Assuming Joe Biden Runs, What Can He Run On? He And The Democrats Screwed The Middle Class.

stand up Chuck was my fav.

These Were A Few Of Mine:


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Assuming Joe Biden Runs, What Can He Run On? He And The Democrats Screwed The Middle Class.

Why do you care? You are not going to vote for him anyway.
Assuming Joe Biden Runs, What Can He Run On? He And The Democrats Screwed The Middle Class.

Why do you care? You are not going to vote for him anyway.

We had a middle class back when the wealthy paid their fair share. After Ronald Reagan's massive tax cuts and quadrupling the national debt...then breaking the PATCO union middle class workers have been in the shitter ever since. REPUBLICANS.....the party of the rich and corporations. I used to be a Republican.....voted for them for thirty years. When I saw them morph into their present status I haven't voted for one again. If I live to 100 I'll never vote for another Republican in a national election.

Blacks, Latinos, Gays, Most of the young will vote Democrat. Lots of luck with what's left.
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Assuming Joe Biden Runs, What Can He Run On? He And The Democrats Screwed The Middle Class.

Why do you care? You are not going to vote for him anyway.

We had a middle class back when the wealthy paid their fair share. After Ronald Reagan's massive tax cuts and quadrupling the national debt...then breaking the PATCO union middle class workers have been in the shitter ever since. REPUBLICANS.....the party of the rich and corporations. I used to be a Republican.....voted for them for thirty years. When I saw them morph into their present status I haven't voted for one again. If I live to 100 I'll never vote for another Republican in a national election.


That's hysterical!!!

LOlolOlOLOlol,, wait, you weren't serious were you?
when it comes to screwing the middle, in 2009 it was deliberate. and i dont recall Reagan,Both Bushes and Clinton screwing the middle class,,as far as I can recall,,,1982 thru 2008 werent so bad. then came Pelosi/Reid/Obama, yah. then look at what happened.

NO NO! It was supposed to all trickle down to us. RR said it would! Did the immortal RR lie to us?

Ol Ronny boy was a jewel. We had a middle class when that son-of-a-bitch took the helm. The first thing he did was slash tax rates for his rich buds to 50 year lows and begin to funnel three trillion dollars of borrowed money to them. These figures are a matter of public record and came from the bureau of the debt:

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accommodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48

09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23

09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50

09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62

09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34

09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73

09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39

09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32

09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38 ( Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)

09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66

09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03

09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25

09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32

09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16

09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00

09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42

09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00

09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00

09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)((Reagan Slashed Tax Rates To Pre Depression Levels)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00


I don't understand, you monkeys had a veto-proof majority, why didn't you put in a 90%income tax?
Assuming Joe Biden Runs, What Can He Run On? He And The Democrats Screwed The Middle Class.

Why do you care? You are not going to vote for him anyway.

We had a middle class back when the wealthy paid their fair share. After Ronald Reagan's massive tax cuts and quadrupling the national debt...then breaking the PATCO union middle class workers have been in the shitter ever since. REPUBLICANS.....the party of the rich and corporations. I used to be a Republican.....voted for them for thirty years. When I saw them morph into their present status I haven't voted for one again. If I live to 100 I'll never vote for another Republican in a national election.

I can easily understand the motivation of wealthy republicans. Who wouldn't want MORE especially when they have rigged the system in their favor. What is more difficult to comprehend is what exactly motivates poor Americans to vote for modern republicans. Without the votes from some REALLY stupid people no republican would ever get elected to anything.

Reagan was an ACTOR. HE READ SCRIPTS. He wasn't hired as an ACTOR to think. When Ronnie got Alzheimer's it was not much of a loss of brain matter. The public can be incredibly stupid when it comes to vetting it's presidential candidates.

Take a look at the 15 or so nitwits running as RWers. Would you seriously buy a used car from any of these people? Of course not. No one with half a brain would. Yet there they stand, on national TV with the gall to expect approval for the most important office on the planet.

Assuming Joe Biden Runs, What Can He Run On? He And The Democrats Screwed The Middle Class.

Why do you care? You are not going to vote for him anyway.

We had a middle class back when the wealthy paid their fair share. After Ronald Reagan's massive tax cuts and quadrupling the national debt...then breaking the PATCO union middle class workers have been in the shitter ever since. REPUBLICANS.....the party of the rich and corporations. I used to be a Republican.....voted for them for thirty years. When I saw them morph into their present status I haven't voted for one again. If I live to 100 I'll never vote for another Republican in a national election.


That's hysterical!!!

LOlolOlOLOlol,, wait, you weren't serious were you?

This is the age of INFORMATION Frankie. It's just getting to be more and more difficult for Christians and hill billies to lie to the public. Dang!
:lalala::iagree: Should be another "Clown Show" when we see Biden on the campaign tour. And where is he going to make his speeches? All of the purple states are furious at Democrats for stealing their spending money and not doing chit for high gas,food and energy prices. And Biden didn't do jack chit to lower our health-care costs either.
Whats he going to do? Just more gaffes and asking handicapped people to "Stand-Up"?
His would be a candidacy of contrast.

