Assault weapons ban dropped from Senate bill

Harry Reid said that her bill can be offered up as an amendment.
That meas it can be attached to a gun bill that the Senate passes. They still don't have enough votes for it even as an amendment.
Whatever the Senate passes it's not going to pass the house.

Same with what Obama is trying to do with the U.N.
Congress still needs to vote on it.
It won't get passed by the House.
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We Don't Need A Weapons Ban

The Obama Administration is going around Congress to do this:

March 17, 2013
There is yet another "double-speak" campaign coming out of the Obama Administration. On one hand they are saying they support the proposed UN treaty designed to curtail small arms trading and on the other hand they are saying they support the Second Amendment. Kurt Nimmo, writing at Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! reports
Obama's new Secretary of State, the blue-blood CFR globalist and bonesman John Kerry, says that while he supports the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, he is also supports the Second Amendment.

"We will not support any treaty that would be inconsistent with U.S. law and the rights of American citizens under our Constitution, including the Second Amendment," he said last week.

Read Kerry's statement on the treaty here.

"Don't worry, gun owners: the United Nations probably won't be coming after you any time soon," The Daily Beast said following Kerry's statement. "And NRA, calm down: Kerry made sure to clarify that the treaty would not affect domestic gun owners."

Kerry's word simply cannot be trusted and the prediction of The Daily Beast – a website owned by the transnational corporation Newsweek and edited by a former Wall Street Journal editor – is less than reassuring.

According to the NRA, as of 2004 Kerry was the most anti-gun presidential nominee in United States history. He has voted to ban guns outright, impose waiting periods on firearms buyers, financially punish gun manufacturers, and restrict the free speech of Second Amendment advocates.

He also voted to regulate gun shows and impose a background check on individuals engaged in private firearms sales.

Kerry backed the failed effort by House Democrats Carolyn McCarthy and Sen. Frank Lautenberg – two of the nation's most dedicated and aggressive gun-grabbers – to reimpose the Clinton's 1994 "assault weapons" ban that subsequently floundered in committee.

The United Nations treaty is well-timed – it arrives precisely as Congress prepares to vote on legislation targeting the Second Amendment in the wake of Sandy Hook.

The United Nations begins working on the stalled treaty again on March 18,
QR Code

Yes and you can all do something about this by calling up your State House and Senate Representatives and tell them to vote yes on HCON RES 23 in the House and yes on the Senate Bill SCON Res7
The text of the bill in the House
Bill Text - 113th Congress (2013-2014) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

The text of the bill in the Senate
Bill Text - 113th Congress (2013-2014) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
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91% of Americans want a background check.

USMB Republicans feel more is better. No background checks. Huge clips. More is better.
One reason Republicans are so dumb.

They think the government will come to your house and use guns.

Stupid, right? The government has "drones".
One reason Republicans are so dumb.

They think the government will come to your house and use guns.

Stupid, right? The government has "drones".

No warrant. Threaten to take his kids. Nah that couldn't happen in America could it now?

NRA instructor's home raided over Facebook photo

New Jersey officials, including police and the Department of Children and Families, are on the defensive today, after they raided the home of Shawn Moore, a firearms instructor for the National Rifle Association, demanding to see his guns after he posted a photo on Facebook of his son, Josh, 11, holding a rifle his father had given him as a birthday present.

"Someone called family services about the photo,” said Evan Nappen, an attorney who represents Moore. “It led to an incredible, heavy-handed raid on his house.

They wanted to see his gun safe, his guns and search his house. They even threatened to take his kids."

Oh and this part of the article is special....:eusa_whistle:

Moore and his attorney contend, however, that the raid was a violation of his Second Amendment right, and that, in light of the recent focus on gun control legislation, the raid's focus was not child safety so much as gun ownership.

"They said they wanted to see into my safe and see if my guns were registered," Moore said. "I said no; in New Jersey, your guns don't have to be registered with the state; it's voluntary. I knew once I opened that safe, there was no going back."

When the police confirmed they did not have a warrant to search his home and after a social worker refused to identify herself, Moore asked the officials to leave.

They adhered to his request.

"I don't like what happened," Moore said. "You're not even safe in your own house. If they can just show up at any time and make you open safes and go through your house, that's not freedom; it's like tyranny."

The police, said Nappen, wanted to inventory Moore's firearms.

"We said no way, it’s not happening,” the attorney told FOX. “This is a guy who is completely credentialed and his son is also credentialed.”

NRA instructor's home raided over Facebook photo - National Conservative |

This is what I've been saying from day one.

