Atheism: See Spot Laugh

A well informed education to children doesn’t require belief in a 6,000 year old planet or that Muhammud ascended to heaven on a golden staircase.
Correct, addressing belief is not necessary. Does teaching Shakespeare require students to adopt his beliefs?
I don’t see the connection. Some of the works of Shakespeare were subtle mockery of Catholicism and the church.

I’m not aware that Shakespeare’s works ever suggested eternal torment as the punishment for not obeying his word.
No, it's separating empirical studies from personal beliefs. It is up to one's family to teach them their family's cultural traditions...and up to those same parents AND the school to teach them Math, Science..Reading..writing.

Same reason Walt Disney and Dr Seuss are not regular public school classes, n'or should particular religions be.
Ah, but Dr. Seuss is often read to children in school, and schools often show Disney movies. Do you know how many schools teach math today (thanks to No Child Left Behind and Common Core? Parents have no say as to in which classes their student is placed. They have no say as to the math, history, and science curriculum is being presented. Many parents who would love to help their children with math often give up at the middle school level--not because they do not understand math--but because they do not understand how math is being presented. Make the parents feel uneducated themselves, and they certainly are not going to show up at school board meetings to protest. Same with religion. If parents feel all they have are "personal beliefs" and all the teacher has is another set of "personal beliefs" the populace can be kept quiet and in their place by their "betters". Religion is much more than "personal beliefs."

It is a no-brainer that had you been taught religion and the philosophy of the human spirit properly, you would not now be discussing these topics referencing a "sky daddy."

Ignorance should never be the preferred antidote or answer to anything.
What is the proper way to teach religion and which religion?
No, it's separating empirical studies from personal beliefs. It is up to one's family to teach them their family's cultural traditions...and up to those same parents AND the school to teach them Math, Science..Reading..writing.

Same reason Walt Disney and Dr Seuss are not regular public school classes, n'or should particular religions be.
Ah, but Dr. Seuss is often read to children in school, and schools often show Disney movies. Do you know how many schools teach math today (thanks to No Child Left Behind and Common Core? Parents have no say as to in which classes their student is placed. They have no say as to the math, history, and science curriculum is being presented. Many parents who would love to help their children with math often give up at the middle school level--not because they do not understand math--but because they do not understand how math is being presented. Make the parents feel uneducated themselves, and they certainly are not going to show up at school board meetings to protest. Same with religion. If parents feel all they have are "personal beliefs" and all the teacher has is another set of "personal beliefs" the populace can be kept quiet and in their place by their "betters". Religion is much more than "personal beliefs."

It is a no-brainer that had you been taught religion and the philosophy of the human spirit properly, you would not now be discussing these topics referencing a "sky daddy."

Ignorance should never be the preferred antidote or answer to anything.
What is the proper way to teach religion and which religion?
Taught by the lunch lady in the janitor's closet
"Marxism is materialism. As such, it is as relentlessly hostile to religion..." Vladimir Lenin
Thats gish galloping and all based on answering a point I DIDNT make because I used CAREFUL language and said disney and seuss are not regular CLASSES because I KNOW theyre read and watched but theyre not CLASSES and so I said CLASSES and you then mentioned how theyre READ AND WATCHED.

aye yaye yaye, caps added for emphasis because its a kunt on my telly to use italics instead**
I understood that. I thought you might understand that while Dr. Seuss and Disney movies are shown at times, reading a Bible story or showing a movie with a religious theme are never allowed. Not even once...let alone from time-to-time.
Snow White threatening children with searing flesh and eternal torment takes away some of the charm.
Youre a cultist on the internet...settle down dude

Define empirical studies and you define precisely what you want to impose on other people's children in the state schools, Vlad or is it Adolf?


I smell mindless, slogan-spouting, statist bootlick.
Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism. Vladimir Lenin
It is a no-brainer that had you been taught religion and the philosophy of the human spirit properly, you would not now be discussing these topics referencing a "sky daddy."
Vapid whining. What a load of made up, self soothing crap. Like religion itself.
As they shouldnt be, if the kids are too young, because Religions are Cults. They meet every definition, up to and including brain washing. What segment of the population (aside from partisans hehe) is most susceptible to brain washing?

Dingdingding, pun intended: CHILDREN.

Somehow, I dont want a kid to get roped into a God belief and start to fancy "kill the infidels" as a command from the creator of everything.

