Associated Press Headline Casts Official House Hearing On Benghazi as 'GOP Hearing'


There were 20+ other protests and attacks in the ME earlier that day in reaction to that iddiotic RW video, and we still don't know the motives of the attackers. Of course they were allies of US haters, ie terrorists like anyone who attacks embassies. Pure Pubcrappe. Doesn't take any planning to grab RPGs and mortars and fire them. There is evidence they weren't planned, accoding to the CIA.

There were 20+ other protests and attacks in the ME earlier that day in reaction to that iddiotic RW video, and we still don't know the motives of the attackers. Of course they were allies of US haters, ie terrorists like anyone who attacks embassies. Pure Pubcrappe. Doesn't take any planning to grab RPGs and mortars and fire them. There is evidence they weren't planned, accoding to the CIA.

The video was available months prior. To suggest that a bunch of 7th century loving idiots conspired to wait until a certain date to unleash their hate is beyond absurd. Deosn't surprise me that y'all are lock stepping to your marching orders from the top though, frankie.
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By Mark Finkelstein

The Associated Press could not very well ignore today's hearing at which whistleblowers are testifying as to the events surrounding the Benghazi attack and the Obama administration's failed response thereto. So AP did the next best thing from its liberal perspective: it downplayed the hearing's significance, casting it as a purely partisan event in its headline as a "GOP hearing." That is not mere MSM spin: it is blatant journalistic malpractice. This is not some unofficial hearing held under Republican auspices. It is an entirely official hearing before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Yes, there has in recent been a faux House "hearing" held by a political party for partisan purposes. That would be the "hearing" held by Democrats in February 2012, featuring Sandra Fluke. More after the jump.

Read more: Associated Press Headline Casts Official House Hearing On Benghazi as 'GOP Hearing' | NewsBusters

Now why would a leader of the Fourth Estate like the AP print an article of this sort. I would state that based upon their reporting the AP is biased and is not reporting fairly.

Finally, a hearing by the GOP on an embassy attack. After how many did they ignore during the Bushtarded Era?

There were ten attacks on embassies when that moron Bush was oafing his way through the White House, and there was no conservative outrage then.

This whole Benghazi fever is a joke, that's already failed to keep Obama from easy victory, and won't convince anyone now.

Yeah tell that to families of the dead it's all just a joke
but hey as long as Obama WON, that is all that matters

Yeah tell that to families of the 60 dead it's all just a joke
but hey as long as Bush WON, that is all that matters.
#22- Ditto- of course, your BS RW media doesn't report, for example, that the RW fundie Rush Limbaugh of the Islamic world played it on Cairo TV the day before and called for protests the next day, DUMBASS dupe.
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#22- Ditto- of course, your BS RW media doesn't report, for example, that the RW fundie Rush Limbaugh of the Islamic world played it on Cairo TV the day before and called for protests the next day, DUMBASS dupe.

Lol, you tripling down on it!
Finally, a hearing by the GOP on an embassy attack. After how many did they ignore during the Bushtarded Era?

There were ten attacks on embassies when that moron Bush was oafing his way through the White House, and there was no conservative outrage then.

This whole Benghazi fever is a joke, that's already failed to keep Obama from easy victory, and won't convince anyone now.

Yeah tell that to families of the dead it's all just a joke
but hey as long as Obama WON, that is all that matters

Yeah tell that to families of the 60 dead it's all just a joke
but hey as long as Bush WON, that is all that matters.

Last I checked this thread was about your dear Leader..but I'd change the topic too you can't accept OR don't care is more like it they straight OUT LIED TO YOU
this administration BLAMED a innocent AMERCIAN CITIZEN for all this..

and you want to talk about TORTURE

First American President to officially condone torture and we don't have a hearing?

Much of the world would try him if they could

Torture was a disgrace to the nation. To his credit, though, Bush didn't tell us it was caused by someone posting clips from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre on Youtube and send out cabinet members to misinform the public about it.

What Bush did does not justify wrongdoing by Obama.

