Atheism: See Spot Laugh

But seriously, I’ve been quoting anti-religious beliefs of the founding fathers of communism and I can literally use their quotes to replace GT’s and there would be no change in intent.
Thats what you spend your time doing? How sad.

I could quote the founding fathers of the 9/11 plot and use some of their quotes to replace much of you sycophants...but that would be equally as ridiculous as whatever derpalerp point you think youve made.
What is the proper way to teach religion and which religion?
First start with the law of supply and demand. Where is the interest, especially since it would be an elective class. Then introduce the language, culture, history, and science of the time being studied. What they knew then...what we know now. Emphasize perspectives changed over time, one of the main ones being our own perspective of separation of Church and State as opposed to Church and State being one. Talk about how children were taught back in the day--not with texts, chrome books, and well researched news articles--but with stories. How do we find the lesson and the facts in the story. What is it that makes the lesson and the facts interesting and memorable? How does science explain some of the "Just So" stories today?

Explain philosophy and how it differs from science.

I recommend stop trying to pigeon hole religion/philosophy in such a way that it invites jeering and scoffing. Teach it correctly. Think of it in terms of a political party. Do we insist that students emerge from their government/history classes believing in a single political party, or do we simply teach and allow them, at some point, to make up their own minds--which may include not paying any attention to government and elections at all?

I do not understand the hysteria over teaching religion/philosophy.
You believe in sky daddy, and youre embarrassed about it.

You seem to be deeply confused, G. Adolf T.

You're the materialist here, not me. You're the one who believes that something in the universe did it. Sky daddy, eh? Where exactly does sky daddy hang out in the atmosphere?
What is the proper way to teach religion and which religion?
First start with the law of supply and demand. Where is the interest, especially since it would be an elective class. Then introduce the language, culture, history, and science of the time being studied. What they knew then...what we know now. Emphasize perspectives changed over time, one of the main ones being our own perspective of separation of Church and State as opposed to Church and State being one. Talk about how children were taught back in the day--not with texts, chrome books, and well researched news articles--but with stories. How do we find the lesson and the facts in the story. What is it that makes the lesson and the facts interesting and memorable? How does science explain some of the "Just So" stories today?

Explain philosophy and how it differs from science.

I recommend stop trying to pigeon hole religion/philosophy in such a way that it invites jeering and scoffing. Teach it correctly. Think of it in terms of a political party. Do we insist that students emerge from their government/history classes believing in a single political party, or do we simply teach and allow them, at some point, to make up their own minds--which may include not paying any attention to government and elections at all?

I do not understand the hysteria over teaching religion/philosophy.
Religion and philosophy are being conflated quite a bit, Im seeing Meri.

Religion is a philosophy. Religion is not philosophy.
You believe in sky daddy, and youre embarrassed about it.

You seem to be deeply confused, G. Adolf T.

You're the materialist here, not me. You're the one who believes that something in the universe did it. Sky daddy, eh? Where exactly does sky daddy hang out in the atmosphere?
You dont know my beliefs...ringtone...because like ding, I dont engage dufuses who think theyre some sort of Poe on the internet with any level of rigor...youre a complete waste of space and are tedious in that regard. Grow a pair of balls if youre so into the Debate of Origins and do verbal debates on camera. Nobody needs to read your 500 piles of faulty inferenced, dogshit gish galloping. Youre a tedious sycophant.
We dont teach that hitler was right, or god...and so that was a false analogy
We do teach Hitler and what he was able to accomplish and how he accomplished what he did. My point is, that we trust students to understand what people, what the world went through at the hands of Hitler. Does Hitler, to this day, have a following? Simply because he does, should we erase all mention of him from student text books?
As they shouldnt be, if the kids are too young, because Religions are Cults. They meet every definition, up to and including brain washing. What segment of the population (aside from partisans hehe) is most susceptible to brain washing?

Dingdingding, pun intended: CHILDREN.

Somehow, I dont want a kid to get roped into a God belief and start to fancy "kill the infidels" as a command from the creator of everything.

Thats a little on the NO side, for me
Using this perspective, no one should be taught about Hitler and Alexander the Great less we fill little minds with ideas of conquering other nations and placing people that are perceived as dangerous to the cause in concentration camps. Any true historian would say we need not fear teaching World War II or the exploits of Alexander. We do not refrain from teaching Greek and Roman mythology in literature classes for fear of producing students who worship the sun god or Atlas for carrying the earth around on his shoulders.

The same is true of teaching religion, holy books, and the philosophy of the human spirit. It opens minds to greater understanding of who we were and who we are. It both floors and amazes me the fear that is being introduced to his discussion.

I think we need to be honest and admit that the imposition of fear is a powerful motivating tool for religions. Think about it, what is the best way to get someone to believe as you wish for them to? FEAR!. Scare the hell out of them. Tell them that the punishment for not believing is eternal torment. Tell the people that those of the competing sect / religion are on a paved road to hell....and you will generate all the fear you wish for.
There is a big difference between teaching religion and teaching about religion. I really don't believe you mean teaching about religion.
That is what we do at public school. We teach about things. Students aren't taught to be scientists, journalists, teaches, ministers until college/university.
We dont teach that hitler was right, or god...and so that was a false analogy
We do teach Hitler and what he was able to accomplish and how he accomplished what he did. My point is, that we trust students to understand what people, what the world went through at the hands of Hitler. Does Hitler, to this day, have a following? Simply because he does, should we erase all mention of him from student text books?
I think you're still missing why it's a false analogy. Religions are written with Cult Linguistics...they are DESIGNED to brainwash the reader into belief.