He's not a Tea Party conservative, so that puts the electoral college up for grabs pretty much right away. He's not Hillary, which makes him more attractive to many, and he's not Sanders, so the term "socialist" won't scare people away.

Biden would be a good alternative. And the chances that the GOP runs an unattractive candidate are still pretty decent.
Assuming Joe Biden Runs, What Can He Run On? He And The Democrats Screwed The Middle Class.

Why do you care? You are not going to vote for him anyway.

We had a middle class back when the wealthy paid their fair share. After Ronald Reagan's massive tax cuts and quadrupling the national debt...then breaking the PATCO union middle class workers have been in the shitter ever since. REPUBLICANS.....the party of the rich and corporations. I used to be a Republican.....voted for them for thirty years. When I saw them morph into their present status I haven't voted for one again. If I live to 100 I'll never vote for another Republican in a national election.


That's hysterical!!!

LOlolOlOLOlol,, wait, you weren't serious were you?
i still cant see him campaigning without a teleprompter. god only knows what he will say next time he speaks to a crowd. if anything, just more racially charged remarks, is there a race he hasn't insulted yet?
Assuming Joe Biden Runs, What Can He Run On? He And The Democrats Screwed The Middle Class.

Why do you care? You are not going to vote for him anyway.

We had a middle class back when the wealthy paid their fair share. After Ronald Reagan's massive tax cuts and quadrupling the national debt...then breaking the PATCO union middle class workers have been in the shitter ever since. REPUBLICANS.....the party of the rich and corporations. I used to be a Republican.....voted for them for thirty years. When I saw them morph into their present status I haven't voted for one again. If I live to 100 I'll never vote for another Republican in a national election.

I can easily understand the motivation of wealthy republicans. Who wouldn't want MORE especially when they have rigged the system in their favor. What is more difficult to comprehend is what exactly motivates poor Americans to vote for modern republicans. Without the votes from some REALLY stupid people no republican would ever get elected to anything.

Reagan was an ACTOR. HE READ SCRIPTS. He wasn't hired as an ACTOR to think. When Ronnie got Alzheimer's it was not much of a loss of brain matter. The public can be incredibly stupid when it comes to vetting it's presidential candidates.

Take a look at the 15 or so nitwits running as RWers. Would you seriously buy a used car from any of these people? Of course not. No one with half a brain would. Yet there they stand, on national TV with the gall to expect approval for the most important office on the planet.


You Nailed It!!

I live in east Tennessee where most of the people around me work for less than $10 an hour. Guess What???? When election time comes they give their bibles an extra thumpin' and vote matter who's running. These dumbasses don't have the gumption to know what they're doing to themselves. For the last thirty years I've voted Democrat in national elections but not once did my vote count. The state of Tennessee's electoral votes always go to the Republicans. I'll have to go lawn guy(staunch Republican) wants me to help him and his brother-in-law change the wheels on his home.
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Trump will bully his way onto the republican ticket.

Then a woman will kick his blustering ass in the general election. Funny stuff. Only in America.
:lalala::iagree: Should be another "Clown Show" when we see Biden on the campaign tour. And where is he going to make his speeches? All of the purple states are furious at Democrats for stealing their spending money and not doing chit for high gas,food and energy prices. And Biden didn't do jack chit to lower our health-care costs either.
Whats he going to do? Just more gaffes and asking handicapped people to "Stand-Up"?
His would be a candidacy of contrast.

He's not a Tea Party conservative, so that puts the electoral college up for grabs pretty much right away. He's not Hillary, which makes him more attractive to many, and he's not Sanders, so the term "socialist" won't scare people away.

Biden would be a good alternative. And the chances that the GOP runs an unattractive candidate are still pretty decent.
Oh sure, Mac, good alternative... sure thing...

:lalala::iagree: Should be another "Clown Show" when we see Biden on the campaign tour. And where is he going to make his speeches? All of the purple states are furious at Democrats for stealing their spending money and not doing chit for high gas,food and energy prices. And Biden didn't do jack chit to lower our health-care costs either.
Whats he going to do? Just more gaffes and asking handicapped people to "Stand-Up"?
His would be a candidacy of contrast.

He's not a Tea Party conservative, so that puts the electoral college up for grabs pretty much right away. He's not Hillary, which makes him more attractive to many, and he's not Sanders, so the term "socialist" won't scare people away.

Biden would be a good alternative. And the chances that the GOP runs an unattractive candidate are still pretty decent.
Oh sure, Mac, good alternative... sure thing...

They all have their warts, and I'm not convinced that his various gaffes would be considered any worse than those of anyone else.
:lalala::iagree: Should be another "Clown Show" when we see Biden on the campaign tour. And where is he going to make his speeches? All of the purple states are furious at Democrats for stealing their spending money and not doing chit for high gas,food and energy prices. And Biden didn't do jack chit to lower our health-care costs either.
Whats he going to do? Just more gaffes and asking handicapped people to "Stand-Up"?
His would be a candidacy of contrast.

He's not a Tea Party conservative, so that puts the electoral college up for grabs pretty much right away. He's not Hillary, which makes him more attractive to many, and he's not Sanders, so the term "socialist" won't scare people away.