I think the pearl-clutching "they're coming to take our guns" Conservatives are the ones looking like fools right now.

So in other words ,they wasted a ton of time

Why was it even suggested then?? they took a look hoping they had they votes and political wind at their back,but they didn't. If they had what they hoped for we would have a new ban.Denying that is just plan dishonest.
Harry Reid said that her bill can be offered up as an amendment.
That meas it can be attached to a gun bill that the Senate passes. They still don't have enough votes for it even as an amendment.
Whatever the Senate passes it's not going to pass the house.

If it had no chance of survival as a bill and it won't survive as an amendment, why bother letting it exist? Talk about a waste of time.
This is what I've been saying from day one.

I think the pearl-clutching "they're coming to take our guns" Conservatives are the ones looking like fools right now.

So in other words ,they wasted a ton of time

Why was it even suggested then?? they took a look hoping they had they votes and political wind at their back,but they didn't. If they had what they hoped for we would have a new ban.Denying that is just plan dishonest.

I think the Dems really truly thought they could pull it off. Think about the rabid back lash against guns after the shootings.

Hell's bells every one was frothing at the mouth. Dems were really banging the anti gun drum and grave dancing.

They thought they had it because of the heart felt emotion at the time. But time has passed and most people have come to their senses and looked clearly at the situation.

Yes it was a tragedy. Yes Gabby Giffords being shot was a tragedy.

But good American gun owners shouldn't pay the price for the acts of a few madmen.

Finally people realized that.
One reason Republicans are so dumb.

They think the government will come to your house and use guns.

Stupid, right? The government has "drones".

No warrant. Threaten to take his kids. Nah that couldn't happen in America could it now?

NRA instructor's home raided over Facebook photo

New Jersey officials, including police and the Department of Children and Families, are on the defensive today, after they raided the home of Shawn Moore, a firearms instructor for the National Rifle Association, demanding to see his guns after he posted a photo on Facebook of his son, Josh, 11, holding a rifle his father had given him as a birthday present.

"Someone called family services about the photo,” said Evan Nappen, an attorney who represents Moore. “It led to an incredible, heavy-handed raid on his house.

They wanted to see his gun safe, his guns and search his house. They even threatened to take his kids."

Oh and this part of the article is special....:eusa_whistle:

Moore and his attorney contend, however, that the raid was a violation of his Second Amendment right, and that, in light of the recent focus on gun control legislation, the raid's focus was not child safety so much as gun ownership.

"They said they wanted to see into my safe and see if my guns were registered," Moore said. "I said no; in New Jersey, your guns don't have to be registered with the state; it's voluntary. I knew once I opened that safe, there was no going back."

When the police confirmed they did not have a warrant to search his home and after a social worker refused to identify herself, Moore asked the officials to leave.

They adhered to his request.

"I don't like what happened," Moore said. "You're not even safe in your own house. If they can just show up at any time and make you open safes and go through your house, that's not freedom; it's like tyranny."

The police, said Nappen, wanted to inventory Moore's firearms.

"We said no way, it’s not happening,” the attorney told FOX. “This is a guy who is completely credentialed and his son is also credentialed.”

NRA instructor's home raided over Facebook photo - National Conservative |


I bet you even approve of a 4 year old swilling shots. How dare government protect kids from stupid adults. To Republicans, "kids are property".
Assault weapon is a propaganda term. There is no such thing.
In your avatar I see a picture an adult holding a child. Tell that to the parents in Newtown who will never be able to hold their child again.

Dr. Cyril Wecht, past president of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, told me this:

The kind of ammunition used by the Newtown killer would have produced very extensive, severe and mutilating injuries of the head and face in these small victims. Depending on the number of shots striking a child’s head, substantial portions of the head would be literally blasted away. The underlying brain tissue would be extensively lacerated with portions of hemorrhagic brain tissue protruding through the fractured calvarium and basilar skull, some of which would remain on portions of the face...actual physical identification of each child would have been extremely difficult, and in many instances impossible, even by the parents of any particular child.

We also know this, according to Dr. Wecht:

In one case, the parents have commented publicly upon the damage to their child, reporting that his chin and left hand were missing. Most probably, this child had brought his hand up to his face in shock and for protection and had the hand blasted away along with the lower part of his face.

Veronique Pozner, the mother of Noah, the six-year-old boy described by Dr. Wecht, insisted that the Governor of Connecticut look at Noah in an open casket. "I needed it to be real to him," she said. The Governor wept.

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus
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One reason Republicans are so dumb.

They think the government will come to your house and use guns.

Stupid, right? The government has "drones".

