Atheism's big LIE

No but you can force them to sit through your rituals by allowing public officials to lead people in prayer during public meetings while on the public's payroll
Specifically state your objection to the words in any prayer.
They are examples of Bible Thumpers forcing their religion on others
Again, every day people go through their day with businesses/corporations, even non-profits "forcing" their products and words on the public. What, besides religion, do you believe should be removed from the public realm?
Then you wouldn’t object to getting rid of them if they are no big deal.
They are examples of Bible Thumpers forcing religion on the unwilling
If you despise it so greatly, why not listen to your electronic device during those few minutes of prayer?
They are examples of Bible Thumpers forcing their religion on others
Again, every day people go through their day with businesses/corporations, even non-profits "forcing" their products and words on the public. What, besides religion, do you believe should be removed from the public realm?
Proctor & Gamble doesn't threaten me with eternal burning of my flesh if I don't use their shampoo.
If these things are done in public forums then everyone is being forced to pay for them one way or another via their taxes.

Public buildings public funds etc should not be used for religious ceremony.

If you want to pray then you foot the bill for the venue.

Public officials are not paid to lead people in prayer they are paid to do a particular job.
Should public philosophies be silenced?

I have never seen anyone talk philosophy in a public meeting on zoning regs.
They are examples of Bible Thumpers forcing their religion on others
Again, every day people go through their day with businesses/corporations, even non-profits "forcing" their products and words on the public. What, besides religion, do you believe should be removed from the public realm?

When I am forced to listen to a Pepsi Commercial before a public meeting, I will complain
No but you can force them to sit through your rituals by allowing public officials to lead people in prayer during public meetings while on the public's payroll
Specifically state your objection to the words in any prayer.
I don't want my tax dollars paying for people to pray at public meetings. It's a waste of time and money.

I don't pay my selectmen to pray for me I pay them to represent my interests in matters of town government.
Then you wouldn’t object to getting rid of them if they are no big deal.
They are examples of Bible Thumpers forcing religion on the unwilling
If you despise it so greatly, why not listen to your electronic device during those few minutes of prayer?
That would be rude, so is forcing people to listen to a religious message
Proctor & Gamble doesn't threaten me with eternal burning of my flesh if I don't use their shampoo.
Neither do most religious denominations. Have you ever heard a prayer in a public meeting threatening this by any denomination?
When I am forced to listen to a Pepsi Commercial before a public meeting, I will complain
Will you complain that in getting to the meeting you had to drive by the ads or walk by the vending machine advertising various snacks? (Especially if you did not care for a snack.)
How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly
Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
Restrictions on Sunday business
Adding “One Nation under God” to the pledge
Adding “In God we Trust” to our money
You forgot to add they say God bless you when you sneeze.

How are any of those things forcing their beliefs on you? Are you being forced to participate? Is someone holding you down and water boarding you until you pray?

Are you being forced to say the pledge of allegiance? Is someone holding a gun to your head?

I can see why you are so upset over those godbotherers forcing you to do all of those things. :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure that since you DON"T believe in God that no one is actually forcing that belief upon you.
They are examples of Bible Thumpers forcing their religion on others
I don't see it. I think they are examples of your over reaction.
As an Atheist, I can only say that most Invocations suck

They are not very original and anything but inspirational.
But we are all forced to listen to them
Again... you aren't being restrained. You can walk out. Learn what the word forced means.

If something was that important to me, I wouldn't sit there. Stop blaming others because you don't have the courage to follow your convictions.
I don't want my tax dollars paying for people to pray at public meetings. It's a waste of time and money.
I only wish public meetings were charged to the public by the word. There is no such charge. Those who are paid to attend public meetings are not paid more for listening to a prayer.
How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly
Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
Restrictions on Sunday business
Adding “One Nation under God” to the pledge
Adding “In God we Trust” to our money
You forgot to add they say God bless you when you sneeze.

How are any of those things forcing their beliefs on you? Are you being forced to participate? Is someone holding you down and water boarding you until you pray?

Are you being forced to say the pledge of allegiance? Is someone holding a gun to your head?

I can see why you are so upset over those godbotherers forcing you to do all of those things. :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure that since you DON"T believe in God that no one is actually forcing that belief upon you.
If these things are done in public forums then everyone is being forced to pay for them one way or another via their taxes.

Public buildings public funds etc should not be used for religious ceremony.

If you want to pray then you foot the bill for the venue.

Public officials are not paid to lead people in prayer they are paid to do a particular job.
That's a ridiculous argument for religion is being forced upon you. When you have to sit through a prayer let me know.
I've had to quite a few times when I was dealing with zoning variances and other bullshit.
Such as?
When I am forced to listen to a Pepsi Commercial before a public meeting, I will complain
Will you complain that in getting to the meeting you had to drive by the ads or walk by the vending machine advertising various snacks? (Especially if you did not care for a snack.)
Those adds pay for the radio I am listening to
Again, every day people go through their day with businesses/corporations, even non-profits "forcing" their products and words on the public. What, besides religion, do you believe should be removed from the public realm?
It can all go, imo. No problem. Robocalls and junk food vending machines in public schools as well.
How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly
Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
Restrictions on Sunday business
Adding “One Nation under God” to the pledge
Adding “In God we Trust” to our money
You forgot to add they say God bless you when you sneeze.

How are any of those things forcing their beliefs on you? Are you being forced to participate? Is someone holding you down and water boarding you until you pray?

Are you being forced to say the pledge of allegiance? Is someone holding a gun to your head?

I can see why you are so upset over those godbotherers forcing you to do all of those things. :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure that since you DON"T believe in God that no one is actually forcing that belief upon you.
They are examples of Bible Thumpers forcing their religion on others
I don't see it. I think they are examples of your over reaction.
As an Atheist, I can only say that most Invocations suck

They are not very original and anything but inspirational.
But we are all forced to listen to them
Again... you aren't being restrained. You can walk out. Learn what the word forced means.

If something was that important to me, I wouldn't sit there. Stop blaming others because you don't have the courage to follow your convictions.

Makes no sense
Why should I be expected to leave a public meeting I am entitled to attend?
I don't pay my selectmen to pray for me I pay them to represent my interests in matters of town government.
Do you object to them praying privately asking for wisdom and patience in representing your interest in matters of town government? Or is it a matter of objecting to hearing a prayer. Do you object to hearing the words of those who are against whatever issue you may be in favor of?
Proctor & Gamble doesn't threaten me with eternal burning of my flesh if I don't use their shampoo.
Neither do most religious denominations. Have you ever heard a prayer in a public meeting threatening this by any denomination?
I once heard reference to ''consequences'' being a part of the belief system. I have generally found that the darker, more ominous parts of some religious doctrines are understood to be kept out of the public discourse.

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