As Mueller Closes In, Another GOP Smokescreen Begins

The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

Prove it.

They don't intend to. The idea is to poison the summary as much as possible before it's released in the hope some lesser intellects will squawk "Don't bother me with that" and waddle away in search of more crumbs.
The snowflakes on this board are rabidly against its release
I actually think they should release it (along with the Democrats own memo to be fair). Though, I think Trump benefits more by not allowing its release. If it is released, their “findings” can be scrutinized and their partisan hackery exposed. If it’s kept under wraps, Trump and cronies can spread all of the misinformation about it they want, without having it torn apart by pundits and legal experts on morning shows and cable news.

The memo is DOA. It’s compromised and always was. Whether or not it’s released at this point, is moot.

Trump has effectively shot himself in the foot and the wound is fatal.
what caused it to become compromised?
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

You mean the investigation that goes on and on and on...never seeming to end...yet never producing any evidence at all that there was "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia? Why WOULD an innocent man want that investigation to "put up or shut up" and let him get back to the job he was elected by the people to do? What Trump has done all along is to not only cooperate with the investigation but to WELCOME it! He has no problem with being investigated because he knows that there was no Russian collusion on his part. His problem lies in what has been exposed as a conspiracy by the Clinton campaign and the liberal media to claim his election wasn't valid. The fact is...Democrats don't want the "investigation" into Russian collusion to end because then they'd have to admit that there never was a basis FOR the investigation except for the smear campaign that the Clinton camp and the DNC undertook with their fake Trump dossier!

What a load of bullshit. Reminds me of Nixon’s quote in his SOTU speech that one year of the Watergate Investigation was enough.

Like Watergate, Trump May not have directly colluded with the Russians but he most definitely conspired to cover up for his employees who did.

He has also obstructed the FBI Investigation at every turn, purging the FBI and Justice of anyone associated with this Investigation.

If Nunes hasn’t seen the FISA application, how does he know what it’s based on?

How can you possibly lie this easily? There has been NO obstruction, NO collusion and nobody of any significance has been "purged". Good lord.
Mueller still has absolutely nothing linking Trump to Russian hacking collusion conspiracy or whereever the fuck you moved the goalposts this week.
Where was last week's goalposts?

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The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?
You know the answer to that bro.

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The snowflakes on this board are rabidly against its release
I actually think they should release it (along with the Democrats own memo to be fair). Though, I think Trump benefits more by not allowing its release. If it is released, their “findings” can be scrutinized and their partisan hackery exposed. If it’s kept under wraps, Trump and cronies can spread all of the misinformation they want about it without having it torn apart by pundits and legal experts on morning shows and cable news.

You really are naive, Jed! The Democrats are fighting the release of this...not the GOP! Why? Because they know that it reveals what was going on behind the scenes at the FBI? Hiding behind claims of "national security" as the reason not to reveal the facts to the American people is what Richard Nixon did back in the day! That's what Democrats are doing today. Do you know why? Because they don't want it exposed that THEY as a party are guilty of far worse things than Watergate ever was! They used a Federal court to get a FISA warrant so they could spy on their political opponent and they did so by citing a "dossier" that they knew was paid for by the Clinton campaign and was completely fake as the justification for that FISA warrant! People need to go to jail for that just as the "plumbers" went to prison for Watergate!
The Democrats are fighting the release of this.

Because it's an attempt to undermine the credibility of the investigation.

With all due respect, Hutch...the "credibility" of this investigation is already undermined because the investigation was based on a charge of "collusion" which first of all isn't a crime...and second of all NEVER TOOK PLACE!

This entire sham has been an attempt by Clinton Democrats and her supporters in the Main Stream Media to explain why she lost to Donald Trump in a race that they told everyone she couldn't lose! Rather than admit that the American people thought she sucked as a candidate...they've subjected the country to a year plus of an investigation that has yielded zero evidence of collusion.

At the same time it's become obvious that the Clinton Camp WAS trying to win election by using smear tactics of the lowest sort! That the Obama White House went along with the Clinton Campaign and the DNC in using a phony "dossier" paid for by the Clinton campaign as part of the basis of a FISA warrant then used to spy on the Trump campaign! Richard Nixon used the "plumbers" to spy on his opponents...Barack Obama used an illegally obtained FISA warrant from a Federal judge to spy on his opponents. Richard Nixon "attempted" to use the IRS to hamstring his political opponents and was rebuffed...Barack Obama had people in the IRS who DID hamstring his political opponents. So tell me why Tricky Dick is in any way more criminal that Barry?
How would you know that?

The same way you think he does

Tell me Sassy, if you gave your son a very important note signed by many mothers to give straightway to the teacher in a envelope, but your son opens it and make changes to it on the way to show ... I would that not should not be views to the treacher and sent back to the moms to sign again...?

Don't you ? and then I would give it to the teacher myself..


Give it a rest once and for all. From the beginning it's been a witch hunt and now it's coming full circle

I'm so tired if you idiots screaming Russia Russia Russia and other BS and ignoring what the dems have done.

Fuck off

So then you do not care about getting to the bottom of this on way or another ? I want it factually shown the finished investigation soon.

I don't think there is or was any collusion.

But there is plenty of evidence of dem wrong doing. Interesting you are not wanting to get to the bottom of that, eh?
No Republican collusion in your opinion, so everything should stop? However, you're certain there's Democrat "wrong doing" which needs FULL investigation. Yes?

