At this moment, this Presidency is not going well threw a hanging curveball in our wheelhouse and we simply knocked it out of the park.
Boy, that's for sure. You Trumpsters are just too darn smart for me.

Hey, by the way, it looks like you didn't answer my specific questions regarding how wrong the OP is. I'm sure it was an honest oversight. Here you go:

So the economy is not at 2.1% GDP? The deficit is dropping like a rock? China is our pet now? North Korea has thrown in the towel? The world thinks we're the coolest? People of all races are huddled around Trump singing and holding hands?

Just to confirm. Thanks in advance.

Where can we find all the rants of Mac condemning Obama's 2% GDP numbers?


US GDP Growth Slows Less than Forecast in Q2
The US economy grew by an annualized 2.1 percent in the second quarter of 2019, beating market expectations of 1.8 percent and following a 3.1 percent expansion in the previous three-month period, the advance estimate showed. Household consumption and government spending increased at faster rates, while a slump in exports and a smaller inventory build made a negative contribution to growth.

The blip we are seeing nothing out of ordinary. There is absolutely no content to the OP.
Deflection noted. You guys STILL can't refute my five points.

Once again: Obama took over the most complicated financial disaster since the Great Depression. It took over ten years to recover from the Great Depression, does talk radio cover that for you?

Oh, and again, deflection noted.
:auiqs.jpg:hanging with himself, it's hilarious :auiqs.jpg:

Like Epstein?

He completely missed that the point wasn't to compare to Obama. The point was that the methodology he is using to conclude that the economy is somehow bad is ludicrously stupid and does not work.
And again.

The economy is not bad. Not at all. You just made that up.

What's wrong with you people?
You blamed BONOBO's problems with his failed economy on Bush for years!
His failed economy? He was digging us out of the greatest financial meltdown since the Great Depression.

Did you know that it took us several years to dig out of the effects of the Great Depression too? Really, that's not fake news.

Obama did the only thing he could do: He let the Fed spend us out of it.

You guys sure are putting a lot of effort into deflecting away from Trump's presidency here.
CEA's Kevin Hassett discusses the economy
Did he say anything that contradicts what I have said?
Hassett PROVED with FACTS that by every indicator the BONOBO economy was tanking until Trump took over.
Hassett laid all the FACTS on the table at a White house briefing. I have NEVER seen a bunch of more downhearted LIB 'journalists'. After Hassett finished they all sat there staring at their shiny loafers. Not ONE of them had a SINGLE question to counter what Hassett showed them.......and the word.
They went away shaking their heads in dismay looking for the nearest bar.
It was hilarious to watch.
CEA's Kevin Hassett discusses the economy
Not even the peacock Acosta said anything.
Every indicator? Really?

So unemployment was increasing?
Compare the unemployment rate when BONOBO left office to what it is now asshole
From the NYT
Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

By Nelson D. Schwartz

  • May 3, 2019
The unemployment rate fell to its lowest level in half a century last month, capping the longest streak of job creation in modern times and dispelling recession fears that haunted Wall Street at the start of the year.
His failed economy? He was digging us out of the greatest financial meltdown since the Great Depression.

Did you know that it took us several years to dig out of the effects of the Great Depression too? Really, that's not fake news.

Obama did the only thing he could do: He let the Fed spend us out of it.

You guys sure are putting a lot of effort into deflecting away from Trump's presidency here.
CEA's Kevin Hassett discusses the economy
Did he say anything that contradicts what I have said?
Hassett PROVED with FACTS that by every indicator the BONOBO economy was tanking until Trump took over.
Hassett laid all the FACTS on the table at a White house briefing. I have NEVER seen a bunch of more downhearted LIB 'journalists'. After Hassett finished they all sat there staring at their shiny loafers. Not ONE of them had a SINGLE question to counter what Hassett showed them.......and the word.
They went away shaking their heads in dismay looking for the nearest bar.
It was hilarious to watch.
CEA's Kevin Hassett discusses the economy
Not even the peacock Acosta said anything.
Every indicator? Really?

So unemployment was increasing?
Compare the unemployment rate when BONOBO left office to what it is now asshole
From the NYT
Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

By Nelson D. Schwartz

  • May 3, 2019
The unemployment rate fell to its lowest level in half a century last month, capping the longest streak of job creation in modern times and dispelling recession fears that haunted Wall Street at the start of the year.
And that refutes which part of the OP, specifically?

Please utilize the quote function in your response.
Deflection noted. You guys STILL can't refute my five points.

Once again: Obama took over the most complicated financial disaster since the Great Depression. It took over ten years to recover from the Great Depression, does talk radio cover that for you?

Oh, and again, deflection noted.

If the economy did not get better under Trump, why is Obama and the democrats trying to take credit for it?


Trump Claims Credit for the Economy. Not So Fast, Says Obama.
Some of it is a continuation of former years (as are all economies) and some of it is bullshit partisan politics.

