Ask a Progressive


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
There are questions I'd like to ask of Progressives and what better place than here:

1. Is government the answer to every problem?

2. Why did Obama run as a fiscal Conservative?

3. If mankind is warming the planet with CO2 how come you can't replicate the results in even a single laboratory experiment?

4. Are you ever going to address the funding shortfalls in the Federal social programs?

5. Is there any Democrat currently in government that is "too far Left"?
There are questions I'd like to ask of Progressives and what better place than here:

I agree....this is a fine place

1. Is government the answer to every problem?

no. and I know of no progressive who has even suggested otherwise

2. Why did Obama run as a fiscal Conservative?

he didn't.

3. If mankind is warming the planet with CO2 how come you can't replicate the results in even a single laboratory experiment?

I am not an environmental scientist, and, I don't think you are either, so any answers or rebuttals that either one of us gives will just be what we've read from one of a zillion partisan sources on each side. My layman's view is that it is just plain common sense that if we shit in our own nest with excrement fouler than anything seen in the history of the planet and in volumes that dwarf anything seen in the history of the planet, it is not that much of a stretch of the imagination to think that there would be some horrific negative consequences

4. Are you ever going to address the funding shortfalls in the Federal social programs?

not just yet. Neither did you all when you ran everything for six years. we'll get to it about as fast as YOU got to it.

5. Is there any Democrat currently in government that is "too far Left"?

I don't know the political philosophies of every democrat currently in government, but even if I did, I know that every political movement needs people on the fringes to remind the rest of them where they come from, and people in the middle who remind those on the fringes that finding common ground is, and has always been, the mark of good government.
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There are questions I'd like to ask of Progressives and what better place than here:

1. Is government the answer to every problem?

Clearly not, you're still here. :eusa_eh:

2. Why did Obama run as a fiscal Conservative?

He didn't. Nice try though.

3. If mankind is warming the planet with CO2 how come you can't replicate the results in even a single laboratory experiment?

Dunno....might be they got the wrong brain.


4. Are you ever going to address the funding shortfalls in the Federal social programs?

No. We're planning on blaming that on the next president.

5. Is there any Democrat currently in government that is "too far Left"?

I'll have to get back to you on that, we're still working on the litmus test for that one.

I'm curious....if the new term for "liberals" is Progressives....does that mean the new term for "conservatives" is Regressives?
1. Is government the answer to every problem?
no. and I know of no progressive who has even suggested otherwise

And I've never seen a progressive, leftist, socialist, fabian, marxist suggest anything BUT government solutions.

4. Are you ever going to address the funding shortfalls in the Federal social programs?
not just yet. Neither did you all when you ran everything for six years. we'll get to is about as fast as YOU got to it.

That's because both Bushes were big government conservatives of the 'progressive' wing of the Republican party. Not of the Libertarian or conservative wing that is currently showing it's strength through the Tea Party movement. Both Bushes just wanted to grow "Republican Government" which is nothing more than religious progressivism. Same road, just the other side of the street in hell when you get there.
Wait, Obama DIDN'T run as a fiscal Conservative?

Didn't he promise to go through the budget with a fine toothed comb and wasn't he against earmarks?

Q: This year’s deficit will reach $455 billion. Won’t some programs you are proposing have to be eliminated?

OBAMA: Every dollar I’ve proposed, I’ve proposed an additional cut hat it matches. To give an example, we spend $15 billion a year on subsidies to insurance companies. It doesn’t help seniors get better. It’s a giveaway. I want to go through the federal budget line by line, programs that don’t work, we cut. Programs we need, we should make them work better. Once we get through this economic crisis, we’re going to have to embrace a culture of responsibility, all of us, corporations, the federal government, & individuals who may be living beyond their means.
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There are questions I'd like to ask of Progressives and what better place than here:

1. Is government the answer to every problem?

No. Neither is anarchy.

2. Why did Obama run as a fiscal Conservative?

he did? And people believed a word of it? :eusa_eh:

'prices will necessarily skyrocket'
3. If mankind is warming the planet with CO2 how come you can't replicate the results in even a single laboratory experiment?
the court is out on agw; focus on pollution

4. Are you ever going to address the funding shortfalls in the Federal social programs?

end social security and let the member States run pretty much everything except veterans' benefits and other programs related to the armed forces as they see fit (and risk their own economies and not the national economy if they decide to do something stupid)
5. Is there any Democrat currently in government that is "too far Left"?

obama, at least if he believes half of what he and those around him have said

most , if not all, in office are clearly statistics who love power and their job perks more than they care about the People, which makes them enemies of the People

of course, I must wonder why you only ask about the Democrats
you can't be a Progressive and a Marxist and a Fabian any more than you can be a catholic, a hindu, and a biblical Christian.

You just throw labels around without knowing what they mean, don't you?
you can't be a Progressive and a Marxist and a Fabian any more than you can be a catholic, a hindu, and a biblical Christian.

You just throw labels around without knowing what they mean, don't you?

shut up neocon :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
1. Is government the answer to every problem?
no. and I know of no progressive who has even suggested otherwise

And I've never seen a progressive, leftist, socialist, fabian, marxist suggest anything BUT government solutions.

there are PLENTY of problems for which government solutions are inappropriate. The dandelions in my lawn that get there because my lazy neighbor won't treat HIS lawn and the seeds drift over onto mine. The catbird that hangs around my birdfeeder and drives all the other birds away... those are problems that goverment has NO businesss in at all

4. Are you ever going to address the funding shortfalls in the Federal social programs?
not just yet. Neither did you all when you ran everything for six years. we'll get to is about as fast as YOU got to it.

