Ashli Babbitt's Mother Arrested For Jaywalking

Nope..douch-nozzle..she was lawfully killed while partaking in a riot..the hat had zip to do with it.
what did she do that warranted being killed while unarmed? Do you know that Pelosi refused back up troops when Trump offered them? Why did she not want to protect the capital building? Why did capital cops encourage the people to enter the building? why has Ray Epps not been arrested and charged with inciting a riot?
It certainly does. she was unarmed (the video confirms that) she threatened no one (the video confirms that) she was murdered by a capital cop (the video also confirms that)
Her neck would disagree with this assemssment with extreme prejudice. You have to have a pass from your Congressman to get a scheduled visit to the Capitol.
Reading this thread is disturbing.

Just disturbing, leftist standing on her body pushing the BS agenda.
Yeah it is. Pretty disgusting putting politics ahead of the murder of an innocent human being. Her killer has a disturbing history

In fact, no police officers were killed on Jan. 6 during what Biden and his fellow Democrats (and Liz Cheney) have endlessly called an “insurrection.”
Further, the only gunshot fired that day was when Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd shot and killed unarmed Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt.
Barely any protesters even had a gun on their person on Jan. 6, much less drew or fired at anyone.
“Six men were arrested that day for having guns in the vicinity of the U.S. Capitol,” the Post reported. That’s out of tens of thousands on the grounds who were supposedly involved in an insurrection.

Undeterred by the truth, Biden tried to link the Jan. 6 protesters to Noah Green, a man who drove his car into a Capitol Hill checkpoint in early April 2021, killing Capitol Hill police officer Billy Evans.
“We also recognize the late U.S. Capitol Hill police officer Billy Evans,” Biden said.
“Three months after Jan. 6, while they were still cordoning off the Capitol because threats by these sick insurrectionists continued to [proliferate] on the internet,” he continued.
“Again all Americans saw what happened when officer Evans was killed defending a checkpoint you had to go through to get up to the Capitol because of these God-awful sick threats in order to continue to move forward and the whole world saw it.”
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She was walking down a closed street... she never blocked traffic like dems and BLM do....
Not an "innocent human being". Would you con-sider her an "innocent human being" if she was the lead of a violent mob breaking thru the windows of your home or business?
Innocent unarmed woman killed by a coward that you love.
Despite all the ongoing fascist tears from the Trump traitors, Ashli the violent psycho traitor is _still_ in Hell.

Ah, life is good.

So, is there even one MAGA traitor here who doesn't despise all law enforcement? It appears not. They're certainly making their seething satanic hatred of the police plain to see here.
This is harassment plain and simple.

Well not Jay walking blocking traffic. She was told to move and did not. Failure to comply with a lawful order. Maybe if mommy had taught daughter to not break through windows with a violent crowd behind her, her daughter would be alive today but she didn't and she isn't. No tears cried here for either.
Well not Jay walking blocking traffic. She was told to move and did not. Failure to comply with a lawful order. Maybe if mommy had taught daughter to not break through windows with a violent crowd behind her, her daughter would be alive today but she didn't and she isn't. No tears cried here for either.
I saw the video....she didn't break the window....a known ANTIFA guy broke the window....and then literally told Ashli to go thru the hole....and while this was going on....that cop was pointing a pistol at her and shot her.
You have to ask yourself first what led up to this.
The cops laid out the red carpet for them...opened the doors and bushwacked them once they were inside.
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I saw the video....she didn't break the known ANTIFA guy broke the window....and then literally told Ashli to go thru the hole....and while this was going on....that cop was pointing a pistol at her and shot her.
You have to ask yourself first what led up to this.
The cops laid out the red carpet for them...opened the doors and bushwacked them once they were inside.
She was crawling through a broken window with violence all around her. She got what she had coming.
She was crawling through a broken window with violence all around her. She got what she had coming.
Yeah.....murder in cold-blood was totally justified cuz she was crawling thru a broken window.
Course she was unarmed...and he knew she was unarmed..and the cop had the drop on her....and killed her.....then never went to trial for even manslaughter.
Thank God the cop wasn't white and she wasn't an unarmed black male....and a Democrat.
Jaywalking? No, dipshit. For refusing to obey a lawful command.
Lawful command ... eh.Like how Hitler's Third Reich acted towards
any Jew who even complied.They were treated like shit.
The scumbag cop actually killed babbett in cold blood.
Plus the crowd that Ashli was in was being barraged for near an hour
outside the capitol with concussion grenades,tear gas,pepper spray.
Who was behind that.The USCP was behind use of munitions being
thrown in a peaceful crowd.There were FBI all over high up out of
sight.Part of what started this was a guy { Derrick Vargo } being pushed
off the inaugural stairs by an Officer thereby breaking his les.
Then that officer is seen taunting the crowd.Police then watched
as windows were broken with a two by four and riot shiled.
According to Eyewitness Tayler Hansen who was with and next to
Ashli Babbett before the capitol break-in was never allowed
to testify at the January 6th Hearings.His accounts are that Ashli
never broke anything and tried to stop those attacking the barriers.
Hansen claims that Michael Byrd { cop who shot Babbett } was
trigger happy and shot an unarmed woman posing no threat.

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