down the FBI. His hand picked guy wrote the open letter released yesterday. The man Trump appointed to clean up the FBI told him the Memo is a lie.

If Trump releases something his own people say is a blatant lie, his Presidency is over.

Because it’s obstruction of justice to knowingly and publically lie about the people investigating you in an effort to discredit their investigation.

Any attempt to fire members of the FBI or DOJ involved in the Russian Investigation at this point, is obstruction of justice.
who is doing that?
"The release of the memo suggests not a problem with the system but a problem of corrupt individuals gaming the system." - Eloquent Sean Hannity

"The sole purpose of this Republican document is to confuse the American people and undermine confidence in the Special Prosecutor’s investigation. I doubt the American people will be fooled by these deceptions." - Shifty Adam Schiff

funny how you confuse the decent person with the scum of the earth.

you have your observations reversed. like most everything trumpscum post.

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