At least 6 dead in random shooting in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, suspect under arrest

I didn't make that my point. You made it for me to misrepresent what I believe. Guns are tools that can do positive or negative things. Invading Poland was a negative. breaking away from the Royal Crown was a positive.

Defending your families life is a positive and killing people for shits and giggles is negative. The gun isn't the problem.

Cool, you've now tempered your original point. And yes, guns can be a problem, just ask anyone who has been shot. And sometimes guns can be helpful and the difference can be how the law is applied as to who is legally allowed to pull the trigger.

i.e. close loop holes and a real working background check system.

And you have obviously not studied either of those two things....because if you had you would know they do not stop one criminal or mass shooter from getting guns...but they do make it harder for normal people, especially the poor to get the guns they could use to save their own lives.

Which loophole needs to be closed....and how would a background check system stop gun murder?

We don't have a proper background check system in place. I'd like to see people who are mentally ill not have access to guns.

Wrong. We have a thorough and complete background check system in place and it does nothing but inconvenience law abiding citizens.

First off, it inconveniences people with a criminal background from buying guns, secondly, we're not really tracking those with a mental illnesses.

Anyway, I wasn't been inconvenienced when I bought my handgun. The check took about 5 minutes.

First off, you are wrong. It doesn't inconvenience them. They already know they can't.

Secondly if we aren't tracking people with mental illness then more background checks won't work. Perhaps we should do a better job of tracking them.

Anyway, even if it only takes 5 minutes, it's an unnecessary inconvenience because it doesn't work. If it worked then I'd have to agree with you.
Cool, you've now tempered your original point. And yes, guns can be a problem, just ask anyone who has been shot. And sometimes guns can be helpful and the difference can be how the law is applied as to who is legally allowed to pull the trigger.

i.e. close loop holes and a real working background check system.

And you have obviously not studied either of those two things....because if you had you would know they do not stop one criminal or mass shooter from getting guns...but they do make it harder for normal people, especially the poor to get the guns they could use to save their own lives.

Which loophole needs to be closed....and how would a background check system stop gun murder?

We don't have a proper background check system in place. I'd like to see people who are mentally ill not have access to guns.

Wrong. We have a thorough and complete background check system in place and it does nothing but inconvenience law abiding citizens.

First off, it inconveniences people with a criminal background from buying guns, secondly, we're not really tracking those with a mental illnesses.

Anyway, I wasn't been inconvenienced when I bought my handgun. The check took about 5 minutes.

First off, you are wrong. It doesn't inconvenience them. They already know they can't.

Yeah, that's the inconvenient part. And 5 minutes is nothing, I was still shopping while the background check was going through.
The tool is irrelevant. What is causing the violence? Why are we so much more violent than other countries? Until we find that out, people will continue to die. You can take all the guns from the innocent people and it won't accomplish a thing. That is why gun control always fails. We are looking in the wrong place.

Why are we violent with guns?

We celebrate violence with guns. We make heroes out of people who carry a gun and shoot lots of people.

We argue incessantly about the power and control carrying a gun gives you.

We take as gospel that the founders intended every person who wants a gun to have a gun. Almost any gun they want.

Criminals have an easy time getting guns. And like killing each other with them.

We threaten violence against the government with guns.

We tolerate gun violence at the places we always thought sancroscnt; churches and schools.

We go to war for no valid reason. (Iraq)

We have violent, gun shooter games that young men spend hours and hours playing and fantasizing.

We love guns and not enough people are worried about the level of violence guns generate to stop anything.

Hell there are millions of people making a good living selling violence in lots of forms.

It aint going to get better. Violence sells.
Gotta have a gun. Someones out to get you. Proof is everywhere. Arm yourself now.

I think I know why we shoot each other so much. Not a surprise. We think its our right to settle things with a gun.
And we are not going to change.

Actually, the people doing most of the shooting are abnormal types.....not normal people...

See....if you were right more people in this society would be shooting people.....and that isn't true. Most of the people shooting other people are violent career criminals...not normal people who watch movies and play video games....

Your whole point is the typical crap anti gunners push......and it is all wrong......

357,000,000 million guns in private hands.

1,500,000 self defense uses of guns against violent criminals.

8,124 gun murders by violent criminals using illegally owned and acquired guns to murder mostly other violent career crimnals....

So you are wrong.....if you were right there would be more than 8,124 gun murders since the owners of the other 356,991,876 million guns are also part of this culture.... some actual would make your posts more meaningful....
Or you can't grasp my point because the words guns makes your mind go blank. We were a colony that broke away. It isn't a large point, slow down and think about it.

I understand your point, it's just overly simplified. Guns do good and let's ignore all the bad things that happen.
I didn't make that my point. You made it for me to misrepresent what I believe. Guns are tools that can do positive or negative things. Invading Poland was a negative. breaking away from the Royal Crown was a positive.

Defending your families life is a positive and killing people for shits and giggles is negative. The gun isn't the problem.

