Asylum seekers and the solution...

Here is the solution to the notion that in order to seek asylum, you must be on US soil.

Actually this is not true. Asylum applicants should be applying for asylum status in their homelands by applying online. Any documentation, they can fax or send by snail mail, US asylum processors can review and issue a decision.

The current situation is really hurting Tijuana's industry.

The pimpos of Tijuana have to be livid. They depend on Americans to legally cross the border and spend their US dollars on their hoes.

This entire caravan is just devastating to their way of life
Here is the solution to the notion that in order to seek asylum, you must be on US soil.

Actually this is not true. Asylum applicants should be applying for asylum status in their homelands by applying online. Any documentation, they can fax or send by snail mail, US asylum processors can review and issue a decision.

The current situation is really hurting Tijuana's industry.

The pimpos of Tijuana have to be livid. They depend on Americans to legally cross the border and spend their US dollars on their hoes.

This entire caravan is just devastating to their way of life

I agree and I'm surprised Mexico hasn't booted the whole lot of them back across their southern border.
Here is the solution to the notion that in order to seek asylum, you must be on US soil.

Build a building right on the border. A locked and well-guarded door is in the back on the US side and leads directly to a Judicial bench.

The door on the Mexican side IS the border. The moment an immigrant crosses the threshold, they are given an application for asylum and a table on the side to sit and fill it out.

When completed, they take the form to the bailiff and he presents it to the presiding judge.

The judge is to make an immediate ruling on the validity of the application. In other words, the application will be adjudicated right on the spot.

If denied, the applicant will be escorted out the Mexican side of the building and set free back into Mexico.

That applicant's name will be entered into a database accessible by ALL US Law Enforcement and if the individual is caught in the US after the application, they are to be charged with a felony.

If approved, the bailiff can escort the individual out the door on the US side of the building.

No one gets an appeal, and no one gets released into our society pending another hearing only to disappear.

The rejected application can be given a form for legal immigration if they desire it and can then fill that form out, on their own time, and submit it through proper channels.

Mothers with children (Proof they are the parents of the children in their custody must be provided upon application) can apply with their children. No need to make each child file for asylum.

Other restrictions can apply, and if anyone has any other ideas of controlling entry into the US, post them here.

I wish Social Security Disability claims were handled that way. You guys should be pissed about that which actually does cost the nation billions. Immigration doesn’t.
And you can thank your hero Obama lol

5.4 Million Join Disability Rolls Under Obama

A record 5.4 million workers and their dependents have signed up to collect federal disability checks since President Obama took office, according to the latest official government data, as discouraged workers increasingly give up looking for jobs and take advantage of the federal program.

This is straining already-stretched government finances while posing a long-term economic threat by creating an ever-growing pool of permanently dependent working-age Americans.

5.4 Million Join Disability Rolls Under Obama | Investor's Business Daily
Here is the solution to the notion that in order to seek asylum, you must be on US soil.

Build a building right on the border. A locked and well-guarded door is in the back on the US side and leads directly to a Judicial bench.

The door on the Mexican side IS the border. The moment an immigrant crosses the threshold, they are given an application for asylum and a table on the side to sit and fill it out.

When completed, they take the form to the bailiff and he presents it to the presiding judge.

The judge is to make an immediate ruling on the validity of the application. In other words, the application will be adjudicated right on the spot.

If denied, the applicant will be escorted out the Mexican side of the building and set free back into Mexico.

That applicant's name will be entered into a database accessible by ALL US Law Enforcement and if the individual is caught in the US after the application, they are to be charged with a felony.

If approved, the bailiff can escort the individual out the door on the US side of the building.

No one gets an appeal, and no one gets released into our society pending another hearing only to disappear.

The rejected application can be given a form for legal immigration if they desire it and can then fill that form out, on their own time, and submit it through proper channels.

Mothers with children (Proof they are the parents of the children in their custody must be provided upon application) can apply with their children. No need to make each child file for asylum.

Other restrictions can apply, and if anyone has any other ideas of controlling entry into the US, post them here.

