Assault weapons ban dropped from Senate bill

Do you think P F Tinmore is on the right side of the aisle?

I have no idea what "side of the aisle" P F is on. Nor is it the slightest bit relevant to what I was saying.

You said, "I know it feels better to think of it like you "won" a major victory."

While speaking to someone who is clearly on the left.

I assumed from his post that he is speaking from an anti-"gun control" position. Whether he's "right" or "left" is irrelevant.
This is what I've been saying from day one.

I think the pearl-clutching "they're coming to take our guns" Conservatives are the ones looking like fools right now.
That's right!

I knew from day one when they said "We want to Ban Semi-Autos" that what they really meant was "We don't wanna' ban semi-autos".

In fact Dianne Feinstein probably KNEW it would fail so it would set a precedent in Congress and discourage other Gun Ban Legislation from being introduced by anyone else.

Sen Diane Feinstein, 2nd Amendment Defender and Gun Rights Champion!

Whether or not "they" "mean it" is another discussion entirely - and irrelevant.

The fact is that it never had a chance of passing, no matter what particularly shrill member of Congress may or may not really want.
The only reason it does not stand a chance of passing is BECAUSE of vocal opposition with air tight arguments that speak the truth.

The moment the masses go silent, they will attempt it again.

Vigilance is not just a word in the dictionary.
Senate Assault Weapons Ban Dies

March 20, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert


Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) dropped the assault weapons ban from that chamber’s gun control bill. The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA), announced the change, but indicated that she would still be able to offer it as an amendment later on. ”I very much regret it,” Feinstein told reporters of Reid’s decision. “I tried my best.”


Senate Assault Weapons Ban Dies
Senate Assault Weapons Ban Dies

March 20, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert


Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) dropped the assault weapons ban from that chamber’s gun control bill. The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA), announced the change, but indicated that she would still be able to offer it as an amendment later on. ”I very much regret it,” Feinstein told reporters of Reid’s decision. “I tried my best.”


Senate Assault Weapons Ban Dies

She will never give up. Plain and simple she is obsessed with gun control.
Senate Assault Weapons Ban Dies

March 20, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert


Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) dropped the assault weapons ban from that chamber’s gun control bill. The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA), announced the change, but indicated that she would still be able to offer it as an amendment later on. ”I very much regret it,” Feinstein told reporters of Reid’s decision. “I tried my best.”


Senate Assault Weapons Ban Dies

She will never give up. Plain and simple she is obsessed with gun control.

The old bitty can take it to the grave...:eek:
Senate Assault Weapons Ban Dies

March 20, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert


Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) dropped the assault weapons ban from that chamber’s gun control bill. The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA), announced the change, but indicated that she would still be able to offer it as an amendment later on. ”I very much regret it,” Feinstein told reporters of Reid’s decision. “I tried my best.”


Senate Assault Weapons Ban Dies

She will never give up. Plain and simple she is obsessed with gun control.

The old bitty can take it to the grave...:eek:

No shit. :eusa_angel:

This is what I've been saying from day one.

I think the pearl-clutching "they're coming to take our guns" Conservatives are the ones looking like fools right now.

That's b/c we stopped you.

This time

Classic example of the partisan wedge issue: keep the fear and lies alive.

Conservatives need to give up on the ‘gun grabber’ myth. Democrats and liberals have accepted Heller/McDonald as settled law, where the majority of democrats have no desire to ‘ban’ firearms. The fact that a proposed AWB won’t even come to the floor of a Senate controlled by democrats is proof of that.

Conservatives will need to contrive another false crisis as a new wedge issue.


What horseshit.

You and I both know that liberals will never ever give up on gun bans b/c we both know YOU do it at the state and city level.

And you don't care how many lives are lost in the process, that is a clear fact.
Who do you think you're referring to when you say "we" and "you"?\

It's amazing to me how quickly people are able to randomly assign views to people, with no actual basis for it.
We = freedom loving people/conservatives
You = government loving people/liberals and progressives

or are you the one liberal that doesn't follow the heard?

Seriously, it's like you're living in a cartoon world.

There are millions and millions of gun-owning liberals in the country.


Each of them approves of the ban, small clips, limits on types of ammo, number of guns a person can own, etc etc.


