Atheism's big LIE

How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly
Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
Restrictions on Sunday business
Adding “One Nation under God” to the pledge
Adding “In God we Trust” to our money
You forgot to add they say God bless you when you sneeze.

How are any of those things forcing their beliefs on you? Are you being forced to participate? Is someone holding you down and water boarding you until you pray?

Are you being forced to say the pledge of allegiance? Is someone holding a gun to your head?

I can see why you are so upset over those godbotherers forcing you to do all of those things. :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure that since you DON"T believe in God that no one is actually forcing that belief upon you.
In the context of this discussion the definition of forced is to make someone do something against their will.

I don't see how anyone can force someone to believe something.
Freethought is not to be lived, something to set aside and bring out for an hour one or two days a week?
Not what I said. In fact, I've never heard anyone say free thinkers need to keep it to themselves and out of the public eye/ear--although, just like with religion, I imagine there may be some who do. Why the distaste of religion?
Freethought is not to be lived, something to set aside and bring out for an hour one or two days a week?
Not what I said. In fact, I've never heard anyone say...
Let the people who don't want anything to do with religion stay at home or "save" it for their own clubhouses.
Oh brother... Do you always take things out of context?

Religion is to be lived, not something to set aside and bring out for an hour one or two days a week. Freedom of religion--we should have art, signs/symbols, etc. of religions all throughout the town and public square. We should hear bells ring for Christian worship, bells/trumpets calling people to Muslim prayer, and peaceful quiet in many areas on the Sabbath. (Yes, Witches, even Satanists can do what they do as well.)

Let the people who don't want anything to do with religion stay at home or "save" it for their own clubhouses.
The problem comes when enthusiastic godbotherers force their beliefs on others
You know... I hear that claim a lot but don't know what it means in actuality.

How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly?
You know... I hear that claim a lot but don't know what it means in actuality.

How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly?
why do you continue your charade - uninterrupted since the 4th century

seems christians not only lack remorse they endorse the demonic underpinnings they have written in their corrupt christian bible - and referring them as their institutional catechism, somehow being more appealing to enhance their perversions.
How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly
Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
Restrictions on Sunday business
Adding “One Nation under God” to the pledge
Adding “In God we Trust” to our money
You forgot to add they say God bless you when you sneeze.

How are any of those things forcing their beliefs on you? Are you being forced to participate? Is someone holding you down and water boarding you until you pray?

Are you being forced to say the pledge of allegiance? Is someone holding a gun to your head?

I can see why you are so upset over those godbotherers forcing you to do all of those things. :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure that since you DON"T believe in God that no one is actually forcing that belief upon you.
If these things are done in public forums then everyone is being forced to pay for them one way or another via their taxes.

Public buildings public funds etc should not be used for religious ceremony.

If you want to pray then you foot the bill for the venue.

Public officials are not paid to lead people in prayer they are paid to do a particular job.
In the context of this discussion the definition of forced is to make someone do something against their will.

I don't see how anyone can force someone to believe something.
No but you can force them to sit through your rituals by allowing public officials to lead people in prayer during public meetings while on the public's payroll
How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly
Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
Restrictions on Sunday business
Adding “One Nation under God” to the pledge
Adding “In God we Trust” to our money
You forgot to add they say God bless you when you sneeze.

How are any of those things forcing their beliefs on you? Are you being forced to participate? Is someone holding you down and water boarding you until you pray?

Are you being forced to say the pledge of allegiance? Is someone holding a gun to your head?

I can see why you are so upset over those godbotherers forcing you to do all of those things. :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure that since you DON"T believe in God that no one is actually forcing that belief upon you.
They are examples of Bible Thumpers forcing their religion on others
How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly
Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
Restrictions on Sunday business
Adding “One Nation under God” to the pledge
Adding “In God we Trust” to our money
You forgot to add they say God bless you when you sneeze.

How are any of those things forcing their beliefs on you? Are you being forced to participate? Is someone holding you down and water boarding you until you pray?

Are you being forced to say the pledge of allegiance? Is someone holding a gun to your head?

I can see why you are so upset over those godbotherers forcing you to do all of those things. :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure that since you DON"T believe in God that no one is actually forcing that belief upon you.
If these things are done in public forums then everyone is being forced to pay for them one way or another via their taxes.

Public buildings public funds etc should not be used for religious ceremony.

If you want to pray then you foot the bill for the venue.

Public officials are not paid to lead people in prayer they are paid to do a particular job.
That's a ridiculous argument for religion is being forced upon you. When you have to sit through a prayer let me know.
How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly
Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
Restrictions on Sunday business
Adding “One Nation under God” to the pledge
Adding “In God we Trust” to our money
You forgot to add they say God bless you when you sneeze.

