Ashli Babbitt's death ruled homicide; Biden still hiding the name of her killer

............ Babbit was engaged in the commission of a crime against the Capitol grounds that the Capitol Police Department which was specifically tasked with protecting the Capitol and the Representatives and the staff inside. No legitimate coroner would conclude otherwise. This is just another RW wet dream.
So she deserved to be murdered for such transgressions?
She was storming the Capitol, forcing entry and threatening the safety of Congress and police alike. She was told to STOP. She didn't. She deserved it, but she wasn't the only one, IMO.
Deserved it? Tell her family that asshole. Maybe you’ll get what you deserve then. She threatened nobody idiot. There was ZERO threat. As stated by others who were actually there.

That she got shot was her own fault.
Hardly. Blame the Trump hating murdering cop. Period.

Nope Actions have consequences her actions got her dead.
MURDER is what made her to stop breathing...maybe someone in your family will go through this....i bet you would call it murder then ....moron

It wasn't murder.

That cop was protecting the people sheltering in that area of the building from a mob of rioters.
Unarmed woman murdered in cold blood by a trigger happy cop. He needs to face justice.
Presidential Medal of Freedom?
Lame. You know it and I know it. That lady did not deserve to be gunned down. She was unarmed and protesting. There were capital cops on her side of the entryway even. She wasnt threatening anyone's life. The fact that you try to justify her murder in the name of politics tells me everything I need to know about you and confirms for me exactly what is wrong with America.
She most certainly deserved it due to her actions. What ever happened to the Right being about personal responsibility. Now it's all about victimhood, lying, and whining.
No one deserves to die for protesting their government while unarmed. Especially when they are surrounded on both sides by police. You only want to justify it because she was a Trump supporter. That's the only reason. Its sickening and un-American.
Breaking and entering....rioting...vandalism...and looting. A good shoot.
you just described antifa and black flies matter criminals...all those cities they held hostage last summer
............ Babbit was engaged in the commission of a crime against the Capitol grounds that the Capitol Police Department which was specifically tasked with protecting the Capitol and the Representatives and the staff inside. No legitimate coroner would conclude otherwise. This is just another RW wet dream.
So she deserved to be murdered for such transgressions?
She was storming the Capitol, forcing entry and threatening the safety of Congress and police alike. She was told to STOP. She didn't. She deserved it, but she wasn't the only one, IMO.
Would that it had been you.
I don't try to overthrow my legitimate government.
but your buddies (criminals) of antifa and black flies matter did
but your buddies (criminals) of antifa and black flies matter did
^Spectacularly retarded.
View attachment 477666
Maybe you can succeed where your retarded brother failed and show us where either of the parties mentioned did as alleged. Or not. I’m guessing the latter.

Looks like you're the maroney!

Bail fund backed by Kamala Harris freed same rioter twice – now he's been charged again

Report: Bail fund promoted by Kamala Harris has freed six domestic abusers

This is her tweet.

If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.
Donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund
View attachment 477686

Neigh, neigh......
your half a brain cell must be tired out. try to get better
............ Babbit was engaged in the commission of a crime against the Capitol grounds that the Capitol Police Department which was specifically tasked with protecting the Capitol and the Representatives and the staff inside. No legitimate coroner would conclude otherwise. This is just another RW wet dream.
So she deserved to be murdered for such transgressions?
She was storming the Capitol, forcing entry and threatening the safety of Congress and police alike. She was told to STOP. She didn't. She deserved it, but she wasn't the only one, IMO.
"storming"---this is the word your idols used, and every 1 of you bleating sheep, since
ive noticed that none of you bleating sheep come up w/your own words...not surprising, as all of you scum demonRATS have no intelligence to provide AMERICA
Storming, asshole.
View attachment 477547

View attachment 477548

Don't like it? Tough shit.
Own it.
Hey asshole, own your sides killing of dozens of cops, burning of businesses, looting of more businesses, and did we mention attempted insurrection by attempting to murder federal officials. Funny you don’t show the videos of cops removing barricades and directing your Pantifa pals inside. Or Sullivan recording a video in a restricted area. Which he got paid for and not charged with anything.
Excuses, excuses.
deflection noted, shit stain
Since when is the name of a cop who kills an unarmed person kept hidden?