It's the right to bear ARMS, not guns.
Senate Assault Weapons Ban Dies

March 20, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert


Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) dropped the assault weapons ban from that chamber’s gun control bill. The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA), announced the change, but indicated that she would still be able to offer it as an amendment later on. ”I very much regret it,” Feinstein told reporters of Reid’s decision. “I tried my best.”


Senate Assault Weapons Ban Dies

She will never give up. Plain and simple she is obsessed with gun control.

Just more proof the left hates the Constitution.

She's been at it for decades.
Gotta love the idiots who claim, "but, but, but, ya see's, I said ya' shouldn't be concerned about them trying to ban semi-autos, it's all about nothin'"

Lying ass cocksuckers just got beat, and the lengths they will go to try and save face, are fucking hilarious.

Face it, losers,.....Cruz won, and Feinstein looks like an idiot, AGAIN!.....It's just the way it is, deal with it.
This is good. But it's not over. We still have magazine restrictions and background checks to deal with. Fortunately the momentum is not on the side of the antis. Once we have this beat Obama will look like the beaten dog he is. Of course he will claim some kind of victory or else blame George Bush. Does this man ever take responsibility for anything? Ever?
I was too tired last night but for the USMB gun control fanatics I wish I'd called the thread....

Drum roll.....




We Don't Need A Weapons Ban

The Obama Administration is going around Congress to do this:

March 17, 2013
There is yet another "double-speak" campaign coming out of the Obama Administration. On one hand they are saying they support the proposed UN treaty designed to curtail small arms trading and on the other hand they are saying they support the Second Amendment. Kurt Nimmo, writing at Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! reports
Obama's new Secretary of State, the blue-blood CFR globalist and bonesman John Kerry, says that while he supports the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, he is also supports the Second Amendment.

"We will not support any treaty that would be inconsistent with U.S. law and the rights of American citizens under our Constitution, including the Second Amendment," he said last week.

Read Kerry's statement on the treaty here.

"Don't worry, gun owners: the United Nations probably won't be coming after you any time soon," The Daily Beast said following Kerry's statement. "And NRA, calm down: Kerry made sure to clarify that the treaty would not affect domestic gun owners."

Kerry's word simply cannot be trusted and the prediction of The Daily Beast – a website owned by the transnational corporation Newsweek and edited by a former Wall Street Journal editor – is less than reassuring.

According to the NRA, as of 2004 Kerry was the most anti-gun presidential nominee in United States history. He has voted to ban guns outright, impose waiting periods on firearms buyers, financially punish gun manufacturers, and restrict the free speech of Second Amendment advocates.

He also voted to regulate gun shows and impose a background check on individuals engaged in private firearms sales.

Kerry backed the failed effort by House Democrats Carolyn McCarthy and Sen. Frank Lautenberg – two of the nation's most dedicated and aggressive gun-grabbers – to reimpose the Clinton's 1994 "assault weapons" ban that subsequently floundered in committee.

The United Nations treaty is well-timed – it arrives precisely as Congress prepares to vote on legislation targeting the Second Amendment in the wake of Sandy Hook.

The United Nations begins working on the stalled treaty again on March 18,
QR Code
This is what I've been saying from day one.
I think the pearl-clutching "they're coming to take our guns" Conservatives are the ones looking like fools right now.
How does the fact that the anti-gun loons tried, and failed, to ban 'assault weapons' make the pro-gun side look like fools for thinking that the anti-gun loons would ban 'assault weapons'?
This is what I've been saying from day one.
I think the pearl-clutching "they're coming to take our guns" Conservatives are the ones looking like fools right now.
How does the fact that the anti-gun loons tried, and failed, to ban 'assault weapons' make the pro-gun side look like fools for thinking that the anti-gun loons would ban 'assault weapons'?

Well,...................until it actually happens why worry!!!!!!!
Poor, poor suckers who went out and bought exorbitantly priced "assault weapons" because they believed the lie. Now, they're stuck with thousands of weapons they'll take a loss on.

See what happens when you blindly buy the propaganda?

Hmmmmm. Reckon I could now pick up a good AR-15 or AK-47 for a decent price?

Not a lie.. my state still going after huge bans and control laws...

Quite happy with my Saiga12 right where it is.. no matter what you value it at

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