How are any of those things forcing their beliefs on you? Are you being forced to participate? Is someone holding you down and water boarding you until you pray?

Are you being forced to say the pledge of allegiance? Is someone holding a gun to your head?

I can see why you are so upset over those godbotherers forcing you to do all of those things. :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure that since you DON"T believe in God that no one is actually forcing that belief upon you.
They are examples of Bible Thumpers forcing their religion on others
I don't see it. I think they are examples of your over reaction.
The problem comes when enthusiastic godbotherers force their beliefs on others
You know... I hear that claim a lot but don't know what it means in actuality.

How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly?
You know... I hear that claim a lot but don't know what it means in actuality.

How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly?
why do you continue your charade - uninterrupted since the 4th century
View attachment 497953
seems christians not only lack remorse they endorse the demonic underpinnings they have written in their corrupt christian bible - and referring them as their institutional catechism, somehow being more appealing to enhance their perversions.
I think Grumblenuts Blues Man and rightwinger probably agree with you.
How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly
Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
Restrictions on Sunday business
Adding “One Nation under God” to the pledge
Adding “In God we Trust” to our money
You forgot to add they say God bless you when you sneeze.

How are any of those things forcing their beliefs on you? Are you being forced to participate? Is someone holding you down and water boarding you until you pray?

Are you being forced to say the pledge of allegiance? Is someone holding a gun to your head?

I can see why you are so upset over those godbotherers forcing you to do all of those things. :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure that since you DON"T believe in God that no one is actually forcing that belief upon you.
They are examples of Bible Thumpers forcing their religion on others
I don't see it. I think they are examples of your over reaction.
Then you wouldn’t object to getting rid of them if they are no big deal.
They are examples of Bible Thumpers forcing religion on the unwilling
How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly
Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
Restrictions on Sunday business
Adding “One Nation under God” to the pledge
Adding “In God we Trust” to our money
You forgot to add they say God bless you when you sneeze.

How are any of those things forcing their beliefs on you? Are you being forced to participate? Is someone holding you down and water boarding you until you pray?

Are you being forced to say the pledge of allegiance? Is someone holding a gun to your head?

I can see why you are so upset over those godbotherers forcing you to do all of those things. :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure that since you DON"T believe in God that no one is actually forcing that belief upon you.
They are examples of Bible Thumpers forcing their religion on others
I don't see it. I think they are examples of your over reaction.
Then you wouldn’t object to getting rid of them if they are no big deal.
They are examples of Bible Thumpers forcing religion on the unwilling
Couldn't care less. I'm not a religious fanatic like you. :)
Personally I hope America does forget God so they can experience a godless society.
How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly
Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
Restrictions on Sunday business
Adding “One Nation under God” to the pledge
Adding “In God we Trust” to our money
You forgot to add they say God bless you when you sneeze.

How are any of those things forcing their beliefs on you? Are you being forced to participate? Is someone holding you down and water boarding you until you pray?

Are you being forced to say the pledge of allegiance? Is someone holding a gun to your head?

I can see why you are so upset over those godbotherers forcing you to do all of those things. :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure that since you DON"T believe in God that no one is actually forcing that belief upon you.
They are examples of Bible Thumpers forcing their religion on others
I don't see it. I think they are examples of your over reaction.
As an Atheist, I can only say that most Invocations suck

They are not very original and anything but inspirational.
But we are all forced to listen to them
How are those pesky godbotherers forcing their beliefs on others exactly
Public prayer during meetings/ Invocations
Restrictions on Sunday business
Adding “One Nation under God” to the pledge
Adding “In God we Trust” to our money
You forgot to add they say God bless you when you sneeze.

How are any of those things forcing their beliefs on you? Are you being forced to participate? Is someone holding you down and water boarding you until you pray?

Are you being forced to say the pledge of allegiance? Is someone holding a gun to your head?

I can see why you are so upset over those godbotherers forcing you to do all of those things. :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure that since you DON"T believe in God that no one is actually forcing that belief upon you.
If these things are done in public forums then everyone is being forced to pay for them one way or another via their taxes.

Public buildings public funds etc should not be used for religious ceremony.

If you want to pray then you foot the bill for the venue.

Public officials are not paid to lead people in prayer they are paid to do a particular job.
That's a ridiculous argument for religion is being forced upon you. When you have to sit through a prayer let me know.
I've had to quite a few times when I was dealing with zoning variances and other bullshit.
If these things are done in public forums then everyone is being forced to pay for them one way or another via their taxes.

Public buildings public funds etc should not be used for religious ceremony.

If you want to pray then you foot the bill for the venue.

Public officials are not paid to lead people in prayer they are paid to do a particular job.
Should public philosophies be silenced?

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