As Mueller Closes In, Another GOP Smokescreen Begins


“The Nunes Document” is nothing more than another attempt by the little weasel from California to obstruct justice. He represents my district in CA, and is well known for his complete lack of ethics. (It is the sole reason conservatives in this district keep reelecting him.)

Due to his complicity in the Russian scandal, Nunes is becoming more and more desperate as the Mueller team closes in. Nunes realizes that, unlike Flynn, he has no information of value to trade to Mueller to bargain for a plea deal.

Despite their shenanigans to obstruct the Mueller investigation, and cover up this administration’s blatant corruption, Nunes knows, for their complicity, his head, and those of several other Republican crooks will inevitably roll.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.

as part of the transition team he may very well have committed crimes. It seems like something is driving this guy. Could it be he is afraid of going to jail?
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

Prove it.
The proof is in the fact that it omits a lot of details. The proof is in the fact that Paul Ryan will not allow Democrats to release their own memo which counters the Republican memo. Of the Republican memo is fair and factual, it’ll still be fair and factual even when compared to the Democrat memo.

If that doesn’t make sense to you, then you are just the type of partisan that the GOP is pandering to with this nonsense.

You have no idea what's in it. LOL, why do you pretend you do? I'm neither Republican nor Democrat Komrade ;) I'm a truther, a straight up Constitutionalist. You are a partisan hack who believes EVERYTHING his leaders tell him. Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, they are all lying to you. ALL Politicians lie to us. You're terrified that something is in there that will hurt your cause.
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

Prove it.
The proof is in the fact that it omits a lot of details. The proof is in the fact that Paul Ryan will not allow Democrats to release their own memo which counters the Republican memo. Of the Republican memo is fair and factual, it’ll still be fair and factual even when compared to the Democrat memo.

If that doesn’t make sense to you, then you are just the type of partisan that the GOP is pandering to with this nonsense.
Leaky deMS-13 can leak their memo
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

You mean the investigation that goes on and on and on...never seeming to end...yet never producing any evidence at all that there was "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia? Why WOULD an innocent man want that investigation to "put up or shut up" and let him get back to the job he was elected by the people to do? What Trump has done all along is to not only cooperate with the investigation but to WELCOME it! He has no problem with being investigated because he knows that there was no Russian collusion on his part. His problem lies in what has been exposed as a conspiracy by the Clinton campaign and the liberal media to claim his election wasn't valid. The fact is...Democrats don't want the "investigation" into Russian collusion to end because then they'd have to admit that there never was a basis FOR the investigation except for the smear campaign that the Clinton camp and the DNC undertook with their fake Trump dossier!

What a load of bullshit. Reminds me of Nixon’s quote in his SOTU speech that one year of the Watergate Investigation was enough.

Like Watergate, Trump May not have directly colluded with the Russians but he most definitely conspired to cover up for his employees who did.

He has also obstructed the FBI Investigation at every turn, purging the FBI and Justice of anyone associated with this Investigation.

If Nunes hasn’t seen the FISA application, how does he know what it’s based on?

How can you possibly lie this easily? There has been NO obstruction, NO collusion and nobody of any significance has been "purged". Good lord.

That's what they do.
They lie. Nobody believes them and they know nobody believes them..but they keep doing it anyway.
That's the hallmark of criminal thinkers.

You mean the Trump Administration? Yes. They’ve lied and lied and when flat out caught, they’ve doubled down on the lies.

First there were no meetings with Russia. No one on the Trump Campaign met with Russians. That was a lie.

Then we’ll yes we met with Russians but we forgot about the meetings. They were just casual conversation. That was a lie.

Then it wasn’t Flynn didn’t discuss sanctions. And that was a lie.

The only liars in this scenario have been members of the Trump campaign, the Trump Administration and the Trump Family.
You poor thing, you could substitute the Name Obama everywhere you said Trump and you'd be just as correct.
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

Prove it.
The proof is in the fact that it omits a lot of details. The proof is in the fact that Paul Ryan will not allow Democrats to release their own memo which counters the Republican memo. Of the Republican memo is fair and factual, it’ll still be fair and factual even when compared to the Democrat memo.

If that doesn’t make sense to you, then you are just the type of partisan that the GOP is pandering to with this nonsense.

Isn't it the definition of "summary" that it omits details?

