Atheism's big LIE

  • David Berkowitz (Corbis) called the SON OF SAM, murdered more than 10 women. The newspaper said "He called himself a born again Christian" Berwid The article in the Flint Journal quotes him "I was searching the bible and soul searching and I decided God wanted me to do that."
  • The Yorkshire Rapier "was on a divine mission and felt he had been chosen to hear the word of GOD (JESUS)." Reported the Flint Journal. He murdered 11 girls.
  • Miller a serial killer had that thing called faith, believed in Jesus. The Flint Journal article says he was always carrying the Bible.
  • Sampson Kanderayi, a mass murderer called The Ax Killer, killed more than 30 people. The newspaper reported "he did it to appease evil spirits." He was a Christian
  • Watts, The Sunday Morning Slasher killed 11 women. This article says he did it "to eliminate evil spirits".
  • Jeffery Dahmer is a typical serial killer. He killed more than 23 young men and ate many of them. A college professor at WSU wrote:
"Lionel was the son of Lionel Dahmer, creationist, I went to the library to read back issues of the Milwaukee newspaper on cd.
Jeffery Dahmer was a son of a fundamentalist. Jeffery Dahmer was a son of a fundamentalist-creationist. Jeffery Dahmer was a son of a Fundamentalist-creationist-first wife-abuser. Jeffery Dahmer was a son of a Fundamentalist-creationist-second wife-abuser."

"Within the last couple of weeks here in the Milwaukee area, we have
had another case of infanticide in which a model Christian wife
and mother beat her young sons with a baseball bat. One died. The
other is in pretty bad shape. You could add her to your list of
upstanding (murdering) Christians."
The true liars are the religious who pretend to believe in God but secretly have reservations

They attend services and say all the right words because they don’t want to admit to family and their community that they really don’t believe all they are being told.
Why do you think doubts and reservations are not discussed among family and friends? Even Bible study groups discuss doubts and reservations and other possibilities on some accounts and issues.

The Christian Way of Life makes sense. This can be lived even if one does have doubts about miracles, about some stories, or even about God.

I agree with you this time. That type of life is admirable. The problem comes when enthusiastic godbotherers force their beliefs on others.
If you don't believe that I should have an opinion about the various gods claimed by various religions that's fine.
You have made plain your opinion. No God/Gods. People who believe in one God need to be told ad nauseum that some believe in multiple Gods. You act as if we don't know this already, or if we knew it five minutes ago, we have forgotten already and need to be reminded again.

Based on this, I can picture real life you running around each day reminding everyone the sun rises in the East and sets in the West; or perhaps to wipe their feet before entering the house.

Wish we could move the discussion forward...

I suspect most of us can see the sun rising so no need for reminders. Gods, on the other hand...
Technically, the Sun doesn't actually "rise" either.. LOL
Well, it's all a matter of perspective. If one is standing on planet Earth, he doesn't see the Earth rise. Is it up the street or down the street? Is it down the shore or to the shore? Does it matter? Do people get it? Obviously, GOD gives man some credit.
The true liars are the religious who pretend to believe in God but secretly have reservations

They attend services and say all the right words because they don’t want to admit to family and their community that they really don’t believe all they are being told.
Why do you think doubts and reservations are not discussed among family and friends? Even Bible study groups discuss doubts and reservations and other possibilities on some accounts and issues.

The Christian Way of Life makes sense. This can be lived even if one does have doubts about miracles, about some stories, or even about God.

I agree with you this time. That type of life is admirable. The problem comes when enthusiastic godbotherers force their beliefs on others.
If you don't believe that I should have an opinion about the various gods claimed by various religions that's fine.
You have made plain your opinion. No God/Gods. People who believe in one God need to be told ad nauseum that some believe in multiple Gods. You act as if we don't know this already, or if we knew it five minutes ago, we have forgotten already and need to be reminded again.

