Asshole attacks Chick-Fil-A server

Next they'll be claiming they're 'Racist' too, and so and so on. Same ole scam.
I was not cut out for that sort of work...I would have reached over, grabbed the back of his head and bounced his nose off the window ledge.

But that's me. a degree.

We live in a sound bite world and it looks like his company was anticipating a opposed to how he did his job.

Still wondering how he identified his company in the clip. He should never have photographed the server without her permission either...

he worked for an employee owned company which makes me lean more toward his being a full time pia.

good point about the server.

I guess I object to a reactionary world. Was it is a dumb thing to do? Yeah. Was anybody left emotionally scarred? Doubtful. Give him a kick up the arse, and put him on a behaviour warning and tell him to go apologise publically to the company and server. Sackable offence? Nah....

Obviously, the people who matter disagree with you. By the way. His happened in Tucson. A town that is overflowing with liberal losers. The company felt that, even in a town filled with the types of OWS parasites that would laud such pisspoor behavior as heroic, the shitbag had to go. Good for them. I wish them much success.
you know, you're a vile person.

WHY??? Because he showed a despicable human being? But I forgot, you're an ends justify the means kinda person....All for the comrade?

no... because SHE derives pleasure from others' misfortune.

and don't comrade me, you dumb putz.

Misfortune? HAHAHAHA. Yeah. This douchebag is a real victim, didn't bring this on himself. You and him should get together, you sound like a perfect match.
It wasn't lost that he ordered a free glass of water at the drive through either.

I am just so glad he got what was coming to him.
...And uh, just so you know, young mature woman whom I've just shit smeared because I'm so much better than you and everyone else, I'M NOT GAY.

Something tells me even aside from being fired, this douche bag is wishing he'd only imagined doing this...
Well, I watched the video. He didn't seem bullying to me, he was merely, and politely, expressing his view.
Telling the girl she should be ashamed of herself is NOT being polite... Unless you far-lefties use a different definition of the word...

That said, I would have fired him if he were my employee simply because he created controversy and animosity against his employer.
Looks like that's exactly what the company did...
Exclusive: TheBlaze Interviews the Guy Fired for Berating a Chick-fil-A Employee (Updated with Quotes)

Adam Smith’s life has been turned upside-down in the 36 hours that followed his posting the video of his protest at Chick-fil-A, which involved letting a young, female employee at the drive-thru know what he thinks about the company. (You can watch the video here.)

We had an exclusive conversation with Smith where he shared his side of the story. Here’s a taste of what he said:
  • He has lost his job as Chief Financial Officer at Vante. (Smith claims that he was not given a chance to really explain himself before being terminated)
  • His family has been threatened with violence and death. (At one point, his email account was getting 3 messages a minute, mostly vulgar and threatening)
  • Because his home address was made public, he cannot live in his house. (And Mr. Smith is a married father of four – two of his children are adopted, special needs kids.)
  • Smith said that his original intent was to follow guidelines laid out in an online video, which included quoting a scripture

As you read further on inthe interview? For the most part? This guy claims to be a victim of 'Cyber Bullies'.

Read it all at the link.
Exclusive: TheBlaze Interviews the Guy Fired for Berating a Chick-fil-A Employee (Updated with Quotes)

Adam Smith’s life has been turned upside-down in the 36 hours that followed his posting the video of his protest at Chick-fil-A, which involved letting a young, female employee at the drive-thru know what he thinks about the company. (You can watch the video here.)

We had an exclusive conversation with Smith where he shared his side of the story. Here’s a taste of what he said:
  • He has lost his job as Chief Financial Officer at Vante. (Smith claims that he was not given a chance to really explain himself before being terminated)

  • His family has been threatened with violence and death. (At one point, his email account was getting 3 messages a minute, mostly vulgar and threatening)

  • Because his home address was made public, he cannot live in his house. (And Mr. Smith is a married father of four – two of his children are adopted, special needs kids.)
  • Smith said that his original intent was to follow guidelines laid out in an online video, which included quoting a scripture
As you read further on inthe interview? For the most part? This guy claims to be a victim of 'Cyber Bullies'.

Read it all at the link.

All of these things need to be considered BEFORE making an ass of one's self
Exclusive: TheBlaze Interviews the Guy Fired for Berating a Chick-fil-A Employee (Updated with Quotes)

Adam Smith’s life has been turned upside-down in the 36 hours that followed his posting the video of his protest at Chick-fil-A, which involved letting a young, female employee at the drive-thru know what he thinks about the company. (You can watch the video here.)

We had an exclusive conversation with Smith where he shared his side of the story. Here’s a taste of what he said:
  • He has lost his job as Chief Financial Officer at Vante. (Smith claims that he was not given a chance to really explain himself before being terminated)
  • His family has been threatened with violence and death. (At one point, his email account was getting 3 messages a minute, mostly vulgar and threatening)
  • Because his home address was made public, he cannot live in his house. (And Mr. Smith is a married father of four – two of his children are adopted, special needs kids.)
  • Smith said that his original intent was to follow guidelines laid out in an online video, which included quoting a scripture
As you read further on inthe interview? For the most part? This guy claims to be a victim of 'Cyber Bullies'.

Read it all at the link.

All of these things need to be considered BEFORE making an ass of one's self

He certainly didn't noodle it out too well, did he? [Especially in this tech age].

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