Ask not......

its very simple, look at military spending during the Obama 8 years, and compare those numbers to bush's years or Trumps.

Thousands of marines applied for whitehouse duty under Trump, they had to be assigned under Obama. I think that says a lot.

We were at war in both Iraq and Afghanistan when Obama took office. You would expect military spending to decrease as we withdrew our troops

Congress invoked a ten percent sequester on all spending. How is that Obama’s fault?

The larger question large a military do we need?

we need a large enough military the preclude any other country for group from ever thinking they can fuck with us.

We need to remember the lessons of pearl harbor and 9/11, Weakness invites aggression.

right or wrong, presidents get credit or blame for what happens during their terms.
The strongest military in the history of mankind did not prevent 9-11. Throwing more money at it will not help

Attacking Afghanistan and Iraq have not made us safer either

Bush did not get blamed for 9-11
He should have

In reality 9/11 happened because Clinton did not allow our intelligence agencies to exchange information and because immigration under Clinton did not stop the illegal entry of the Saudi terrorists.

the 9/11 attackers were funded and trained by the Taliban in Afghanistan, who do you think we should have retaliated against?

There is a limit as to how much money is needed for our military, we agree on that, but you have yet to tell me what you would cut. How about cutting waste and corruption in all agencies of government? How about letting the DOJ so its job and prosecute the criminals walking the halls of congress? How about stopping lobbyists from funding campaigns? There are lots of ways to cut government spending, but why do libs always attack the military first? Could it be because most military members vote conservative and republican?
Good God

Still trying to sell that garbage...Clinton?
Take some responsibility

Talk about taking responsibility?"
Have you read the "911 Commission Report" book? Its actually a good read. It explains how the Clinton admin did not allow the sharing of information, i.e. "Gorelick's Wall". There are other stupid things like not allowing the FBI to examine Moussoui's laptop, etc. (not Bill Clinton, but the admin policies)
Jamie Gorelick - Wikipedia
"Testifying before the commission, Attorney General John Ashcroft said, "Although you understand the debilitating impact of the wall, I cannot imagine that the commission knew about this memorandum, so I have declassified it for you and the public to review," he said. "Full disclosure compels me to inform you that its author is a member of this commission."
We were at war in both Iraq and Afghanistan when Obama took office. You would expect military spending to decrease as we withdrew our troops

Congress invoked a ten percent sequester on all spending. How is that Obama’s fault?

The larger question large a military do we need?

we need a large enough military the preclude any other country for group from ever thinking they can fuck with us.

We need to remember the lessons of pearl harbor and 9/11, Weakness invites aggression.

right or wrong, presidents get credit or blame for what happens during their terms.
The strongest military in the history of mankind did not prevent 9-11. Throwing more money at it will not help

Attacking Afghanistan and Iraq have not made us safer either

Bush did not get blamed for 9-11
He should have

In reality 9/11 happened because Clinton did not allow our intelligence agencies to exchange information and because immigration under Clinton did not stop the illegal entry of the Saudi terrorists.

the 9/11 attackers were funded and trained by the Taliban in Afghanistan, who do you think we should have retaliated against?

There is a limit as to how much money is needed for our military, we agree on that, but you have yet to tell me what you would cut. How about cutting waste and corruption in all agencies of government? How about letting the DOJ so its job and prosecute the criminals walking the halls of congress? How about stopping lobbyists from funding campaigns? There are lots of ways to cut government spending, but why do libs always attack the military first? Could it be because most military members vote conservative and republican?
Good God

Still trying to sell that garbage...Clinton?
Take some responsibility

Talk about taking responsibility?"
Have you read the "911 Commission Report" book? Its actually a good read. It explains how the Clinton admin did not allow the sharing of information, i.e. "Gorelick's Wall". There are other stupid things like not allowing the FBI to examine Moussoui's laptop, etc. (not Bill Clinton, but the admin policies)
Jamie Gorelick - Wikipedia
"Testifying before the commission, Attorney General John Ashcroft said, "Although you understand the debilitating impact of the wall, I cannot imagine that the commission knew about this memorandum, so I have declassified it for you and the public to review," he said. "Full disclosure compels me to inform you that its author is a member of this commission."
Did it mention Bush dismantling the anti-terrorism sector within his intelligence dept?
its very simple, look at military spending during the Obama 8 years, and compare those numbers to bush's years or Trumps.