Obama should resign his office or face impeachment by the House of Representatives. It would not surprise me if we could find enough democrats with a sense of honor in the Senate to convict him.

Plainly, our president is guilty as sin.

Clearly, Monday morning quarterbacking is playing woulda, coulda, shoulda games to trump up charges on a terrible tragedy.

Torture, however, was a willful act which disgraced our nation. Yet, no charges

Democrats are wimps
That actually makes the Democrats look even worse.

Our consulate was attacked, invaded, and burned. Four people including the Ambassador were killed. Such events are normally regarded internationally as Acts of War.

And the Democrats don't want to look into them???

Only the GOP is holding hearings, according to AP?

The Associated Press is trying to smear Republicans, of course. But how long will it be before they realize their headline is actually accusing Democrats of gross negligence and dereliction of duty?

What part of it is an act of war? I mean specifically?

And who are the enemies?
Yeah tell that to families of the dead it's all just a joke
but hey as long as Obama WON, that is all that matters

Yeah tell that to families of the 60 dead it's all just a joke
but hey as long as Bush WON, that is all that matters.

Last I checked this thread was about your dear Leader..but I'd change the topic too you can't accept OR don't care is more like it they straight OUT LIED TO YOU

This is about precedence.

And what's going on now has no precedence in anything.

This is unique and very radical.

Republicans have come up with a narrative and they are desperate for evidence to support that narrative.

That's what happens in dictatorships. And that's what happens in communist countries.
Associated Press Headline Casts Official House Hearing On Benghazi as 'GOP Hearing'

It is a GOP hearing, it’s purely partisan. The headline is very accurate.

This was already investigated and a report completed.

The ‘hearing’ is political, having nothing to do with finding any ‘truth.’

There were 20+ other protests and attacks in the ME earlier that day in reaction to that iddiotic RW video, and we still don't know the motives of the attackers. Of course they were allies of US haters, ie terrorists like anyone who attacks embassies. Pure Pubcrappe. Doesn't take any planning to grab RPGs and mortars and fire them. There is evidence they weren't planned, accoding to the CIA.

The video was available months prior. To suggest that a bunch of 7th century loving idiots conspired to wait until a certain date to unleash their hate is beyond absurd. Deosn't surprise me that y'all are lock stepping to your marching orders from the top though, frankie.

There WERE protests in many regions over that stupid video. By the way..the new conservative hero filmmaker broke the law when he violated the conditions of his parole by using a computer.

That just was not the case in Benghazi. The talking points were wrong. Simple as that.
the Repub/T-Partiers control the House chairmanships because they are in the majority. Quelle surprise.

ThreadFAIL. :rofl:

There were 20+ other protests and attacks in the ME earlier that day in reaction to that iddiotic RW video, and we still don't know the motives of the attackers. Of course they were allies of US haters, ie terrorists like anyone who attacks embassies. Pure Pubcrappe. Doesn't take any planning to grab RPGs and mortars and fire them. There is evidence they weren't planned, accoding to the CIA.

The video was available months prior. To suggest that a bunch of 7th century loving idiots conspired to wait until a certain date to unleash their hate is beyond absurd. Deosn't surprise me that y'all are lock stepping to your marching orders from the top though, frankie.

There WERE protests in many regions over that stupid video. By the way..the new conservative hero filmmaker broke the law when he violated the conditions of his parole by using a computer.

That just was not the case in Benghazi. The talking points were wrong. Simple as that.

I'm not disagreeing that some protested just not the Benghazi situation. Doesn't bother me at all that the filmmaker was picked up because he violated his parole.
ya, all the hearings they held when Bush was President you all called a WITCH HUNT too..

We know you all would let this administration accuse a innocent American citizen and get away with are all so pathetic

Hearings for what? Describe them.


Bump. Yes, what hearings? 10 embassy attacks, 60 dead people. How many hearings? How many investigations? How many congressional committees? Republicans are more concerned over Been Gassy than they were over 9/11 and all 10 embassy attacks combined.

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