Based on this, I can picture real life you running around each day reminding everyone the sun rises in the East and sets in the West; or perhaps to wipe their feet before entering the house.

Wish we could move the discussion forward...

I suspect most of us can see the sun rising so no need for reminders. Gods, on the other hand...
Technically, the Sun doesn't actually "rise" either.. LOL
Well, it's all a matter of perspective. If one is standing on planet Earth, he doesn't see the Earth rise. Is it up the street or down the street? Is it down the shore or to the shore? Does it matter? Do people get it? Obviously, GOD gives man some credit.
It matters for us in the grown-up world where there is no reason to accept claims to gods or a flat earth.
How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly
Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
Restrictions on Sunday business
Adding “One Nation under God” to the pledge
Adding “In God we Trust” to our money
It would be a united spirit for everyone to be able to be off together on the same day, like it was 60 years ago in many places of America. People would visit and talk and connect. Things are certainly different now ----- and not in a good way. LONERSVILLE
The true liars are the religious who pretend to believe in God but secretly have reservations

They attend services and say all the right words because they don’t want to admit to family and their community that they really don’t believe all they are being told.
Why do you think doubts and reservations are not discussed among family and friends? Even Bible study groups discuss doubts and reservations and other possibilities on some accounts and issues.

The Christian Way of Life makes sense. This can be lived even if one does have doubts about miracles, about some stories, or even about God.

I agree with you this time. That type of life is admirable. The problem comes when enthusiastic godbotherers force their beliefs on others.
If you don't believe that I should have an opinion about the various gods claimed by various religions that's fine.
You have made plain your opinion. No God/Gods. People who believe in one God need to be told ad nauseum that some believe in multiple Gods. You act as if we don't know this already, or if we knew it five minutes ago, we have forgotten already and need to be reminded again.

Based on this, I can picture real life you running around each day reminding everyone the sun rises in the East and sets in the West; or perhaps to wipe their feet before entering the house.

Wish we could move the discussion forward...