Thousands of marines applied for whitehouse duty under Trump, they had to be assigned under Obama. I think that says a lot.

We were at war in both Iraq and Afghanistan when Obama took office. You would expect military spending to decrease as we withdrew our troops

Congress invoked a ten percent sequester on all spending. How is that Obama’s fault?

The larger question large a military do we need?

we need a large enough military the preclude any other country for group from ever thinking they can fuck with us.

We need to remember the lessons of pearl harbor and 9/11, Weakness invites aggression.

right or wrong, presidents get credit or blame for what happens during their terms.
The strongest military in the history of mankind did not prevent 9-11. Throwing more money at it will not help

Attacking Afghanistan and Iraq have not made us safer either

Bush did not get blamed for 9-11
He should have

In reality 9/11 happened because Clinton did not allow our intelligence agencies to exchange information and because immigration under Clinton did not stop the illegal entry of the Saudi terrorists.

the 9/11 attackers were funded and trained by the Taliban in Afghanistan, who do you think we should have retaliated against?

There is a limit as to how much money is needed for our military, we agree on that, but you have yet to tell me what you would cut. How about cutting waste and corruption in all agencies of government? How about letting the DOJ so its job and prosecute the criminals walking the halls of congress? How about stopping lobbyists from funding campaigns? There are lots of ways to cut government spending, but why do libs always attack the military first? Could it be because most military members vote conservative and republican?
Good God

Still trying to sell that garbage...Clinton?
Take some responsibility

OK, tell us exactly how Bush caused the 9/11 attacks. Put up or shut up.
bullshit. go back to sleep winger, you had too much cheap vodka last night, none of your brain cells are functioning.

What have Republicans ever done to make the country better?
All they do is find ways to enrich the wealthy

does cutting taxes for everyone that pays taxes make them better off? Does creating millions of jobs make them better off?

your tired talking points just prove that you are incapable of actually thinking, you are a braindead sheep.

How did that make our country better?
Creating $1.5 trillion debt to give to billionaires does not make our nation better

What have Republicans ever done for our country that does not involve giving more money to those who do not need it?

OK, lets go slow. taxes were cut for every American that pays taxes, not just the rich. A growing economy creates jobs and increases the 401K accounts of working americans.

Your "evil rich" mantra is bullshit. But since you brought it up, how about the Hollywood rich liberals, what have they done for the country except make themselves richer and corrupt our youth with the garbage that they put out as "entertainment" ?

85 percent of the tax cut went to the wealthy

wrong it went proportionately to all americans that pay taxes, and yes, 5% of 1 million is more than 5% of 10K,

how do you cut taxes for someone that pays no taxes?
We were at war in both Iraq and Afghanistan when Obama took office. You would expect military spending to decrease as we withdrew our troops

Congress invoked a ten percent sequester on all spending. How is that Obama’s fault?

The larger question large a military do we need?

we need a large enough military the preclude any other country for group from ever thinking they can fuck with us.

We need to remember the lessons of pearl harbor and 9/11, Weakness invites aggression.

right or wrong, presidents get credit or blame for what happens during their terms.
The strongest military in the history of mankind did not prevent 9-11. Throwing more money at it will not help

Attacking Afghanistan and Iraq have not made us safer either

Bush did not get blamed for 9-11
He should have

In reality 9/11 happened because Clinton did not allow our intelligence agencies to exchange information and because immigration under Clinton did not stop the illegal entry of the Saudi terrorists.

the 9/11 attackers were funded and trained by the Taliban in Afghanistan, who do you think we should have retaliated against?

There is a limit as to how much money is needed for our military, we agree on that, but you have yet to tell me what you would cut. How about cutting waste and corruption in all agencies of government? How about letting the DOJ so its job and prosecute the criminals walking the halls of congress? How about stopping lobbyists from funding campaigns? There are lots of ways to cut government spending, but why do libs always attack the military first? Could it be because most military members vote conservative and republican?
Good God

Still trying to sell that garbage...Clinton?
Take some responsibility

OK, tell us exactly how Bush caused the 9/11 attacks. Put up or shut up.

