Atheism's big LIE

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord
Isaiah was a great poet. He also had lots to say about the TEMPLE IN
JERUSALEM------especially in {loose translation} ----"..... the days after
{or the days to come---ie DA FUTURE AFTER CATACLYSMIC CHANGE}.
...............I am not claiming that he had a direct link in a bat cave
Neither am I. I am merely pointing out that Jewish belief is that everything works for good. That even though we can't always see how we must take it on faith because God's ways are inscrutable.
it's more like a GRANDMA thing-----to calm the kids.
Yep. I was under the impression this is a discussion board. I never expected that everyone would agree with everything I write. To enter a board such as this and allow your feelings to be hurt by a differing opinion suggests you might want to reconsider participating.
It should not that be that difficult to distinguish between "hurt feelings" and genuine curiosity. Recall the question is why people who do not pursue an interest post in forum for those who are interested in that pursuit. People who do not care for gardening, astronomy, or sewing do not enter these forums to discuss how much they dislike gardening, astronomy, sewing. So why do people who do not care for religion come into religions forums/thread to discuss how much they dislike religion?

No hurt feelings here, just curiosity. Interesting though that you see hurt feelings. Are we hurting your feelings? (Again, honest question.)
gee Meri------that's how the art of "CONTENTION" works. Do you wonder why
Jehovah witness ladies keep knocking on the doors of persons of "other" religions.
Sorry----but it is a fact that atheism is a BELIEF -----and as you KNOW people want
to SPREAD'em
Which is why when atheists deny that they are trying to spread their beliefs they subconsciously reveal that they believe that trying to spread their belief is inherently wrong. JW's don't deny what they are doing because they believe in what they are doing and believe it is right to try to spread their belief.
OH-----I never ran into any atheist activist who wanted to DENY HIS MISSION. Usually
they point out the violence and injustice FOSTERED by religions-----and such creeps
And yet they usually stop short of saying that they want to abolish and ban religion but continue to proselytize their belief that religion is harmful. That seems rather disingenuous.
No one wants to ban religion.

It's the source of too much entertainment
You will have to pardon me for disagreeing that those words do not match the rhetoric I read in these forums.
I suppose you can't quote anyone actually saying they want to ban religion right?
Some have been brave enough to do so. The rest that vehemently proselytize against religious beliefs are too cowardly to do so.
And yet you won't supply a quote.
My desire to convince you of anything is not high on my to do list.

If you wish to dismiss the reality of militant atheism, be my guest.
I'm not asking you to convince me of anything. I am asking you to provide an actual quote to support the claims you made.

And I find it interesting that even though I have asked you to do the same many times in many other threads you never seem to be able to provide any quotes that support your accusations.
It sure seems like you are asking me to convince you.
Asking you to support your own statements with evidence is not asking you to convince me.

I just know how much you lie in these conversations and your refusal to provide any quotes to substantiate your claims of what other people say does nothing but undermine any credibility you might have
Couldn't care less of your opinion of me. Believe whatever you want.
generous of you------some of your forebears were not all that LIBERAL MINDED
It's the least I can do. ;)

Don't worry. Be happy.
that's what Mengele used to say to the kids
So then you don't believe everything works for good. Oh ye of little faith.
Mengele had faith
Sure. The prophets discussed in great length the concept of lip service too. So did he have faith in God or himself?
He had faith and adolf and the nazi ideology
Which is not the faith I am discussing, now is it. You throw out more red herrings than a fishery.
does that mean that YOUR ideology is the only ideology in the Universe?
If you don't believe that I should have an opinion about the various gods claimed by various religions that's fine.
You have made plain your opinion. No God/Gods. People who believe in one God need to be told ad nauseum that some believe in multiple Gods. You act as if we don't know this already, or if we knew it five minutes ago, we have forgotten already and need to be reminded again.

Based on this, I can picture real life you running around each day reminding everyone the sun rises in the East and sets in the West; or perhaps to wipe their feet before entering the house.