Utter nonsense...

You disagree with the coroner's findings, doctor? Explain...

No legitimate coroner is going to conclude this was a homicide, especially since I believe that determination has been made weeks ago.

Babbit was engaged in the commission of a crime against the Capitol grounds that the Capitol Police Department which was specifically tasked with protecting the Capitol and the Representatives and the staff inside. No legitimate coroner would conclude otherwise. This is just another RW wet dream.

Nothing you just said has anything to do with what the coroner does or doesn't rule as the cause of death, moron.
Since when is the name of a cop who kills an unarmed person kept hidden?

Utter nonsense...

You disagree with the coroner's findings, doctor? Explain...

No legitimate coroner is going to conclude this was a homicide, especially since I believe that determination has been made weeks ago.

Babbit was engaged in the commission of a crime against the Capitol grounds that the Capitol Police Department which was specifically tasked with protecting the Capitol and the Representatives and the staff inside. No legitimate coroner would conclude otherwise. This is just another RW wet dream.

So you believe the D.C. Coroner is not legitimate, AND you believe summary execution is justified for trespassing. Interesting theories, there, BlueAnon, tell me more...

I believe that a legitimate and verifiable claim of self-defense would never be ruled a homicide.

Um, in legal terms, self-defense is known as "justifiable homicide".

Might want to learn the meanings of words before you throw them around and embarrass yourself.
Since when is the name of a cop who kills an unarmed person kept hidden?


Homicide is the killing of one person by another. This is a broad term that includes both legal and illegal killings. For example, a soldier may kill another soldier in battle, but that is not a crime. There are various situations in which the killing of another person does not constitute a crime. The distinction between an illegal and legal killing is, therefore, the difference between murder and manslaughter.

I never said it was a murder. I said the coroner in DC ruled it a homicide, and Biden is still hiding the identity of the killer.
We already knew it was a homicide.


It's official now, so the cop can be prosecuted.

Always assuming that the internal investigation doesn't decide it was a justifiable shooting.
All police shootings that result in death are "homicides." The question is whether they were justified. They were in this case. She should not have been part of the assault on the capitol building nor should she have been threatening a police officer.

I already know you don't have a problem with cops killing unarmed protesters. No need to reiterate.
...and you have no problem with insurrectionists and insurrectionists that kill and maim cops.

No one killed a cop on January 6th. The only homicide was a cop killing an unarmed woman, which you cheered.
A cop was killed and cops were injured on 1/6 which apparently has you all gleeful.
The cop that died didn't die of any homicide--he died of disease.
Keep on lying.
............ Babbit was engaged in the commission of a crime against the Capitol grounds that the Capitol Police Department which was specifically tasked with protecting the Capitol and the Representatives and the staff inside. No legitimate coroner would conclude otherwise. This is just another RW wet dream.
So she deserved to be murdered for such transgressions?
She was storming the Capitol, forcing entry and threatening the safety of Congress and police alike. She was told to STOP. She didn't. She deserved it, but she wasn't the only one, IMO.
Deserved it? Tell her family that asshole. Maybe you’ll get what you deserve then. She threatened nobody idiot. There was ZERO threat. As stated by others who were actually there.

That she got shot was her own fault.
Hardly. Blame the Trump hating murdering cop. Period.

Nope Actions have consequences her actions got her dead.
And that murdering cop’s actions will get him sued into oblivion. And a life sentence. Glad to knoW we can now shoot leftards breaking into our homes with impunity.
It's interesting to hear now, that cops are no longer allowed to shoot criminals breaking in and attack political leaders.

I wonder if that standard only applies to Trump supporters attempting to Lynch political leaders and force them to overturn the election.

Nonsense .....pure media hyperbole.....just a demonstrarion that went a little too far or not far enough depending on how you perceive it.

No political leader was dare you try to deceive? You sound like one of the idiot talking heads on cnn. Get a grip....

Definitely not a attempted insurrection.....more like a college prank or panty raid as occurred back in the day.