When I referenced "kill the infidels," that was in the context of being a COMMAND FROM GOD.

When you bring up how Hitler is taught...he is not taught in that context...that he is God.. or with Cult Linguistics to convince anyone he was morally right in his actions.

The two scenarios are not analogous.

There's also another false inference youre making...You are equating this all with "fear." No, its not "fear," its right and wrong and my opinion is that teaching kids using Cult Linguistics is wrong.

Im open to waiting until a certain age, perhaps...but sorry, introducing them to the deceptive speak of a cult is as wrong as telling them that they can chop their dicks off and be a little girl if they wanna...before theyre old enough to understand or really decide for themselves if thats a good idea for them.
Religion and philosophy are being conflated quite a bit, Im seeing Meri.

Religion is a philosophy. Religion is not philosophy.
Yes...and no. A class in religion and the philosophy of the human spirit would not be about instructing students to bring a prayer mat and face Mecca, celebrate next year's Passover in Jerusalem, speak in Tongues, or how to properly conduct a Satanic Black Mass. A class in religion and philosophy of the human spirit would be more like an archaeological expedition: How did it all start? Where are we today since we have a much better understanding of science. A class in religion and the philosophy of the human spirit would not exhort students to ignore their science books and adopt a belief in a young earth.

The purpose: To teach a better and more accurate understanding of religion and the philosophy of the human spirit--how it started, how it crosses all cultures and populations, why it endures.
Religion and philosophy are being conflated quite a bit, Im seeing Meri.

Religion is a philosophy. Religion is not philosophy.
Yes...and no. A class in religion and the philosophy of the human spirit would not be about instructing students to bring a prayer mat and face Mecca, celebrate next year's Passover in Jerusalem, speak in Tongues, or how to properly conduct a Satanic Black Mass. A class in religion and philosophy of the human spirit would be more like an archaeological expedition: How did it all start? Where are we today since we have a much better understanding of science. A class in religion and the philosophy of the human spirit would not exhort students to ignore their science books and adopt a belief in a young earth.

The purpose: To teach a better and more accurate understanding of religion and the philosophy of the human spirit--how it started, how it crosses all cultures and populations, why it endures.
Sounds like a college or private school elective...not something to posit to a Minor.
I think we need to be honest and admit that the imposition of fear is a powerful motivating tool for religions. Think about it, what is the best way to get someone to believe as you wish for them to? FEAR!. Scare the hell out of them. Tell them that the punishment for not believing is eternal torment. Tell the people that those of the competing sect / religion are on a paved road to hell....and you will generate all the fear you wish for.
For many, idealism--not fear--is the motivator. Fear may rank higher is turning people against religion, not turning them towards it.
I think you're still missing why it's a false analogy. Religions are written with Cult Linguistics...they are DESIGNED to brainwash the reader into belief.

When I referenced "kill the infidels," that was in the context of being a COMMAND FROM GOD.

When you bring up how Hitler is taught...he is not taught in that context...that he is God.. or with Cult Linguistics to convince anyone he was morally right in his actions.

The two scenarios are not analogous.

There's also another false inference youre making...You are equating this all with "fear." No, its not "fear," its right and wrong and my opinion is that teaching kids using Cult Linguistics is wrong.

Im open to waiting until a certain age, perhaps...but sorry, introducing them to the deceptive speak of a cult is as wrong as telling them that they can chop their dicks off and be a little girl if they wanna...before theyre old enough to understand or really decide for themselves if thats a good idea for them.
Where do you see my proposal of teaching about religion and the philosophy of the human spirit as using cult language?
I think you're still missing why it's a false analogy. Religions are written with Cult Linguistics...they are DESIGNED to brainwash the reader into belief.

When I referenced "kill the infidels," that was in the context of being a COMMAND FROM GOD.

When you bring up how Hitler is taught...he is not taught in that context...that he is God.. or with Cult Linguistics to convince anyone he was morally right in his actions.

The two scenarios are not analogous.

There's also another false inference youre making...You are equating this all with "fear." No, its not "fear," its right and wrong and my opinion is that teaching kids using Cult Linguistics is wrong.

Im open to waiting until a certain age, perhaps...but sorry, introducing them to the deceptive speak of a cult is as wrong as telling them that they can chop their dicks off and be a little girl if they wanna...before theyre old enough to understand or really decide for themselves if thats a good idea for them.
Where do you see my proposal of teaching about religion and the philosophy of the human spirit as using cult language?
Ive read the text, all or in part, of most of the main Religions and Cult Linguistics is what they're written in.

I dont mean to demean you, but I'm also not going to apologize when I say that if youre a part of one of these Religions, you are in a cult. I can no more feel sorry for believing that...then Id feel sorry for thinking that crossing a busy street without looking both ways is a bad idea.

These books are written with the intent to decieve, and its not appropriate to use public money to fund their endeavors.

They offer PLENTY of private classes in most communities...Church itself is free ...Religious studies is in most colleges...theres no pressing need to teach it to Minors.
Sounds like a college or private school elective...not something to posit to a Minor.
I see it as educating. One issue that truly bothers me is that not even Noah's Ark is taught properly. There are people who point to it as the foundation for their lack of belief. For me, one who has always lived among atheists, this is a parody of both the person of faith and the atheist. It is flattering to no one.

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