Wish we could move the discussion forward...
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord
Isaiah was a great poet. He also had lots to say about the TEMPLE IN
JERUSALEM------especially in {loose translation} ----"..... the days after
{or the days to come---ie DA FUTURE AFTER CATACLYSMIC CHANGE}.
...............I am not claiming that he had a direct link in a bat cave
Neither am I. I am merely pointing out that Jewish belief is that everything works for good. That even though we can't always see how we must take it on faith because God's ways are inscrutable.
it's more like a GRANDMA thing-----to calm the kids.
Yep. I was under the impression this is a discussion board. I never expected that everyone would agree with everything I write. To enter a board such as this and allow your feelings to be hurt by a differing opinion suggests you might want to reconsider participating.
It should not that be that difficult to distinguish between "hurt feelings" and genuine curiosity. Recall the question is why people who do not pursue an interest post in forum for those who are interested in that pursuit. People who do not care for gardening, astronomy, or sewing do not enter these forums to discuss how much they dislike gardening, astronomy, sewing. So why do people who do not care for religion come into religions forums/thread to discuss how much they dislike religion?

No hurt feelings here, just curiosity. Interesting though that you see hurt feelings. Are we hurting your feelings? (Again, honest question.)
gee Meri------that's how the art of "CONTENTION" works. Do you wonder why
Jehovah witness ladies keep knocking on the doors of persons of "other" religions.
Sorry----but it is a fact that atheism is a BELIEF -----and as you KNOW people want
to SPREAD'em
Which is why when atheists deny that they are trying to spread their beliefs they subconsciously reveal that they believe that trying to spread their belief is inherently wrong. JW's don't deny what they are doing because they believe in what they are doing and believe it is right to try to spread their belief.
OH-----I never ran into any atheist activist who wanted to DENY HIS MISSION. Usually
they point out the violence and injustice FOSTERED by religions-----and such creeps
And yet they usually stop short of saying that they want to abolish and ban religion but continue to proselytize their belief that religion is harmful. That seems rather disingenuous.
No one wants to ban religion.

It's the source of too much entertainment
You will have to pardon me for disagreeing that those words do not match the rhetoric I read in these forums.
I suppose you can't quote anyone actually saying they want to ban religion right?
Some have been brave enough to do so. The rest that vehemently proselytize against religious beliefs are too cowardly to do so.
And yet you won't supply a quote.
My desire to convince you of anything is not high on my to do list.

If you wish to dismiss the reality of militant atheism, be my guest.
I'm not asking you to convince me of anything. I am asking you to provide an actual quote to support the claims you made.

And I find it interesting that even though I have asked you to do the same many times in many other threads you never seem to be able to provide any quotes that support your accusations.
It sure seems like you are asking me to convince you.
Asking you to support your own statements with evidence is not asking you to convince me.

I just know how much you lie in these conversations and your refusal to provide any quotes to substantiate your claims of what other people say does nothing but undermine any credibility you might have
Couldn't care less of your opinion of me. Believe whatever you want.
generous of you------some of your forebears were not all that LIBERAL MINDED
It's the least I can do. ;)

Don't worry. Be happy.
that's what Mengele used to say to the kids
So then you don't believe everything works for good. Oh ye of little faith.
Mengele had faith
Sure. The prophets discussed in great length the concept of lip service too. So did he have faith in God or himself?
He had faith and adolf and the nazi ideology
Which is not the faith I am discussing, now is it. You throw out more red herrings than a fishery.
does that mean that YOUR ideology is the only ideology in the Universe?
Don't be silly. Objective truth is arrived at through a conflict and confusion process. I'm just doing my part by engaging in the conversation.
I'm curious what position you are defending with a dogmatic insistence in one god when belief in many gods is just as 'viable'.
Sigh. There is no reason for me to defend my position unless you are attacking it? If your "attack" is pointing out that others have had other positions, then my "counter attack" is, "So what?" I have said many times that whatever human (or groups of human) turn out to have the most accurate version of God can be congratulated for being about an inch more closer to being correct than everyone else. And I include atheists in this.

I am always talking about perspective as well. If some people's perspective align best with many Gods, and other's focus better on no God/Gods why should I be uncomfortable with my own perspective of the greatest clarity being on one God?

Perhaps it is because I am from such a large family with only one pair of binoculars. Each of us had to do some fine tuning. And in some cases, when we passed on the binoculars we heard, "Whoa! How can you even make anything out with this setting!?"
hope you can change your attitude.
I cannot/will not. In the first place, I don't lecture. I am extremely bad at that. All I have on my mind is an interesting conversation with someone who sees things differently than I. If you are looking for a fight, you're not going to find it with me. I'll simply shrug and say, "You win." And move on.
If you don't believe that I should have an opinion about the various gods claimed by various religions that's fine.
You have made plain your opinion. No God/Gods. People who believe in one God need to be told ad nauseum that some believe in multiple Gods. You act as if we don't know this already, or if we knew it five minutes ago, we have forgotten already and need to be reminded again.