Thats a little on the NO side, for me
Using this perspective, no one should be taught about Hitler and Alexander the Great less we fill little minds with ideas of conquering other nations and placing people that are perceived as dangerous to the cause in concentration camps. Any true historian would say we need not fear teaching World War II or the exploits of Alexander. We do not refrain from teaching Greek and Roman mythology in literature classes for fear of producing students who worship the sun god or Atlas for carrying the earth around on his shoulders.

The same is true of teaching religion, holy books, and the philosophy of the human spirit. It opens minds to greater understanding of who we were and who we are. It both floors and amazes me the fear that is being introduced to his discussion.
It is a no-brainer that had you been taught religion and the philosophy of the human spirit properly, you would not now be discussing these topics referencing a "sky daddy."
Haha, I crack up when religious peolle use their personal beliefs as justification for teaching their personal beliefs. They've been in a fallacious circle for so long that it seema normal to them.
Ehh, at least she can remain cordial in these convoes. Meri is cool peeps
As they shouldnt be, if the kids are too young, because Religions are Cults. They meet every definition, up to and including brain washing. What segment of the population (aside from partisans hehe) is most susceptible to brain washing?

Dingdingding, pun intended: CHILDREN.

Somehow, I dont want a kid to get roped into a God belief and start to fancy "kill the infidels" as a command from the creator of everything.

Thats a little on the NO side, for me
Using this perspective, no one should be taught about Hitler and Alexander the Great less we fill little minds with ideas of conquering other nations and placing people that are perceived as dangerous to the cause in concentration camps. Any true historian would say we need not fear teaching World War II or the exploits of Alexander. We do not refrain from teaching Greek and Roman mythology in literature classes for fear of producing students who worship the sun god or Atlas for carrying the earth around on his shoulders.

The same is true of teaching religion, holy books, and the philosophy of the human spirit. It opens minds to greater understanding of who we were and who we are. It both floors and amazes me the fear that is being introduced to his discussion.
We dont teach that hitler was right, or god...and so that was a false analogy
As they shouldnt be, if the kids are too young, because Religions are Cults. They meet every definition, up to and including brain washing. What segment of the population (aside from partisans hehe) is most susceptible to brain washing?

Dingdingding, pun intended: CHILDREN.

Somehow, I dont want a kid to get roped into a God belief and start to fancy "kill the infidels" as a command from the creator of everything.

Thats a little on the NO side, for me
Using this perspective, no one should be taught about Hitler and Alexander the Great less we fill little minds with ideas of conquering other nations and placing people that are perceived as dangerous to the cause in concentration camps. Any true historian would say we need not fear teaching World War II or the exploits of Alexander. We do not refrain from teaching Greek and Roman mythology in literature classes for fear of producing students who worship the sun god or Atlas for carrying the earth around on his shoulders.

The same is true of teaching religion, holy books, and the philosophy of the human spirit. It opens minds to greater understanding of who we were and who we are. It both floors and amazes me the fear that is being introduced to his discussion.

There is a big difference between teaching religion and teaching about religion. I really don't believe you mean teaching about religion.
"...The combating of religion cannot be confined to abstract ideological preaching, and it must not be reduced to such preaching. It must be linked up with the concrete practice of the class movement, which aims at eliminating the social roots of religion..." Vladimir Lenin
The combating of religion cannot be confined to abstract ideological preaching, and it must not be reduced to such preaching. It
As they shouldnt be, if the kids are too young, because Religions are Cults. They meet every definition, up to and including brain washing. What segment of the population (aside from partisans hehe) is most susceptible to brain washing?

Dingdingding, pun intended: CHILDREN.

Somehow, I dont want a kid to get roped into a God belief and start to fancy "kill the infidels" as a command from the creator of everything.

Thats a little on the NO side, for me
Using this perspective, no one should be taught about Hitler and Alexander the Great less we fill little minds with ideas of conquering other nations and placing people that are perceived as dangerous to the cause in concentration camps. Any true historian would say we need not fear teaching World War II or the exploits of Alexander. We do not refrain from teaching Greek and Roman mythology in literature classes for fear of producing students who worship the sun god or Atlas for carrying the earth around on his shoulders.

The same is true of teaching religion, holy books, and the philosophy of the human spirit. It opens minds to greater understanding of who we were and who we are. It both floors and amazes me the fear that is being introduced to his discussion.
We dont teach that hitler was right, or god...and so that was a false analogy
Neither do religion classes. They teach what each religion believes.

So your post was a false analogy.
Which is why you are wrong. All religion is chaos and you turn the schools into a battleground of constantly conflicting beliefs. That is not the purpose of schools. The only approach is to keep religion out entirely. Which is not the same as banning prayer, which has never been done. Just the imposition of prayer.

