At least 6 dead in random shooting in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, suspect under arrest

Kalamazoo already has tough gun laws. They didn't work.


They never do work. There has never been any evidence that they do anything.

I bet if we fried more of these bastards, we would see a reduction in gun violence.
Let's fry the guns instead. So much easier.

Ban guns, like we banned drugs? Tell us how that worked out for ya?
Can't say, I haven't see a ban yet, Lots of laws, no real actions, especially against Americans who love their illegal drugs. Drugs legal and guns illegal might be just the thing. Let's find out...
Kalamazoo already has tough gun laws. They didn't work.


They never do work. There has never been any evidence that they do anything.
Work great in Japan. A handfull of gun murders a year.

Japan has a different demographic. Plus, they aren't afraid to employ the death penalty.
What they have are very few and very many restrictions, unlike the US.

Let's ship a few thousand hang bangers to Japan and see what happens to their gun crime stats.
Kalamazoo already has tough gun laws. They didn't work.


They never do work. There has never been any evidence that they do anything.
Work great in Japan. A handfull of gun murders a year.

Japan has a different demographic. Plus, they aren't afraid to employ the death penalty.
What they have are very few and very many restrictions, unlike the US.

Let's ship a few thousand hang bangers to Japan and see what happens to their gun crime stats.
Since it's very hard to get a gun there, nothing. And was this guy a hang banger?
Kalamazoo already has tough gun laws. They didn't work.


They never do work. There has never been any evidence that they do anything.

I bet if we fried more of these bastards, we would see a reduction in gun violence.
Let's fry the guns instead. So much easier.

Ban guns, like we banned drugs? Tell us how that worked out for ya?
Can't say, I haven't see a ban yet, Lots of laws, no real actions, especially against Americans who love their illegal drugs. Drugs legal and guns illegal might be just the thing. Let's find out...

We already know what that equation produces. The Soviets tried it. How many millions of people did the commies murder?
They never do work. There has never been any evidence that they do anything.
Work great in Japan. A handfull of gun murders a year.

Japan has a different demographic. Plus, they aren't afraid to employ the death penalty.
What they have are very few and very many restrictions, unlike the US.

Let's ship a few thousand hang bangers to Japan and see what happens to their gun crime stats.
Since it's very hard to get a gun there, nothing. And was this guy a hang banger?

Japan is no more immuned to a black market than any other country.

What difference does it make what this guy is. I say fry his ass.
They never do work. There has never been any evidence that they do anything.

I bet if we fried more of these bastards, we would see a reduction in gun violence.
Let's fry the guns instead. So much easier.

Ban guns, like we banned drugs? Tell us how that worked out for ya?
Can't say, I haven't see a ban yet, Lots of laws, no real actions, especially against Americans who love their illegal drugs. Drugs legal and guns illegal might be just the thing. Let's find out...

We already know what that equation produces. The Soviets tried it. How many millions of people did the commies murder?
The Nazis loved guns, how many did they murder?
Kalamazoo already has tough gun laws. They didn't work.


They never do work. There has never been any evidence that they do anything.
Work great in Japan. A handfull of gun murders a year.

Japan has a different demographic. Plus, they aren't afraid to employ the death penalty.

In 2015 Japan used the death penalty a total of 3 times, in the US we executed 28. We have a little more than double their population.
Work great in Japan. A handfull of gun murders a year.

Japan has a different demographic. Plus, they aren't afraid to employ the death penalty.
What they have are very few and very many restrictions, unlike the US.

Let's ship a few thousand hang bangers to Japan and see what happens to their gun crime stats.
Since it's very hard to get a gun there, nothing. And was this guy a hang banger?

Japan is no more immuned to a black market than any other country.

What difference does it make what this guy is. I say fry his ass.
In 20 years, they might. Oh wait, no DP there I guess. Oh well, off to prison, for life.
Kalamazoo already has tough gun laws. They didn't work.


They never do work. There has never been any evidence that they do anything.
Work great in Japan. A handfull of gun murders a year.

Japan has a different demographic. Plus, they aren't afraid to employ the death penalty.

In 2015 Japan used the death penalty a total of 3 times, in the US we executed 28. We have a little more than double their population.

In 2008 they executed 15.

Mexico has no death penalty, very restrictive gun laws and their homicide rate is 6 times higher than The United States.
I bet if we fried more of these bastards, we would see a reduction in gun violence.
Let's fry the guns instead. So much easier.