No warrant. Threaten to take his kids. Nah that couldn't happen in America could it now?

NRA instructor's home raided over Facebook photo

New Jersey officials, including police and the Department of Children and Families, are on the defensive today, after they raided the home of Shawn Moore, a firearms instructor for the National Rifle Association, demanding to see his guns after he posted a photo on Facebook of his son, Josh, 11, holding a rifle his father had given him as a birthday present.

"Someone called family services about the photo,” said Evan Nappen, an attorney who represents Moore. “It led to an incredible, heavy-handed raid on his house.

They wanted to see his gun safe, his guns and search his house. They even threatened to take his kids."

Oh and this part of the article is special....:eusa_whistle:

Moore and his attorney contend, however, that the raid was a violation of his Second Amendment right, and that, in light of the recent focus on gun control legislation, the raid's focus was not child safety so much as gun ownership.

"They said they wanted to see into my safe and see if my guns were registered," Moore said. "I said no; in New Jersey, your guns don't have to be registered with the state; it's voluntary. I knew once I opened that safe, there was no going back."

When the police confirmed they did not have a warrant to search his home and after a social worker refused to identify herself, Moore asked the officials to leave.

They adhered to his request.

"I don't like what happened," Moore said. "You're not even safe in your own house. If they can just show up at any time and make you open safes and go through your house, that's not freedom; it's like tyranny."

The police, said Nappen, wanted to inventory Moore's firearms.

"We said no way, it’s not happening,” the attorney told FOX. “This is a guy who is completely credentialed and his son is also credentialed.”

NRA instructor's home raided over Facebook photo - National Conservative |


I bet you even approve of a 4 year old swilling shots. How dare government protect kids from stupid adults. To Republicans, "kids are property".

That's about how old I was when I got my first gun but you want to make it look like we're giving guns to babies.

You're full of usual.
This is what I've been saying from day one.

I think the pearl-clutching "they're coming to take our guns" Conservatives are the ones looking like fools right now.

Yep. It's all just political theater. Nothing will change. Nutters don't need to worry any more. Nobody is coming to get your guns. Now, maybe some sanity will return and ammo will once again become available.
One reason Republicans are so dumb.

They think the government will come to your house and use guns.

Stupid, right? The government has "drones".

No warrant. Threaten to take his kids. Nah that couldn't happen in America could it now?

NRA instructor's home raided over Facebook photo

New Jersey officials, including police and the Department of Children and Families, are on the defensive today, after they raided the home of Shawn Moore, a firearms instructor for the National Rifle Association, demanding to see his guns after he posted a photo on Facebook of his son, Josh, 11, holding a rifle his father had given him as a birthday present.

"Someone called family services about the photo,” said Evan Nappen, an attorney who represents Moore. “It led to an incredible, heavy-handed raid on his house.

They wanted to see his gun safe, his guns and search his house. They even threatened to take his kids."

Oh and this part of the article is special....:eusa_whistle:

Moore and his attorney contend, however, that the raid was a violation of his Second Amendment right, and that, in light of the recent focus on gun control legislation, the raid's focus was not child safety so much as gun ownership.

"They said they wanted to see into my safe and see if my guns were registered," Moore said. "I said no; in New Jersey, your guns don't have to be registered with the state; it's voluntary. I knew once I opened that safe, there was no going back."

When the police confirmed they did not have a warrant to search his home and after a social worker refused to identify herself, Moore asked the officials to leave.

They adhered to his request.

"I don't like what happened," Moore said. "You're not even safe in your own house. If they can just show up at any time and make you open safes and go through your house, that's not freedom; it's like tyranny."

The police, said Nappen, wanted to inventory Moore's firearms.

"We said no way, it’s not happening,” the attorney told FOX. “This is a guy who is completely credentialed and his son is also credentialed.”

NRA instructor's home raided over Facebook photo - National Conservative |

The man posted a picture on Facebook of a minor holding an assault weapon, and then he is incredulous that someone CALLED family services? WHAT would you expect family services to do, ignore it???

How can someone who can be moved by music, be such a heartless piece of shit of a person?
This is what I've been saying from day one.

I think the pearl-clutching "they're coming to take our guns" Conservatives are the ones looking like fools right now.

So in other words ,they wasted a ton of time

Why was it even suggested then?? they took a look hoping they had they votes and political wind at their back,but they didn't. If they had what they hoped for we would have a new ban.Denying that is just plan dishonest.

I think the Dems really truly thought they could pull it off. Think about the rabid back lash against guns after the shootings.

Hell's bells every one was frothing at the mouth. Dems were really banging the anti gun drum and grave dancing.

