At 2:45 p.m., or within one minute after shooting Ashli, Lt. Byrd made the following radio call:

What’s funny is that this exact scenario played out in the Senate chamber

Cops set up a barricade

Insurrectionist on the other side trying to gain entrance

Cops with guns pointed at them

And no one was killed.

Know why?

They didn’t try to breach that barricade like she did

If they had they’d been shot down like the dogs they were
And this clown gets lauded and a promotion. Disgraceful.

"At 2:45 p.m., or within one minute after shooting Ashli, Lt. Byrd made the following radio call:
405B. We got shots fired in the lobby. We got shots shots fired in the lobby of the House chamber. Shots are being fired at us and we’re sh, uhh, prepared to fire back at them. We have guns drawn. Please don’t leave that end. Don’t leave that end.
Approximately 35 seconds later, Lt. Byrd made another radio call, stating, “405B. We got an injured person. I believe that person was shot.” In fact, no shots were fired at Lt. Byrd or his fellow officers. The only shot fired was the single shot Lt. Byrd fired at Ashli. He heard the loud noise of the gunshot. He saw her fall backwards from the window frame.
The facts speak truth. Ashli was ambushed when she was shot by Lt. Byrd. Multiple witnesses at the scene yelled, 'you just murdered her.'
Lt. Byrd was never charged or otherwise punished or disciplined for Ashli’s homicide."

That fucking scumbag needs to be in prison.
What’s funny is that this exact scenario played out in the Senate chamber

Cops set up a barricade

Insurrectionist on the other side trying to gain entrance

Cops with guns pointed at them

And no one was killed.

Know why?

They didn’t try to breach that barricade like she did

If they had they’d been shot down like the dogs they were
It’s on video

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