More mindless slogans. . . .

So now you're saying that institutions of education exist in ideological vacuums, eh?

Back to reality:

Hence, the Warren Court resolved a serious problem by further exacerbating it. After correctly observing that it was unconstitutional for state schools to impose the teachings of Judeo-Christianity on other-religious and nonreligious persons, the Court decided to settle the matter by imposing a similar violation on all of us. Instead of simply recognizing that the people who pay the education system’s bills should be free to educate their children as they see fit, at home or in a school of their choice, the Court opted to ignore original intent altogether, especially as it pertained to parental consent and authority.

Instead of allowing that a culturally diverse and changing society would require a new means of allocating public funds for education in order to satisfy the requirements of the First Amendment for all, the Court elected to enshrine a one-size-fits-all scheme. Instead of requiring the nation’s schools to honor the constitutional rights of all their students or close their doors, the Court chose to expel the Miscreant, known as God to many, who had instigated all the hullabaloo in the first place. Hence, it would not be the state schools that would have to change their ways or go, it would be the people, tense of millions of Americans, who would have to compromise their most cherished convictions under the new hegemony or take their convictions and get the hell out.

The Court effectively and quite consciously established secular humanism as the official religion of the state and established the public education system as the state’s church. ( Revisions and Divisions: the subversion of the principle of the separation of church and state )
You didn't answer my question. So let me ask you another. Actually, it's the same question, really, only this time is goes to the reality of what is actually being shoved down the throats of children in violation of natural and constitutional law: So is it unconstitutional to impose sexaul paganism, materialism, socialism, humanism, moral relativism, for example, on Christians in the state schools or not?
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As they shouldnt be, if the kids are too young, because Religions are Cults. They meet every definition, up to and including brain washing. What segment of the population (aside from partisans hehe) is most susceptible to brain washing?

Dingdingding, pun intended: CHILDREN.

Somehow, I dont want a kid to get roped into a God belief and start to fancy "kill the infidels" as a command from the creator of everything.

Thats a little on the NO side, for me
Using this perspective, no one should be taught about Hitler and Alexander the Great less we fill little minds with ideas of conquering other nations and placing people that are perceived as dangerous to the cause in concentration camps. Any true historian would say we need not fear teaching World War II or the exploits of Alexander. We do not refrain from teaching Greek and Roman mythology in literature classes for fear of producing students who worship the sun god or Atlas for carrying the earth around on his shoulders.

The same is true of teaching religion, holy books, and the philosophy of the human spirit. It opens minds to greater understanding of who we were and who we are. It both floors and amazes me the fear that is being introduced to his discussion.

There is a big difference between teaching religion and teaching about religion. I really don't believe you mean teaching about religion.
Yeah, mentioning it as a part of history is appropriate. Preaching its purported values is not. Ranking it versus any other Cult/Religion is not.

Leading a class of children in prayer.....completely inappropriate.
But seriously, I’ve been quoting anti-religious beliefs of the founding fathers of communism and I can literally use their quotes to replace GT’s and there would be no change in intent.
So now you're saying that institutions of education exist in ideological vacuums, eh?
Why is anyone responding thoughtfully to this fraud? ^^

In literally EVERY single post he makes, his first step is to completely misrepresent tthe other poster and then to invent something never said or implied to which he prefers to respond.
The combating of religion cannot be confined to abstract ideological preaching, and it must not be reduced to such preaching. It
As they shouldnt be, if the kids are too young, because Religions are Cults. They meet every definition, up to and including brain washing. What segment of the population (aside from partisans hehe) is most susceptible to brain washing?

Dingdingding, pun intended: CHILDREN.

Somehow, I dont want a kid to get roped into a God belief and start to fancy "kill the infidels" as a command from the creator of everything.

Thats a little on the NO side, for me
Using this perspective, no one should be taught about Hitler and Alexander the Great less we fill little minds with ideas of conquering other nations and placing people that are perceived as dangerous to the cause in concentration camps. Any true historian would say we need not fear teaching World War II or the exploits of Alexander. We do not refrain from teaching Greek and Roman mythology in literature classes for fear of producing students who worship the sun god or Atlas for carrying the earth around on his shoulders.

The same is true of teaching religion, holy books, and the philosophy of the human spirit. It opens minds to greater understanding of who we were and who we are. It both floors and amazes me the fear that is being introduced to his discussion.
We dont teach that hitler was right, or god...and so that was a false analogy
Neither do religion classes. They teach what each religion believes.

So your post was a false analogy.
Congratulations, that made no sense.

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