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The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

You mean the investigation that goes on and on and on...never seeming to end...yet never producing any evidence at all that there was "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia? Why WOULD an innocent man want that investigation to "put up or shut up" and let him get back to the job he was elected by the people to do? What Trump has done all along is to not only cooperate with the investigation but to WELCOME it! He has no problem with being investigated because he knows that there was no Russian collusion on his part. His problem lies in what has been exposed as a conspiracy by the Clinton campaign and the liberal media to claim his election wasn't valid. The fact is...Democrats don't want the "investigation" into Russian collusion to end because then they'd have to admit that there never was a basis FOR the investigation except for the smear campaign that the Clinton camp and the DNC undertook with their fake Trump dossier!

What a load of bullshit. Reminds me of Nixon’s quote in his SOTU speech that one year of the Watergate Investigation was enough.

Like Watergate, Trump May not have directly colluded with the Russians but he most definitely conspired to cover up for his employees who did.

He has also obstructed the FBI Investigation at every turn, purging the FBI and Justice of anyone associated with this Investigation.

If Nunes hasn’t seen the FISA application, how does he know what it’s based on?

How can you possibly lie this easily? There has been NO obstruction, NO collusion and nobody of any significance has been "purged". Good lord.

That's what they do.
They lie. Nobody believes them and they know nobody believes them..but they keep doing it anyway.
That's the hallmark of criminal thinkers.
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

Prove it.
The proof is in the fact that it omits a lot of details. The proof is in the fact that Paul Ryan will not allow Democrats to release their own memo which counters the Republican memo. Of the Republican memo is fair and factual, it’ll still be fair and factual even when compared to the Democrat memo.

If that doesn’t make sense to you, then you are just the type of partisan that the GOP is pandering to with this nonsense.
No Republican collusion in your opinion, so everything should stop?
Since no crime was ever committed warranting an investigation, there should have never been an investigation to begin with.

Going on 2 years now, Democrats can't produce evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation...but they demand an open-ended authorization to pry into every corner of the President's life until they find something criminal against him....which they have still failed to do going on 2 years.

You speak of allowing a 'FULL' investigation now that the un-warranted investigation has begun.

The Democrats' treason has boomeranged several times exposing liberal crimes and producing evidence to back that up. To date Mueller, who is tasked with following the evidence wherever it takes him and addressing the crimes exposed has turned a blind eye to all of the Democrat / Liberal crimes and the evidence against them....

...proving this is not an execution of the legal process but instead is a political witch hunt.
The proof is in the fact that it omits a lot of details.
So you are arguing something is corrupt / illegal based on the LACK OF EVIDENCE to support that claim......

Yeah, that sums up the entire on-going liberal witch hunt against Trump. :p
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

Prove it.

They don't intend to. The idea is to poison the summary as much as possible before it's released in the hope some lesser intellects will squawk "Don't bother me with that" and waddle away in search of more crumbs.
Ironic post is ironic
Bottom line: Release the whole memo and release the whole Democrat memo or release nothing. Anything less is a partisan hack job
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

You mean the investigation that goes on and on and on...never seeming to end...yet never producing any evidence at all that there was "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia? Why WOULD an innocent man want that investigation to "put up or shut up" and let him get back to the job he was elected by the people to do? What Trump has done all along is to not only cooperate with the investigation but to WELCOME it! He has no problem with being investigated because he knows that there was no Russian collusion on his part. His problem lies in what has been exposed as a conspiracy by the Clinton campaign and the liberal media to claim his election wasn't valid. The fact is...Democrats don't want the "investigation" into Russian collusion to end because then they'd have to admit that there never was a basis FOR the investigation except for the smear campaign that the Clinton camp and the DNC undertook with their fake Trump dossier!

What a load of bullshit. Reminds me of Nixon’s quote in his SOTU speech that one year of the Watergate Investigation was enough.

Like Watergate, Trump May not have directly colluded with the Russians but he most definitely conspired to cover up for his employees who did.

He has also obstructed the FBI Investigation at every turn, purging the FBI and Justice of anyone associated with this Investigation.

If Nunes hasn’t seen the FISA application, how does he know what it’s based on?

How can you possibly lie this easily? There has been NO obstruction, NO collusion and nobody of any significance has been "purged". Good lord.

That's what they do.
They lie. Nobody believes them and they know nobody believes them..but they keep doing it anyway.
That's the hallmark of criminal thinkers.

You mean the Trump Administration? Yes. They’ve lied and lied and when flat out caught, they’ve doubled down on the lies.

First there were no meetings with Russia. No one on the Trump Campaign met with Russians. That was a lie.

Then we’ll yes we met with Russians but we forgot about the meetings. They were just casual conversation. That was a lie.

Then it wasn’t Flynn didn’t discuss sanctions. And that was a lie.

The only liars in this scenario have been members of the Trump campaign, the Trump Administration and the Trump Family.
Bottom line: Release the whole memo and release the whole Democrat memo or release nothing. Anything less is a partisan hack job
I agree, but the worthless GOP is not going to allow that until everybody get to criticize their memo.

So, get that motherfucker out there and start chopping it to pieces.

I will be the No. 1 advocate for releasing the Dem Memo.

I want EVERYTHING released.
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

Prove it.
The proof is in the fact that it omits a lot of details. The proof is in the fact that Paul Ryan will not allow Democrats to release their own memo which counters the Republican memo. Of the Republican memo is fair and factual, it’ll still be fair and factual even when compared to the Democrat memo.

If that doesn’t make sense to you, then you are just the type of partisan that the GOP is pandering to with this nonsense.

Isn't it the definition of "summary" that it omits details?
Obama corrupted the FBI. Now the Democrats are scared shitless that the memo will expose the corruption of the Obama administration and the stupidity of the FBI for allowing themselves to be political hacks.

It is one thing for Obama to have corrupted the IRS and the Justice Department like we all know he did but we all hoped the FBI was beyond reproach but not so when the Democrats run things.

Democrats are the scum of this country.
Did the op really just attack responses before anyone made any?

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