They thought they had it because of the heart felt emotion at the time. But time has passed and most people have come to their senses and looked clearly at the situation.

Yes it was a tragedy. Yes Gabby Giffords being shot was a tragedy.

But good American gun owners shouldn't pay the price for the acts of a few madmen.

Finally people realized that.

Obama has still used the distraction as an excuse to release over a thousand new gun regulations.

He had Cass Sunstein write them last year before he went back to filling our kid's heads full of mush at Berkley or wherever the fuck he teaches now.

That's one fucker I'd love to give this too.

One reason Republicans are so dumb.

They think the government will come to your house and use guns.

Stupid, right? The government has "drones".

No warrant. Threaten to take his kids. Nah that couldn't happen in America could it now?

NRA instructor's home raided over Facebook photo

New Jersey officials, including police and the Department of Children and Families, are on the defensive today, after they raided the home of Shawn Moore, a firearms instructor for the National Rifle Association, demanding to see his guns after he posted a photo on Facebook of his son, Josh, 11, holding a rifle his father had given him as a birthday present.

"Someone called family services about the photo,” said Evan Nappen, an attorney who represents Moore. “It led to an incredible, heavy-handed raid on his house.

They wanted to see his gun safe, his guns and search his house. They even threatened to take his kids."

Oh and this part of the article is special....:eusa_whistle:

Moore and his attorney contend, however, that the raid was a violation of his Second Amendment right, and that, in light of the recent focus on gun control legislation, the raid's focus was not child safety so much as gun ownership.

"They said they wanted to see into my safe and see if my guns were registered," Moore said. "I said no; in New Jersey, your guns don't have to be registered with the state; it's voluntary. I knew once I opened that safe, there was no going back."

When the police confirmed they did not have a warrant to search his home and after a social worker refused to identify herself, Moore asked the officials to leave.

They adhered to his request.

"I don't like what happened," Moore said. "You're not even safe in your own house. If they can just show up at any time and make you open safes and go through your house, that's not freedom; it's like tyranny."

The police, said Nappen, wanted to inventory Moore's firearms.

"We said no way, it’s not happening,” the attorney told FOX. “This is a guy who is completely credentialed and his son is also credentialed.”

NRA instructor's home raided over Facebook photo - National Conservative |

The man posted a picture on Facebook of a minor holding an assault weapon, and then he is incredulous that someone CALLED family services? WHAT would you expect family services to do, ignore it???

How can someone who can be moved by music, be such a heartless piece of shit of a person?

Good post. It is good to see someone stand up to the criminals in the government.
One reason Republicans are so dumb.

They think the government will come to your house and use guns.

Stupid, right? The government has "drones".

No warrant. Threaten to take his kids. Nah that couldn't happen in America could it now?

NRA instructor's home raided over Facebook photo

New Jersey officials, including police and the Department of Children and Families, are on the defensive today, after they raided the home of Shawn Moore, a firearms instructor for the National Rifle Association, demanding to see his guns after he posted a photo on Facebook of his son, Josh, 11, holding a rifle his father had given him as a birthday present.

"Someone called family services about the photo,” said Evan Nappen, an attorney who represents Moore. “It led to an incredible, heavy-handed raid on his house.

They wanted to see his gun safe, his guns and search his house. They even threatened to take his kids."

Oh and this part of the article is special....:eusa_whistle:

Moore and his attorney contend, however, that the raid was a violation of his Second Amendment right, and that, in light of the recent focus on gun control legislation, the raid's focus was not child safety so much as gun ownership.

"They said they wanted to see into my safe and see if my guns were registered," Moore said. "I said no; in New Jersey, your guns don't have to be registered with the state; it's voluntary. I knew once I opened that safe, there was no going back."

When the police confirmed they did not have a warrant to search his home and after a social worker refused to identify herself, Moore asked the officials to leave.

They adhered to his request.

"I don't like what happened," Moore said. "You're not even safe in your own house. If they can just show up at any time and make you open safes and go through your house, that's not freedom; it's like tyranny."

The police, said Nappen, wanted to inventory Moore's firearms.

"We said no way, it’s not happening,” the attorney told FOX. “This is a guy who is completely credentialed and his son is also credentialed.”

NRA instructor's home raided over Facebook photo - National Conservative |


I bet you even approve of a 4 year old swilling shots. How dare government protect kids from stupid adults. To Republicans, "kids are property".

That's sick to equate the two. Teaching a young person to hunt is no comparison to that picture let alone to accuse conservatives of considering their children chattel.

You are one sick puppy rdean.

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