If a cop had shot one of the negroid blm rioters you would be screaming to high heave.....can anyone say HYPOCRITE

If the mob BLM rioters had been breaking into our capital and attempting to lynch Pence, Pelosi and others and been shot in the process - they deserved it. If rioters were breaking into a private business and attempting to trash and loot it, and got shot - they deserved it.

Speaking of HYPOCRITE - weren't you one of the loons who fully supported Rittenhouse shooting unarmed protestors and though more should have been shot during the riots?

Rittenhouse shot ARMED FELONS. When you lie like this you lose whatever credibility you thought you had with normal people.

But, your fellow loons will no doubt love you.

I have a code of ethics though. Clearly you don't.
They were armed? :heehee: But I'm not surprised that little punk is your hero.
YES you fat idiot. You missed the photos of the Glock one of those assholes had pointed at Rittenhouse admitting he was going to murder him. Not surprised a lying fat sack of feces like you denigrates veterans and heroes.
............ Babbit was engaged in the commission of a crime against the Capitol grounds that the Capitol Police Department which was specifically tasked with protecting the Capitol and the Representatives and the staff inside. No legitimate coroner would conclude otherwise. This is just another RW wet dream.
So she deserved to be murdered for such transgressions?
She was storming the Capitol, forcing entry and threatening the safety of Congress and police alike. She was told to STOP. She didn't. She deserved it, but she wasn't the only one, IMO.
Deserved it? Tell her family that asshole. Maybe you’ll get what you deserve then. She threatened nobody idiot. There was ZERO threat. As stated by others who were actually there.

That she got shot was her own fault.
Hardly. Blame the Trump hating murdering cop. Period.

Nope Actions have consequences her actions got her dead.

No, her actions were legal. She was visiting property that SHE owned. She was MURDERED by a cowardly piece of shit who murdered her for no reason other than she was an easy target.
Your post has to be one of the more ludicrous posts I have read in a while. Babbitt was "visiting a property she owned." There are so many lies in that one statement alone that I could right a book on it. Suffice it to say, someone who barges into your home, breaks down the door, smashes your windows, then comes at you, is not a welcome visitor. She is an intruder. Under your completely inane theory that she "owned" the Capitol Building, she, you, me and any American citizen "owns" Fort Knox as well. Tell you want Westwall go to Fort Knox and and attempt to take a gold bar. Let me know how it turns out for ya.
Hey fuckwad, get an education. Babbitt paid taxes. That building is the people’s house. She had every right to be there. No surprise a traitor like you doesn’t know simple facts.
............ Babbit was engaged in the commission of a crime against the Capitol grounds that the Capitol Police Department which was specifically tasked with protecting the Capitol and the Representatives and the staff inside. No legitimate coroner would conclude otherwise. This is just another RW wet dream.
So she deserved to be murdered for such transgressions?
She was storming the Capitol, forcing entry and threatening the safety of Congress and police alike. She was told to STOP. She didn't. She deserved it, but she wasn't the only one, IMO.
"storming"---this is the word your idols used, and every 1 of you bleating sheep, since
ive noticed that none of you bleating sheep come up w/your own words...not surprising, as all of you scum demonRATS have no intelligence to provide AMERICA
Storming, asshole.
View attachment 477547