Upon taking office, Bush ignored the threat of terrorism. He never met with Richard Clark the top terrorism expert on his staff

He failed to protect us from the worst terror attack in US history

Clarke's Take On Terror

Clarke also tells CBS News Correspondent Lesley Stahl that White House officials were tepid in their response when he urged them months before Sept. 11 to meet to discuss what he saw as a severe threat from al Qaeda.

"Frankly," he said, "I find it outrageous that the president is running for re-election on the grounds that he's done such great things about terrorism. He ignored it. He ignored terrorism for months,
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What have Republicans ever done to make the country better?
All they do is find ways to enrich the wealthy

does cutting taxes for everyone that pays taxes make them better off? Does creating millions of jobs make them better off?

your tired talking points just prove that you are incapable of actually thinking, you are a braindead sheep.

How did that make our country better?
Creating $1.5 trillion debt to give to billionaires does not make our nation better

What have Republicans ever done for our country that does not involve giving more money to those who do not need it?

OK, lets go slow. taxes were cut for every American that pays taxes, not just the rich. A growing economy creates jobs and increases the 401K accounts of working americans.

Your "evil rich" mantra is bullshit. But since you brought it up, how about the Hollywood rich liberals, what have they done for the country except make themselves richer and corrupt our youth with the garbage that they put out as "entertainment" ?

85 percent of the tax cut went to the wealthy

wrong it went proportionately to all americans that pay taxes, and yes, 5% of 1 million is more than 5% of 10K,

how do you cut taxes for someone that pays no taxes?

85 percent went to the wealthy who had no need for it
we need a large enough military the preclude any other country for group from ever thinking they can fuck with us.

We need to remember the lessons of pearl harbor and 9/11, Weakness invites aggression.

right or wrong, presidents get credit or blame for what happens during their terms.
The strongest military in the history of mankind did not prevent 9-11. Throwing more money at it will not help

Attacking Afghanistan and Iraq have not made us safer either

Bush did not get blamed for 9-11
He should have

In reality 9/11 happened because Clinton did not allow our intelligence agencies to exchange information and because immigration under Clinton did not stop the illegal entry of the Saudi terrorists.

the 9/11 attackers were funded and trained by the Taliban in Afghanistan, who do you think we should have retaliated against?

There is a limit as to how much money is needed for our military, we agree on that, but you have yet to tell me what you would cut. How about cutting waste and corruption in all agencies of government? How about letting the DOJ so its job and prosecute the criminals walking the halls of congress? How about stopping lobbyists from funding campaigns? There are lots of ways to cut government spending, but why do libs always attack the military first? Could it be because most military members vote conservative and republican?
Good God

Still trying to sell that garbage...Clinton?
Take some responsibility

Talk about taking responsibility?"
Have you read the "911 Commission Report" book? Its actually a good read. It explains how the Clinton admin did not allow the sharing of information, i.e. "Gorelick's Wall". There are other stupid things like not allowing the FBI to examine Moussoui's laptop, etc. (not Bill Clinton, but the admin policies)
Jamie Gorelick - Wikipedia
"Testifying before the commission, Attorney General John Ashcroft said, "Although you understand the debilitating impact of the wall, I cannot imagine that the commission knew about this memorandum, so I have declassified it for you and the public to review," he said. "Full disclosure compels me to inform you that its author is a member of this commission."
Did it mention Bush dismantling the anti-terrorism sector within his intelligence dept?
No. Tenet said that "the system was blinking red"
what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country, JFK

what dem of 2018 would say that?, what dem of 2018 even thinks that way?

the answer, I think, is none. It is very sad that the once great democrat party of Kennedy and Truman is dead and has been replaced by the far left party of Marx and Alinsky.

Ask what Trump should do for his country after a week of lunatic RW cuntery.
what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country, JFK

what dem of 2018 would say that?, what dem of 2018 even thinks that way?

the answer, I think, is none. It is very sad that the once great democrat party of Kennedy and Truman is dead and has been replaced by the far left party of Marx and Alinsky.

