Atheist shenanigans.

I might feel bad for the poor persecuted Christians except those same Christians are the first to condemn other religions as evil and try to lead them from their God.
LOL! Yep. And people like you believe that disagreeing is the same as condemning. Ludicrous!
Show me how ludicrous I am. Tell me how you don't condemn Islam as evil, you just don't agree with everything it says.
The times I have posted in the Religion forum is to refute nonsense that anti-science people spout or to put facts to work where atheists are concerned. If you are so sure atheists won't be able to convince someone, why does it bother you? I have never tried to convince anyone to be an atheist. But I have seen you and your ilk spout bullshit more than a few times.

Like your repeated attacks on the Theory of Evolution. Or the ever popular "Without religion people would rape and murder as much as they want!".
what else would you be doing here what would you care?
If the OP thinks different opinions shouldnt post in this forum, why should he? Thats different from mine.... or is he special?

I don't care what religion someone is or even if they have none...but attack mine then expect rebuttal

RWNJ doesn’t believe Catholics are even Christians. :lol:
I never said that. I said Catholicism is a Pagan religion. In fact, there are many former Catholics who have found God, rather than religion.
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I might feel bad for the poor persecuted Christians except those same Christians are the first to condemn other religions as evil and try to lead them from their God.
LOL! Yep. And people like you believe that disagreeing is the same as condemning. Ludicrous!
Show me how ludicrous I am. Tell me how you don't condemn Islam as evil, you just don't agree with everything it says.
Islam is evil. I shouldn't have to explain that to you. It's obvious. But then, Islam is not a religion. I thought you knew that. I guess I'm just giving you too much credit for intelligence.
If the OP thinks different opinions shouldnt post in this forum, why should he? Thats different from mine.... or is he special?

I don't care what religion someone is or even if they have none...but attack mine then expect rebuttal

RWNJ doesn’t believe Catholics are even Christians. :lol:
I never said that. I said Catholicism is a Pagan teligion. In fact, there are many former Catholics who have found God, rather than religion.

So Catholics are pagan Christians? lol
If the OP thinks different opinions shouldnt post in this forum, why should he? Thats different from mine.... or is he special?

I don't care what religion someone is or even if they have none...but attack mine then expect rebuttal

RWNJ doesn’t believe Catholics are even Christians. :lol:
I never said that. I said Catholicism is a Pagan teligion. In fact, there are many former Catholics who have found God, rather than religion.

So Catholics are pagan Christians? lol
I didn't say that either. Quit changing what I say, then get back to me. If you can't even do that, I guess you know what happens next.
If the OP thinks different opinions shouldnt post in this forum, why should he? Thats different from mine.... or is he special?

I don't care what religion someone is or even if they have none...but attack mine then expect rebuttal

RWNJ doesn’t believe Catholics are even Christians. :lol:
I never said that. I said Catholicism is a Pagan teligion. In fact, there are many former Catholics who have found God, rather than religion.

So Catholics are pagan Christians? lol
I didn't say that either. Quit changing what I say, then get back to me. If you can't even do that, I guess you know what happens next.

Besides you playing more silly word games, what happens next?
Islam is evil. I shouldn't have to explain that to you. It's obvious. But then, Islam is not a religion. I thought you knew that. I guess I'm just giving you too much credit for intelligence.
I did not know that. If it's not a religion what is it?
What is your definition of a religion? How about a a definition of cult?
I don't care what religion someone is or even if they have none...but attack mine then expect rebuttal

RWNJ doesn’t believe Catholics are even Christians. :lol:
I never said that. I said Catholicism is a Pagan teligion. In fact, there are many former Catholics who have found God, rather than religion.

So Catholics are pagan Christians? lol
I didn't say that either. Quit changing what I say, then get back to me. If you can't even do that, I guess you know what happens next.

Besides you playing more silly word games, what happens next?
You are the one playing. Not me. Goodbye.
Islam is evil. I shouldn't have to explain that to you. It's obvious. But then, Islam is not a religion. I thought you knew that. I guess I'm just giving you too much credit for intelligence.
I did not know that. If it's not a religion what is it?
What is your definition of a religion? How about a a definition of cult?
She is certainly welcome to her opinion, absurd though it is. She said: "Islam is false because it is built on the fundamental lie that Muhammad was a real prophet, rather than a man simply pretending to be a prophet in order to gain power over people." If that is your definition of a religion, there can only be one religion on Earth, yours.

Can you define what a religion is?
Islam is evil. I shouldn't have to explain that to you. It's obvious. But then, Islam is not a religion. I thought you knew that. I guess I'm just giving you too much credit for intelligence.
I did not know that. If it's not a religion what is it?
What is your definition of a religion? How about a a definition of cult?
She is certainly welcome to her opinion, absurd though it is. She said: "Islam is false because it is built on the fundamental lie that Muhammad was a real prophet, rather than a man simply pretending to be a prophet in order to gain power over people." If that is your definition of a religion, there can only be one religion on Earth, yours.