I suspect most of us can see the sun rising so no need for reminders. Gods, on the other hand...
Technically, the Sun doesn't actually "rise" either.. LOL
Well, it's all a matter of perspective. If one is standing on planet Earth, he doesn't see the Earth rise. Is it up the street or down the street? Is it down the shore or to the shore? Does it matter? Do people get it? Obviously, GOD gives man some credit.
It matters for us in the grown-up world where there is no reason to accept claims to gods or a flat earth.
I believe in GOD and not man-made "designer" gods. I want maturity and not an "adult" entertainment world order. And I accept the biblical revelation of a circular spherical world hanging on nothing ---- that would appear much like the sun or moon in shape...
````Atheists and Hitler.jpg

The true liars are the religious who pretend to believe in God but secretly have reservations

They attend services and say all the right words because they don’t want to admit to family and their community that they really don’t believe all they are being told.
Why do you think doubts and reservations are not discussed among family and friends? Even Bible study groups discuss doubts and reservations and other possibilities on some accounts and issues.

The Christian Way of Life makes sense. This can be lived even if one does have doubts about miracles, about some stories, or even about God.

I agree with you this time. That type of life is admirable. The problem comes when enthusiastic godbotherers force their beliefs on others.
If you don't believe that I should have an opinion about the various gods claimed by various religions that's fine.
You have made plain your opinion. No God/Gods. People who believe in one God need to be told ad nauseum that some believe in multiple Gods. You act as if we don't know this already, or if we knew it five minutes ago, we have forgotten already and need to be reminded again.

Based on this, I can picture real life you running around each day reminding everyone the sun rises in the East and sets in the West; or perhaps to wipe their feet before entering the house.

Wish we could move the discussion forward...

I suspect most of us can see the sun rising so no need for reminders. Gods, on the other hand...
Technically, the Sun doesn't actually "rise" either.. LOL
Well, it's all a matter of perspective. If one is standing on planet Earth, he doesn't see the Earth rise. Is it up the street or down the street? Is it down the shore or to the shore? Does it matter? Do people get it? Obviously, GOD gives man some credit.
It matters for us in the grown-up world where there is no reason to accept claims to gods or a flat earth.
I believe in GOD and not man-made "designer" gods. I want maturity and not an "adult" entertainment world order. And I accept the biblical revelation of a circular spherical world hanging on nothing ---- that would appear much like the sun or moon in shape...
Well, sorry, but re-writing the bibles doesn't change circle into sphere.

Hint: A circle is not a sphere.

And then there's that four thingy.
  • David Berkowitz (Corbis) called the SON OF SAM, murdered more than 10 women. The newspaper said "He called himself a born again Christian" Berwid The article in the Flint Journal quotes him "I was searching the bible and soul searching and I decided God wanted me to do that."
  • The Yorkshire Rapier "was on a divine mission and felt he had been chosen to hear the word of GOD (JESUS)." Reported the Flint Journal. He murdered 11 girls.
  • Miller a serial killer had that thing called faith, believed in Jesus. The Flint Journal article says he was always carrying the Bible.
  • Sampson Kanderayi, a mass murderer called The Ax Killer, killed more than 30 people. The newspaper reported "he did it to appease evil spirits." He was a Christian
  • Watts, The Sunday Morning Slasher killed 11 women. This article says he did it "to eliminate evil spirits".
  • Jeffery Dahmer is a typical serial killer. He killed more than 23 young men and ate many of them. A college professor at WSU wrote:
"Lionel was the son of Lionel Dahmer, creationist, I went to the library to read back issues of the Milwaukee newspaper on cd.
Jeffery Dahmer was a son of a fundamentalist. Jeffery Dahmer was a son of a fundamentalist-creationist. Jeffery Dahmer was a son of a Fundamentalist-creationist-first wife-abuser. Jeffery Dahmer was a son of a Fundamentalist-creationist-second wife-abuser."

"Within the last couple of weeks here in the Milwaukee area, we have
had another case of infanticide in which a model Christian wife
and mother beat her young sons with a baseball bat. One died. The
other is in pretty bad shape. You could add her to your list of
upstanding (murdering) Christians

I have never seen anyone talk philosophy in a public meeting on zoning regs.
Before the business part of the meeting begins, would you object to anyone saying something philosophical?

You don't go to a town meeting to listen to someone lecture you.

You go because you have to in order to take care of some specific request or piece of business you have with the town
I don't want my tax dollars paying for people to pray at public meetings. It's a waste of time and money.
I only wish public meetings were charged to the public by the word. There is no such charge. Those who are paid to attend public meetings are not paid more for listening to a prayer.
The people who are being paid are the ones leading the prayers before the meeting begins.

The attendees do not
How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly
Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
Restrictions on Sunday business
Adding “One Nation under God” to the pledge
Adding “In God we Trust” to our money
You forgot to add they say God bless you when you sneeze.

How are any of those things forcing their beliefs on you? Are you being forced to participate? Is someone holding you down and water boarding you until you pray?

Are you being forced to say the pledge of allegiance? Is someone holding a gun to your head?