Ban guns, like we banned drugs? Tell us how that worked out for ya?
Can't say, I haven't see a ban yet, Lots of laws, no real actions, especially against Americans who love their illegal drugs. Drugs legal and guns illegal might be just the thing. Let's find out...

We already know what that equation produces. The Soviets tried it. How many millions of people did the commies murder?
The Nazis loved guns, how many did they murder?

They murdered a tenth of the number of people that the commies have murdered.

The Nazis made it illegal for Jews to own guns, so like the commies, they murdered people who had no way to defend themselves.

This murdering white piece of shit, is alive and well, so relax folks.....he's not some unarmed nigga' reaching for a wallet, or holding his hands up or walking minding his own business....that according to white cops, deserve a motherfuckin bullet in the head...NO, THIS IS YOUR AVERAGE HARD WORKING JUST HAVING A BAD MOTHERFUCKIN DAY, WHITE MOTHERFUCKER...WHO BY ALL ACCOUNTS IS INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY OF MURDERING 6 INNOCENT PEOPLE, INCLUDING CHILDREN.

"What it looks like, is we have somebody just driving around finding people and shooting them dead in their tracks," Matyas told CNN Saturday. "These are random murders.”

“There is no connection between any of them," he added.

Surveillance video and employees at the car dealership and restaurant helped identify Dalton's vehicle, police said in a Sunday morning news conference. They described the shootings as intentional and noted Dalton had no known criminal record.
I didn't make that my point. You made it for me to misrepresent what I believe. Guns are tools that can do positive or negative things. Invading Poland was a negative. breaking away from the Royal Crown was a positive.

Defending your families life is a positive and killing people for shits and giggles is negative. The gun isn't the problem.

Cool, you've now tempered your original point. And yes, guns can be a problem, just ask anyone who has been shot. And sometimes guns can be helpful and the difference can be how the law is applied as to who is legally allowed to pull the trigger.

i.e. close loop holes and a real working background check system.

And you have obviously not studied either of those two things....because if you had you would know they do not stop one criminal or mass shooter from getting guns...but they do make it harder for normal people, especially the poor to get the guns they could use to save their own lives.

Which loophole needs to be closed....and how would a background check system stop gun murder?

We don't have a proper background check system in place. I'd like to see people who are mentally ill not have access to guns.

We do have proper background checks in place...they just don't stop criminals or mass shooters...they do however target people who don't use guns to commit crimes.....congratulations....

Do they help impede criminals from buying guns in gun stores?

But, please, cry me a river about the detrimental effects background checks have had on your life.

Yep......criminals simply use straw the criminal can't buy at the gun store...they just get friends, family and paid straw buyers to do it...thereby making background checks useless against criminals but perfect for hassling normal gun owners.

And the Universal background checks.......they have changed the language from doing a check on all all "transfers" which is meant to attack any time you hand a gun to a friend or family member and it is also going to make it harder to get gun safety training and firearm instruction......they know exactly what they are doing....

And...of course, they want universal background checks so they can get universal gun registration...which is the only way they can do universal background checks....
No one there I would ever want anything to do with. Scum of the earth.
Why would you think that?
Because I know who likes shit like that. Some of them are even clients.
What do you do?
None of your business, but I'm a consultant.
What do you consult?

At the comic store he consults the do not have #42 Spider Man vs. Doctor Octopus.....
What do you consult?

Take a hint, asshole.
I am a bit of a consultant and therapist...
Sioux Falls Pawn Shops | Badlands Pawn

Nobody asked.
What do you do?

Web analytics. I monitor social media for right wing extremism and report it to Obama.

Funny, I monitor the internet for left wing nuts for the NSA.......

This murdering white piece of shit, is alive and well, so relax folks.....he's not some unarmed nigga' reaching for a wallet, or holding his hands up or walking minding his own business....that according to white cops, deserve a motherfuckin bullet in the head...NO, THIS IS YOUR AVERAGE HARD WORKING JUST HAVING A BAD MOTHERFUCKIN DAY, WHITE MOTHERFUCKER...WHO BY ALL ACCOUNTS IS INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY OF MURDERING 6 INNOCENT PEOPLE, INCLUDING CHILDREN.

"What it looks like, is we have somebody just driving around finding people and shooting them dead in their tracks," Matyas told CNN Saturday. "These are random murders.”

“There is no connection between any of them," he added.

Surveillance video and employees at the car dealership and restaurant helped identify Dalton's vehicle, police said in a Sunday morning news conference. They described the shootings as intentional and noted Dalton had no known criminal record.