That's because both Bushes were big government conservatives of the 'progressive' wing of the Republican party. Not of the Libertarian or conservative wing that is currently showing it's strength through the Tea Party movement. Both Bushes just wanted to grow "Republican Government" which is nothing more than religious progressivism. Same road, just the other side of the street in hell when you get there.
hey... if the Bushes are so terrible, why did your party nominate them for the presidency four times in the last twenty two years? quit yer bitchin'.:razz:
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My single there a right wing pea brain on this planet that doesn't pose every issue in a polarized manner?

Polarized Thinking (false choice, dichotomy, primal thinking, false dilemma, black and white thinking): This is the fallacy of thinking that things are either black or white, good or bad, all or nothing. This fallacy can lead to rigid and harmful rules based on primal thinking when it is efficient to compress complex information into simplistic categories for rapid decision making during times of stress, conflict, or threat. Polarized thinking can also lead to unhelpful forms of perfectionism. The reality often lies in the sizable middle ground between these extreme poles.
Republicans deregulated Wall Street.

This allowed the mortgage market to move from Freddie/Fannie to Wall Street where they literally GAVE mortgages away, bundled them together, insured them as "securities", sold the securities overseas to unsuspecting investors and then collected the insurance when the securities tanked.

This resulted in a world wide economic meltdown.

If we kept following the Republican policies that started this disaster, we would be in a Great Depression rather than slowly coming out of a Great Recession.

Obama's only mistake was trying to reach across the isle and work with people who have publicly announced they want him to fail.

The Republican Party has become so dirty. Lying to the American People. The White Wing Conservative Confederate Republican Party of Teabags.
My single there a right wing pea brain on this planet that doesn't pose every issue in a polarized manner?

Polarized Thinking (false choice, dichotomy, primal thinking, false dilemma, black and white thinking): This is the fallacy of thinking that things are either black or white, good or bad, all or nothing. This fallacy can lead to rigid and harmful rules based on primal thinking when it is efficient to compress complex information into simplistic categories for rapid decision making during times of stress, conflict, or threat. Polarized thinking can also lead to unhelpful forms of perfectionism. The reality often lies in the sizable middle ground between these extreme poles.

If that's a "yes or no", the answer is "no".
Republicans deregulated Wall Street.

This allowed the mortgage market to move from Freddie/Fannie to Wall Street where they literally GAVE mortgages away, bundled them together, insured them as "securities", sold the securities overseas to unsuspecting investors and then collected the insurance when the securities tanked.

This resulted in a world wide economic meltdown.

If we kept following the Republican policies that started this disaster, we would be in a Great Depression rather than slowly coming out of a Great Recession.

Obama's only mistake was trying to reach across the isle and work with people who have publicly announced they want him to fail.

The Republican Party has become so dirty. Lying to the American People. The White Wing Conservative Confederate Republican Party of Teabags.

Go see a vet about getting a rabies shot
My single there a right wing pea brain on this planet that doesn't pose every issue in a polarized manner?

Polarized Thinking (false choice, dichotomy, primal thinking, false dilemma, black and white thinking): This is the fallacy of thinking that things are either black or white, good or bad, all or nothing. This fallacy can lead to rigid and harmful rules based on primal thinking when it is efficient to compress complex information into simplistic categories for rapid decision making during times of stress, conflict, or threat. Polarized thinking can also lead to unhelpful forms of perfectionism. The reality often lies in the sizable middle ground between these extreme poles.

The same could be asked about left wing nuts and you are completely dishonest if you deny that.
My single there a right wing pea brain on this planet that doesn't pose every issue in a polarized manner?

Polarized Thinking (false choice, dichotomy, primal thinking, false dilemma, black and white thinking): This is the fallacy of thinking that things are either black or white, good or bad, all or nothing. This fallacy can lead to rigid and harmful rules based on primal thinking when it is efficient to compress complex information into simplistic categories for rapid decision making during times of stress, conflict, or threat. Polarized thinking can also lead to unhelpful forms of perfectionism. The reality often lies in the sizable middle ground between these extreme poles.

Pick one question out of the five. Just one.
It can also lead to a thing we call "projection", Jethro. :rofl:

OK, thanks for reminding me...

Is there a right wing pea brain on this planet that doesn't pose every issue using projection?

Psychological projection is a form of defense mechanism in which someone attributes thoughts, feelings, and ideas which are perceived as undesirable to someone else.
It can also lead to a thing we call "projection", Jethro. :rofl:

OK, thanks for reminding me...

Is there a right wing pea brain on this planet that doesn't pose every issue using projection?

Psychological projection is a form of defense mechanism in which someone attributes thoughts, feelings, and ideas which are perceived as undesirable to someone else.

Just pick one.
My single there a right wing pea brain on this planet that doesn't pose every issue in a polarized manner?

Polarized Thinking (false choice, dichotomy, primal thinking, false dilemma, black and white thinking): This is the fallacy of thinking that things are either black or white, good or bad, all or nothing. This fallacy can lead to rigid and harmful rules based on primal thinking when it is efficient to compress complex information into simplistic categories for rapid decision making during times of stress, conflict, or threat. Polarized thinking can also lead to unhelpful forms of perfectionism. The reality often lies in the sizable middle ground between these extreme poles.

The same could be asked about left wing nuts and you are completely dishonest if you deny that.

both sides have their gadflies who seek to generate heat more than light. This thread is merely an example of a rightie doing so. I am sure that there are other threads started by lefties that do much the same thing.

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