I can see why you are so upset over those godbotherers forcing you to do all of those things. :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure that since you DON"T believe in God that no one is actually forcing that belief upon you.
If these things are done in public forums then everyone is being forced to pay for them one way or another via their taxes.

Public buildings public funds etc should not be used for religious ceremony.

If you want to pray then you foot the bill for the venue.

Public officials are not paid to lead people in prayer they are paid to do a particular job.
That's a ridiculous argument for religion is being forced upon you. When you have to sit through a prayer let me know.
I've had to quite a few times when I was dealing with zoning variances and other bullshit.
Such as?
Let's see countless Our Fathers, Quite a few Hail Marys and many other pleas and benedictions.

None of which were needed in order for those town officials to do their jobs
I don't pay my selectmen to pray for me I pay them to represent my interests in matters of town government.
Do you object to them praying privately asking for wisdom and patience in representing your interest in matters of town government? Or is it a matter of objecting to hearing a prayer. Do you object to hearing the words of those who are against whatever issue you may be in favor of?
What they do on their own time is none of my business.

When they are on my dime they should be doing their jobs. Although there really is no reason to ask for divine assistance on zoning regulations the choices are usually pretty clear already.
In most public meetings you are asked not to use your cell phones.
When prayer is such a a personal irritation to you, advise them it's your peaceful, polite protest or quiet blocking of words being said before the meeting actually begins.

(By the way, even your sub-average middle school student knows how to enter a room with an unnoticed electronic device. Ironic that courtesy might extend to not evenly silently using a device but not to daydreaming through a quick prayer.)
I personally find cell phones to be an irritant.

In fact I usually left it in the car when I would go into a meeting.

And like I said if people think they need to pray they can do it before they are on the clock.
Personally I hope America does forget God so they can experience a godless society.
no worries, christianity, the crucifiers have been godless from the beginning and extol their duplicity. and as you claim the more you pervert the innocent to your bible the more likely you will reach your goal.
Dude, you had rightwinger Grumblenuts and Blues Man at hello.
Dude, you had @rightwinger @Grumblenuts and @Blues Man at hello.
no, you just assume your own guilt ... without remorse and think you are dragging them to the curbside - its odd how christians can become so arrogant and filled with such immunity from the good side of life ...
View attachment 498024
your godless society ...
View attachment 498025
what makes a christian's skin craw off their back. bing.
No. I think those guys are in total agreement with you. I'm almost certain they would agree with your latest comments about Christians.

You should PM them and form a coalition against Christians.
You aren't qualified to say what I would or would not agree with.

I don't care which gods you worship on your own time.
Did anyone actually watch the 41 min video in the OP
How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly
Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
Restrictions on Sunday business
Adding “One Nation under God” to the pledge
Adding “In God we Trust” to our money
You forgot to add they say God bless you when you sneeze.

How are any of those things forcing their beliefs on you? Are you being forced to participate? Is someone holding you down and water boarding you until you pray?

Are you being forced to say the pledge of allegiance? Is someone holding a gun to your head?

I can see why you are so upset over those godbotherers forcing you to do all of those things. :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure that since you DON"T believe in God that no one is actually forcing that belief upon you.
If these things are done in public forums then everyone is being forced to pay for them one way or another via their taxes.

Public buildings public funds etc should not be used for religious ceremony.

If you want to pray then you foot the bill for the venue.

Public officials are not paid to lead people in prayer they are paid to do a particular job.
That's a ridiculous argument for religion is being forced upon you. When you have to sit through a prayer let me know.
I've had to quite a few times when I was dealing with zoning variances and other bullshit.
Such as?
Let's see countless Our Fathers, Quite a few Hail Marys and many other pleas and benedictions.

None of which were needed in order for those town officials to do their jobs
I think you are exaggerating. How many times did that happen? And how many times didn't that happen?
Personally I hope America does forget God so they can experience a godless society.
no worries, christianity, the crucifiers have been godless from the beginning and extol their duplicity. and as you claim the more you pervert the innocent to your bible the more likely you will reach your goal.
Dude, you had rightwinger Grumblenuts and Blues Man at hello.
Dude, you had @rightwinger @Grumblenuts and @Blues Man at hello.
no, you just assume your own guilt ... without remorse and think you are dragging them to the curbside - its odd how christians can become so arrogant and filled with such immunity from the good side of life ...
View attachment 498024
your godless society ...
View attachment 498025
what makes a christian's skin craw off their back. bing.
No. I think those guys are in total agreement with you. I'm almost certain they would agree with your latest comments about Christians.

You should PM them and form a coalition against Christians.
You aren't qualified to say what I would or would not agree with.

I don't care which gods you worship on your own time.
When I hear a categorical denial from you, I'll change my position.

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