Ask what Trump should do for his country after a week of lunatic RW cuntery.
I think ignoring the Fat Orange Fuck and looking more to progressive taxes, an end to the gop's attack on Blue State local tax deductions, and assuming the dems can take the House producing a bill that would buck up soc sec even though Trump will never sign it.
Ask not what the wealthy can do for you....
But what YOU can do for the wealthy

what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country, JFK

what dem of 2018 would say that?, what dem of 2018 even thinks that way?

the answer, I think, is none. It is very sad that the once great democrat party of Kennedy and Truman is dead and has been replaced by the far left party of Marx and Alinsky.

This from the "Give me a tax cut even if it runs up the debt" crowd.
Krugman is generally wrong, so why quote him?
He's the one who predicted a stock market crash if Trump won.
And The Hits Just Kept Coming: The Greatest (False) Predictions Of 2017 | Investor's Business Daily
"It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover? A first-pass answer is never… So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight." Paul Krugman of the New York Times the day after the election."
Krugman is generally wrong, so why quote him?
He's the one who predicted a stock market crash if Trump won.
And The Hits Just Kept Coming: The Greatest (False) Predictions Of 2017 | Investor's Business Daily
"It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover? A first-pass answer is never… So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight." Paul Krugman of the New York Times the day after the election."
Look at the markets recently

Trump policies are taking effect
There is a difference between a normal correction, a typical recession, and a market crash or depression. October is typically a bad month for stocks, lets keep watching what happens to the stock market when the US and China finally make a win-win Trade Agreement. The Fed may (hopefully) slow down their bumps next year, which will also help the stocks recover. Corollary: "even a broken clock is right twice a day" regarding Krugman's crash prediction...
There is a difference between a normal correction, a typical recession, and a market crash or depression. October is typically a bad month for stocks, lets keep watching what happens to the stock market when the US and China finally make a win-win Trade Agreement. The Fed may (hopefully) slow down their bumps next year, which will also help the stocks recover. Corollary: "even a broken clock is right twice a day" regarding Krugman's crash prediction...

It is often parroted that October is a bad month for stocks, but over the last 20 years it has been one of the best 3 months for stocks.

Why do you assume that there will be a new, better trade agreement between the US and China?

If NAFTA is any indication of what is to come, all this “pain” will be for naught.

It is not coincidence that a there was a 600 point turn around in the DJI after it was announced there would be tariffs added to “all remaining Chinese products” just in time for Christmas.

Sent from my iPhone using
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I assume that there will be a fairer trade deal because it is in both parties' interest.
There were soooo many issues with China that I didn't even know half of them. Besides stealing intellectual property, blatant spying, currency manipulation, steel & aluminum dumping, their support for NK, their unfair in-country business practices, their military buildup including their expansion into the South China Sea
Photos expose Beijing’s South China Sea fortresses
China had a sweetheart deal with the Post Office to deliver packages for minimal cost. There are probably many more sweetheart deals that China has to the detriment of the US, their space program, their AI program, etc.

Let's hope that the new trade deal happens sooner rather than later...
There is a difference between a normal correction, a typical recession, and a market crash or depression. October is typically a bad month for stocks, lets keep watching what happens to the stock market when the US and China finally make a win-win Trade Agreement. The Fed may (hopefully) slow down their bumps next year, which will also help the stocks recover. Corollary: "even a broken clock is right twice a day" regarding Krugman's crash prediction...

It is often parroted that October is a bad month for stocks, but over the last 20 years it has been one of the best 3 months for stocks.

Why do you assume that there will be a new, better trade agreement between the US and China?

If NAFTA is any indication of what is to come, all this “pain” will be for naught.

It is not coincidence that a there was a 600 point turn around in the DJI after it was announced there would be tariffs added to “all remaining Chinese products” just in time for Christmas.

Sent from my iPhone using
What incentive does China have to offer a better trade agreement?
I assume that there will be a fairer trade deal because it is in both parties' interest.
There were soooo many issues with China that I didn't even know half of them. Besides stealing intellectual property, blatant spying, currency manipulation, steel & aluminum dumping, their support for NK, their unfair in-country business practices, their military buildup including their expansion into the South China Sea
Photos expose Beijing’s South China Sea fortresses
China had a sweetheart deal with the Post Office to deliver packages for minimal cost. There are probably many more sweetheart deals that China has to the detriment of the US, their space program, their AI program, etc.

Let's hope that the new trade deal happens sooner rather than later...
China had no better deal with the Post Office than anyone else can get

You have to stop believing Trump lies

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