View attachment 477548

Don't like it? Tough shit.
Own it.
Hey asshole, own your sides killing of dozens of cops, burning of businesses, looting of more businesses, and did we mention attempted insurrection by attempting to murder federal officials. Funny you don’t show the videos of cops removing barricades and directing your Pantifa pals inside. Or Sullivan recording a video in a restricted area. Which he got paid for and not charged with anything.
Excuses, excuses.
Deflections and inability to debate noted you sack of shit. Fuck off until you tell Babbitt’s family your crap. YOU are making excuses. By your logic George Floyd deserved to die too. You’re pathetic.
............ Babbit was engaged in the commission of a crime against the Capitol grounds that the Capitol Police Department which was specifically tasked with protecting the Capitol and the Representatives and the staff inside. No legitimate coroner would conclude otherwise. This is just another RW wet dream.
So she deserved to be murdered for such transgressions?
She was storming the Capitol, forcing entry and threatening the safety of Congress and police alike. She was told to STOP. She didn't. She deserved it, but she wasn't the only one, IMO.
Would that it had been you.
I don't try to overthrow my legitimate government.
but your buddies (criminals) of antifa and black flies matter did
but your buddies (criminals) of antifa and black flies matter did
^Spectacularly retarded.
View attachment 477666
Maybe you can succeed where your retarded brother failed and show us where either of the parties mentioned did as alleged. Or not. I’m guessing the latter.
View attachment 477670
Like I said...
Blather, rinse, respew, typical shit stain nonsense.
Blather, rinse, respew, typical shit stain nonsense.
No more irrelevant images, loser?
............ Babbit was engaged in the commission of a crime against the Capitol grounds that the Capitol Police Department which was specifically tasked with protecting the Capitol and the Representatives and the staff inside. No legitimate coroner would conclude otherwise. This is just another RW wet dream.
So she deserved to be murdered for such transgressions?
She was storming the Capitol, forcing entry and threatening the safety of Congress and police alike. She was told to STOP. She didn't. She deserved it, but she wasn't the only one, IMO.
Would that it had been you.
I don't try to overthrow my legitimate government.
but your buddies (criminals) of antifa and black flies matter did
but your buddies (criminals) of antifa and black flies matter did
^Spectacularly retarded.
View attachment 477666
Maybe you can succeed where your retarded brother failed and show us where either of the parties mentioned did as alleged. Or not. I’m guessing the latter.

Looks like you're the maroney!

Bail fund backed by Kamala Harris freed same rioter twice – now he's been charged again

Report: Bail fund promoted by Kamala Harris has freed six domestic abusers

What does that have to do with my post?
Since when is the name of a cop who kills an unarmed person kept hidden?


Homicide is the killing of one person by another. This is a broad term that includes both legal and illegal killings. For example, a soldier may kill another soldier in battle, but that is not a crime. There are various situations in which the killing of another person does not constitute a crime. The distinction between an illegal and legal killing is, therefore, the difference between murder and manslaughter.

I never said it was a murder. I said the coroner in DC ruled it a homicide, and Biden is still hiding the identity of the killer.
We already knew it was a homicide.


It's official now, so the cop can be prosecuted.

Always assuming that the internal investigation doesn't decide it was a justifiable shooting.

They may, but the ruling of the death as a homicide enables the cop who did the killing to be charged with murder. In my opinion, it should be a charge of second degree murder, as I don't believe there was forethought to commit murder in this case.
and if this MURDERER isnt arrested, we will have to march on DC...and if it isnt found guilty, we will have to march on DC....oh wait--to many fences to keep the illegal AMERICANS out
............ Babbit was engaged in the commission of a crime against the Capitol grounds that the Capitol Police Department which was specifically tasked with protecting the Capitol and the Representatives and the staff inside. No legitimate coroner would conclude otherwise. This is just another RW wet dream.
So she deserved to be murdered for such transgressions?
She was storming the Capitol, forcing entry and threatening the safety of Congress and police alike. She was told to STOP. She didn't. She deserved it, but she wasn't the only one, IMO.
Deserved it? Tell her family that asshole. Maybe you’ll get what you deserve then. She threatened nobody idiot. There was ZERO threat. As stated by others who were actually there.

That she got shot was her own fault.
Hardly. Blame the Trump hating murdering cop. Period.

Nope Actions have consequences her actions got her dead.

No, her actions were legal. She was visiting property that SHE owned. She was MURDERED by a cowardly piece of shit who murdered her for no reason other than she was an easy target.
Your post has to be one of the more ludicrous posts I have read in a while. Babbitt was "visiting a property she owned." There are so many lies in that one statement alone that I could right a book on it. Suffice it to say, someone who barges into your home, breaks down the door, smashes your windows, then comes at you, is not a welcome visitor. She is an intruder. Under your completely inane theory that she "owned" the Capitol Building, she, you, me and any American citizen "owns" Fort Knox as well. Tell you want Westwall go to Fort Knox and and attempt to take a gold bar. Let me know how it turns out for ya.
Hey fuckwad, get an education. Babbitt paid taxes. That building is the people’s house. She had every right to be there. No surprise a traitor like you doesn’t know simple facts. people are as dumb as rocks. It is not worth the time arguing with a dimwit whose brain is apparently liquefied.

