Asshole attacks Chick-Fil-A server

Well, I watched the video. He didn't seem bullying to me, he was merely, and politely, expressing his view.
Telling the girl she should be ashamed of herself is NOT being polite... Unless you far-lefties use a different definition of the word...

That said, I would have fired him if he were my employee simply because he created controversy and animosity against his employer.
Looks like that's exactly what the company did...

He was very polite in telling her that she should be ashamed of herself. And really, she should be, imo. I wouldn't want to work for a company that was so unAmerican.

I have to agree about his disclaimer that he wasn't gay that another poster pointed out....that was beyond lame.

there's nothing unamerican about expressing an opinion
Telling the girl she should be ashamed of herself is NOT being polite... Unless you far-lefties use a different definition of the word...

Looks like that's exactly what the company did...

He was very polite in telling her that she should be ashamed of herself. And really, she should be, imo. I wouldn't want to work for a company that was so unAmerican.

I have to agree about his disclaimer that he wasn't gay that another poster pointed out....that was beyond lame.

there's nothing unamerican about expressing an opinion
No, but the opinion itself is unAmerican.


Look at these Un-American ppl showing their support:


Hmmm...Ravi on the one hand saying "they should be embarassed, I wouldn't work there, how unamerican..."

Army guys on the other saying "We're going to show our support".

I'll go with the army dudes.
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He was very polite in telling her that she should be ashamed of herself. And really, she should be, imo. I wouldn't want to work for a company that was so unAmerican.

I have to agree about his disclaimer that he wasn't gay that another poster pointed out....that was beyond lame.

there's nothing unamerican about expressing an opinion
No, but the opinion itself is unAmerican.

i disagree with both you and his opinion.

this is why we lost the war in viet nam
verbal abuse is now an attack? really? he was being a dick but i would not call it an attack

I would, he insulted the poor woman directly, and I can gurantee you that her adrenaline was pumping as much as if she were in a physical alteration. Kudos to her for keeping her cool.
Who would hire him at min wage?

He's going to have to sneak across the border into Mexico and see if he can get a job as a mule.
Who would hire him at min wage?

He's going to have to sneak across the border into Mexico and see if he can get a job as a mule.
Lets hope one of those bladders full of cocaine bursts on his way in!

Oh, wait...that's a play out of the liberal playbook.

Disregard...I don't really mean it. He should be stopped before he gets to the border.
Who would hire him at min wage?

He's going to have to sneak across the border into Mexico and see if he can get a job as a mule.
Lets hope one of those bladders full of cocaine bursts on his way in!

Oh, wait...that's a play out of the liberal playbook.

Disregard...I don't really mean it. He should be stopped before he gets to the border.
Another "conservative" weighs in.
Ahh those young executives are so stupit and entertaining.

Sorta hard to believe he got fired for that. Stupid thing to do..but hardly cause for losing one's job.

But whatcha gonna do. :dunno:

There's no free speech within corporations..only free speech FOR corporations.


You don't think attacking and humiliating a young woman for doing he job is grounds for being fired? What, exactly, would someone have to do to be fired in your world, oppose gay marriage?
Who would hire him at min wage?

He's going to have to sneak across the border into Mexico and see if he can get a job as a mule.
Lets hope one of those bladders full of cocaine bursts on his way in!

Oh, wait...that's a play out of the liberal playbook.

Disregard...I don't really mean it. He should be stopped before he gets to the border.
Another "conservative" weighs in.
Pretty tame compared to the hatred from your side of the aisle on these forums.

But don't let that get in your way.

I don't actually hope the guy dies. But I do think he needs to spend a little time in the gutter, eating rotted sandwiches out of dumpsters.

It might give him a little perspective.
The guy was a jerk for sure, but I think I would be careful about cheering for people to lose their jobs for pics or video that make it on to the internet in this digital age. Granted he posted it and it was stupid, but videos find their way on to the internet in other ways, too. How much scrutiny could your daily routine stand if your employer was watching? How many of your "anonymous" posts here would it take for your employer to decide you didn't represent their "values"?

  1. He posted it himself.
  2. Even if he didn't, he was still an asshole.
  3. I actually think companies should be able to fire you for any reason, or none at all.
  4. If my employer fires me for something I say here I fully support him.
The customer is always right! :)

Which was perfectly exemplified by the fact that the young woman in the video did not take that ice water and dump it in the lap of the asshole who was berating her.

By the way, nice to see how you stand up for the young girl who is being attacked by a man here.
He was very polite in telling her that she should be ashamed of herself. And really, she should be, imo. I wouldn't want to work for a company that was so unAmerican.

I have to agree about his disclaimer that he wasn't gay that another poster pointed out....that was beyond lame.

there's nothing unamerican about expressing an opinion
No, but the opinion itself is unAmerican.

Lets hope one of those bladders full of cocaine bursts on his way in!

Oh, wait...that's a play out of the liberal playbook.

Disregard...I don't really mean it. He should be stopped before he gets to the border.
Another "conservative" weighs in.
Pretty tame compared to the hatred from your side of the aisle on these forums.

But don't let that get in your way.

I don't actually hope the guy dies. But I do think he needs to spend a little time in the gutter, eating rotted sandwiches out of dumpsters.

It might give him a little perspective.

Absolutely. A little reality never hurts.:clap2:

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