Can you define what a religion is?
Mohammed was not a prophet. Or can you point any prophecies he made? On the other hand, there are thousands of prophecies in the Bible. And it has a 100 accuracy. There is not a single prophecy in the Bible that has been proven wrong. That should tell you something.
So you claim:
1) Atheists are attacking Christians. (and they are satanic)
2) Catholics follow a pagan religion.
3) Since you believe Mohammed was not a prophet, he was not a prophet. Therefore anyone who believes he was a prophet is not practicing a religion.

Can you see why people take issue with many of your posts?
Can you define what a religion is?
Mohammed was not a prophet. Or can you point any prophecies he made? On the other hand, there are thousands of prophecies in the Bible. And it has a 100 accuracy. There is not a single prophecy in the Bible that has been proven wrong. That should tell you something.
I'm not asking which is the 'true' religion, I'm what is a religion.

So Mormonism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, etc. are not religions because their founders were not 'true' messengers of the one true God?
Can you define what a religion is?
Mohammed was not a prophet. Or can you point any prophecies he made? On the other hand, there are thousands of prophecies in the Bible. And it has a 100 accuracy. There is not a single prophecy in the Bible that has been proven wrong. That should tell you something.
I'm not asking which is the 'true' religion, I'm what is a religion.

So Mormonism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, etc. are not religions because their founders were not 'true' messengers of the one true God?
I didn't say that. Christianity is not a religion. It's a personal relationship with God. So whether or not it's the one true religion is a ridiculous question. There is one God. And he has revealed Himself to us through the Bible. Remember all those prophecies? Humans could not have made those predictions. Only God could. What does that tell you?
Can you define what a religion is?
Mohammed was not a prophet. Or can you point any prophecies he made? On the other hand, there are thousands of prophecies in the Bible. And it has a 100 accuracy. There is not a single prophecy in the Bible that has been proven wrong. That should tell you something.
I'm not asking which is the 'true' religion, I'm what is a religion.

So Mormonism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, etc. are not religions because their founders were not 'true' messengers of the one true God?
I didn't say that. Christianity is not a religion. It's a personal relationship with God. So whether or not it's the one true religion is a ridiculous question. There is one God. And he has revealed Himself to us through the Bible. Remember all those prophecies? Humans could not have made those predictions. Only God could. What does that tell you?
Prophesy is certainly a juicy subject but I wouldn't want to derail your thread or try to shake your beliefs.

So Christianity is not a religion. I get it. Are Catholics or Southern Baptists members of a religion?
Can you define what a religion is?
Mohammed was not a prophet. Or can you point any prophecies he made? On the other hand, there are thousands of prophecies in the Bible. And it has a 100 accuracy. There is not a single prophecy in the Bible that has been proven wrong. That should tell you something.
I'm not asking which is the 'true' religion, I'm what is a religion.

So Mormonism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, etc. are not religions because their founders were not 'true' messengers of the one true God?
I didn't say that. Christianity is not a religion. It's a personal relationship with God. So whether or not it's the one true religion is a ridiculous question. There is one God. And he has revealed Himself to us through the Bible. Remember all those prophecies? Humans could not have made those predictions. Only God could. What does that tell you?

If Christianity is not a religion, but a personal relationship with God, why do so many Christians make a fuss when they are told they can't lead exclusively Christian group prayers on public property?
I didn't say that. Christianity is not a religion.

Wrong, as usual.

Do you:
  1. Worship a God that is undetectable by objective observation?
  2. Have a holy book in which your god tells you how to live?
  3. Believe in an after-life where you will be judged according to your beliefs, actions, and life choices?
  4. Believe that by being born into this world you were somehow infected with a disease called "sin", and that only your particular god is able to rescue you from this mortal condition?
  5. Reject all other gods as false, with only your god being worthy of worship and adoration?
  6. Pray to your god?
  7. Believe beyond a show of doubt that it was your god that created the universe?
  8. Have faith that your particular holy book is the only one in which the written accounts can be trusted completely, and contains the will of your god?
  9. Attend regular gatherings arranged and led by experts of your particular belief system?
  10. Think it's possible to know exactly what your god's purpose is for your life, even though there is no objective evidence of his very existence?
  11. Value having a "strong faith" above what can be learned by science and empirical observation and utilising logic, and reason?
If you honestly answered yes to the majority of these questions, then your beliefs are shared by nearly every single monotheistic religion on the planet.

Sorry Sparky. You have a religion.

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