Easiest question I'll get all day.

And some of it may be that they don't buy that the economy is so terrible.

Sure it may be in the future. But right now it isn't, it's quite good considering the situation. So there goes your point.
The economy is not at all terrible. Not even close.

Yet another fabrication of my opinion.

Keep going.
I quoted your supposed piece in an earlier post. you still haven't explained that.
Which one, precisely? I'll be happy to respond.
Come on guys, let's see if you can comment on my points by quoting what I actually said.
Boy, that's for sure. You Trumpsters are just too darn smart for me.

Hey, by the way, it looks like you didn't answer my specific questions regarding how wrong the OP is. I'm sure it was an honest oversight. Here you go:

So the economy is not at 2.1% GDP? The deficit is dropping like a rock? China is our pet now? North Korea has thrown in the towel? The world thinks we're the coolest? People of all races are huddled around Trump singing and holding hands?

Just to confirm. Thanks in advance.

Where can we find all the rants of Mac condemning Obama's 2% GDP numbers?


US GDP Growth Slows Less than Forecast in Q2
The US economy grew by an annualized 2.1 percent in the second quarter of 2019, beating market expectations of 1.8 percent and following a 3.1 percent expansion in the previous three-month period, the advance estimate showed. Household consumption and government spending increased at faster rates, while a slump in exports and a smaller inventory build made a negative contribution to growth.

The blip we are seeing nothing out of ordinary. There is absolutely no content to the OP.
Deflection noted. You guys STILL can't refute my five points.

Once again: Obama took over the most complicated financial disaster since the Great Depression. It took over ten years to recover from the Great Depression, does talk radio cover that for you?

Oh, and again, deflection noted.
:auiqs.jpg:hanging with himself, it's hilarious :auiqs.jpg:

Like Epstein?

He completely missed that the point wasn't to compare to Obama. The point was that the methodology he is using to conclude that the economy is somehow bad is ludicrously stupid and does not work.
And again.

The economy is not bad. Not at all. You just made that up.

What's wrong with you people?
you still don't understand how language works.
Where can we find all the rants of Mac condemning Obama's 2% GDP numbers?


US GDP Growth Slows Less than Forecast in Q2
The US economy grew by an annualized 2.1 percent in the second quarter of 2019, beating market expectations of 1.8 percent and following a 3.1 percent expansion in the previous three-month period, the advance estimate showed. Household consumption and government spending increased at faster rates, while a slump in exports and a smaller inventory build made a negative contribution to growth.

The blip we are seeing nothing out of ordinary. There is absolutely no content to the OP.
Deflection noted. You guys STILL can't refute my five points.

Once again: Obama took over the most complicated financial disaster since the Great Depression. It took over ten years to recover from the Great Depression, does talk radio cover that for you?

Oh, and again, deflection noted.
:auiqs.jpg:hanging with himself, it's hilarious :auiqs.jpg:

Like Epstein?

He completely missed that the point wasn't to compare to Obama. The point was that the methodology he is using to conclude that the economy is somehow bad is ludicrously stupid and does not work.
And again.

The economy is not bad. Not at all. You just made that up.

What's wrong with you people?
you still don't understand how language works.
What, just make up stuff as you go?

I'm sure that keeps things real simple 'n stuff, but it's not terribly honest.
Deflection noted. You guys STILL can't refute my five points.

Once again: Obama took over the most complicated financial disaster since the Great Depression. It took over ten years to recover from the Great Depression, does talk radio cover that for you?

Oh, and again, deflection noted.
:auiqs.jpg:hanging with himself, it's hilarious :auiqs.jpg:

Like Epstein?

He completely missed that the point wasn't to compare to Obama. The point was that the methodology he is using to conclude that the economy is somehow bad is ludicrously stupid and does not work.
And again.

The economy is not bad. Not at all. You just made that up.

What's wrong with you people?
you still don't understand how language works.
What, just make up stuff as you go?

I'm sure that keeps things real simple 'n stuff, but it's not terribly honest.
At this moment, you not doing very well!
If the economy did not get better under Trump, why is Obama and the democrats trying to take credit for it?


Trump Claims Credit for the Economy. Not So Fast, Says Obama.
Some of it is a continuation of former years (as are all economies) and some of it is bullshit partisan politics.

Easiest question I'll get all day.

And some of it may be that they don't buy that the economy is so terrible.

Sure it may be in the future. But right now it isn't, it's quite good considering the situation. So there goes your point.
The economy is not at all terrible. Not even close.

Yet another fabrication of my opinion.

Keep going.
I quoted your supposed piece in an earlier post. you still haven't explained that.
Which one, precisely? I'll be happy to respond.
QUOTE="jc456, post: 22983789, member: 46512"]
Your perception only.

Maybe just address what I actually SAY.
If you think your words have no meaning then you posted nonsense as I originally posted
My points are clear and specific. They speak for themselves, and they don't need you to fabricate anything that I don't intend to say.