The neo-Marxists would just burn it to the ground. These people don’t want actual solutions.
Again, we do NOT owe our economy to illegal immigration. Never have. To make such a claim is to stretch credibility beyond breaking.
Funny since I didn't make it. I did say that immigration was not the debilitating phenomenon that we hear that it is today. Had Trump not brought it up as his centerpiece issue...nobody would have given it a second thought for 4 years running. We would not be lobbing tear gas over the border.

I agree, SS does cost us money and we should have done away with it a long time ago. Of course, people lose their minds when we start talking about real solutions. None of which has anything to do with illegal immigration except, of course, those illegals who manage to scam the system and collect SS without having ever had to pay into it. Kind of like our social safety net.
SSD, not Social Security itself. Enormous difference. SS is one of the best ideas we've ever had.

None of My neighbors show up at My door, but they have been showing up at OUR door, demanding that we take them in. Instead of them taking matters into their own hands and overthrowing their own governments. It is what desperate people do, isn't it? Oh, maybe if they weren't disarmed...

You and I spend much more supporting people who won't work because they have high blood pressure and allergies than you spend supporting illegal immigrants.

The difference is I see it as money out of my pocket in both cases. You only care when the money goes to someone who wants to work and don't care when it goes to someone who chooses not to work. Again, it's bizarre but those are the facts.
You are incorrect. Illegal immigration IS the debilitating phenomenon we say it is. I have a question though.
The well-documented ascension of American power both economic, militaristic, and culturally during the time when we had the traditional immigration policies is proof that you're wrong.

Why are you taking the side of foreigners over those of your own countrymen?
I'm not. I'm pointing out the idiocy of crying about illegal immigrants when others are taking more of a bite out of our largess and contributing very little in return (SSD folks can't make $1200 a month or they lose their status as disabled).

We don't need these people, and we have no obligation to them. The left is not interested in 'compassion' for these people, so why take the position that we MUST accept ANYONE who wants to come to this country?

You're not representing my position correctly. The OP mentioned some brazenly stupid system to where we have people come up without representation, fill out an asylum form and the judge makes the decision on the spot. I called it stupid.

As for the "need" for these people, if that were true and there were no jobs up here, nobody would be coming. I would submit that someone needs them; likely it is factory farms for the most part. They aren't coming up here for nothing. My preference would be that we stop taking in as many immigrants as we do now from all places, Mexico, Madagascar, Mongolia, Montenegro, etc... We have millions who get SSD, millions more who just do no sort of work at all, older folks who are shunned by employers who would still like to work. Lets stop importing labor from other places in favor of employing more natives.
Only if you wrongly interpret history.
Well, if you think there is larger economy than ours...that is your business.
If you think there was a more influential nation on Earth during the 1900's and into the 2000's, okay...that's your business.
You're wrong on both counts.

Others have the right to take that bite from the apple. If you cannot see the difference then its time for you to stop posting in this thread because this about the rights of citizens, not the rights of immigrants.

It is not some stupid system. In fact, it is one that was negotiated between two sovereign states and the UN. What is stupid is believing that we are so stupids as to think that its okay to open our country to them for the purpose of refugee status and then allow them to game the system.
So you're okay with John Doe "gaming the system" claiming he can't work because of high blood pressure and getting a check from Uncle Sam for much of his life


You're not okay with Juan Doe coming into the nation, working at a menial job providing a service and making a living when it is no direct cost to you

Both John and Juan may have kids going to school, show up at the County ER, drive cars on the freeways, and consume public goods and services.


Why is that?

Maybe you're that dumb, the rest of us are not.

Sure you are.
I'm not okay with either, but John Doe is a citizen and has a right. Juan does not.

How large our economy has no bearing on the fact that it was not grown due to illegal immigration, nor does it owe foreigners anything.
Here is the solution to the notion that in order to seek asylum, you must be on US soil.

Actually this is not true. Asylum applicants should be applying for asylum status in their homelands by applying online. Any documentation, they can fax or send by snail mail, US asylum processors can review and issue a decision.

The current situation is really hurting Tijuana's industry.

The pimpos of Tijuana have to be livid. They depend on Americans to legally cross the border and spend their US dollars on their hoes.

This entire caravan is just devastating to their way of life
There is a difference between "should" and must. Right now, as the law stands, they can only apply from US Soil. A workaround to that aspect of the law is that they can go to a US Embassy or Consulate in their country and apply as both are considered US Territory.

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