Atheism's big LIE

How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly
Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
Restrictions on Sunday business
Adding “One Nation under God” to the pledge
Adding “In God we Trust” to our money
You forgot to add they say God bless you when you sneeze.

How are any of those things forcing their beliefs on you? Are you being forced to participate? Is someone holding you down and water boarding you until you pray?

Are you being forced to say the pledge of allegiance? Is someone holding a gun to your head?

I can see why you are so upset over those godbotherers forcing you to do all of those things. :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure that since you DON"T believe in God that no one is actually forcing that belief upon you.
They are examples of Bible Thumpers forcing their religion on others
I don't see it. I think they are examples of your over reaction.
As an Atheist, I can only say that most Invocations suck

They are not very original and anything but inspirational.
But we are all forced to listen to them
Again... you aren't being restrained. You can walk out. Learn what the word forced means.

If something was that important to me, I wouldn't sit there. Stop blaming others because you don't have the courage to follow your convictions.

Makes no sense
Why should I be expected to leave a public meeting I am entitled to attend?
Because that's the only thing you can control at that time.

But don't expect me to accept that you were forced to listen to it until you tell me that you tried to leave and were restrained from leaving.
What the hell do you think atheists are lying about exactly?

1. "There is no God." -Huge lie.
2. "We're VERY smart." - Huge lie.
3. "Evolution disputes Christianity." - Massive, anti-science lie.
4. "Religion is the biggest cause of evil in the world." - Gwineth Paltrow

And on and on and on. What is the percentage of atheists in the world? And why do you think that is so? How many atheists have won Nobel Prizes compared to Christians and Jews?
In most public meetings you are asked not to use your cell phones.
When prayer is such a a personal irritation to you, advise them it's your peaceful, polite protest or quiet blocking of words being said before the meeting actually begins.

(By the way, even your sub-average middle school student knows how to enter a room with an unnoticed electronic device. Ironic that courtesy might extend to not evenly silently using a device but not to daydreaming through a quick prayer.)
I don't pay my selectmen to pray for me I pay them to represent my interests in matters of town government.
Do you object to them praying privately asking for wisdom and patience in representing your interest in matters of town government? Or is it a matter of objecting to hearing a prayer. Do you object to hearing the words of those who are against whatever issue you may be in favor of?
How do you know those private prayers are not asking for objectors to be struck down by lightning and killed?
Those adds pay for the radio I am listening to
I don't listen to the radio. Just because you do, why should I have to endure ads....See where I am going with this? So prayer is meaningless to you, and so are most ads to me. This only means that the world is not solely about me, or solely about you either.
:sigh2:She was "forced" to either put up with lots of religious childishness or leave the venue entirely.


  1. 2. make (someone) do something against their will.
    "she was forced into early retirement"
Before we start our meeting, please listen to this inspirational message is rude.

Especially when that message is not so inspirational
Daydream. Take time to ponder an issue of your choice. Remember the last joke you found hilarious.

I sometimes use my phone to follow along with the readings in church. I keep the sound off. However, unknown to me, one day shortly before I left for church my young daughter had been using my phone to watch a cartoon. Imagine the church quietly sitting, ready to hear the first reading and suddenly the voice of Sponge Bob shouts out loud enough to be heard by the entire congregation, "Give me all your money!"

That has me giggling every single time I use the memory to bypass a boring few moments.
She was "forced" to either put up with lots of religious childishness or leave the venue entirely.


  1. 2. make (someone) do something against their will.
    "she was forced into early retirement"
So in the first example, the person had an option: Stay or go. In the second example, there was no option.
````Atheists and Hitler.jpg
Personally I hope America does forget God so they can experience a godless society.
no worries, christianity, the crucifiers have been godless from the beginning and extol their duplicity. and as you claim the more you pervert the innocent to your bible the more likely you will reach your goal.
No but you can force them to sit through your rituals by allowing public officials to lead people in prayer during public meetings while on the public's payroll
Specifically state your objection to the words in any prayer.
Specifically state your objection to the words in any prayer.
not words, for any prayer.

the 1st century was a time of religious liberation and revival of the religion of antiquity - for which deeds not prayers were the cornerstone of that time.

nor was there worship for which is an obstruction to the goal for admission to the Everlasting as prescribed.
:sigh2:She was "forced" to either put up with lots of religious childishness or leave the venue entirely.


  1. 2. make (someone) do something against their will.
    "she was forced into early retirement"
Correct. Or leave. So she wasn't forced. Now you are starting to get it. I knew you had it in you. Good job.

Yes, forced to leave the company. As in there was no other option to remain at the company. Now you are starting to get it. I knew you had it in you. Good job.
Personally I hope America does forget God so they can experience a godless society.
no worries, christianity, the crucifiers have been godless from the beginning and extol their duplicity. and as you claim the more you pervert the innocent to your bible the more likely you will reach your goal.
Dude, you had rightwinger Grumblenuts and Blues Man at hello.
Dude, you had @rightwinger @Grumblenuts and @Blues Man at hello.
no, you just assume your own guilt ... without remorse and think you are dragging them to the curbside - its odd how christians can become so arrogant and filled with such immunity from the good side of life ...

your godless society ...

what makes a christian's skin craw off their back. bing.
Personally I hope America does forget God so they can experience a godless society.
no worries, christianity, the crucifiers have been godless from the beginning and extol their duplicity. and as you claim the more you pervert the innocent to your bible the more likely you will reach your goal.
Dude, you had rightwinger Grumblenuts and Blues Man at hello.
Dude, you had @rightwinger @Grumblenuts and @Blues Man at hello.
no, you just assume your own guilt ... without remorse and think you are dragging them to the curbside - its odd how christians can become so arrogant and filled with such immunity from the good side of life ...
View attachment 498024
your godless society ...
View attachment 498025
what makes a christian's skin craw off their back. bing.
No. I think those guys are in total agreement with you. I'm almost certain they would agree with your latest comments about Christians.

You should PM them and form a coalition against Christians.

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