The fact that I can't get any of you to address them specifically and clearly tells me that I've nailed it once again.
And yet you implied the economy tanking
You just keep trying this. I pointed out where the economy IS RIGHT NOW. I made no projections. Not one.

If this is beyond you, just don't read the thread.
What does this mean then?

we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that

You don’t even know what you wrote
Some of it is a continuation of former years (as are all economies) and some of it is bullshit partisan politics.

Easiest question I'll get all day.

And some of it may be that they don't buy that the economy is so terrible.

Sure it may be in the future. But right now it isn't, it's quite good considering the situation. So there goes your point.
The economy is not at all terrible. Not even close.

Yet another fabrication of my opinion.

Keep going.
I quoted your supposed piece in an earlier post. you still haven't explained that.
Which one, precisely? I'll be happy to respond.
QUOTE="jc456, post: 22983789, member: 46512"]
Your perception only.

Maybe just address what I actually SAY.
If you think your words have no meaning then you posted nonsense as I originally posted
My points are clear and specific. They speak for themselves, and they don't need you to fabricate anything that I don't intend to say.

The fact that I can't get any of you to address them specifically and clearly tells me that I've nailed it once again.
And yet you implied the economy tanking
You just keep trying this. I pointed out where the economy IS RIGHT NOW. I made no projections. Not one.

If this is beyond you, just don't read the thread.
What does this mean then?

we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that

You don’t even know what you wrote
Yes, GDP was down from the 3.1% prior period reading. That doesn't mean that it was negative growth, it means that it was down. Slower positive growth.

It might be up the next period. Here's hoping.

Is this really that difficult for you to understand? Are you really trying to make a point with that?
:auiqs.jpg:hanging with himself, it's hilarious :auiqs.jpg:

Like Epstein?

He completely missed that the point wasn't to compare to Obama. The point was that the methodology he is using to conclude that the economy is somehow bad is ludicrously stupid and does not work.
And again.

The economy is not bad. Not at all. You just made that up.

What's wrong with you people?
you still don't understand how language works.
What, just make up stuff as you go?

I'm sure that keeps things real simple 'n stuff, but it's not terribly honest.
At this moment, you not doing very well!
You're still more than welcome to refute any point that I have actually made.

The memes aren't enough, sorry.
China has been using questionable trade tactics for years, hijacking American business.

And Trump is the bully? Do these leftist morons always root with any other possible nation than America, regardless of their activities?
Trump thinks he can keep upping tariffs & force China to yield.

He could give a rat's ass as to the damage to American Farmers, American manufacturing or the American people.

How fucking stupid are you if your success would mean the destruction of your customer's economy?
No matter what you post, what Trump has done for America thus far is multitudes better than the destruction wrought by his predecessor Obama and categorically better than anything Hillary would have done.

He may not be "ideal", but the criticism is misplaced at best.

Finally, it's hard to blame Mr. Trump when your Leftist judges continually run the country from the bench. Seems we have a gallery of Presidents at this point thanks to Leftist obstructionism.

That said, "All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"

So blame is deserved on both sides.
What destruction did President Obama perpetrate? What is it you think Clinton would have done? Can you point to specifics or are you just spouting crap you've been told to repeat?
Don't know about him, but Obama went from Yes we can to no you can't. Clinton would have allowed open borders-when she said that I changed my vote from her to Trump.
Except that she never said that. That was some of that fake news that the Russians didn't make and you didn't believe.
Sorry, I SAW and HEARD her-that's when I changed my vote!
Please post up video or at least direct quotes of this.

I'll wait.
China has been using questionable trade tactics for years, hijacking American business.

And Trump is the bully? Do these leftist morons always root with any other possible nation than America, regardless of their activities?
Trump thinks he can keep upping tariffs & force China to yield.

He could give a rat's ass as to the damage to American Farmers, American manufacturing or the American people.

How fucking stupid are you if your success would mean the destruction of your customer's economy?
China relies on slave labor to get products to their biggest market in their economy, The United States.

When you have such a huge trade deficit, with a country like that, we can hurt them 10 times as much per every dollar of tariff, than they can hurt us.

We could literally destroy China and it's economy without firing a shot.

Hong Kong Protests will look like a day at the County Fair if we decide to do that, and China knows it.
Last edited:
Like Epstein?

He completely missed that the point wasn't to compare to Obama. The point was that the methodology he is using to conclude that the economy is somehow bad is ludicrously stupid and does not work.
And again.

The economy is not bad. Not at all. You just made that up.

What's wrong with you people?
you still don't understand how language works.
What, just make up stuff as you go?

I'm sure that keeps things real simple 'n stuff, but it's not terribly honest.
At this moment, you not doing very well!
You're still more than welcome to refute any point that I have actually made.

The memes aren't enough, sorry.

You mean Sowwy

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