Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

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Trump supporters are naturally stupid.

Who mentioned Trump?

That would be you.

We are talking about

Ashli Babbitt and the policeman who shot her:

Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.
That's right. He wasn't there. He ran away to the WH bunker.

As he should have.

Buttttt.... this thread is not about Trump.
It's about a female
who had served in the military

and was shot, without warning, without provocation, unarmed.

So, Missy, as a former pilot in the military how does that make YOU feel?

PS - she was a lesbian

She was a Q-Kook who deserved to die. PERIOD
I heard the cop say nothing before shooting Ashli, so since there was no warning, then she was unaware she was going to be shot. I think a warning would have been sufficient to stop her.
This is the very definition of a premeditated murder when someone calmly lays in wait and has time
to consider his actions and how he will murder his victim, even though shooting the victim through the neck
was unnecessary and other means could have been used to stop one single woman from entering the Capitol
itself. A massive civil suit is in the works, undoubtedly.

A civil suit would go absolutely no where and when it doesn't, you will stomp your feet and cry. :heehee:
wowza - tweet is unavailable?

Tayler Hansen
Apr 13
The Identify of Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—

Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

Multiple Mainstream Media Outlets have known this, but they REFUSE to run the story.

Why is that?

An American Hero

Saved Congress Members from a trained assassin

Murderer. Thats who he is.

You are a bunch of terrorists.

Claims the buffoon supporting billions of dollars in riot damage and at least 30 murders.

You're an idiot.
When has busybee supported what you claim he supports? Link some of those comments of his supporting "billions of dollars in riot damage and at least 30 murders". Or are you just lying?

You all were silent when burn loot murder and their fascist allies antifart were looting and burning.
Not at all, many of us condemned the rioting and looting. You choose to ignore what you don't get fed by the orange one.

Point to a SINGLE link where you did so.
Trump supporters are naturally stupid.

Who mentioned Trump?

That would be you.

We are talking about

Ashli Babbitt and the policeman who shot her:

Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.
That's right. He wasn't there. He ran away to the WH bunker.

As he should have.

Buttttt.... this thread is not about Trump.
It's about a female
who had served in the military

and was shot, without warning, without provocation, unarmed.

So, Missy, as a former pilot in the military how does that make YOU feel?

PS - she was a lesbian

She was a Q-Kook who deserved to die. PERIOD

So, because she had a political opinion that you don't like, you think she deserved to die.

Hello FASCIST!:bye1:

We've been asking this question for a awhile now.

The Biden admin has already decided not to press charges against the Capital policeman who killed her.
Is this the guy you plan on protesting in front of his house?

Mrs. Kimberley Potter would like a word with you regarding that matter...

He was an assassin. That's why. I saw the whole thing. It was a total setup.
We're not supposed to believe what we saw with out own eyes.
This wasn't a split-second act of defense.
He aimed at her for at least 30 seconds drawing a bead on her all the while attempting to hide his face from cameras.
He aimed to kill.....a woman he could have subdued easily.

He did his duty as a Capitol cop protecting those in his charge from the rabid mob. You hate that, we get it.

The fact the rabid mob stopped shows that it was not necessary to shoot Ashli in the neck.
A shot to the floor would have had a better effect as far as defense.
The murder was superfluous and without authorization.

They didn't stop but you know that. You also didn't address my previous question about your right to shoot an intruder coming into your house. Why not?

The protestors did stop after the shot.
The window was still broken out, and anyone could have gone through, but no one did.

You have the right to shoot intruders coming to your house only if they are a threat to your or your privacy.
You can not shoot them if the building is owned by the public and is not private, nor can you shoot them if their intent is not harmful.

So the Capitol Policeman was very effective in his job. Again, he's a hero.


Then most the police you progressive liberals are going after should be cleared of all wrongdoing and presented with medals for their service.


And she deserves to be killed because she doesn't share your far left conspiracy nut job theories?

She deserved to be killed because she ignored orders to pull back and led an attack on the House Chamber while Congressmen were sheltering for safety.

She was never ordered to pull back and she did not lead anything.

Everyone trying to breach that door was warned repeatedly. It is public record and on tape.

As first one through the broken window, Ashli was leading the assault.

I watched many videos, but never heard any warning.
But why no warning shot still?
A private home owner is required to fire a warning shot.
So then why not a cop as well, considering it was not a case of defense against a lethal threat.

Link us to the law saying a private homeowner is required to fire a warning shot when somebody is trying to crawl through their busted out window with a band of thugs with bad intent carrying dangerous weapons.


He was an assassin. That's why. I saw the whole thing. It was a total setup.
We're not supposed to believe what we saw with out own eyes.
This wasn't a split-second act of defense.
He aimed at her for at least 30 seconds drawing a bead on her all the while attempting to hide his face from cameras.
He aimed to kill.....a woman he could have subdued easily.

He did his duty as a Capitol cop protecting those in his charge from the rabid mob. You hate that, we get it.

The fact the rabid mob stopped shows that it was not necessary to shoot Ashli in the neck.
A shot to the floor would have had a better effect as far as defense.
The murder was superfluous and without authorization.

They didn't stop but you know that. You also didn't address my previous question about your right to shoot an intruder coming into your house. Why not?

The protestors did stop after the shot.
The window was still broken out, and anyone could have gone through, but no one did.

You have the right to shoot intruders coming to your house only if they are a threat to your or your privacy.
You can not shoot them if the building is owned by the public and is not private, nor can you shoot them if their intent is not harmful.

So the Capitol Policeman was very effective in his job. Again, he's a hero.