Based on this, I can picture real life you running around each day reminding everyone the sun rises in the East and sets in the West; or perhaps to wipe their feet before entering the house.

Wish we could move the discussion forward...
I suspect most of us can see the sun rising so no need for reminders. Gods, on the other hand...
Can you point to a single thread on here started by Atheists attacking Christians?
I'm looking for the threads where atheists compliment Christians/Christianity (and people of other faiths, too).
Simply for being Christian? How silly. Good luck.

You won't find atheists complimenting people simply for having faith, because that is kind of the point. Faith deserves no compliments or respect. Belief without evidence is not something to be revered or complimented. It is childish and absurd.

But what you will find is christians and other religious people conferring magical, idiotic threats upon atheists. There is no equivalent to that hilarious horseshit coming from atheists.
If you don't believe that I should have an opinion about the various gods claimed by various religions that's fine.
You have made plain your opinion. No God/Gods. People who believe in one God need to be told ad nauseum that some believe in multiple Gods. You act as if we don't know this already, or if we knew it five minutes ago, we have forgotten already and need to be reminded again.

Based on this, I can picture real life you running around each day reminding everyone the sun rises in the East and sets in the West; or perhaps to wipe their feet before entering the house.

Wish we could move the discussion forward...
People who believe in one God need to be told ad nauseum that some believe in multiple Gods.
"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness ... "

well, when they corrupt the spoken religion into a manifestation of their own making it only stands to make the correction for those not yet hopelessly corrupt. christians, the desert religions.

the few authentic written verses in that book though lacking a full text. as usual, the reference then the fallacy.
The true liars are the religious who pretend to believe in God but secretly have reservations

They attend services and say all the right words because they don’t want to admit to family and their community that they really don’t believe all they are being told.
Why do you think doubts and reservations are not discussed among family and friends? Even Bible study groups discuss doubts and reservations and other possibilities on some accounts and issues.

The Christian Way of Life makes sense. This can be lived even if one does have doubts about miracles, about some stories, or even about God.

I agree with you this time. That type of life is admirable. The problem comes when enthusiastic godbotherers force their beliefs on others.
The true liars are the religious who pretend to believe in God but secretly have reservations

They attend services and say all the right words because they don’t want to admit to family and their community that they really don’t believe all they are being told.
Why do you think doubts and reservations are not discussed among family and friends? Even Bible study groups discuss doubts and reservations and other possibilities on some accounts and issues.

The Christian Way of Life makes sense. This can be lived even if one does have doubts about miracles, about some stories, or even about God.
One does not need to worship any gods in order to live a life that "makes sense".
I totally agree. The proof is in the pudding.
The problem comes when enthusiastic godbotherers force their beliefs on others
You know... I hear that claim a lot but don't know what it means in actuality.

How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly?
How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly
Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
Restrictions on Sunday business
Adding “One Nation under God” to the pledge
Adding “In God we Trust” to our money
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Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
I think even if I were an atheist, I wouldn't mind prayer during meetings. It is a good thing for elected officials to remember they are not the highest power.

Other than that...what I resent being forced constantly upon us are ads. What say you? Are ads or prayers easier to bear?
Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
I think even if I were an atheist, I wouldn't mind prayer during meetings. It is a good thing for elected officials to remember they are not the highest power.

Other than that...what I resent being forced constantly upon us are ads. What say you? Are ads or prayers easier to bear?
No, I find it annoying
Most do

Save your prayers for church
Restrictions on Sunday business
Growing up in the West it wasn't even an issue. Therefore, It was hard to get used to when living in the South. I can't drink much at all, but I do have recipes that call for wine or liquor. Heaven forbid I forget the wine for the meat or the rum for the rice pudding on Saturday if I intend to have either on Sunday!
No, I find it annoying
Most do

Save your prayers for church
Religion is to be lived, not something to set aside and bring out for an hour one or two days a week. Freedom of religion--we should have art, signs/symbols, etc. of religions all throughout the town and public square. We should hear bells ring for Christian worship, bells/trumpets calling people to Muslim prayer, and peaceful quiet in many areas on the Sabbath. (Yes, Witches, even Satanists can do what they do as well.)

Let the people who don't want anything to do with religion stay at home or "save" it for their own clubhouses.
I think even if I were an atheist, I wouldn't mind prayer during meetings. It is a good thing for elected officials to remember they are not the highest power.
Religion is to be lived, not something to set aside and bring out for an hour one or two days a week.
Freethought is not to be lived, something to set aside and bring out for an hour one or two days a week?

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