A Trumpist seditionist piece of trash calling others traitors. A good little Goebbels you are.
............ Babbit was engaged in the commission of a crime against the Capitol grounds that the Capitol Police Department which was specifically tasked with protecting the Capitol and the Representatives and the staff inside. No legitimate coroner would conclude otherwise. This is just another RW wet dream.
So she deserved to be murdered for such transgressions?
She was storming the Capitol, forcing entry and threatening the safety of Congress and police alike. She was told to STOP. She didn't. She deserved it, but she wasn't the only one, IMO.
Deserved it? Tell her family that asshole. Maybe you’ll get what you deserve then. She threatened nobody idiot. There was ZERO threat. As stated by others who were actually there.

That she got shot was her own fault.
Hardly. Blame the Trump hating murdering cop. Period.

Nope Actions have consequences her actions got her dead.

No, her actions were legal. She was visiting property that SHE owned. She was MURDERED by a cowardly piece of shit who murdered her for no reason other than she was an easy target.
Your post has to be one of the more ludicrous posts I have read in a while. Babbitt was "visiting a property she owned." There are so many lies in that one statement alone that I could right a book on it. Suffice it to say, someone who barges into your home, breaks down the door, smashes your windows, then comes at you, is not a welcome visitor. She is an intruder. Under your completely inane theory that she "owned" the Capitol Building, she, you, me and any American citizen "owns" Fort Knox as well. Tell you want Westwall go to Fort Knox and and attempt to take a gold bar. Let me know how it turns out for ya.
Hey fuckwad, get an education. Babbitt paid taxes. That building is the people’s house. She had every right to be there. No surprise a traitor like you doesn’t know simple facts.
Geesus,,you people are as dumb as rocks.

A Trumpist seditionist piece of trash calling others traitors. A good little Goebbels you are.

If you support cops shooting unarmed protesters, you're a fascist piece of Nazi shit. Period.
............ Babbit was engaged in the commission of a crime against the Capitol grounds that the Capitol Police Department which was specifically tasked with protecting the Capitol and the Representatives and the staff inside. No legitimate coroner would conclude otherwise. This is just another RW wet dream.
So she deserved to be murdered for such transgressions?
She was storming the Capitol, forcing entry and threatening the safety of Congress and police alike. She was told to STOP. She didn't. She deserved it, but she wasn't the only one, IMO.
Deserved it? Tell her family that asshole. Maybe you’ll get what you deserve then. She threatened nobody idiot. There was ZERO threat. As stated by others who were actually there.

That she got shot was her own fault.
Hardly. Blame the Trump hating murdering cop. Period.

Nope Actions have consequences her actions got her dead.

No, her actions were legal. She was visiting property that SHE owned. She was MURDERED by a cowardly piece of shit who murdered her for no reason other than she was an easy target.
Your post has to be one of the more ludicrous posts I have read in a while. Babbitt was "visiting a property she owned." There are so many lies in that one statement alone that I could right a book on it. Suffice it to say, someone who barges into your home, breaks down the door, smashes your windows, then comes at you, is not a welcome visitor. She is an intruder. Under your completely inane theory that she "owned" the Capitol Building, she, you, me and any American citizen "owns" Fort Knox as well. Tell you want Westwall go to Fort Knox and and attempt to take a gold bar. Let me know how it turns out for ya.
Hey fuckwad, get an education. Babbitt paid taxes. That building is the people’s house. She had every right to be there. No surprise a traitor like you doesn’t know simple facts.
Geesus,,you people are as dumb as rocks.

A Trumpist seditionist piece of trash calling others traitors. A good little Goebbels you are.

If you support cops shooting unarmed protesters, you're a fascist piece of Nazi shit. Period.
A piece of shit is someone like yourself who continues to spout lie after lie. What you wrote was a friggin lie. But of course coming from a traitorous piece of garbage that supports sedition and violence against the United State of America, that is not a surprise.

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