Cool, you've now tempered your original point. And yes, guns can be a problem, just ask anyone who has been shot. And sometimes guns can be helpful and the difference can be how the law is applied as to who is legally allowed to pull the trigger.

i.e. close loop holes and a real working background check system.

And you have obviously not studied either of those two things....because if you had you would know they do not stop one criminal or mass shooter from getting guns...but they do make it harder for normal people, especially the poor to get the guns they could use to save their own lives.

Which loophole needs to be closed....and how would a background check system stop gun murder?

We don't have a proper background check system in place. I'd like to see people who are mentally ill not have access to guns.

We do have proper background checks in place...they just don't stop criminals or mass shooters...they do however target people who don't use guns to commit crimes.....congratulations....
Simply bull shit. Guns aren't the only way to kill someone or even massive amounts of people.
Which is easier to obtain today, Sunday February 21, 2016 in the United States of America--a semi automatic rifle and several magazines of bullets, or a WMD or IED? Is it really sensible to think a nut job will learn how to build a bomb from a pressure cooker RATHER than just go to Cabelas and buy a gun? Or steal Anthrax or another biological weapon to loose upon the public. Think about it!

Again, you are missing the point. You are focusing on the tool used and ignoring the "why" this occurs. If a person wants to kill, he or she can without a gun. Do you care about people's lives? If you do you should be wanting to know "why" people are so violent today.
This "tool" is called a "weapon", and it was invented to kill. As this example shows, it's quite effective at that.

The gun doesn't shoot itself, bub.
Nope, the human does, but I can't get rid of them so.........................................................................goodbye guns...

And when there were no guns...back before they were created there was even more death and violence than there is now because the weak were the slaves of the strong........
I understand your point, it's just overly simplified. Guns do good and let's ignore all the bad things that happen.
I didn't make that my point. You made it for me to misrepresent what I believe. Guns are tools that can do positive or negative things. Invading Poland was a negative. breaking away from the Royal Crown was a positive.

Defending your families life is a positive and killing people for shits and giggles is negative. The gun isn't the problem.

Cool, you've now tempered your original point. And yes, guns can be a problem, just ask anyone who has been shot. And sometimes guns can be helpful and the difference can be how the law is applied as to who is legally allowed to pull the trigger.

i.e. close loop holes and a real working background check system.

And you have obviously not studied either of those two things....because if you had you would know they do not stop one criminal or mass shooter from getting guns...but they do make it harder for normal people, especially the poor to get the guns they could use to save their own lives.

Which loophole needs to be closed....and how would a background check system stop gun murder?

We don't have a proper background check system in place. I'd like to see people who are mentally ill not have access to guns.

We do have proper background checks in place...they just don't stop criminals or mass shooters...they do however target people who don't use guns to commit crimes.....congratulations....

Do they help impede criminals from buying guns in gun stores?

But, please, cry me a river about the detrimental effects background checks have had on your life.
The sad little gun grabbers just can't grok that some people are sick and evil.
That's why we want the guns...
Why don't you stop by...
Sioux Falls Pawn Shops | Badlands Pawn
Akin to my version of hell...
No one there I would ever want anything to do with. Scum of the earth.
Why would you think that?
No one there I would ever want anything to do with. Scum of the earth.
Why would you think that?
Because I know who likes shit like that. Some of them are even clients.
Well, famed "stupidest man of the internet" Gateway pundit is claiming this guy is a progressive because...wait for it...he listed his employement as Progressive Insurance on facebook. :badgrin:

If you've ever used Gateway Pundit as a source you should just kill yourself now.
Here we go again.

Prayers for the victims, and for their families.

We need to find a way to reduce these shootings, that works. Not just one that sounds like it'll work to people who aren't paying much attention.


Michigan police say 6 dead in random shootings, suspect arrested | Fox News

Michigan police say 6 dead in random shootings, suspect arrested

Published February 21, 2016

At least six people were killed and two others were injured in a series of what seem to be random shootings Saturday night, Michigan authorities said.

Kalamazoo County Undersheriff Paul Matyas told Fox 17 Online that a man was detained in downtown Kalamazoo. He said the man didn’t resist when law enforcement officers approached him. The man hasn’t been identified. “The threat to the public is over. We now have our suspect,” Matyas added.

Michigan State Police Lt. Dale Hinz told WMMT-TV the man is a 45-year-old white male and said the shootings at three locations were “incomprehensible.”

Matyas told Fox 17 Online that people were killed at a Cracker Barrel restaurant in Texas Township, while two others were killed at Seelye Kia. All of the shootings were in parking lots. “These are random murders,” he said.

The two injured victims are in critical condition. Hinz said that one of the victims was a 9-year-old girl. She was shot in the Cracker Barrel parking lot. Police believe the shootings are related to an earlier drive-by shooting at Meadows Townhomes, which left one woman injured.

Yes this tragic happening. People's thoughts and prayers should be both with the victims and their loved ones.

The POS who did this of course needs executing.
Not in Michigan. To many liberals run the state

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