Don't ask him to think, it hurts his head. Deep down he KNOWS the shit is most likely going to hit the fan and he just can't bring himself to believe it.
The snowflakes on this board are rabidly against its release
I actually think they should release it (along with the Democrats own memo to be fair). Though, I think Trump benefits more by not allowing its release. If it is released, their “findings” can be scrutinized and their partisan hackery exposed. If it’s kept under wraps, Trump and cronies can spread all of the misinformation they want about it without having it torn apart by pundits and legal experts on morning shows and cable news.

You really are naive, Jed! The Democrats are fighting the release of this...not the GOP! Why? Because they know that it reveals what was going on behind the scenes at the FBI? Hiding behind claims of "national security" as the reason not to reveal the facts to the American people is what Richard Nixon did back in the day! That's what Democrats are doing today. Do you know why? Because they don't want it exposed that THEY as a party are guilty of far worse things than Watergate ever was! They used a Federal court to get a FISA warrant so they could spy on their political opponent and they did so by citing a "dossier" that they knew was paid for by the Clinton campaign and was completely fake as the justification for that FISA warrant! People need to go to jail for that just as the "plumbers" went to prison for Watergate!
The Democrats are fighting the release of this.

Because it's an attempt to undermine the credibility of the investigation.

The facts undermine the credibility of the investigation.
This is so funny. When will you guys learn to stop lying? And what are you guys gonna do when not a single Trump administration/campaign official is indicted for "collusion"?

Mueller is conducting a witch hunt and indicting people for offenses that have nothing to do with the charges he's supposed to be investigating. He has not produced one shred of evidence that Trump or any of his people "colluded" with the Russians to "steal" the election.

“The Nunes Document” is nothing more than another attempt by the little weasel from California to obstruct justice. He represents my district in CA, and is well known for his complete lack of ethics. (It is the sole reason conservatives in this district keep reelecting him.)

Due to his complicity in the Russian scandal, Nunes is becoming more and more desperate as the Mueller team closes in. Nunes realizes that, unlike Flynn, he has no information of value to trade to Mueller to bargain for a plea deal.

Despite their shenanigans to obstruct the Mueller investigation, and cover up this administration’s blatant corruption, Nunes knows, for their complicity, his head, and those of several other Republican crooks will inevitably roll.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.

FISA warrant based upon a political campaign accusation fabricated by a former foreign agent.

Yeah, nothing to see here.
FISA warrant based upon a political campaign accusation fabricated by a former foreign agent.

The warrant affidavit is more than 120 pages. The memo is 4. Obviously there's more evidence for the warrant than just the dossier.

Yeah, nothing to see here

You got that right.

120 pages of bullshit, obviously.
The same way you think he does

Tell me Sassy, if you gave your son a very important note signed by many mothers to give straightway to the teacher in a envelope, but your son opens it and make changes to it on the way to show ... I would that not should not be views to the treacher and sent back to the moms to sign again...?

Don't you ? and then I would give it to the teacher myself..


Give it a rest once and for all. From the beginning it's been a witch hunt and now it's coming full circle

I'm so tired if you idiots screaming Russia Russia Russia and other BS and ignoring what the dems have done.

Fuck off

So then you do not care about getting to the bottom of this on way or another ? I want it factually shown the finished investigation soon.

I don't think there is or was any collusion.

But there is plenty of evidence of dem wrong doing. Interesting you are not wanting to get to the bottom of that, eh?
No Republican collusion in your opinion, so everything should stop? However, you're certain there's Democrat "wrong doing" which needs FULL investigation. Yes?

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Not everything. A special counsel should be appointed to root out corruption in the FBI and the DOJ.
Bottom line: Release the whole memo and release the whole Democrat memo or release nothing. Anything less is a partisan hack job
Hmmm, no. The Democrate memo should go through the same process as the Republican memo went through. Anything less is a partisan hack job
The snowflakes on this board are rabidly against its release
I actually think they should release it (along with the Democrats own memo to be fair). Though, I think Trump benefits more by not allowing its release. If it is released, their “findings” can be scrutinized and their partisan hackery exposed. If it’s kept under wraps, Trump and cronies can spread all of the misinformation they want about it without having it torn apart by pundits and legal experts on morning shows and cable news.