Biden would be a good alternative. And the chances that the GOP runs an unattractive candidate are still pretty decent.
Oh sure, Mac, good alternative... sure thing...

They all have their warts, and I'm not convinced that his various gaffes would be considered any worse than those of anyone else.

I beg to differ... but really, is that the BEST the left has?

If so, the left must just be a real grab bag of weirdos, creepies and degenerates.
who knows, maybe a future "Biden Gaffe" will be when he drops into an Italian or Greek restaurant, then later tells reporters, you know, you just cant walk into the kitchen of an Italian(or Greek) restaurant without seeing a cat, a chef smoking and a 300 pound woman stirring a pot of tomato sauce.
Assuming Joe Biden Runs, What Can He Run On? He And The Democrats Screwed The Middle Class.

Why do you care? You are not going to vote for him anyway.

We had a middle class back when the wealthy paid their fair share. After Ronald Reagan's massive tax cuts and quadrupling the national debt...then breaking the PATCO union middle class workers have been in the shitter ever since. REPUBLICANS.....the party of the rich and corporations. I used to be a Republican.....voted for them for thirty years. When I saw them morph into their present status I haven't voted for one again. If I live to 100 I'll never vote for another Republican in a national election.

Blacks, Latinos, Gays, Most of the young will vote Democrat. Lots of luck with what's left.

Many Blacks and the young are very angry with the Democrats. Most of the young will stay home this time and not vote.

For the first six years of the Reagan presidency (1981-87) The Republicans controlled the Senate, and the Democrats the House of Representatives
In 1986, the Democrats recaptured the Senate (while retaining the House) and thereafter remained in control of both chamber until losing both in 1994.

And you blame Regan?
All you did was buy into the Dem's propaganda of lies.
Assuming Joe Biden Runs, What Can He Run On? He And The Democrats Screwed The Middle Class.

Why do you care? You are not going to vote for him anyway.

We had a middle class back when the wealthy paid their fair share. After Ronald Reagan's massive tax cuts and quadrupling the national debt...then breaking the PATCO union middle class workers have been in the shitter ever since. REPUBLICANS.....the party of the rich and corporations. I used to be a Republican.....voted for them for thirty years. When I saw them morph into their present status I haven't voted for one again. If I live to 100 I'll never vote for another Republican in a national election.

Blacks, Latinos, Gays, Most of the young will vote Democrat. Lots of luck with what's left.

Many Blacks and the young are very angry with the Democrats. Most of the young will stay home this time and not vote.

For the first six years of the Reagan presidency (1981-87) The Republicans controlled the Senate, and the Democrats the House of Representatives
In 1986, the Democrats recaptured the Senate (while retaining the House) and thereafter remained in control of both chamber until losing both in 1994.

And you blame Regan?
All you did was buy into the Dem's propaganda of lies.

I only blame Reagan for being unqualified for the office. He became popular on the silver screen. NOT for doing anything impressive. People who vote for movie stars to lead them are stupid.
Assuming Joe Biden Runs, What Can He Run On? He And The Democrats Screwed The Middle Class.

Why do you care? You are not going to vote for him anyway.

We had a middle class back when the wealthy paid their fair share. After Ronald Reagan's massive tax cuts and quadrupling the national debt...then breaking the PATCO union middle class workers have been in the shitter ever since. REPUBLICANS.....the party of the rich and corporations. I used to be a Republican.....voted for them for thirty years. When I saw them morph into their present status I haven't voted for one again. If I live to 100 I'll never vote for another Republican in a national election.

Blacks, Latinos, Gays, Most of the young will vote Democrat. Lots of luck with what's left.

Many Blacks and the young are very angry with the Democrats. Most of the young will stay home this time and not vote.

For the first six years of the Reagan presidency (1981-87) The Republicans controlled the Senate, and the Democrats the House of Representatives
In 1986, the Democrats recaptured the Senate (while retaining the House) and thereafter remained in control of both chamber until losing both in 1994.

And you blame Regan?
All you did was buy into the Dem's propaganda of lies.

I only blame Reagan for being unqualified for the office. He became popular on the silver screen. NOT for doing anything impressive. People who vote for movie stars to lead them are stupid.

He did OK as Governor of California.
Assuming Joe Biden Runs, What Can He Run On? He And The Democrats Screwed The Middle Class.

Why do you care? You are not going to vote for him anyway.

We had a middle class back when the wealthy paid their fair share. After Ronald Reagan's massive tax cuts and quadrupling the national debt...then breaking the PATCO union middle class workers have been in the shitter ever since. REPUBLICANS.....the party of the rich and corporations. I used to be a Republican.....voted for them for thirty years. When I saw them morph into their present status I haven't voted for one again. If I live to 100 I'll never vote for another Republican in a national election.


That's hysterical!!!

LOlolOlOLOlol,, wait, you weren't serious were you?
i still cant see him campaigning without a teleprompter. god only knows what he will say next time he speaks to a crowd. if anything, just more racially charged remarks, is there a race he hasn't insulted yet?

Biden is a genuine lunatic who should be in a mental ward, plus he's got real space issues around young girls

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