Michael Brown didn't have his hands up. Why do you people insist on peddling that lie??

This murdering white piece of shit, is alive and well, so relax folks.....he's not some unarmed nigga' reaching for a wallet, or holding his hands up or walking minding his own business....that according to white cops, deserve a motherfuckin bullet in the head...NO, THIS IS YOUR AVERAGE HARD WORKING JUST HAVING A BAD MOTHERFUCKIN DAY, WHITE MOTHERFUCKER...WHO BY ALL ACCOUNTS IS INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY OF MURDERING 6 INNOCENT PEOPLE, INCLUDING CHILDREN.

"What it looks like, is we have somebody just driving around finding people and shooting them dead in their tracks," Matyas told CNN Saturday. "These are random murders.”

“There is no connection between any of them," he added.

Surveillance video and employees at the car dealership and restaurant helped identify Dalton's vehicle, police said in a Sunday morning news conference. They described the shootings as intentional and noted Dalton had no known criminal record.

Michael Brown didn't have his hands up. Why do you people insist on peddling that lie??

You deflecting piece of horse shit...this isn't about MB, its about yet another white bitch who kill motherfuckers living to talk about it. I'm not even gonna address you, you're too fucked up in the head. Bye mf!!!!
First off, you are wrong. It doesn't inconvenience them. They already know they can't.

Yeah, that's the inconvenient part. And 5 minutes is nothing, I was still shopping while the background check was going through.

Cool story bro, but background checks are not the answer.

It's not a complete answer just like outlawing murder doesn't rid ourselves of the crime. But, thanks for the lazy reply.

Your ignorance isn't my fault. I tried to provide you with some knowledge, you are too stubborn to take it. Good luck with that.

I think your point was that background checks don't inconvenience criminals from buying guns. When you restrict where they can buy guns it's an inconvenience.

I'd also like to see harsher sentences for guns used while committing a crime. A more comprehensive inclusion of mental health awareness and inclusion into our background check system and get rid of any loopholes. It's not going to solve everything and nobody would expect it to.

Your angle appears to be that 5 minutes waiting for a background check is too cumbersome. .

Sorry....that isn't the inconvenience they want....the new Universal Background Check that Everytown for Gun Safety pushes is for all "Transfers," not "All Sales" and there in lies the difference.........if you lend your gun to a friend and don't get a background are now both felons....if you lend your gun to your are now both felons...if you don't get a background check.....if you want someone to watch your gun collection while you go on have to get a background check on him...and he has to get one on you when he returns the guns.....

And they want to squeeze out gun safety education except for large corporate trainers, thus reducing the access to firearm training...both safety and use training...

So you are simply wrong.....

This murdering white piece of shit, is alive and well, so relax folks.....he's not some unarmed nigga' reaching for a wallet, or holding his hands up or walking minding his own business....that according to white cops, deserve a motherfuckin bullet in the head...NO, THIS IS YOUR AVERAGE HARD WORKING JUST HAVING A BAD MOTHERFUCKIN DAY, WHITE MOTHERFUCKER...WHO BY ALL ACCOUNTS IS INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY OF MURDERING 6 INNOCENT PEOPLE, INCLUDING CHILDREN.

"What it looks like, is we have somebody just driving around finding people and shooting them dead in their tracks," Matyas told CNN Saturday. "These are random murders.”

“There is no connection between any of them," he added.

Surveillance video and employees at the car dealership and restaurant helped identify Dalton's vehicle, police said in a Sunday morning news conference. They described the shootings as intentional and noted Dalton had no known criminal record.

Michael Brown didn't have his hands up. Why do you people insist on peddling that lie??

You deflecting piece of horse shit...this isn't about MB, its about yet another white bitch who kill motherfuckers living to talk about it. I'm not even gonna address you, you're too fucked up in the head. Bye mf!!!!

Racist much?
Kalamazoo already has tough gun laws. They didn't work.


They never do work. There has never been any evidence that they do anything.
Work great in Japan. A handfull of gun murders a year.

Nope...been through that....Japanese Culture keeps their gun murder rate down...their criminals worship money and killing each other is bad for making money...and as I have posted...when they decide to kill each other they do......they get guns and grenades......

Their gun control does nothing to stop their criminals from getting guns.
Every time a felon is denied a gun purchase the background check worked.

Nope.......they get guns from straw purchasers......and almost all of the mass shooters went through one or more background checks........

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