View attachment 481000

Then most the police you progressive liberals are going after should be cleared of all wrongdoing and presented with medals for their service.


:) believe all police shootings are the same? I guess that wouldn't clutter up your mind to believe that. :heehee:
cop has no authority to pick and choose who is right when there is a conflict like this.
You're incorrect. the cop has a duty to enforce the law.

Again, can we at least try to be serious?

Not really.
The duty of any cop actually is to protect individual rights.
Since laws are supposed to do that, then they usually coincide.
But in the case of conflict like this, law no longer is sufficient and you have ignore that in favor of individual rights.
And while the cop had the authority to defend members of congress, he did not have the authority to use reckless abandon in the process.
A deliberately deadly shot like this was unwarranted.
It was not necessary.
He could easily have over powered and handcuffed Ashli if she went through the window.
Capitol Police are responsible for protecting members of Congress. That's why they are separate from D.C. police. Get educated.

The law is the SAME everywhere in America, your rationalization is self defeating and stupid.
Well.thats not even close to true.

Where do you kids come up with this crap?

Notice that you didn't actually address my post which is true.

Seriously? Every town, city, county, and state has it's own laws.

Stop with the crazy shit please.

Murder charge exist in every town/City in America.

You can't be that stupid?
What murder?

"Murder charge exist in every town/City in America.

You can't be that stupid?"

Yes you are getting desperate now, suggest you stop making a fool of yourself.
What murder? There was no murder committed.


What did you think I was talking about?
So a black man shoots an unarmed white woman?

Is he a Louis Farrakahn supporter?

Looks like a hate crime to me.

It was. Democrats refuse to prosecute black murderers, though, much less hate crimes committed by their pet hood rats. In fact encouraging murders of whites is a key Democratic Party platform. They lose votes without it.
Fascinating theory there. :heehee:

What's fascinating is your claim to be a sentient being. The laughable assertions you clowns are making about this woman are absurd. You scream to the high heavens when a black violent felon is killed LAWFULLY, but then lie about what this woman was doing so that you can support an illegitimate government. Karma is coming for you, little fat cow.
Not at all.
The cop could have fired a warning shot, used a taser, a club, aimed at an extremity, or many other choices.
It was very close range, so a neck hit means it was aimed at the neck, for maximum lethality.
And that is not warranted in defense, since Ashli was unarmed and not all other possibilities had been exhausted.
A taser, pepper spray, rubber bullets, a bean bag round,etc.
Anyone who tries to defend the use of deadly force on an unarmed unaware woman is clearly
a liar and the moral equivalent of dog crap!

How do you suggest she was "unaware"? Is the argument usually not "Do what the police say and you have no problems"?

I heard the cop say nothing before shooting Ashli, so since there was no warning, then she was unaware she was going to be shot. I think a warning would have been sufficient to stop her.

Because the cops weren't outside fighting with people trying to stop them all from coming in but they still came in?
Again....if they'd been properly equipped with rubber bullets and pepper bullets, a few salvos as the mob started to rush the Capitol steps would have solved the problem early on.


Sounds like most of the Capitol police should be fired due to incompetence for not being properly equipped to handle the situation. They knew there was a large protest planned and chose to only come unprepared and in the end resorted to lethal force to end a mostly peaceful protest.


cop has no authority to pick and choose who is right when there is a conflict like this.
You're incorrect. the cop has a duty to enforce the law.

Again, can we at least try to be serious?

Not really.
The duty of any cop actually is to protect individual rights.
Since laws are supposed to do that, then they usually coincide.
But in the case of conflict like this, law no longer is sufficient and you have ignore that in favor of individual rights.
And while the cop had the authority to defend members of congress, he did not have the authority to use reckless abandon in the process.
A deliberately deadly shot like this was unwarranted.
It was not necessary.
He could easily have over powered and handcuffed Ashli if she went through the window.
Capitol Police are responsible for protecting members of Congress. That's why they are separate from D.C. police. Get educated.

The law is the SAME everywhere in America, your rationalization is self defeating and stupid.
Well.thats not even close to true.

Where do you kids come up with this crap?

Notice that you didn't actually address my post which is true.

Seriously? Every town, city, county, and state has it's own laws.

Stop with the crazy shit please.

Murder charge exist in every town/City in America.

You can't be that stupid?
What murder?

"Murder charge exist in every town/City in America.

You can't be that stupid?"

Yes you are getting desperate now, suggest you stop making a fool of yourself.
What murder? There was no murder committed.


What did you think I was talking about?

Then she didn't die without a weapon and no evidence that she was a threat too him?

This situation is normally considered MANSLAUGHTER charge.

Your backtracking is poorly executed.

wowza - tweet is unavailable?

Tayler Hansen
Apr 13
The Identify of Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—

Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

Multiple Mainstream Media Outlets have known this, but they REFUSE to run the story.

Why is that?

An American Hero

Saved Congress Members from a trained assassin

Murderer. Thats who he is.

You are a bunch of terrorists.

Claims the buffoon supporting billions of dollars in riot damage and at least 30 murders.

You're an idiot.
When has busybee supported what you claim he supports? Link some of those comments of his supporting "billions of dollars in riot damage and at least 30 murders". Or are you just lying?

You all were silent when burn loot murder and their fascist allies antifart were looting and burning.
Not at all, many of us condemned the rioting and looting. You choose to ignore what you don't get fed by the orange one.

Point to a SINGLE link where you did so.

If you think I would say I had condemned rioting and looting without really having done are a bigger fool than I though you were.
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