Assault weapons ban: Question for supporters

Cling to my guns?

Good to know you have that view of me.

The assault ban did so well with Tim McVeigh and Eric Rudolph and the 9/11/2001 hijackers didn't it?

How about Jonesboro, and Columbine shooting and how well did a the gun ban worked?

So seeing you believe those fucking laws work so well with criminals then why do they ignore them or use other weapons to carry out their attacks?

I know how dare I point out the reality of your laws that you want and how they do very little to curb the violence in life because the fact is the only person you want to punish is the person obeying the law because the criminal can give a flying fuck about your stupid little law!

Now what is your goddamn answer this time and remember I am clinging to my two shotguns you believe is evil because you believe the law will protect you and criminals will obey the law!

You, like others here, suffer from a knee-jerk reaction syndrome where you don't actually read what someone else posts.

"Nobody is calling for banning all guns. 80% + of people are calling for strong regulation to keep as many guns out of the hands of these people as possible, which is the best any law can do."

and again, there are people in THIS thread who are calling for not just bans on future sales, but confiscation of guns already privately owned.

Does anyone consider 'people in this thread' as having power to actually accomplish that? I operate under an assumption that we are talking about public and/or political figures. And you can find someone that supports ANYTHING in general. I'm talking about the political voices who merely cite even NRA members where 80% are in favor of stringent background checks and other sensible checks and balances.

Democrats just tried to introduce a bill that BANNED guns Isaac

There are people out there who are just itching for something like this to happen so they can reenter the fight to ban guns. No different than there are people out there who are reveling when something like this happens so they can restart the "you can't trust a Muslim" bullshit.

Why you would even pretend otherwise is beyond me.

In fact that is actually the crux of the whole problem. It used to be that extremist morons like that were the minority and the majority on both sides could pretty well just ignore them and get some things accomplished. But not any more. Now the moron extremists on BOTH sides are the majority and the minority is the people who could actually work together and get some shit done.

You want to solve this issue on both ends? Fine, easily done.

Ship all refugees to one of the many abandoned military bases we have around this country and keep them there, where they are safe from those who would harm them at home (PS no men between the ages of 16-40, they can stay home and fight for their country) while there we can safely vet them before allowing them to roam the country freely.

There that solves that.

Now onto gun control

Set background checks to include the same scrutiny as a low level security clearance would require. That includes an interview with the FBI. Once cleared to buy weapons , no one keeps track of what you buy.

Set flags so that if you have a run in with police your ability to buy a weapon is affected appropriately.

Pass a law that if you have a run in with police and you are found to have a gun without the proper permissions to own said gun, that is an extra felony.

Minimum sentence of 10 years for any crime committed with a gun or any crime committed in the ownership of a gun.

Sensible , reasonable, and sane. No sane person could argue with the effectiveness of proposed policies. AND most importantly no one's rights are violated.

"Set background checks to include the same scrutiny as a low level security clearance would require. That includes an interview with the FBI. Once cleared to buy weapons , no one keeps track of what you buy.

Set flags so that if you have a run in with police your ability to buy a weapon is affected appropriately.

Pass a law that if you have a run in with police and you are found to have a gun without the proper permissions to own said gun, that is an extra felony.

Minimum sentence of 10 years for any crime committed with a gun or any crime committed in the ownership of a gun.

Sensible , reasonable, and sane. No sane person could argue with the effectiveness of proposed policies. AND most importantly no one's rights are violated."

Not unreasonable but 'run in' has to be specifically defined in law, you can't say 'run in'.

Most of this is what the average call for gun regulation is about. REGULATION. I'm not interested in banning all guns, most people aren't. Well regulated though is right in the 2nd amendment and the SCOTUS has supported a limit to the 2nd amendment. The problem is the NRA opposes all of it, the leadership not the members who overwhelmingly support sensible regulations.

And the majority of Americans support sensible regulation. Usually approaching 90%.

So why does Congess sit on its hands.

No...the NRA opposes laws that will do nothing to stop criminals and mass shooters, but will make it harder for normal people, especially the poor to exercise their right to self defense...

you guys always say the NRA opposes all laws...but then fail to mention the specifics...please...list them. Then show us why they would be effective....
"Here's the thing and that is you can ban the assault weapon and put people on lists and it will not stop those like Mateen because he would have just went the bomb making route like McVeigh, Rudolph and the Boston Bombers went." Right because you are a mind reader and expert on such things. Please. How many McVeighs have their been since that toadstool slaughtered children?

I just find it bizarre how people that cling to guns find a way to justify ANYTHING. That nefarious people are all brilliant and resourceful when the opposite is generally true. These people DON'T have access to high explosives which is why they have to find other ways to make bombs and the ones they make are of very poor quality and relatively not that destructive. Laws and handling regulations strictly limiting access to high explosives are responsible for that. The laws DO work.

It is a non-issue. If laws don't work why do we have any laws. Nobody is calling for banning all guns. 80% + of people are calling for strong regulation to keep as many guns out of the hands of these people as possible, which is the best any law can do.

Cling to my guns?

Good to know you have that view of me.

The assault ban did so well with Tim McVeigh and Eric Rudolph and the 9/11/2001 hijackers didn't it?

How about Jonesboro, and Columbine shooting and how well did a the gun ban worked?

So seeing you believe those fucking laws work so well with criminals then why do they ignore them or use other weapons to carry out their attacks?

I know how dare I point out the reality of your laws that you want and how they do very little to curb the violence in life because the fact is the only person you want to punish is the person obeying the law because the criminal can give a flying fuck about your stupid little law!

Now what is your goddamn answer this time and remember I am clinging to my two shotguns you believe is evil because you believe the law will protect you and criminals will obey the law!

You, like others here, suffer from a knee-jerk reaction syndrome where you don't actually read what someone else posts.

"Nobody is calling for banning all guns. 80% + of people are calling for strong regulation to keep as many guns out of the hands of these people as possible, which is the best any law can do."

and again, there are people in THIS thread who are calling for not just bans on future sales, but confiscation of guns already privately owned.

Does anyone consider 'people in this thread' as having power to actually accomplish that? I operate under an assumption that we are talking about public and/or political figures. And you can find someone that supports ANYTHING in general. I'm talking about the political voices who merely cite even NRA members where 80% are in favor of stringent background checks and other sensible checks and balances.

And of course that is not true.....uninformed people support the universal background check because they hear those words and they sound good...if they knew that anti gun leaders know universal background checks will do nothing...but they need them to get to universal gun registration...and also to hinder the gun owning activities, hunting, having people watch your guns when you go on vacation, making criminals out of family members selling guns to relatives...

If you told them the actual facts behind universal background checks they wouldn't support them.

you're going to let those fools obliterate your rights out of stupid stubbornness.

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