
Sure, it would make going to the store a lot more interesting
What a silly reply here's a scenario if you want to be silly.
Everything without a label can be an atheist and everything else would be delusional godbotherer on it.

Not so smart now funny man.
Colin norris

The question in the OP is ridiculous and I'm not going to put any more energy into breaking down why that is. You're beyond help if after both of those responses you still can't understand why people might want to use a label like that to make distinctions.
View attachment 553994


Now shut the hell up!

And no, I can't help you if you are too stupid to see it or understand it.

What does shut the hell up actually mean?
Why not just shut up. How does the inclusion of the hell, give it more meaning? Is it your inability to express your self because the words are irrelevant to what you are trying to say.
Shut up you stupid fool. You're paranoid and delusional.
As if republicans are sanctamonious and unblemished and why assume all democrats are atheists and communists?
You're barking mad dickhead.
I am not a republican, but pretty much all atheists are democrats

It's just a little thing called the FACTS!

Something you are oblivious to and probably don't believe either.
Colin norris

The question in the OP is ridiculous and I'm not going to put any more energy into breaking down why that is. You're beyond help if after both of those responses you still can't understand why people might want to use a label like that to make distinctions.

I can see you are frustrated because you can't really explain it. In fact, you don't know why but have never questioned it, as godbotherers don't because it's a derogatory term pointed at their opposition.

You've never thought beyond what you say and why and being a believer proves it. You've switched the debate over to the existence of a God and got whacked.
It's best you do leave now before I crank it up a bit more you fool.
What does shut the hell up actually mean?
Why not just shut up. How does the inclusion of the hell, give it more meaning? Is it your inability to express your self because the words are irrelevant to what you are trying to say.
It is something you apparently have never done and are incapable of doing.
I am not a republican, but pretty much all atheists are democrats

It's just a little thing called the FACTS!

Something you are oblivious to and probably don't believe either.

I agree. It also proves they are the only ones who aren't conned into believing some silly ghost in the sky.
Unlike the other nuts who believe immaculate conceptions.
From an atheists view, they both have the same status, they don't exist, but one has a name.
My point is, why name us atheists. Why use a name at all.
What are people called who dont believe in Santa Claus?

If you met a person on the street and he never spoke of any religion or atheism, what would you call him?
The word Theism refers to belief in the existence of a god or gods. There are several types of theism, each with their own prefix to describe that particular type. Monotheism, Polytheism, Pantheism, Autotheism, Value-judgment theisms, The prefix a in Atheism means "not" or "without". An Atheist has no belief in any god or gods.
Obama's intelligence and wit tower over Joe's, even in his prime. It's not even close.
No one questions that Biden is a far worse President than even Obama, not that he exists mind you


But always remember, Obama picked Joe as VP.

Again, not that either of them actually exist as we see these actors portray them.
It is something you apparently have never done and are incapable of doing.
You can't answer the question.
Admit it. It's a stupid statement with nothing behind it. You plagairised it.
Totally unnecessary.
Have another go wordsworth.
The word Theism refers to belief in the existence of a god or gods. There are several types of theism, each with their own prefix to describe that particular type. Monotheism, Polytheism, Pantheism, Autotheism, Value-judgment theisms, The prefix a in Atheism means "not" or "without".

As if I didn't know that.
You've missed the point completely
I think that believing in something or someone is not only asking if we believe they exist, it is believing in what they stand for, what they teach, etc.

For example, those we love we believe in because we love who they are.

The example of Christ as he walked the earth and how he is portrayed in the Bible is what Christians believe in. His examples, his teachings, his sacrifice and love is what Christians believe in.

There is none other like him.

And as we see example after example in the Bible of people who knew without a shadow of a doubt that God exists, whether it be Adam and Eve who walked and talked with God in the Garden of Eden, or the Hebrew nation that saw God split the Red Sea so they could cross as the waters came down to crush the Egyptians who were chasing them, all of them lost faith and stopped believing in the same God they knew existed.

This is why God requires faith in who he is, and could care less about proving he exists since it has done him no good in the past to provide such proof.
I can see you are frustrated because you can't really explain it. In fact, you don't know why but have never questioned it, as godbotherers don't because it's a derogatory term pointed at their opposition.

You've never thought beyond what you say and why and being a believer proves it. You've switched the debate over to the existence of a God and got whacked.
It's best you do leave now before I crank it up a bit more you fool.
I'm not religious. I won't say with certainty that god(s) can/do exist or that they can't/don't. I used to call myself an atheist, but one day I decided I was being too arrogant.
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As always, it depends on how the word is used in context.

I've seen atheism described as being against organized religion, as knowing for sure that there is no God, and being as-yet unconvinced that there is a God -- which really is closer to agnosticism. Those are three very different things.

And, since we have lost the ability to communicate effectively and constructively, we no longer bother to establish definitions before we debate.

Just another self-inflicted wound.
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As always, it depends on how the word is used in context.

I've seen atheism described as being against organized religion, as knowing for sure that there is no God, and as-yet unconvinced that there is a God -- which really is closer to agnosticism. Those are three very different things.

And, since we have lost the ability to communicate effectively and constructively, we no longer bother to establish definitions before we debate.

Just another self-inflicted wound.
This dude seems to not understand why it's a label worth using in the first place. He seems to not understand why creating a distinction like that can be relevant.
No one questions that Biden is a far worse President than even Obama, not that he exists mind you

View attachment 553999

But always remember, Obama picked Joe as VP.

Again, not that either of them actually exist as we see these actors portray them.
The 2 are far better than tramp.
I am not a republican, but pretty much all atheists are democrats

It's just a little thing called the FACTS!

Something you are oblivious to and probably don't believe either.
Theres more of us.
The word Theism refers to belief in the existence of a god or gods. There are several types of theism, each with their own prefix to describe that particular type. Monotheism, Polytheism, Pantheism, Autotheism, Value-judgment theisms, The prefix a in Atheism means "not" or "without". An Atheist has no belief in any god or gods.
You're confused about what he's actually arguing. That's okay though because what he's saying is so retarded that it's easy to understand why people are confused.
As if I didn't know that.
You've missed the point completely
You asked "So, why is a person who doesn't believe in a God called an atheist? Like the previous examples, why have a name at all?" I too find no reason to believe in a god, but you asked the question.
What is the word which describes a person who doesn't believe in Santa Claus?
How about not believing in fairies?
How about not believing in unicorn?

I don't know the answer to those questions. So, why is a person who doesn't believe in a God called an atheist? Like the previous examples,why have a name at all?

Ponder this. As an atheist, I don't believe in any one of the 2700 man made gods we know of.. As a believer, most have one particular God they worship.
That person is so very close to an atheists it's nearly impossible to discover why they aren't. They've rejected the other 2699 but not the one they inherited from their parents. Their beliefs are in an extremely small portion of discredited gods.

Just a thought.

The human race has evolved based on a belief of God or a higher power. The same can not be said for the examples you list.
As always, it depends on how the word is used in context.
Yes, and it all began with the Greeks around 5 BC. They had this word, "theos" meaning with Gods; therefore the opposite would be atheos or without Gods. Add the Greek suffix (ist) and it indicates followers and we have someone who does not follow God(s). Fun to note that atheism isn't some new phenomenon. People didn't believe in God(s) long before modern science.

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