You really are naive, Jed! The Democrats are fighting the release of this...not the GOP! Why? Because they know that it reveals what was going on behind the scenes at the FBI? Hiding behind claims of "national security" as the reason not to reveal the facts to the American people is what Richard Nixon did back in the day! That's what Democrats are doing today. Do you know why? Because they don't want it exposed that THEY as a party are guilty of far worse things than Watergate ever was! They used a Federal court to get a FISA warrant so they could spy on their political opponent and they did so by citing a "dossier" that they knew was paid for by the Clinton campaign and was completely fake as the justification for that FISA warrant! People need to go to jail for that just as the "plumbers" went to prison for Watergate!
The Democrats are fighting the release of this.

Because it's an attempt to undermine the credibility of the investigation.

The facts undermine the credibility of the investigation.
The investigation has exposed the criminal nature of the investigation.

What a bunch of douchebag losers lol. How many times are they going to do this to themselves? Answer...until there aren't any left. They're like overcrowded rats who can't help but to prey upon each other until they've decimated their own population.

“The Nunes Document” is nothing more than another attempt by the little weasel from California to obstruct justice. He represents my district in CA, and is well known for his complete lack of ethics. (It is the sole reason conservatives in this district keep reelecting him.)

Due to his complicity in the Russian scandal, Nunes is becoming more and more desperate as the Mueller team closes in. Nunes realizes that, unlike Flynn, he has no information of value to trade to Mueller to bargain for a plea deal.

Despite their shenanigans to obstruct the Mueller investigation, and cover up this administration’s blatant corruption, Nunes knows, for their complicity, his head, and those of several other Republican crooks will inevitably roll.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


It’s absolutely clear that the whole house is desperate. I wonder what nunes got to get him to clearly act illegally to obstruct an investigation.
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

Prove it.
The proof is in the fact that it omits a lot of details. The proof is in the fact that Paul Ryan will not allow Democrats to release their own memo which counters the Republican memo. Of the Republican memo is fair and factual, it’ll still be fair and factual even when compared to the Democrat memo.

If that doesn’t make sense to you, then you are just the type of partisan that the GOP is pandering to with this nonsense.

You have no idea what's in it. LOL, why do you pretend you do? I'm neither Republican nor Democrat Komrade ;) I'm a truther, a straight up Constitutionalist. You are a partisan hack who believes EVERYTHING his leaders tell him. Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, they are all lying to you. ALL Politicians lie to us. You're terrified that something is in there that will hurt your cause.
Nice try, asshole, but I’m an independent. I don’t follow any party. But what the Republicans are doing here is straight up bullshit. I’m not scared of what’s in the memo. I say release it, but also release the Democrat memo. What are Republicans scared of? What are you scared of? You say you’re a truther? Then you should want to see both memos, and hear both sides, not just what Paul Ryan feeds you.

Fake truther hack
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

Prove it.
The proof is in the fact that it omits a lot of details. The proof is in the fact that Paul Ryan will not allow Democrats to release their own memo which counters the Republican memo. Of the Republican memo is fair and factual, it’ll still be fair and factual even when compared to the Democrat memo.

If that doesn’t make sense to you, then you are just the type of partisan that the GOP is pandering to with this nonsense.
Leaky deMS-13 can leak their memo
I hope they do.

At least you can admit you’re a partisan hack with no desire to hear both sides or be fair
The “memo” is a partisan hack job created to undermine Meuller’s investigation. If Trump has nothing to hide, then why is he always trying to derail the investigation?

Prove it.
The proof is in the fact that it omits a lot of details. The proof is in the fact that Paul Ryan will not allow Democrats to release their own memo which counters the Republican memo. Of the Republican memo is fair and factual, it’ll still be fair and factual even when compared to the Democrat memo.

If that doesn’t make sense to you, then you are just the type of partisan that the GOP is pandering to with this nonsense.

Isn't it the definition of "summary" that it omits details?

Don't ask him to think, it hurts his head. Deep down he KNOWS the shit is most likely going to hit the fan and he just can't bring himself to believe it.
Fake truther hack
Bottom line: Release the whole memo and release the whole Democrat memo or release nothing. Anything less is a partisan hack job
Hmmm, no. The Democrate memo should go through the same process as the Republican memo went through. Anything less is a partisan hack job
Yeah that’s what I thought. I expect nothing less than extreme hackery from you

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